í / r '■ (S . r \ THE STAYTON MAIL Hy H. 1 ) ALEXANDER. A. N K W T en th Y ea r . Salem S I 'A I 'K H , N O T A N Subscription , $ !. 23 PER ANNUM O K O A N S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . F E B R U A R Y 10, 190Ç. Brewer Drug Co. Sublimity Gleanings. Slayton D R U G G IS T S M U Adel« Miller iiik I France» Lam­ bert left Tui'mlay fur a few day« »lay at Hnlcin. I’ . M Herman» and family are now undergoing a »¡«ge of 11»« grippe. M¡»» Anna Gray U »laying at the home of 1*. Hermans. Mina Roue flecker i» h | >«* t ■ -1 i n ^ the week with her »inter, Mr». II. Geacher. | J. A. (Jollogly and family, who were visiting in this vicinity, have left for their home in Washington. $ 10.00 B re w e r D ru g C o. Reduction Extra Special With every dol­ lar’s worth of From now until Shoes sold from Feb. 20, ’05, $10.00 now till Feb. 25 I will give a beauti­ Owing to the increase in the output will buy any suit of cream, I*. M. Ifermena report» a ful 50c plate for 10c. rushing busine»* in hi» line. Me in­ of Clothing for tend» to »tart a new cream route in There is not a wo­ the vicinity of Jordan. We understand that Mike Schnei­ men in my store. man in the land der, <>n the Whitney-Hobaon place, han »old 1(>7 acre* of hi* farm to Fred Now is the time that would not be Moyer, of California. Hev. A. Lninck made a trip to to buy Clothing. a proud possessor Brownaville and I.ad>annu tin* week. T h is includes our up-terdate of one or more of F. X. Tale i* attending nchnol here reviewing Mime of hi» old studies. $12, $15, $17, $18, $20, and these plates. W. If. Carter reports the lo*« of a $22 Suits. j valuable borne. Lou Doerfler, Fred Gray and Evert Olover attended the club dance at Slayton Saturday last. They rejxirt an enjoyable time. G. O. TR O TTER , S T A Y T O N , OREGON. Thank J a v a '! n u l l In a l.a k r of M ad. Ton. “ Thanks” Is a miserable expression commonly used by persons who have not had the advantages of good breed­ ing. Every favor received and civility shown deserves to be recognized, and the smallest acknowledgment the re­ cipient can make Is to say or write, “ Thank yen.” The vulgarity of •'Thanks" is on a par with the postal card correspondence. One of the greatest natural wonders In Java, "the Are inland." a large lake of boiling ruud, 1» situated almost In the center of the plain» of Grobogana, fifty "pnnl»" to the northeast of Solo. It Is almost two miles In circumfer­ ence. and In the center Immense col­ umns of soft, hot mud may be seen continually rising and fnlllng like great black tinders thrust forth Hnd then suddenly withdrawn hy u giant's hands. T h . S u n .h ln . o f Spring Besides the phenomenon o f the columns The Salve that cores without a scar there are two gigantic bubbles near the western edge which fill up like huge is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Cuts, balloons and explode on an average burns, boils, bruise* and piles disap­ pear before the use of this salve as three times per minute. Continues Let us show you our Clothing bar­ gains. K ille d hr Im a g in a tio n . A workman ou the Siberian railway was accidentally locked Into a refrlg- Remember, we are offering all Dress i erntor car and was afterward found dead. Imagining that he was being Goods at a liberal reduction in price. slowly frozen to death, he had record­ ed his sufferings with a piece of chalk on the floor. The refrigerating appara­ Let us show them to you. tus, however, was out of order, and the THEO. GEHLEN EST., N . J. G E H L E N , Administrator. ; Í f i . *«• ) L9 ÖKING AT IT FROM ALLSIDES There is no reason why any woman should wear a heavy, ill-fitting, clumsy shoe, when modern shoe­ making enables us to offer almost perfect ones. The celebrated “ TENNENT SHOES” are equal to custom-made goods in fit, workm anship a n d appearance. They cost just about one-half as much. Fred Rock Mercantile Co., snow l*efore the sunshine of spring. MissH. M. Middleton, Thebes, III., says: “ I was seriously afflicted with a fever sore that was very painful. De- W ill's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in less than a week.” Get the genuine. Sold by Brewer Drug Co. Sam e O ld M a rtlln g Kut T ru e . People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chica­ go theatre in which nearly six hun­ dred jeople lost their lives, yet more than live times this number, or over 3,000 people died from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been pre­ vented by the timely use of Charnber- lam’s Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneu­ monia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The fol­ lowing is an instance of this sort .“Too much cannot be said in favor of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, anti especially for colds and influenza. I know that it cured my daughter, Lau ra, of a severe cold, ar.d I la-lieve saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Logan, X. Y. Sold by Brewer Drug Co. R en»on. "What was It caused the downfall of T h e P re a ch e r * » C lo »ln jr W o r d . The members of the Itev. Dr. Fourth­ temperature In the car had nut fallen the Trojans?" asked the man who has below 50 degrees F. throughout the forgotten his classics. ly'» congregation settled themselves re­ "It was the same old story,” said the signedly in their seats. : Journey. man who was reading the sporting lie bad Just said. “ One word more, T h e B e t t e r W'ny. page. "They wouldn't let the horses and I hare done.” “ Positively the worst struggle I ever alone."—Washington Star. The doctor looked keenly at them had In th