Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1911)
EVARTS’ QUAINT HUMOR. M«* *«• I*.,,,,I . P„,| Because During tlic U>t .I nvi ut Oliver " ••M.I.-II lliillm lift. I,f. , l , | t f i | H aahm gfon in .'fiiupnny with Itoli » | . ; , \ \ r s i ¡1 1» a HtroiiK. m» «•1'itl. Hi.-, hi., i a I, |.i pt , u r a l f a n d l u c c r wful in titu tio n D . ,\i i ’ •* «»«•" ti - i lunik in <*\ « t v p a r tic u la r ECAUSE your »«•count w ill be apprw»int«*«l liy the Imnk and your in lo rrat will alwaya U* carefully cortm«l«*rc»l. KCAl’SK thia l*ank I im * un excellent lire und burglar pr.*if aafe. uml in further protected by burglary inaur« alter. Kt’Al'NK thin hank atudiea the needa ..f it m cuHtonicra. and pro|M'rly tukea care of them whether their bunin«**«n I k * large or amall. STATE HANK OF REDMOND Ivcdmoiul. . . . . O re g o n W. S. IttNlman, I’rea, Dii ph II Jarkaon, Vic«* IVea. Koy A. Ituah, Caahier. iKK YOU GOING TO BUILD? J. M . lie v a r d , th e a rc h ite c t, m ake» co m plete plum« und specifications fo r a ll classes o f b u ild in g » . Our price«« u n * r ia lt i. lad un fig u re w ith yo u . ■van! & (¿ a n t, . *1,1,« »»»#n I n t o Hi* S e n a t i R e d m o n d , O re. • rt • W inllirop, .iii.l I»it I, ..f | | | , «••»ifral.l.. in.-ti t n l ili,, f in ,! ,. i 1 *• 111 * •, i on |l|,. o , , n .tin i,f ,ot|,t* ■ i rciii.ini, , i r o * .|r .| I In* g«| I ' r i « M.tli mi timi I In- v vuTr umilile to obtain arai* They »ont • lu ir i il r. I. to Mr I varia, hoping • luit l.c might arrange « piar«* for Uieiu, anil when ||,< ini-t tlicm m the' r.Miiu In. explained th e dirti cult v. “ I ha galleries are crowded, a* kilo*,' I,,- Mid, "mid tlic rule, of I lie M i m i c adm it In tlic floor iif the <■ I mm lier only niemliera of die t* o house* of rollare»*, Incili Itera of the i aliinct, juatii'c, of the supreme court, c l senators, persoti» *t It i a ha«e\e i| the thank» of con (fren and private >e. retariea to ,cli alora I . .iniiot yet you udiinaaion ill any oilier «»purity, l.nt if you • ¡II »crept highly and remunerative «inphiytiirnt «» mv privatif ac. rifarle. I » 1 11 find you ► enta on die floor ” Hoth tini poe- ftfid the atalraiimn »cccpted, and Mr I.ta rta took them to the door, « > re l.e odore* > <| the doorkectie; a» folio* a “ My dear »ir, t l i . æ t » o young men are my private aecreiariea A . . . I will ol.aerve th a t they are liotli ter» preen and ignorant, but I am trv mg to have patience with them and overliMik llo-ir deflcieneu*#, | • iati ton would take a pood look at them that alien diet come here aifnm to ace me «ou ta ill know them '" And with tlmt lie poahetl o|*di the .winging doors and inn- t ."lieti I *r 11 ol mea and Mr Win throp to pa«« in, while the d.tor- , kr. |W r III a lw vt ild.Ted aort of « at remarked in an u n d ertone : * Well, P I hlan k etir TSa C a p t ' . a C a n a r y . H. G. H H RRIG K CROOK e O lJ X T Y L A X I) R E D M O N D R E AL U S T A TU R E D M O N D , O R EG O N Fish Market / h a v e o p e n e d a l :i s h M a r k e t in in t h e H o t e l R e d m o n d A n n e x on 0 s tre e t b e tw e e n / : a n d F s tre e ts and w ill k e e p on s a le FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS, CHARS, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, E v e ry th in g w ill he F R E S H e v e ry d a y , a n d y o u r p a t r o n a g e is s o l i c * ite d . S a tis fa c tio n g u a ra n te e d . I. W . D A V I E S , Redm ond “ If J..I. hud .'ti r tackled the job I h.ite la*e|| at u1! morning he would hate It«.f I 1 » r.-putalion,’’ aaid the li.rtl fancier "I bate l.*en Irving to tea. h Ih a little rn- . 1 1 of u . an.irt • o flv down. hate not tet »oc- . rede,| lie * ,|| fly lip a little wav and straight out. Inti n»t down. Thai .a one lug difference lietween a < unary Ixvrn in freetlom and one lairn in captivity I'n d r r die tu i tion of ita par.nla the free lord a ill flt down aa readily ai> up. but wlico left to hi* own rca.nirce« or taught hr a human frnm l the prianner fenra the downward flight. If In- cage hang. only a few me he, front the floor the little fellow |w*cr* down in trepidation, lie distrust* himwelf and fear« a bump. The o|icn «pace* around and al«tve *cem not nearly an dangerotia.'*— Nc* York Sun Nat 8 » Marvalaut. "I (ell ) e what it i*. Silaa,’’ aaid f’n d e Moan I’eavev aa he and the letter carrier aat in tlie pmtnffiee diacuaaing thing* in general, “old Sqmro ihm klct'a a-btiatin' good ahot with a rifle. Ye can talk all vc please about these glass bull (hootem and your rarimm chain* peen aliota down in the city, but there ain't many on 'em can about in the aame day with the »quire. He kin hit a dollar tbrowed into the air at fifty yard* nino tune* out o’ ten " “ Ye/. I reckon he kin," aaid Si laa “ Hut what if ho kin? After all. M m *, ye know as well aa I do tlmt a dollar look» ten time# bigger to old Squire Dunkley than it does to moat o' the rest on Har per'* Weekly. BLEED ALMOST AT A TOUCH. 8iiS«r«rs r . . m HamapH.I.a Sarsly Oat a C h a n t # I * L>ve L « « | There is no accident of pr*> li.e more dreaded hv the physician limn I,, acc a patient upon whom he baa performed ►nine trivial Operation, siioli a# lancing a Innl or removing adenoids, bleed and bleed and keep on bleed mg, perhaps until he die« All the usual remedo «, am It a* pre«»ure, cold and the application of atv pttea, and all the unusual ones, • ii. Ii aa lu n g a ligature «round the bleeding part or searing it with the cautery, are tn e d and tried in vain. I'ortiinatclv, this accident hap pen« rarely and can liap|>en at all onlv hi the <■»*« of a new patient, with wli..»e ennatitntion the doctor is unfamiliar, but when it doca hap pen it scetna worse and more ter ribb* than death from any oflier • Mime following operation, for it is •o iinlooki-d for tlmt it com«*« like a boll from the blue. Tin* « nnsl itilt iotml stall* to which this accident is dm; is known as bemoiiliilm Those subject to it are ■ »He.I “ bleeder* ' The di**ca«c i* one of the blood Milel«. It coniiat* iii a reduced coagulability—that 1 ». the ctot* which ordinarily clo*c the open mouth* of the minute blmxl vessel* ami stop the blood from «Mixing from a small wound do not form; <-<in*rquentlv the blood con tinue* to escajH*. The globule* of the blood and the coloring matter ar<* usually as they are in health, for the trouble i* purely a chemical one —a ileliciency of lime salt*, the presence of which I* »«MMitial if clot* are to be formed. In these . ase* it doe* not always require u surgeon to infli. t a fata! wound. A blow on the n«*s, an ac cidental cut or a mere pin M-ratch may ojwn a »urtlcient number of tiny hlo«><| v« !.*« !* to drum awav the vital fluid. A man who know* him self to 1 m * a bleeder d.M*s Hot dare lo slmve; he will suffer any pain from an ». hing tooth rather than allow it to W pulled, am! lie is moat careful not to let hi* hand* or lip* rlmp in winter, l e t an accidental crack «*|n.n the way to an uncon trollable outpouring of hl«jo«!, \Vhv the hlixwl i* deficient in lime salta is not known. The condition o. hereditary, and, rwldlv enough, al though i! aff«*c|, men and b o \, al most exclusively, it i* transmitted through the female line. T hus a man may 1 m * a bl«*e«lor; hi* children will escape, but the male children «>f hia daughter will almost surely, one or all. suffer. Moat bleeder* die in infancy, bul not a few live to boyhood and Home even to adult life before meeting with the accident th a t lead* to the fatal hemorrhage. Some few grow out of the condition. T reatm ent con»ist* in the daily aduiiui«trati'.n of lime salt», such a* tho lactate of calcium, through long |>orio<l» of time. Oelatin ha* also been used, apparently with ben efit.—Youth's Companion. Understanding a W o m e n . “ I>o you really t>e]iL*vc,” she ask ed, looking Bcroaa the table at him, “ that any man is capable of under- »tandmg a woman?” “ 1 believe almost any man i* capable of understanding a woman nt tun»»».” "A t what time», for instance?” “ Well, when she open* the con versation by asiuring him that she has made up her mind to !*e an old mai«l and when ahe go»** out into the vestibule to bid him g<>o»l night and there assure* him tha t «he think* it is f.Milish for a girl to let a man kiss her before he ha* ealhvl at least three time*.”—Chicago l«e« ord-Hcrahl. W a d n . a r t a y M.alsid. A Hroadwav actor got carried awav by the spirit of the times anil remained carried awav for several dart, lie catnc to himself in his own room without knowing exactly how lie got there. A friend sat be side him. “ Hello,” he said as he opened his eirn, “ wlmt day is this?" “ This,” said hit friend, “ ia Thurs- d»v " The invalid thought it over a minute. “ What became of Wednesday?" he asked.—Saturday Evening l ’ost. C ■ p a r t O l # v s C u t t a r a . The eutt»*r» of the great glove houaea in Hrussel* and in Franc« earn even higher wage* than the cutters of the most fashionable ! tailor» in l«indon and New York So difficult is tIlia art of cutting that most of the principal cuttcra are known to the trade by name and by fame, ami the peculiar knivea which they use in tne buxines* arc so highly prized that they are hand ed down from generation to gener ation a* heirlooms. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 1021 people Ux>k advantage of my special clfisinfi out sale last week. Want to duplicate it this week and to do so I have made a SECOND CUT on everything in the store. Some of my special prices are so far below ac tual cost that it seems almost ridicu lous, namely, BOYS SUITS, $2.50. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF RUBBERS BELOW COST E. L. R A P P “ The Head to Foot Clothier.” R e d m o n d , Or. Oregon Trunk Ry. Service -T O — PORTLAND ST. HAUL DENVER KANSAS CITY SPOKANE CHICAGO OMAHA ST. LOUIS Daily Train Leaves Redmond 7:21 a. m.. Opal City 8:00 a. m., Metol- ius 8:90 a. m., and Madras 8:39 a. m., arriving Portland 6:00 p. m. Direct connection at Fallbridge for Spokane and points east. Arrive Spokane 9:4o p. m. Through tickets sold to eastern points, Puget Sound and other western points. De posit« accepted for west-hound tickets to be furnished persons in the east. Details will be furnished on request. H. BAUKOL, Agt. Redmond. Ore. R. B l DI). Chief E n g r Portland. Ore. Redmond Steam Laundry I wish to announce to the people of Redmond and vicinity and sur rounding towns that I have start ed a STEAM LAUNDRY in Redmond on 9th street between D and E streets, and solicit their patronage. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS. PRICES REASONABLE. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. Packages Called for and Delivered. M R S . W . A . G O L D E N , P r o p ’r. T** S m a rt. “ It »!oe* not always pay to lie too “Spare me!" cried the captive, •m art," said a lawyer “ At our "and i will lm your slave for life. hoarding house a new wait rea» was I am a cook by trade, and I can employed, and a young chap asked her wiiat he should call her. make you any dish yon desire." " ‘«’all me Hearl,' »he said. “ Well," replied the cannibal king, “ 'Are you the pearl of great “ yon do look as if you would make a good dish. I think we can use priew*?' he asked. “ ‘No,’ answered th« girl. ‘1 you." This reply, Wing somewhat am gue«s I am the pearl that was cast biguous, left the captive in doubt l>efore »wine.* "— New York Times, but not for long. T h sy A t , Him. HEW T o t» /r Wall Paper All Designs and Patterns Ininks, Suit Cases, V alises, Rugs, Carpets and Furniture •* H . I R V I N , Redmond M**nt W h a t H# S a . 4 . O ub isu * . —’Hon my word, madam, I should scarcely have known yon, you have altered so much I She _Kor the better or for the worse ? l i e —Ah, madam, you could only change for the better I Wetlderly—l*et me congratulate vou, old b«*y. Thia is probably tha happiest day »>f your life. Singleton—You are a little pre vious, dear boy; I ’m n»t to be m ar ried until tomorrow. We»lderly— 1 know it, end you heard what 1 »aid. Tum A Lum Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail ITealers LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Shingles, Brick, Lime and Cement, Ro»>ting and Building Paper Office and Yard 2 blocks cast of Redmond Hotel, Redmond