The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 10, 1905, Image 1

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    í /
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(S .
A. N K W
T en th Y ea r .
S I 'A I 'K H ,
Subscription , $ !. 23 PER ANNUM
S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . F E B R U A R Y 10, 190Ç.
Brewer Drug Co.
Sublimity Gleanings.
M U Adel« Miller iiik I France» Lam­
bert left Tui'mlay fur a few day« »lay
at Hnlcin.
I’ . M Herman» and family are now
undergoing a »¡«ge of 11»« grippe.
M¡»» Anna Gray U »laying at the
home of 1*. Hermans.
Mina Roue flecker i» h | >«* t ■ -1 i n ^ the
week with her »inter, Mr». II. Geacher. |
J. A. (Jollogly and family, who were
visiting in this vicinity, have left for
their home in Washington.
B re w e r D ru g C o.
Extra Special
With every dol­
lar’s worth of
From now until Shoes sold from
Feb. 20, ’05, $10.00 now till Feb. 25 I
will give a beauti­
Owing to the increase in the output will buy any suit
of cream, I*. M. Ifermena report» a
ful 50c plate for 10c.
rushing busine»* in hi» line. Me in­
tend» to »tart a new cream route in
There is not a wo­
the vicinity of Jordan.
We understand that Mike Schnei­ men in
my store. man in the land
der, <>n the Whitney-Hobaon place,
han »old 1(>7 acre* of hi* farm to Fred
Now is the time that would not be
Moyer, of California.
Hev. A. Lninck made a trip to to buy Clothing.
a proud possessor
Brownaville and>annu tin* week.
T h is includes our up-terdate of one or more of
F. X. Tale i* attending nchnol here
reviewing Mime of hi» old studies.
$12, $15, $17, $18, $20, and
these plates.
W. If. Carter reports the lo*« of a $22 Suits.
j valuable borne.
Lou Doerfler, Fred Gray and Evert
Olover attended the club dance at
Slayton Saturday last. They rejxirt
an enjoyable time.
J a v a '!
n u l l In a
l.a k r
M ad.
“ Thanks” Is a miserable expression
commonly used by persons who have
not had the advantages of good breed­
ing. Every favor received and civility
shown deserves to be recognized, and
the smallest acknowledgment the re­
cipient can make Is to say or write,
“ Thank yen.”
The vulgarity of
•'Thanks" is on a par with the postal
card correspondence.
One of the greatest natural wonders
In Java, "the Are inland." a large lake
of boiling ruud, 1» situated almost In
the center of the plain» of Grobogana,
fifty "pnnl»" to the northeast of Solo.
It Is almost two miles In circumfer­
ence. and In the center Immense col­
umns of soft, hot mud may be seen
continually rising and fnlllng like great
black tinders thrust forth Hnd then
suddenly withdrawn hy u giant's hands.
T h . S u n .h ln . o f Spring
Besides the phenomenon o f the columns
that cores without a scar
there are two gigantic bubbles near the
western edge which fill up like huge is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Cuts,
balloons and explode on an average burns, boils, bruise* and piles disap­
pear before the use of this salve as
three times per minute.
Let us show you
our Clothing bar­
K ille d
Im a g in a tio n .
A workman ou the Siberian railway
was accidentally locked Into a refrlg-
Remember, we are offering all Dress i erntor
car and was afterward found
dead. Imagining that he was being
Goods at a liberal reduction in price. slowly frozen to death, he had record­
ed his sufferings with a piece of chalk
on the floor. The refrigerating appara­
Let us show them to you.
tus, however, was out of order, and the
N . J. G E H L E N , Administrator.
; Í
f i .
*«• )
There is no reason why any woman should wear
a heavy, ill-fitting, clumsy shoe, when modern shoe­
making enables us to offer almost perfect ones.
The celebrated “ TENNENT SHOES” are equal to
custom-made goods in fit, workm anship a n d appearance.
They cost just about one-half as much.
Fred Rock Mercantile Co.,
snow l*efore the sunshine of spring.
MissH. M. Middleton, Thebes, III.,
says: “ I was seriously afflicted with a
fever sore that was very painful. De-
W ill's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in
less than a week.” Get the genuine.
Sold by Brewer Drug Co.
Sam e
O ld
M a rtlln g Kut T ru e .
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chica­
go theatre in which nearly six hun­
dred jeople lost their lives, yet more
than live times this number, or over
3,000 people died from pneumonia in
Chicago during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice. Every one
of these cases of pneumonia resulted
from a cold and could have been pre­
vented by the timely use of Charnber-
lam’s Cough Remedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear pneu­
monia have warded it off by the
prompt use of this remedy. The fol­
lowing is an instance of this sort .“Too
much cannot be said in favor of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, anti
especially for colds and influenza. I
know that it cured my daughter, Lau
ra, of a severe cold, ar.d I la-lieve saved
her life when she was threatened with
pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Logan,
X. Y. Sold by Brewer Drug Co.
R en»on.
"What was It caused the downfall of
T h e P re a ch e r * » C lo »ln jr W o r d .
The members of the Itev. Dr. Fourth­
temperature In the car had nut fallen the Trojans?" asked the man who has
below 50 degrees F. throughout the forgotten his classics.
ly'» congregation settled themselves re­
"It was the same old story,” said the signedly in their seats.
: Journey.
man who was reading the sporting
lie bad Just said. “ One word more,
T h e B e t t e r W'ny.
page. "They wouldn't let the horses and I hare done.”
“ Positively the worst struggle I ever alone."—Washington Star.
The doctor looked keenly at them
had In th<wwater." said a young man
over his glasses for a moment,
who had T!li*n at sea. “ was one night
F raud E x p o s e d .
Then he closed the book In front p f
trying*to save a man with a wooden
A few counterfeiters have lately been him.
leg." "Man.” said an old Scotchman making and trying Jo sell imitations
“ Amen."’ be said.—Chicago Tribune.
who was quietly listening, “ if ye had of Dr. King's New Discovery for con­
got n bit of rope ye could bae saved the sumption, coughs and colds, and other
H appy.
man quicker wl' It than ye could doe medicines,thereby defrauding tbe pub­
Ethel—How happy Gladys looks to­
wi‘ ten widden legs."
lic. This is to warn you to beware of
such people, who seek to profit, thro’ night! Edythe—Yes. she expects to
T l u i t T i c k l i n g In ( l i d T h r o a t .
stea[ing the reputation of remedies have a chance to accept Fred or turn
One minute after taking One Min- which have been successfully curing down Charley, and she doesn’t care
i nte Cough Cure that tickling in the disease for m e: 35 years. A sure pro­ which. — Cincinnati Commercial Trib­
throat i* gone. It acts in the throat, tection, to you, is our name on the une.
not the stomach. Harmless—good fur wrapper. Look for it, on all of Di.
children. A. I„. LpoHord, postmaster King’s, or Bucklen’s remedies, as all
at Chester, Mich., says: "Our little other* are mere imitations. H. E.
girl was unconscious from strangula-^ BCCKLEX & CO., Chicago, III. and
j non during a sudden and terrible at­ Windsor, Canada.
ta ck of croup.
Three doses uf One
Minute Cough Cure half an hour
M lfttn k e«.
j apart cured her. I cannot praise One
When you make a mistake, don’t look
Minute Cough Cure too much for back at It long. Take the reason of the
what it has done tn our family.” It, thing Into your own mind and then
always gives relief.
Sold by Brewer look forward. Mistakes are lessons c t
| I »rug Co.
wisdom. The past cannot he changed.
V«*n»t o f t h e
» A S U IT *
O ur stock of Drugs and Drug­
gist's Sundries is complete in
every respect. W e prepare all
prescriptions with care, and in
a scientific manner, using only
pure drugs and chemicals.
N u m ber
A n cien t».
G rave T ro u b le F orseen
It needs but little foresight to tell
that when your stomach and liver are
badly affected, grave trouble is ahead,
unless you take the proper medicine
for your disease, as did Mrs. John A.
Young, of Clay, X. Y., did. She says:
"I had neuralgia of liver and stom­
ach, my heart was weakened, and I
could not eat. I was very bad for a
The future is yet In your power.—Hugh long time, but in Electric Bitters I
found just what I needed, for they
quickly relieved and cured me.” Best
medicine for weak women. Sold un­
T h e B ei«t I ' h y i i l c .
When yon want a physic that is der guarantee by Brewer Drug Co. at
mild and gentle, easy to take and cer­ 50c a bottle.
tain to act, always use Chamberlain’s
Stomach and River Tablets. For sale
n e only Is advancing In life whose
hy Brewer Drug Co.
heart is getting softer, whose blood
The yenst employed by the nnolents
In making bread was probably of the
same kind ns the Israelites of the days
o f the great Pharaoh the oppressor
used, calling It "leaven." This was
what Is known nowadays ns a wild
yeast, Its gertifh or spores being afloat
warmer, whose brain quicker, whose
anywhere In the nlr. A bit of dough
spirit is entering Into living peace.—
A F orecast.
wns preserved out of each batch pre­
She—Dearest, we’ll have a lot to con­ Ruskin.
pared for the ovens, and when this
wns added to the next dough the yeast tend with when we are married. He
contained In It quickly spread through (absently»—Yes: we’ll have each other.
C h a m b e r la in '*
Rem edy
the whole, only a little being required —Milwaukee Wisconsin.
M o th e r '» F a v o r ite .
to "leaven the whole lump.”
The soothing and healing properties
He nlone has energy who cannot be
S ick H « * M « i H r l i e
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
deprived of i t —Lavater.
This distressing ailment results front
a disordered condition condition of the
stomach All that is needed to effect
S a cure is a dose or two of Chamber*!
Inin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In
i fact, the attack mty be warded off, or
greatly lessened in severity, hy taking
a «lose of these tablets as soon a» the
I first symptom of an attack appears.
I Bold by Brewer Drug Co.
A gonizing
are instantly relieved and perfectly
healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C.
Rivenbark, Jr ,o f Xorfolk, Va., wiites:
“ I burnt my knee dreadfully; that it
blistered all over. Bucklen’s Arnica
Salve stopped the pain, and healed it
without a scar.” Also heals all wounds
and sores. 25c at Brewer Di ug Co’s.
prompt and permanent cures have
made it a favorite with people every­
where. It is especially prized by moth­
ers of small children, for colds, croup,
and whooping cough, as it always af­
fords quick relief, and as it contains
no opium or other harmful drug, it
may be given as confidently to a baby
as to an adult.
For sale by Brewer
Drug Co.