Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1915)
LADIES OF CUflAY COUNTY We have J jr t received a fine line »f Sterling S.lver TATTIN3 SHUTTLES A» tatting hue become quite a fad among the ladies, we • are telling them fast at the price of 75c each, engraved with two initials. Order at once, and we will tend one postage paid to you BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Banjon, Ora. K v » tuo H. Borite, Manager. Ne. 51*. We carry ne ac’te. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. _------c Good flr sfovq or heater wood deliv- «red la tow»» in ledge uS a m .ll quenll- Uee for S’ 65 per tier. G ive your or* der to <j ¡u ;• ; L J U IB S P A R L IN G , Port Orford, Or.. J. D. Loucks l ’o r t O r fo r d , O ro g o u Tswu lots and acreage tracts for A good ranch of 1*0 acres on Elk river, good building, sod orchard, 16 acres under plow. A good ranch for a small dairy, sheep or hogs. Price and terms reasonable. Also Saw M ill, la good running or der, capacity IS M., 6 miles from (own. T h i. m ill w ill be sold at a bargain. C. W. ROBBINS, M. D. Town and County I Boro— Tuesday, A p ril 18»b. I9 I » f Denftst Coming. t o U r . a a d M rs Dr. Pemberton at* Don’t forget the M ay Day'Danear Lbnglois, a fine bwby to y . v J D r. L. Born— Friday, A pril 16, 1915. t« The Rustler it due fro « Coos Bay ' kBOBB Euchre C reek Items. touched. likely that Mr. Smith has the only rich find ia that Notice is hereby given that the co territory, at there sra hundreds of partnership heretofore existing between Mr. a u l Mr». t f u . H u r tt Jr. o J W Among other things , h . ' P * » Orford naat Friday, the 23rd. j •» “ » Mies Hasel Msnwariug ol Deo acres that cm be taken 'h i t may John Wendell and Karl H . Joaeon In the ranch and stock on same in Secs. 35 K ill river, a daughter. w ill hard the hammer for the p ile - ,o d re" ,in ,or M r «ral days. The mark prove even richer than his. and 36. T. 31 8. of R. 15 W „ W. M., u.„ . u» c .,„ 1 *• “ 4 £ ^ " . 1 ““ ™ i r s r i : Roller skating ie getting to ba all C. H S m it h . has been dissolved by mutual consent, the go at Euchre creek nowadays. and division of both land and stock « , „ to to . d . t o . W t o . . to to ll Ladies Aid Notes. made. Bogus n ver M u u lry last week. After roakieg several trips.w ith a I h ;|n wbij< j,e j# u j# Paul Agidius la beck again at J ohn W e n d b l u itb household eflfcoto, Oto, H - ' oharg^ a„ raaaanaWa and hl, work (hie place and working for George The Ladies Aid o f Port Orford solicit K a h l H. J o m j m . P. I I . Poole, of the firm of M . Ken plain sawing. Duna. lie A Poole Mafia • buaiaeee trip lo K J* ,,le» » « » *1 guaranteed. WOKK COMHITTCn, For Sale The Euchre creek school has cam- Bandon iaat week, returning Mou i Monday from Port Orford to their Mrs. Looey, I ranch al Greggi creek, 10 ilea thia Mr». Robbins, day. roancsd with M r. Vau Camp as After bolding Q uattrrly Confer Mrs. Goble, good order -nearly new. Tam offering " ¡tide of Rogue river, where they w ill 1 aace Saturday afternoon and preach teacher. The Aid will meet at M rs Woodcock'» ^ " « ¿ f John Wen del wag a Port Orford make their home. ing Io large congregations Sunday, Fred Fish has gone to Gold Beach Friday afternoon. Apr. 23rd. AU are | visitor from Ida home near. Den C. LONG. W . H. Bennett hat been painting, Bev. Abheti, district aupt. of the M. to work. cordially invited. Port Orford, Or. mark the first of the weak, and «peat papering and remo,i«lling the a ar- K church, waa a passenger on Mon* Monday night in town. Harvey James has moved his ior of his confectionery store on 4 « j ’s stage on bin return to bin fam ily back to their home on Qrrgg. Mr«. W ill White of Wedderhuru, front street during the past «reek. home in Eugene. creek. who ha* been «pending the |ieat Mr. Beonelt is s practical candy month a t ibi» place, went to Ban Miss Luvile Porterfield maker and understands the busiuese A Bad Accident. don Monday, where «lie will visit visiting at Gold Beach. he is engaged in. H e cot,template« a wldle before returning home. M itt Z eit* Dobbins is now am fitting up thia summer one of (ha W hile making lies in the woods p|O)ed a l W ah„ Mooraa The P ort Orford ì f urei ture A beat soft drink and ice cream parlors Cull and see our New Goode Hardware store hat the beat «tuck of j to be found along Ibis section of the near here last Friday Arthur Mayer I t is rumored that there w iln ie a received a painful wouud that is its kind ever dlsptayed at thia p lace‘ ouaet Quality and Price are right. feared * i ) | cost him the sight of one f t b o f j u l y celebration at Euchre which includes tome dairy supplies, County Judge W . A . Wood has of bis eyas. When driving a wedge creek. A few Bargains still left harness and sporting goods, as well been called to Bacraiuento, Call for ' with a sledge hammer, a piece of "J^VÌRORKEH” as ths other utoel l i u ^ . p from the old stock. t,ia, as a' witae«« In (lie impeach the steel flew and struck him in a lebam Walker, lb * veteran «lock ment procrelihiga>lbnMigbt against 1 oorner of the eye, cutting a gash in Tells O f T rip To d. R . 8 m ith man who run the Star ratwh for Superior Judge John L. Childs of 1 the eye-ball. Dr. Rot,bins probed M in g , many years and still owns a large Del Norte oouuly. These proceed the wiftindea much as he dared hut stock ranch neat Langlois, is visit- ing are (he ouuxixa ¡of a hitler po could not determine definitely . 1 am going to write a ft-w lines to iug in northern Curry from his litical fowl that baa bean waged in whether or not the,Steel had been tell you what I know about^J. U. home hi Hum boldt codnty, Califor- Del Norte oounty for the peat year removed. Upon the p r ’t. advice 8m i|h and his gold find. 'Io make nb- 'JO ’ • or so. The misconduct Judge Childs the injured man started that even it plain I am going to begin a t the Circuit court in in session in Coos l alleged to have c un rail ted was ing for Portland, leaving in a buggy time he came out of the - hilla last county, and the criminal docket is In ooaneotion with th« Bartol case, and being met on lbs road with an winter. I t so happeusd that he put one of unusual length. Crim e has io which Judge Wood -was one of auto from Bandofl.tooonsuita spec bis horse in Jet. Lsne’s burn, and' Louis K napp , Pres. C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pre« increased rapidly in Cuns io th * the cuuasala. ialist. , w • spent part of the evening here with E. J. L onby , Cashier. last few years, although her officers, Mr. Mayer, who has a homestead us, and In the conversation we learn The social given by ths second as a rule, have dealt out justice fear division o f the Ladies Aid In the on Middle E lk, to a young mss of ed that he was jnst in from the hills i lessly and im partially. school house ^a»t Friday evening sterling worth and w ill be remem whrte he had been m ining, and of E lm er Russell, sx postmaster of was another very enjoyable affair bered by many who visited the course we wanted to tee ths gold. YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED North Bend who went to Wsdder- Various games were played until Agate Carnival berw Iaat ys^r .M r. Bmjth showed oe sever at bottle« the winner o f the ewlmteing race - 1 of nuggets, besides begs of fins gold. burn last week with • view to ac about 10 o’clock, when refresh men ts M O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E PO RT ORFORD Abbett * Mie many friends hope the* the I examlued several were served. Rev. J. T . es (Ming a position offered him by Of w » - o r i b i Y C U R B U S IN E S S B E TTE R O R EG O N the Wetlderburn Tiading oomp-tny, was presest, and entertained the wound will not prove as serious as1 •’ »ggels, one of whiab decided that he would not be war- gathering with some very clever it is feared that it will. W 3. P . BnrMsmi, the well- The cheese factory *»H • * in <* * k ,U rtod “ P o w * • o0.UY I t it not at all C W. ZUMWALT & SONS B A N K O F F O R T O R F O K IR P h y sicia n and Surgeon ranted in moving his fam ily to Rogue tricks over which many are etili M r. Smjth told as that be sod guessing as to just how they wars river, end bee returned to Coos Bay. C o m m itted To Asylum . his a»o bed taken out o v ir $3000 in Port Orford, Oregon. done. The social wee well attended less than three m onth*,, under the K. K Oak was down from Ban and it is a monthly event to which ^ W . U. MEREDITH John Downs, who oa seeount of M" * ‘ In don last week and spent several more and more are looking forward poor health has been’ eared for by , * VJ P •“k * 11 •!" < * «f e* flh - T h * days bets inspecting and passing A T T O R N E Y ano C O U N S E L L O R ^ to with pleasure. _ u saw he used to out the logs with » « l upon soma 15.000 ties that are in the oounty at tbe bome of Frank *| A T LA W Marios ZumWail, why for tbe past the woods awaiting better roads and Hawkins for the pastcaveral srontks, an old timer—-the end broken off— several yaers baa been a member of ths rebuilding o f the wharf to he W E D D E B B V B M .O B M O N wae taken to Gold Beach by deputy small teeth and no rakers, the kind -------------<------ ~ I* r- be hauled into town for shipm ent J they made years ago. They split Arena Life Saving orew »heriff, B. W . Deen, lael out their st uff for boxes and went to CIU j ab ttie California Ouast, returned to committed to the elate asylum be The total number-of tire m and ready to be shipped from Port Port Orford last week and in d ie roro J . , tlee Geo. B. Stafford, Judgt work, where many others would Port Orford, Urogouy have thought the job too hard to Orford when bsuled runs elute to future will he identified with his Wood being ahsAnt. >*' tackle. ' lt o ,(U . l N A . W r r o p r i e l o r , 60,000. ' '» iS W brothers in the management of tbe M r. Downs’ siektfess bad preyed large Z um w *lt dairy fo^in onBixts, To make a long, story *hor(, we «poo hie m ind,until hk beoan)» un A Jonr driver ^ a a p aul ubi foamy M r. Zitto daft boti óbnUderable re balanced, and' Mat Thursday he asked bhn if there »ms any good 11 rtnrt-.hes ha Ahryyesp«^ down from Coo. Mohdáy ok his uowQ in California In baseball circles left hisstopping and was foond land in that vicinity that we might Qo>d Feed 8 ta b ta attached. way down tbe coast. A|ter gutting beiug termed the "H u m b o ld t than- wandering aimlessly about on Elk locate on. He told us there wae about half way op the ugOHntaio he derbolt*'. Last year be tried out with river. When approaohed he drew and that be Would locate ut on We run the Stage frdfo Port Orford become discouraged at Mas bed road« the bau Fmneisoo Brels of ths Coast ( bis knife, but on seeount of his ground just as good as he bad, so via Dairyville, connecting with th* and gave up his trip , relum ing to League, but in practicing throwing weakness was eoeilv disarmed For when he and bis men left here for i to Myrtle Point Bandon yesterday. Had he known a spit hall be threw h i. shoulder out j ton), wnMJ<1 haye‘ the mines a few weeks ego, M r. it, the road that l>s had gone over of place end since that time bee laboring under a hallucination that Buffum and I started a little behind HARDY T. STEW ART .are« tbs worst between here and someone was trying to get the best them. We had a pack horse a piece O /b k , C O M M I h H l O N K R Rogue river and he could have beep unable to pitch. F. B. Ticbencr returned last ev of him , which made him more or and made the 20 miles to Euchre made the rest of hit trip without F u r t O i ' t o r r l , O t*e < o M . creek the first day, and I will ad ening from a trip to Portland. . Us Issa dangerous so that is is a gotxi trouble. m it I was tired as it was tbe long Office days tn town—Tuesday, Wed is very much auenuraged over the thing that he w ill be taken care of Rev. Hoyt, who ttarted to Marsh est walk I had ever taken in my nesday and Saturday of each week. outlook in regard to the establish where he can neither harm himself field last week to atlemf Presbytery, life. The next day it rained and menl of steamer service between D* r someone else. was reunited to Gold from we stayed in camp, but the day M r. Downs has a homestead on „ NO TRESSPASSING. Port Orford and that city in the Baudon to preach the funeral' ser near future. A ruemlwr of the Port E lk river which he proved np on a ' Y^H.iwing it was fair and we over- mon at the burial of M ilain Smith. N O T IC E is hereby given that any land Charal>er of Commerce will few years ago, and 6b which he has l<wk ,he 8n>ilh o n ,a i MF lbe E “ 0*1” and all pertons found trespassing upon Tbe Reverend gentleman spoke very v our town shortly, when* it is a good young orchard and a fine, ere*'b an<^ fr001 *here in there was the premises of the undersigned for the highly of M r. Smith, who, in hisca berry patch. His only known rela ! five »‘Mrk hor' M " ,d » « » *» » •■ • hoped that the necessary arrange purpose of hunting or fishing or other paoity as a mechanic, was one of lives is s brother, and bis w here-' n*Fb l w< c«mped a t Lobster wise will be prosecuted to the foil ex the builders of the Presbyterian nienls for putting a steamer on tbe creek, and the next camp was 5 or shouts is not known at this time. run will be completed. tent of the law. church at that plaos. M r. Smith, six milea from M r. S m ilh’a camp. C. W . Z U M W A LT . M r. l'icbenor was accompanied on 4 who bad been a resident ol Curry The following morning we got in Sixes River, Curry County, Or. his return by Dean Mastenbrooc of county for several years, was marri Port O rford Wants L in e O f 1 or 1 j miles of there and could go Canby, Or., and H . E. Bacon of sd about a year ago a t Gold Beach no further with the horses on ac 8team ers. Prosser, Wash. M r. Mastenbrook WM.T. STOLL, Atty, at to Mrs. Laura Melville. count of the snow, so we unpacked is a young Jeweler— he likes the I J M in in g L a w n S pecialty sod it took the better pert of the Bernal Forty, who waa operated looks of what he haa seen here, and Port Orford bas made a new ap Coke Bldg. M arshfield , O r on by Drs. Robbins eud Maan Ibst and may decide to locate and grow peal to tbe busineM iniereila of Port- next two Jays tn sled and lug tbe provisions over the snow. I t was | :— <4-------- week for appendicitis, is improving with the town. Mr. -------- Bacon — has — in land for direct steamboat service, -------------- -----------------. ------- r— _ — 6 or 8 feel deep in many places, rapidly— much better than was sx i terests at Guos Bay, and it visiting so tbs coast town of Corry county J. J. STANLEY peeled. I a fact, at tbe time of Ute this section for ths first time and 1 Biay trade with Portland, rather and was still deep when we came out. This was the first real winter operation, the chances were oonsld than San Franuisen.'* I have seen since coming from ered against bis recovery, and tbe, _ F. B. Tichemir adW G. Deerlove, ¿ O Q U U U S . - - - O K K O O N I rapid manner in whjch h eJi. con- • Mains and it did look real home- P r ,l e W a ,r ,’rt T r« representatives of Ilio Port Orford T ' I K 3? : like. ✓ valescing is c ertain lyV dfWU to the i Commercial club, have asked ths W . R. Ilu rs t ha^wu his farm on | Wa found thing* just »a M r. Drs., especially to D(^Aobbins who ,)a New Chamber of Coppusfa^ for help. E lk river a walnut tree which did the operating sigi J a s since bad 1 They declare that Port Orford is Smith had represented them, and ! bslisves is a prise winner for rapid we had the privilege to prospect his ATTORNEY AT LA<V tbe care of tbe petieet, A small capable of supporting a regular growth. I t wee planted three years ground and found to our satisfac- community like this is certainly ; GOLD B EA CH. OREGON boat service out of Portland. ago from the seed, and ia now three lion that it waa rich. We paoned fortunata to have in its midst a pby-1 inches in diameter and 8 ft. 4 in. from the banks and in nearly siclan and surgeon of the ability of Tbe above item appeared in the Fer Seb tell, and it has made this growth every ease got colors, and where tbe Dr. Robbins. Portland Journal of the 16th, and without any e«i>ecial care. bedrock had been cleaned off we Fifty-four acres for sale or rent on shows that Mr. Twlienor is siBI the County road leading from Port O r M r. Hurst’s place is well protect Mr. and Mrs. M D. Sherrard mo picked op quits a bit by just look ford to Wedderburn, 11 miles from torsd down from Bandon Monday ed from the north wind and some working for Something that will ing carefully foe it. Wa staked help this place. He has also Onn school, i mile frontage on the beach. in a Dodge auto, for which Mr. nf the fruit be grows is an indica two placer and one quartz claim, For particulars address fsrred with tbs Belgian consul in tion of the poesi bi lilies th at lie dor Sherrard has the southern Co.«» and and shall begin work by next June, W . E. BURROW , that city regarding the locating of i W hy this gold has laid so many Curry county agency. The oar. mant in many other sim ilar pi Wedderburn, Oregon. of Belgian -families -------------- :— — ------------ -— ; which is the «m l Dodge to reach in Curry couBty. Satsuma plums,) ' several , oolnoiee i years when a lot of |ieople knew __ , _ , ,. _ Port Orford, was much admired figs, grapes and walnuts are among' “ f 01* "fifi*1 ° w“ ____ something shout it, is a mystery to W A N T E D —Position where two mid sod its giMid qualities are not all in , the •‘extras" that be has grown and j vn7 "• trgU 1 ■»«. And while 1 heard consblcr. dle aged suiters can work together; its looks el«» it could not have made 1 ripen *!, and these were not stunted i **r’ ,c* 1 * * n* <’M* ’* “rt able about it, not until J R. S n ith store, cooks, rooming house, or would th . run from Bando. heto at t h is '.- d und.veloped, bat wars in .11 Orford w«mld *m n be doubled struck here did I find anyone who 1 open bakery. Misa H M. C o l v iu a | time of the year without chains and their beauty of sins, aolornnd flavor would tell me where it was. M r, Melolius, Oregon without trouble as it did. M r J — the equal to those raised iu mors Smith has figures to show that over r o t SALE. $4000 has been token from l h i s ( Bheriard is enthusiastic over the tropical elimatce. way the maehina handles itself in I I t would ba a good, thing i f D E N N IS C U N M IF F , JR ., E IG H T Y ACRE8 of vary rieb bottom ' ereek by different persons in /t h e , ke-,.t is I l II Q M ln u i-n l M o e v o v n r had plsoss and bslisves that it ia, faimere would branch out in the land on Sixes riser, six miles from Port iggt y,w Teaw> , n,j L e p . (J. 8 . M h i e n u » a r v e y / w iw cia||y ^ . p , ^ for such as R u lt businem as Mr. Hurst is doing I Orford, not cleared and no Improve- , ^ ret „ ht „ poout.U. T h ie l KHIAPP H O T £ L • UwyiT" V V j f w.A.’wqpux Surveyor for the D istrict oi Or- B each, egon. - - - we have along this part of lbs oosst.1 as the time is not far Mr. and Mrs. Shcirard returned O i rgoi ' Bandon Monday afternoon. distent when to such an orchard will be a very val ' usble asset. ments. , «geate. I W ill sell on easy tonne—na has been token from the bed of llie ereeks, and there ate bars where Hie Mss. A n s E vmbtv , MS Valencia 8 t Non FraodSco, OaL creek oace Bowed lh»t have uevst Denmark Mercantile Co. Store The Place Where Ton Get a Square Deal To better accommodate out growing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to our general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And) don't overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’Cloth ing, Boot8 and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No tions, Rolled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed Grain. O rders taken for anythin « not on hand G iv e u s a t r i a l o r d e r JAS.S. CAPPS P rop . GENERAL B la c k sm ith iu g Wagons and Buggies fur Bale, kept in Stock, also Agent fur All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Wurk promptly done at a 1 easonable price. Your patronage solieitod. BEECHER JESS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n