The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, May 31, 1923, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    tu e WÉàTtMLAMlâlCA*
eonoaptloo af K lank raft and doing m
TIM Raal Klan I m m
_ :
Trad L. O(fiord pacloutiy graatad
Th* Klanann a daplara th* factional
to a
division an “ raligton." Thay admit an tatorrtaw, Batarday May
tha goad that la In tha CathaMa ahuroli
tha atari I np vlrtuaa and patriot!* lay* gram, Which appears ta full Iratow.
ally af mlIItana at lta adfcaranta, and
Tba Ku Klut Kite In Oregon wlU
withdraw from pol|tlc»i activities--
A y,
P oised, Orvgaa
w m howl»d down by tt)a aarage Proa-
except In the matter of supporting
•'tutor; "Enough
ha ertad, “ thl*
legislative measure* »hi- k ’ hr* pro-
la a conadyl". (Thera waa laughter
Protestant—and win function tn fo-
and exfUod movant anta la tha room.) la maintain I a f hie awn fraternal obli­ tura closely along da«-* that ar* purely
Tha * Arebblahop calmly rdfortad: gation ; and, finally, the Klanamoa fraternal, with "battrr Americanism"
"Aa you Hbe. Certainly, If you eoa- earneetly desire and bepa that thalr aa tha foundation of tha ritual.
aider aa as charlatans, offarara of «so­ Cathode fetlew-eKlaeao may Matea ta
"Tha raligtoua and racial fight la
rt flea«. tf you say that ! am playlag ranean and aaaas ta plana the authori­ over, ao far aa tRa Klan Is concerned,
a comedy, It la Impose Idle for ma to ty of thalr forcipe Pontiff above that nnd unless tha other side brings U to
datong feyaeir, and there remains for of eer Preaidant and tha Canadttatton. us. wa will hava none of It. W* will
Tha h,ls—msn da net want tha remain pro-Protestant, ** we have al­
me noth log hut the sola of eiotlm “
Tha Pmrtdaat of the High Trlhunal Cathollea ta dia for the Paye, but to ways been, bat w* wig sot Ira actively
roared a retrain at tha priest Ihdoroff die. «shan the time eeasee (and H la anti Catholic, aptl-JcTtsh or anll-any- [
replied: “AU right. What Id a church eomlngt) tor aur own dear America— thing racial or religions."
without teachingT f o r instance, It tha moat flertoue ooontry in tha
Tbto anaoaaoaaaent was made In an
some yoaag people between IS sad II whrld.
, V
Interview by Trad L Ulfford, Satur­
Hare is Oregon the new law, to day afternoon, at which time be an­
yea re of age coma to a a to marry
them, bow can I do It without glelng take affect th 1SSS (D. V.), will re- nounced hla appototaeni aa Imparls!
■him some notion of religion? Ton quire aO children to nuand th« public Representative, with control of nil the ,
yourself, do yon not teach children schools—a wise and nnaseaury safe­ territory weak of the RocKy Mountains.)
anything before the age of IS years? guard; bat this law does not inter- aad outlined th* tntare policy of tha
What eot*l of a child would It ha who
had learned nothing before he waa
U „ was confiraaed and reitaqated
u r
from his ofrioa thla morning, when
PresMaot: “ You are criticising the
ha lari for WaahtaRon. I). C.. where
laws of tha So»let Power r
he will Be ta confaranca with othagj
hand* of the Order, considering tar-
ther plans for davalapomnt of tha pro-!
to thalr church..they will cease and gram of Klaa activity ta.a fraternal
prohibit (ha further arthritic« of tha rather than a aami-tp'ltlcal organisa­
Collage of Pro pa gauds of Roma and Ita tion. , •
.^. -la * ;
President ; “Tha law torbida It.“ » agents in America and face the facts
With the ousting af Edward Young
of the situation aa true Americana, Clarke from tha position of Imperial
Sentence at Death
Deapite the brutal Internptioae and with no foreign allegiance Whatsoever Klt-sgle, and file acct-Ml in of If. W.
Tim “ KC" and. The Klan
Evans, of Dattaa, Taxes, was launched
Than It no reason for anyone to tha reorganisation Of the Kn Klux
tha ad fui trtal and condamaatlou of
Chrlst. tbla harolc prtaot hald hla own oppoM the Knlgbta of the Ku Klui Klaa, necordlaa «6 Mr. Ottford, aad
la a brimani assonar, dabnitog wtth Klan and Its construct!»» purpose of a "house cleaning" Is now under way.
tha Bovtet Batcben thè lew and thè promoting Apericadtsm la every legal which be believes will wipe out ad of
tnctg lavofvad la tha accnantlou. In manner. The Klanamen. In regslla. the things that Briragh) the Klan under
wear white robes, the "KC* prefer tba ftra o f criticism la many parts'of the
black. Tha one wears, la the lodge country In the Clarke regime.
room, tha white hood; tha other wears
Mr Olfford himself hat returned1
tha black cowi. is rogada rarely the from the reseat cbsfereaee in At!»»»»
with his spbera bf actirltlea extended
parlaon. The one te a protectant or­ to Include all of tha territory west of
ooacern itself only with the propa­ der, the other Catholic. The Klan Is the Rocky Mountains, while he also
gation o f Christianity.“ nta logic and deeotod to the snslntentnre and Im- retains tha offlcu.of Grand Dragon of
Oregon, and- will make bis general
eloquence ware unavailing, howoear,
and before ha could conclude tha Court “KC" Is champion of the parochial headquarters tn Portland
brutally halted hint wtth thla pro- school. Both ahonld be united tn thn * T|»er* are twe other Imperial Wa-
upbuilding of the PUbltf school, which trteta. the southagn and Baatera, pm-
n min cements “RePtance of death?"
a m a aü sùlke,tJn<t tfab
wi.o sided over by M etal* o f equal rank ,
Russedville Nursery Ca.
ly lad; would disavow the placing of »rith -Mr. Gifford and In tha Ktaa ra-
_________________ _____
"Catholic ctttaeneblp“ above “ AMERT orgsnfxattoa this triumvirate controls ' rhonsa” Taber w t , im i . 7|*a. Ask lor
cltlsanshlp“ and show them- th*^ etklfe United Btatea, subject to
UUP moment I am. before an
earthly tribunal, aad soon shell -ap­ ■elves altogether American, with no the Itrfperial PaltC* in Atlanta..
Colonel WUHam J. Simmon* founder
pear before tha one on high. I have foreign allegiance whatever
of the Klan. remains little more than A l b e r t a T i r * & Re|
but one daalra: that tha earthly tri­
Tha Klaa la opposed, with all pi Ita a’ figurehead, his-health being com-
bunal be Just toward h e end that the
heBVMiy tribunal ha equally merci­ might, to any kind jrf union between pletely broken—and hla fortune, too.
ful., My whole life Una Men baaed churct mad State, while the “ KC? fa­ It la assorted by (he faction that ac­
upon two elemoata: lota of tha church vor thla un-American development, de­ cuses the deposed Clarke of having
and love of the country which I adore. structive to an our ideala of liberty. manipulated Simmons .and the entire
In tha light o f continuing tragédica orgaaisutioa frf Tfti own benefit.
If It la all the same to me whether
“ Wa do not' Intend to go after
t am condemned to prison, of whether In Russia, surely thè Catholics can see
T am shot, tf la not because I am a tha foflr of tha principle, so bravely Clarke, now that ha la out of the
fanatic. Frequently an hmocent per­ but foolishly taught by 'precept and organisation,'' said*Mr. Gifford. Satur­
son must bo executed In order not to ezampts, that thalr first duty is to the day. sh ortly beftfo his departure wtth
release a guilty one. My solo object Pope of Romo, who datais .both aplrit- Klan ofTIctalb, after* which he will re­ S97 Belmont
has bean to bring ray country donor ual and political authority. The brutal- main over tor tha Shrine convention.
“If we made t bod bargain lu let-
to tha Catholic Church, which 1 "•fnem Ixod and Ignorant Russians, led by
to bo the only true one. under the monsters, are dealing with the probleih ting Clxtke get control, we might aa
'Reliable Agent for A ll
old regime t. waa In prison two gnd In the only way they know; the Amgl- well write It up under profit and lost,
a hair years at Tobolsk. One of my cam are solving U by the clylltxed forget It now that he la disposed of.
Subscriptions Q u aru tesd
priests spent three years Ip tba pri­ method« qf education and constitu­ and piny the gsmaout the boat wo con.
-W e ness
W dowoln nor time
tional JRW, with su dúo rognm i » - r
son at Sousdnle. . . .”
to deraloplog a Mag the lines of Amer-
President: “Do not digress! What rights of the minority.
I own Ism, tolerance sad liberality.
groat Trouble Threatens
do wa care what the Catholic prlaats
Unless the two gneat lections in our
“ Locol Klon orf aalza Mona will not
country, represented by Protestant he permitted to Safe lectures given
Persecuting Ad Rettglen
S u n n y g id e F is t i C o .
Wa have given enough of tha steno­ and Cathollo. Klsnaman and "KC.” whlofc are unauthortaed by the Im­
Established ISSI. Inc. tSU
graphic« report. which was published got together aa good Americans on the parto) PSloce, and all of the lecturers
Long ar Short Weed mad Coal
at length in The Cathode- Sentinel of common basta of tha Constitution. will be handled by the national organ-
HagTi«, to shew tha horrid eharaeter there Is llhely to ho greet trouble In Ixatlon.
“ The-e will bo ns more antl-Cathollc.
of the Soviet persecution of all reli­ ouf country—trouble which east!y can
gion In Rasala. and to prove the ex- be averted by the practice of the Chris­ antl-Jewlah or intl-raolat lacturoa
sited heroism of the Roman Catholic tianity which both faction* protesa— permitted.
“ The whits mask will ha retained—
prlaats and prelates of high rank who and by avoiding extremal of all kinds.
I am ana af the prtoripal remaining
defied tba Soviet monitors to do their In everything.
Tha teal loader* of the Klan are boosters for its retent ion, by th* way
worst and who died Ilka Christian
gentlemen. May thalr memoriae never broad guage Libertarians, and not In —but it wdt be retained only aa ledge
room regalia.
perish from tha annals of man. May any r se pact bigots or toasties.
"Tha ayasboHsrn of tha Klan is
the flAwers on their grave* bloom for­
Nun Teacher* T* Go.
vitally bound np In thla regalia and
in tha name of Oed and eur esmipon
Nuna appearing In the garb of theft- for that reason I do p o t . believe It Grocers sad Botchers, Tonatala
humanity, Klansman. Americans! ft*, orders In thn public school* of Ore­ ahonld ha abandoned from th* ritual
member 'St all tfmea that tha Klan gon are ’preparing to leavf the pub- of the fraternity.
The bast in all departía oats
"It cannot be used outside the lodge,
fights Its opponents only In aatada- lie service. The law which bars their
fanaa; that reprisals In kind ar* mad* employment goo* into effect May tt, however, - under any dircumstance*.
only because af the unfair aaaaalta after which they cannot appear In and will remain In charge of a custo­
and underhand tactics af tha Kalghta their nun's garb aa teacher«. The dian who has no authority to tot it CHEVROLET
Phon« Bast «714
of Columbus; hut that wa have na law forbidding religious garb was be taken from the lodge rooms.
“ Any man who appear* In future
quarrel—and only high raapaot—for passed by the last legislature after
Autharttad Pervio* and Parts
tha Cathode Faith and Religion; that It waa shown that a number of schools wearing Klan ragalia outside th* lodge,
toUstecttagjMattsmatesd-tl Tsars
dur opposition to only against what wa m Marlon and Washington counties except In casa of formal public func­
rightly term Political Remanls«N“-th* were being taught wholly by nuns tion of tha lodge, olthart will hava to?
Eighth at Hawthorn*
functioning af tha Papat Hierarchy In placed tn tbelr position* by board« of stolen It or trill bt wearing It not aa
Amprl«en polities and th* madddng of school* director* which weVe wholly a Klansman.
"Chder the ‘ Clarke regime many
foreign priest* In eur country’« da* Cathode.
Frank Rusgell Barber Shop
A plot has been revealed In Oregon thing* crept in that have caused the
mast!* affaire; that eur m lea ton la tha
Children’ * Hair Catting .
promotion of pure Americanism, which whtraby tha Cathode* ar« laying plant Klan to be looked upon with suspicion
la tolarant of ad raHgton, a* guar to pi*«« young Catholic wraman U tha and have aroused animosity In many
antaed under tha Constitution, and In- sclyoeia, having than» ooncaal thalr place*. Now that Clark* haa been
tolarant only of alien Interference anj| Catholic connection*, .but .taaahing ol I jn Ins tort- after having espfeited Ufa
organization tor' hi* own kstalflt and fbon* Rost oat* C. R Whttco^b, Mgr-
propaganda; that tha Catholic* have Cat holla principle* after thay
Portland Plumbing «■ • !
only to place AMERICAN oUltenahip thalr position* aa taaahsrs. The Na­ »Tgrandlasment. regardl*** of Its prin-
shove “Catholic cltlsanahlp" and the tional Cathollo Walfara Cegnatt to be­ Clplos and purpose«—Uto avgsnlsstlon
H SR t i n g Co.
Constitution above everything ta re­ hind tha mav* aad Me mav* ta train will take.positive steps to wipe out
Repair* Don* on th* Day Ordarad
store harmony and geod-wld between thaae young womon already 4» under th* affects of «any of tha things that
thasa warring fee*Ians. The' Klan»
«**” < * « -* » • •
, I® t e i ' j r r “ *
Klanamen Admira Exalted
Heroism o f Prelates W ho
Die for Principle. ,
Tragedy Embodies Vitally
Important Lesson for All
American Patriots.
May what you wilt, wrong though
they b* In placing obedience to the
Pop« above tha law of tha Stata, w*
must admire aa redbloodvd heroes
th«*« grim and unyielding Roman
Catholic protolaa whp stood up In the
prido and «E ot manhood and, in
tha toco of death, standing trafora
thalr executioners, defied lira Soviet
butcher* at Moscow aad wetauaiod
dpatb rather then deviate one lota
from devottoa to their raltgtoaa cause.
There * a lesson for nil Americans
In this startling story from Russia,
stenographic notes ot which aro gtvan
tn exlvuso In Tha Catholic Sentinel
Ot May 14. Tha WfHTERN AM BRI
CAN triad to obtain tha story ot tha
trtal and axecuiion ot tha Cathollo
priest* la Husato, hut failed. flM
datilo» ataa failed. It waa a story
» hit h any Journal wen might covet,
tor H la a tragic episode In the red
chapter of history now twtng do­
ve loped la the Land of tha Dark
AJI Admire Truo Harolaro
Whatever wa may think of Roman
prtosu nod thalr adherent*, who placo
obedlabc.- \u lui-o Pontiff above all
other authority, ad of na, if true Amar­
le***, admire and applaud th* barolo
Russian Catholic* who hurlod dottane*
In the toot li of death and perished
Ilk« gallant man. Tha rack, tha stake,
the hangman and tiring squad hold
bo terrors for courage of this axaltad
type, and It recall* n remark of Jybp
Randolph of «ItoagqJlV - Taayttlclata
hath no aiopgtag-piae* Short ot ham
van or of hall.“
Ilchin^boflkg now that w* are deal­
ing with a (ragie.phase A fanaticism.
bqt one embodying harolo aplrit and
lofty xoal. holy and sacred to the con­
science of Its followers, wa must b*
-charitable, kindly and libarsi, mak­
ing al| dad allowance tor tira almost
Inviiulhle power at heredity aad tor
hallowed memories, pnd ask pf onr
Cathode fednw-cdltcti* «tir thla con­
cession to Americanism: * that thay
bring all Jpfluenc* to boar, through
th alr
prillata and
throughout our country, to piece
AMERICAN clttaonshlp above "Cath­
ollo cltlxenahlp,“ and obedience to th*
Constitution ot the United Rut*»
above avo
authorin'. Thto-ig th*
only basis of safety and harmony.
Tha story of the trial of thn Roman
Kxarrh Tedoroff. and of Archbiahop
rvniui, »• U m m v U move ihrlNInw
than any stage-play possibly Could be,
for It waa n blood-rad tragedy, full of
berolc climaxes.. After tha aplandld
address of
Tribunal. Prosecutor Krllaako sav­
agely replied, concluding as follows:
Trtal M l of Thrill*
“ Citizen Feds raff cart spank In tha
pulpit af God, o f lira Prophet Eilat,
but If h* begins to tod Ignorant people
and children that tha Prophet Edna
will com* down from heaven and
crush you, w* will net permit It. To
the formal prohibition of tha law ta
terrorize ohddren, you roply, *1 ohall
do ao,’ and wa say ‘We do not permit
It.’ Wo In Rueela know how to react
against that. Your game la up) You
have nothing to do but to boar your
cross. Your raligton—1 aplt upon Itf
—ao on ad rodglon—on Catholic, On
thodox, Jewish, Mohammadon and tha
rest. Thara to no law hut the Soviet
law, and by that law you muet die."
“ Contradiction of Duties”
With raagniricent courage, tn noble
and classic language, tha doomed
Archbishop defended hla course and
that of his associates. He did this ap­
parently for :h«S purpose of leaving aa
hlatorlacal record. "Canon taw la (pr
u i," he »aid in the coarse of his ad-
dreaa, “ an absolutely «acred thing.
The existence of the Roman Pontiff
ta a dogma of our Catholic faith. Sub­
mission to him aa tq tha Vicar of
Chrlat on earth ta, for us. a formal
obligation. That la why tor aa It waa
a matter
pfluclplo • * *. Th*re
waa a conttodlctloJ of duties/ Power
ta one thing and the propagntton of
atheism 1« another. .1 hay« njwaya
fought athalsm by showing Its paper-
leas nets. I often spoke at tha meat-
lags -In Petrograd; politick waa ex-
Porting Astoria aad Seaside
U a n Tarto h ai
Kodak Finishing
Palar Pax Sm ica
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Astoria, Or«***