tu e WÉàTtMLAMlâlCA* eonoaptloo af K lank raft and doing m ttrg Injury our mum TIM Raal Klan I m m _ : Trad L. O(fiord pacloutiy graatad Th* Klanann a daplara th* factional to a division an “ raligton." Thay admit an tatorrtaw, Batarday May reprssantattv* of th* Portland Tale- tha goad that la In tha CathaMa ahuroli tha atari I np vlrtuaa and patriot!* lay* gram, Which appears ta full Iratow. ROBERT WEIGHTS ARP ally af mlIItana at lta adfcaranta, and MEASURER Tba Ku Klut Kite In Oregon wlU ▼•et withdraw from pol|tlc»i activities-- A y, P oised, Orvgaa w m howl»d down by tt)a aarage Proa- except In the matter of supporting •'tutor; "Enough ha ertad, “ thl* legislative measure* »hi- k ’ hr* pro- la a conadyl". (Thera waa laughter Protestant—and win function tn fo- and exfUod movant anta la tha room.) la maintain I a f hie awn fraternal obli­ tura closely along da«-* that ar* purely Tha * Arebblahop calmly rdfortad: gation ; and, finally, the Klanamoa fraternal, with "battrr Americanism" "Aa you Hbe. Certainly, If you eoa- earneetly desire and bepa that thalr aa tha foundation of tha ritual. aider aa as charlatans, offarara of «so­ Cathode fetlew-eKlaeao may Matea ta "Tha raligtoua and racial fight la rt flea«. tf you say that ! am playlag ranean and aaaas ta plana the authori­ over, ao far aa tRa Klan Is concerned, a comedy, It la Impose Idle for ma to ty of thalr forcipe Pontiff above that nnd unless tha other side brings U to datong feyaeir, and there remains for of eer Preaidant and tha Canadttatton. us. wa will hava none of It. W* will Tha h,ls—msn da net want tha remain pro-Protestant, ** we have al­ me noth log hut the sola of eiotlm “ Tha Pmrtdaat of the High Trlhunal Cathollea ta dia for the Paye, but to ways been, bat w* wig sot Ira actively roared a retrain at tha priest Ihdoroff die. «shan the time eeasee (and H la anti Catholic, aptl-JcTtsh or anll-any- [ replied: “AU right. What Id a church eomlngt) tor aur own dear America— thing racial or religions." without teachingT f o r instance, It tha moat flertoue ooontry in tha Tbto anaoaaoaaaent was made In an some yoaag people between IS sad II whrld. , V ' Interview by Trad L Ulfford, Satur­ Hare is Oregon the new law, to day afternoon, at which time be an­ yea re of age coma to a a to marry them, bow can I do It without glelng take affect th 1SSS (D. V.), will re- nounced hla appototaeni aa Imparls! ■him some notion of religion? Ton quire aO children to nuand th« public Representative, with control of nil the , yourself, do yon not teach children schools—a wise and nnaseaury safe­ territory weak of the RocKy Mountains.) anything before the age of IS years? guard; bat this law does not inter- aad outlined th* tntare policy of tha What eot*l of a child would It ha who organisation. 1 had learned nothing before he waa U „ was confiraaed and reitaqated u r from his ofrioa thla morning, when PresMaot: “ You are criticising the ha lari for WaahtaRon. I). C.. where laws of tha So»let Power r he will Be ta confaranca with othagj hand* of the Order, considering tar- ther plans for davalapomnt of tha pro-! to thalr church..they will cease and gram of Klaa activity ta.a fraternal prohibit (ha further arthritic« of tha rather than a aami-tp'ltlcal organisa­ Collage of Pro pa gauds of Roma and Ita tion. , • .^. -la * ; President ; “Tha law torbida It.“ » agents in America and face the facts With the ousting af Edward Young of the situation aa true Americana, Clarke from tha position of Imperial Sentence at Death Deapite the brutal Internptioae and with no foreign allegiance Whatsoever Klt-sgle, and file acct-Ml in of If. W. —* ■ms*». Tim “ KC" and. The Klan Evans, of Dattaa, Taxes, was launched Than It no reason for anyone to tha reorganisation Of the Kn Klux tha ad fui trtal and condamaatlou of RESTAURANT Chrlst. tbla harolc prtaot hald hla own oppoM the Knlgbta of the Ku Klui Klaa, necordlaa «6 Mr. Ottford, aad la a brimani assonar, dabnitog wtth Klan and Its construct!»» purpose of a "house cleaning" Is now under way. tha Bovtet Batcben thè lew and thè promoting Apericadtsm la every legal which be believes will wipe out ad of tnctg lavofvad la tha accnantlou. In manner. The Klanamen. In regslla. the things that Briragh) the Klan under wear white robes, the "KC* prefer tba ftra o f criticism la many parts'of the black. Tha one wears, la the lodge country In the Clarke regime. room, tha white hood; tha other wears Mr Olfford himself hat returned1 tha black cowi. is rogada rarely the from the reseat cbsfereaee in At!»»»» with his spbera bf actirltlea extended parlaon. The one te a protectant or­ to Include all of tha territory west of ooacern itself only with the propa­ der, the other Catholic. The Klan Is the Rocky Mountains, while he also gation o f Christianity.“ nta logic and deeotod to the snslntentnre and Im- retains tha offlcu.of Grand Dragon of Oregon, and- will make bis general eloquence ware unavailing, howoear, and before ha could conclude tha Court “KC" Is champion of the parochial headquarters tn Portland brutally halted hint wtth thla pro- school. Both ahonld be united tn thn * T|»er* are twe other Imperial Wa- upbuilding of the PUbltf school, which trteta. the southagn and Baatera, pm- n min cements “RePtance of death?" T R E E S a m a aü sùlke,tJn » Ç S T better sarvtoe fro« TOUR CAB by havi^ adjoatosewta and overhauling done NfTW. Wa can gira you the prie* ih *d vanea, if yon want i t ' . T H E l^ E N T S G A R A G E - AXKI, KILDAHL, Propriatar ' WKÈ Pastar Raad A'< '• " «1 Plata Sunset UM Leather Belts HUP» - Jobbers 1* *11 PEERLESS BELT RE] M Mm* «»u to * - - - — THIEL BROS. RESTAURANT Cigars — Tobacco— Candies Wear CORTLEY CLOTHES Suits and Overcoats at Prices $18.50 to $35.00 Oar Guarantee! After harlhg worn any or our Suits or Overt»*la and defects develop w* wll{ refund tha money you have paid or maK* other adjust moot satisfactory to pwreharar. Egaatal Line of 8h*aa, Hate. ShJrta, Underwrar, ita , Bt reasonable price* CLEMENT THE BOSTON STORE Corner Scvanth and Alter St*. Astoria, Or«***