Japan a n il HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED PELVIC CATARRH BY AID OF PE-RU-NA l l u . a l a C u m p a rm i. Although Ilif population of Ituaala la niaii'ly threw ami a half tliut-a aa great aa thf population of Japuu, any* thf World'* Work, ami It* urea near- ly * li tluifa a* great, tlm Japuuea* bava n million more pupil* In their Bi'hooi* ItuaHlaii*. They pub* II n I i morn pfrlodlcnl* and hook*. A l­ though Ituaala ha* nearly nine time* a* uiuiiy mi Lei of railroad, the Jap- aneae roada carry morn puiaetigcra, U i o i i k I i leaa freight. They «fini half a* many ngnln let- fera by |>o»t a* Hie Ituaalaua *eiid. W illi only about one fourth aa many Mile* of teleKi'aph wire*, they aend nearly aa many nifiaiiKea. Their trade per capita la greater than the Itua alan* holli In Importa and In exporta, althoiiKh the total trade o f the Kua- aiana, of eourae, la very much Krenter. The apparent fluaiictal and military atreiiKth o f the Ituaalaua la Inconipar- aldy the greater. Vet n o cheaply doe* the Japaneae aoldler live that Japun may do more with little money than Ituaala with more. t than thf Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh. Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. Beef wltb Harley. Take two pound* of bet»f from the Iteiuove the flit, cut tlie rmvit Into amall piece* uml then chop It Very fine. Put It Into a no up |*ot and pour over It two uuurta of cold water. Slow­ ly heat the liquid to the ladling [mint, aklm carefully, and then cover It cloae- ly ami act It hack where It will «Im ­ ply huhlile for tbiee hour*. At the end o f that time add an onion, a amall allce o f carrot, m atalk o f celery, two clove* und a bay leaf. Then Hlmmer for nn- etlier hour. When the meat I* flrnt put over take one-third o f a cupful of well- win hod lair ley, put It Into another T r l u l a o f I lie Iticti. Mauceputi with a pint o f mid wati*r and Fuzsy Fred -Muy, l.cw, don't you»« let It cook until the *oup I* done, then wlah you had all de allver dollar» wot •train tin* *oup and add the cooked youae could carryt barley. |/ot tin- whole boll up once a f­ l.uxy Lew — N awr; not ef 1 had ter ter (Id* ami thicken with a tahleapoon- curry 'em very fur. ful o f flour knd one o f butter atlrred together over the tire. 8ea*on highly I>uaty—Willie, If aome one left you a with oalt and pepper. Kerve very hot. hit of looney would yer take itT W illi*— Yea, if It » i n counted. lin k e d M n »h rm n iia . All Kngll*h riH-lia* for bike I muah- The ho* or cabinet In which a tele­ rooin* la offered: A half pound o f large phone la placed ia called III Kngland a mushroom* will lie needed, with a'luilf ’Telephonluin" or “ phouluin." teuapoonful o f mince«) parsley, ail ounce o f hn-adiTiimha, three table- Admiral Dewey lit* been In th* United spoonful» o f anliid oil, a-ilt, | h 'J)| n « t ami fttatea navy fifty yeara. I a little I am on Juice. Put half the oil In Die linking dl»h.,aiwl sprinkle with lialf tile linaulcrmiitm, Ion If tlie pars­ ley, and h aqneezc o f lemon. Lay half the mualiroom* on tlila ami put on the icat o f the oil, hrcndcmmlm, wit inning W io 'e rlu l H oirs and parsley, flake half an hour and Treatment Jnat before serving duat with cayenne Tfclfl wni»tl«rf’il *'ht- i pepper. in w dtnrtor I« if trai bvCiMii* hr out«*« pcoi>l«i without Hour Milk Muffin*. lluu that art* gl van ui» In making g dozen mutflna you will lu ttir. II«* rur«*a with Hi-»-.«- wontrrlul «’hi* | require half a pint o f sour milk, three li« a« berti«, ftKita, butti, gill* o f flour, one egg. half a tea*|M>oii-, harki alni v*g*' » M u thaï art- rntlr« ly un fnl o f soda dissolve.I in one tald>*s|M>on- known to lut'd It al a» I ri < •• In III « < OU Ul jr ! Itt|t) Ihr u«n- of thOM ful o f cold water, half a ten spoonful barnilraa r*»iii*«li*H» ihla famoua <1 * m tor fciiuwi o f salt, two level tnhlo*]»M>ufulM of 111 * action «»f o»rr &*>• t|ifT»*r«nl r*iu*tli*a «h.ch b* itiorwafully u»*a in diffrrrnl duraira. Il* butter, and one teniqioonful o f sugar. guarMiil«*ra tu t ur* catari b, aathmn, lung, throat, rh« umniigtn, n*rvuua»i*aa, slooiach, llvrr, kltl Melt the butter In a hot cup. Put the nrya, rtr. ; haï hundr«*di of t»«tlmonUli I tiiO«lrr«ti* t «Il antl a«*« hlm. ratinila dry Ingredient* hi u mixing bowl. Beat aa lo fib ae tty w Ito for blank« and circolar». the egg* till they are light. Add the Kri.J itati.p CU.NHl LTAT1UN t H t. K. A IHHl»- »ft dUaolved *isla to the milk, stir well Thi C. Gas Wa Chiassa Medicina Co. and mid to the dry mixture: then add 2SIH-2SJ ALDER ST.. P0RTLA5D. OREGON the egg. and Anally the melted butter. • Mrniluu !>•!>•'r Bent well and |»iur Into hot. buttered gem puna. Hake for twenty minutes. round. Or. G. Gee Vio M u |ilr lO s 'k l i m i l y , I TELLS IT ALL | C a ta lo g u e “ R ” DtSt RHU SOUR HVPRAUItr RAMS TtllS WtlAt IhtV CAN DO To Convince You THAT THE CHATHAM It wa* given the higheat award at the Oregon Htate Fair, held at Palem laat fall. W rit* for our j Ileacriptive Catalogue of Incuba- | torn and Brooders and oar time ] , proposition. 1 Dept 12 Portland, Oregon «♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦»»♦♦••♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦«•♦r Mr*. Mahl* Bradford, 13 Church street, Burlington, Vt., Secretary W hittier Oratorio Society, writes: •'Peruna is certainly a wonderful medicine for the iltv of women. I have heard it spoken of in the highest praise by many, and terta.nly my ex- pe/ienie is well worthy of a good word. “ I began to have severe pa n* across my back about a year ago, brought on by a cold, and each sub'.rquent month brought me pa n and distress. “ Your remedy was presented, and the way it acted upen my systrm was almost too good to be true. I certainly have regained my health and strength, and I no longer suffer periodical pains and extreme lassitude.” — Mable Bradford. Corn Cake. One cupful o f Indian meal, onehalf cupful o f flour, one tea.»|M><>nfnl of cream tartar, one-third teaspoon ful of soils, one egg, two tahlc*|M>onfula of sugar. Mix, with milk, thin Table­ spoonful o f melted l.trd last. Bake in sluxet. M ock O y *te r*. H Thousands of testimonials to this effect are received by Dr. Hartman every year. The good tlmt Peruna has accomplished in this class of cases can scarcely be over estimated. j I f you do not derive prompt and t satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart­ man, giving a full statement of your ’ case, and he w ill be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Ad- « dress I)r. Hartman, President of j | The Hartman Sanitarium, Colnm- i j bus, Ohio. A ll correspondence held | strictly confidential. CREMO M IF TH E DEALER TRIES TO SE LL YOU SOME OTHER Union Made ASK YOURSELF WHY? $3.50 SHOES For M en. W . I*. D o irnglM n g lM m aken ake* a e n d Molls tiells m o re M e n ’* $3 3.50 s I hm - n th a n ai»y o th e r t u r r r ____ in th o rld . 81».(M>0 insinufaet)____ ___ e w _____ REWARD to «ay ox* who c*— disprove W . I*. D o a f la n § 3 .3 0 »hoee A re th e atp it w l l m in tlie w o rld becau se o f K ir excellent style, easy fitting: a n d ftuperior w e a r in g «inalitie*. T h e y a re THE HIGHEST AWARD AT THE ST.L0UI5 WORLD S PAIR rA 5 O I V t N T O WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHINGT SLICKERS, MATS ■ ^SH BRWP POMMEL SLICKERS jf A d . TO W E R CO . ESTABLISHED 1036 BOSTON ■ a*W YORK CMtCACO TOWER CANADIAN CO. Lofts*. TOBONTO. CAN p . N. u. w Ne. 14- 190S w r it in g t o a d v e r t leers m e n tio n th is p a p e r. h en juHt a* fr«»od as those th a t cost fr o m l&.’y.OO to IIT.OO. T h e o n ly d iffe re n c e fls the price. W , I». D o u k I iik £3.50 shoes cost m o re to m a k e , h o ld th e ir sh ap e better, w e a r lo n g e r , am i a r e o f g re a te r v a lu e th a n an y o th er §3 .3 0 shoe on the m a rk e t to-day. W * L . lh m g la s g u a r ­ antees th e ir v a lu e b y s ta m p in g his n a m e a n d p rice on th e bottom o r each shoe. L o o k f o r it* T a k e n o substitute. W . Ia. lk x ig la s §3 .3 0 shoes a r e sold th ro u g h his o w n retail stores In the p r in ­ c ip a l cities, a n d by shoe d e ale rs every­ w h e re. Mo m atter w h e re you live, W . L* IH n iglas shoes a r e w ith in you r reach* E Q U A L $ 6 .0 0 S H O E S . “ / have worn L. DouQlas $3JO shoes f o r years, and consider them tquai to any noir on the market. They have ffiven entire satisfaction.” -J*'rn. //. Anderson* Heal Estate Agent, Kansas City, So. Boy, wear W . L. Douglas 52.SO and 52.00 shoes because they fit better, hold their shape and wear longer than other make*. IV. L DougUu asn Corona ColtiHn oonfuls o f su­ Bold by Druggists, 7.V. Uall'a Fam ily t ills are the beat. gar and a good half cup o f sifted flour. - When smooth add the beaten whites of T h e H o r a e D e a le r . tlie four eggs. Roll out on the board, “ W hatIs the secret of your success?" : cut Into stri|nt, twist and fry in hot asked the young man. lard. "In buying," said the old horse deal- ! French llrenalng* er, “ I look sharp, and in selling I look ! Rub the Inside o f a salad ta>wl with Just ns Ignorant as I can."— Chicago i a clove o f garlic, or put Into It u heap­ News. ing teasisxMiful o f minced chives. Add Misgive, that you may not mistake.— fcalt*|>oniiful of salt, one aalts|sK>nful o f pepper, a tablespoonful o f vinegar Whately. and threw tablespoonfuls o f salad oil. Beat until well blended. Is the BK8T IN C U B ATO R on the market, I will send you one, freight prepaid, and wait for my pay until October l, 1906. GEO. W. F O O n , P o ta to e s . P e-ru-na Mrs. Lizzie Redding 3134 B Clifton Place, 8t. I/iuis, Mo., writes: " I found after trying many different: medi. ines to re- store me to hratth, that Peruna wo* the only thing which could be depended upon. I began taking it when I was in * decline, induced by female weakness and over- wrought nerves. “ I began to feel stronger during the lirst week I took Peruna and my health improved cLify outil now I am in perfect hea'rh and enjoy life as I never did before.” — Lillie Redding. Into n large-mouthed and heavy ,lnr put pure maple syrup. Insert a cork to which la tautened a bit o f white twine that hiuigs down Into the syrup, taking cere that it does not touch the bottom o f the Jar. The candy will fo r m on the twine. Set the Jar In an outer F o r c e o f Habit. vchnc I o f water that simmers stead­ “ Give me a two-cent »tamp, please,” ily. Cook for many hours. When the said the young lady to the drug clerk. candy ha* formed to a half-inch thick­ "W e are just out,” replied the d. c., ness all around the string, bike thi* absently, "but here is something just as out and hang lu u cold place to hard good.” And he handed her a couple of ones. on. K a c u lto p e d O u r N e w . FADELES S ralors than any other dye. DYES One I Oc package colors silk, wool and cotton equally weft and Ifl suaranteed to give perfect results. Ask denier, or we will send post at 10c I I pack*,«. Writ« for free booklet haw to kleach and mix colors. MOM ROC DRUG CO.. Unieuville. Missouri.