Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1915)
lo is A QHOST THAT PAH. | BLACK - DRAUGHT Shooting the STOCK POULTRY MEDICINE i suit about tha'W ill, which kept K « > occupied. I t stood tor two or three o» yeai*. s tripp ed-of tw furniture and «■ Without ear*, ltar the ault S T X u ^ M A w w h o u a -« -« ^ * l a * caretaker. Ha only •*•»«» fe UifeM. tor at 1 « ’clock la tha « « ■ “* ! wt ' b e was terrified to hear a ““ “ | j heing dragged along tha U H and, £ I stairways. Others followed him, and one area stayed a weak, ba* • groan», tag sound rig ht In hto bedroom sunt M h im flying In only halt hla to to tha naaraat cottage ha eould Sad. j ’ I t was then „ the advertisement ap- or peered that draw say attention. I t ra 60c 26c 25c 36c GUM BOOTS at Low Prices. Bather than carry over Rub- her Goods we are offering the rest of our Gum Boots at sale prices, roaii: “ T h e owner ot Rutland Grange « ■ . 5, tha Ralston road w ill give a Seward, of »200 to anyone who w ill wnldo to , that house and solve tha mystery « M •1 went to the house and did not Snd much trouble In eolvlng the rid dle. The place had once been well Mocked w ith gatae, and now the de serted ground» were running over w ith game of a ll kinds. I t had u » p » d trespassers •vM e n tly . until lately, hut investigation »bowed that number» of fresh snares l t d U ap* had been s e t ‘Poacher«* evidently wee the meaning — ‘ he mystery. | got two men ano ji Men’s Blue Denim Bib Overalls Men’s Bltte ChamDfey Work Shirt* 60c President style Sus penders- Extra strong Polio* and Engineer Suspenders It CAT record o. c u n a , -.n» ■ I.ed lu lucoirai b is to ir, pro w l Sure »perii a »H.»se»i.e» m crU -in to auy other M ED IC I V Y the Fidi Nome ao A hìbìrs Always plants grown upon 10® nere« of rich rallcy lend the dll is dIM illed, and thia husbandman bear» the unique , -»e rtp ro - dtotlectlon of being the dueer aad of having tha most « ita s iv ® wormwood work« in the United States, U a a th d n s M lI The farm Me» betw M B th» Sfcefto s i 1 Crystal U k ts a d th« meta traveled «end extending fro m Lodi U P re irly -i ®'Se®- I The residence and dtotlUrry are hlddetf I away behind a h ju ffllk * hill, aad a t the end o t a long, winding road, guarded by a massive farm er’s gate. 80 se cluded to the place, and ao unexpected ly does the w a y fa rer come In rig h t of it, th a t one might »oppose he was ap proaching a »pot Where Kentucky "W en , I eat oa m y man aad Mow a moonshine to m e d . beyond the pale o f whistle, when up owns my aaatouata, the wandering r« T » M t iollector. ; w ith another whom they had taken The wormwood plant» are g lo w » on the farm in » bo utthe same nwnmorna sata Snd o th er eereale. The pair had Just started la to mnke a gooo ^ grow friitn tw o to three feet thing put of the pice», and bad mid high. They a re light Ineolor, and have in a perfect store ot chains, white the appearance o f being covered w ith sheets phosphorus, aad other things, dew. As soon as. the unattractive pur a t tha top of the how»«, w ith which ple blossom« appear the cutting and they had been frightened away the distilling begin. By mean» of an ordi successive caretakers. nary mowing machine w ith a dropper •T h a t Jon brought me not only the attnehment the plant» ere cut down »100, but » freak oommimloa. Thto and left 1» torg* bundle» to w rit to the time a summer hotel that was left hot surom ereua.. With a email force during the wiatet A» eooa as they become w ilted aad , flaccid they are loaded on wagon» aad months was haunt»«. The servants hauled to the dtotlllery, where a M g were being terribly frightened by my» iron fo rk cornea down into the load. terious kno cking V hat wore heard sow. By mean« o f a rope and pulleys the aad then at n ig h t Ootng to the hotel, fork w ith it» burden to hauled upward 1 went to bed on the ground floor, bet to a U tile car on m ils, where en «»to bad to wait two or three nights be me tie attachm ent 1»quickly made. In fore the mysterious sound» were heard. “One night, after we had been hav no time the car roll» to the opening ’ over the large vet, whan there to a Jerk ing heavy rain» all day. tha knocking to the t r ip rope» and the bunch of began rig ht underneath my room. wormwood shrubbery 1» dropped into "W aiting until daybreak, w lth h e lp the vnt. Thia to repeated u ntil the vat 1 took up the flooring aad found Wht a 1« «lied to the top with the aromotto small boy, long forgotten, but once naed for storing boats, ran back under p la n k . In the engine room adjoining there the house. In thto wae floating an to a boiler. By tw isting a valve the empty mineral water crate. There ■team to turned Into the vat ao th a t was a lock to the river below the ho- every »tern and loaf of the hoary plan t la Immersed In the »team and must yield the essential oU. Prom the v a t the (team p»«««e into the eondenring pipes, laden w ith oil fro m the herb. Thu plpee ere «ubmergnd In cold w ater b a s in » made out of cement, end there the oil collects, drop by drop, to And Ito way through a »mail opening to a voesel prepared I won't take ell m y cases of ‘gfcaet to receive i t laying.’ but w ill pick out on« or two. The oil. being of lee» »peclflc grav There was a country place that for a ity then w ater, collects a t the top long time was avoided because It got o f the vessel provided fo r the pnr- the reputation of haring a spectre pose. Thto can In to which tho drops W ith in a weak 1 » » It tw im , gliding Of oil end w ater fa ll to provided w ith about the grounds, bpt It wan too aim a »pout which almost reaches the Me tor me to egtel|. Then | put oa a to p o f the veeael. making It appear w hite cloak myself and tjied haunting like a gardener’s w ater pot. Out of the 0 o » L Thto rime »uoeeedpd la thto »pot flow» the floating oil. There frightening the apparition, as. when comae a tim e In the process when the we met face to face one night. It was receiving vessel w ill hold no more of the other ghost that fled. Who the fellow was 1 should have nevpr heard, probably, as he was so float' that I eould not overtake hliq. only that to hto flight somewhere be fell aad hurt hla lac. aad whea he consulted the doctor the whole sfo>7 <*“>• out. t(e urns a neighboring farm er who wanted As eooa ao a ll o f the oil has keen •«cured fro m the plants In the vnt to get hold of the adjoining property. ¡ 1 ; K. S W iS ^X S A rS Sin««' A n t i- FU» the Iron fo rk to sent down Into It and brings fo rth tho steaming sterna and leaves. M any people cannot w ork w ith the plant beeau»» o f the odor. T hera a»« about B00 wormwood farm s in the United States. tw o o f which are owned by M r. D r e w T h e demand for^lhe oU in much greater than the supply. Mueh o f H to imported from Europe. G reet tra c ts o f land In Eu rope are devoted t o It« production, and the discovery o f absinthe by tw e old Swim women has stim ulated tba trade o f the “green-eyed beauty” fro m th» distilled Juiee o f the pleeA. In the pe«1 «0 year« the price o f o il o f wormwood has advanced fro m one to six dollars a pound. On ne- alathe U to not anticipated th a t the price w ill »Ter touch the dollar m ark again. T h * oil to naed In making lini m en t* and o th er remedies. I t baa a p en etratin g property possessed by ae o th er oil. and when applied “goes A- Tim e Minute SHOOTING MATCH I ■ 100 F at Turkeys; Beef, Ducks, Gee Three D ays Port Orford November S hooting 3 0 ,2 4 and 26 Meet me at Hort Orford” A B ig F at T urkey w ill he given to the lady m aking the best score. E M T E R T A IN M E N T -W c d re p d a y night by 8cticpl Children r td iin c playing upon the Imagteatloi Brother and the night that I T h i.r« H « v . N o v. 2 6 . bv Port Orford Harbor Band