Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 22, 1922, Image 3

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| them
At it they went, »baking the
tioua», end when wearineaa threatened
: to »H«e them, for refreshment they
| drew off. and leaping, butted their
OH A ITI R l-TM un»
h»«d» Ittgelher like grata After ■ time
w .«rly rio» and th. mu
•a U»» Mlastoalppi riva».
the General gave them • dollar »piece,
•< Ih. p»rt<Ml «r« praraat
I dl»int«»et! them—gave the tiddler live,
IM paino» to 4latln<ulan»4
4»»-m« ui4 sallantry.
with an order to play that old tuna
«tatoaiary iriaklag ut «ambito» alea,
again. Old Tobe wu now lighting hla
virali l«rara a roung aorihara rasa. la
aa bla «ar aouift on a minatoli ot rav»a<a
evening lamp». The General called to
H» turato aa »coanirlo rhara<tor la Un
paraci» of oa» Utalr »botila, wh. la ' him.
ao4«aa» M
"Toby, what have you for »epperF
ahaarp Th.y forai a alapvlar caaiaaat.
The old fellow closed ooo eye.
<OLAJ*Tnt II.—Draa» a»ta hla min» «C
“'Wh»t have I gotr be »ay». Ah.
Ma m tosimi by »ntorina Ini» (.< k aporia
that*» It. An* I'll tell you. Tv» got
la wMch h» »ihlMto aa uauaual aUuatM
Ub»riy ahaiU» la asola uo- . boe-cake and roaited dov»e."
luoky ai cara» Ut tttainili a fina aitai
Ehatkra wltb lira««. T%» lattar, aaa-
• "No, you don't mean It F
aa opportualty la ua» aholUa. ooa-
"Hoecake and roaated dovea, I aald."
I» bla» tirai hla miratoti la t» Siri
“Good, by Gideon'» Band. Fetch ua,
a »ertala »» (uarrilla. Stantio la Villa
ha4 murd«r.,1 trvi i fathar
Tobi»». And mark you, along with It
Ma «»isrmlnaiton aunuun. »4 lo hla naw
timo, u> haa* la Viti» aa biga aa
all bring about a trowel full of that
*1—-- Drac» haa barom» »namorM
wild plum jelly.
ar a aratorio»» baauty aboord th» booL
The dovea »nd the »trlpa of bacon
CMAI-TKH 111.—Th» M»«m»r reach»»
and the boe-cake and the Jelly came
W»w orlrana, at that Um» tn th» »ome-
on. and artalng th« General raluted
What lurbulrat thru»» »f oarpatbag a»v-
Sbolli« bwootn»» p<«»»awd of
the repaat.
twa Uckola for tba yr«noh hall, a grral
•Talk about quail! Quail, Mr, ta In­
M Bi lly «vani, and prop»»«» lhal Drac«
aaountpany > Ini to tb« affair
Th« young
al pld. white, dry and taateleae com­
m»a altond an 1 Dra- « uo«ip»<t«41y m«»i»
&• girl who bad Hrod hla hrart aboard
pared with the dark rtcline«» of the
B» atramor
Blu I« axxompanl«d by an«
dove. And look at thia broad, made of
•oyo». whoa» proprlatary lat«r««t Indi­
mealed pearl. You never taated any
rate» that h» la h«r Rane«
atratagem Sbotti« l»arn« that th« nam« i bacon like that, my eon. fed oti acorna
ft th« gtrl I» Nadina la Villa and that
bar companion of th» »vantng la th» man i ahowered down from Olympua. . . .
who la ■••klag t» marry hoe.
I The aweet of the night I"
They had finished the meal anti were
CH A I'm I IV - Drara !«■•*■ an ui>«a»y
eight torn by tha auaplckm that Nadln«
•Ittlng hack, smoking, sipping wine,
t» th« ilauahtar of old f>t«pho la Villa, I when Drara noticed ■ sudden ch»age
■•w an admitted outlaw.
Now, mora
than ever, le h» resolved to find whor«
tn tho General's countenance, a tight­
the girt live» and to And Htrph..
ening. a grtmnoas; and turning about,
aad Rhottto bagtn a Caereh of the city
I» one of their nocturnal pilgrim*«•«
he saw standing agalnat the wall a
they rame upon a mob latent upon hang-
atrunge figure—a man not tall, but
la» a poor wretch from th« limb of a
It I« a typical carpetbag elocution
broad of shoulder, hla body »loping
and arouaed the roa«ntment of an oppoo-
Ilthely down to feet expressively of
Mg mob of eltl»»na Orme take» a hand
la the tight which elan» and la tnetru-
sinewy rratle*>ai<-«». ills tnara of hair
m»ntal in preventing the »i»< utton. From
was like tangled flax straw, dark and
a wtndow oppoalt« th» aceno, he catrh»«
a gtlmpe» of one he I» euro la Nadine
yet gray. I.lkc the bristles of a wild
CHAITKH V -Th» aararad». th» fight, | boar, hla short mustache stuck out and
&lat»rf»ranca wtth th» »«»ration api
hla heavy eyebrows looked like groat
ra and »botila Into bad »tending wtth
hairy caterpillars crawling acroaa hla
autborlllM. but tn»t»ad at punlah-
manl ara glvan until Ih» nail day t»
lower forehead. In hla dross there waa
board a »tramar bound north Returning
a wild touch, a barbaric aspect. Slomrly
lo th» ho una wh«r» ha thought ha had
gilmpard th» girl. Orar» Ib d» th» piar» : he came forward.
‘Rtrough Colon» I Jo»h. ag
"Tills la General Bethpage. hehF
Starar y employ»» at Ih» aunratton of
olila, ha gal» a faint riti» In th» dla-
That la my nanw. yea. What do
oevary that a certain Frenchman, a wtn»
you want with raeF
daalar, I» reported to b» an Intimate of
Stapho la Vitia Thar» I» only a »hort
“Whut I want; hehl I come to 'pol-
lima b»fora the departur» of the »t»am»r
ogive to think them mule be mine."
»hon Drac» aod K> otti» go to rail on
lha Frenchman
The lattar la too kaari
“Well, go on away. I don't want any
I» ba Inveigled Into giving up anv Infor­
apology from you."
mation. but »botila, apylng around among
th» raak» and botti»« »»par la Uy th» ar-
“No? You put platol at me. That
tlrl«» made up for ahlpmrnt. make» an
waa In Ikiulalana. This Is Mlttalattlp'.
important <t'.cov«ry Bo a» not to aronra
th» puaplrlona or th» »»nehmen, h»
An' I tell you hero you hnf turn* car-
aaaually drawn Orar» away from the
placa and onto the »tramar
On board . pethagger."
n» Inform» I»ran» that on» of th» ca»a»
"What I
If General Andrew Jack-
wna addraarct to Rtepho la Vitt» at Far.
num » land ng. Ml»»l»»lnpl It I» the nail
sort aliould arise out of hla grave and
»top lelqw llathpagr'» landing and Col-
•nal Iietnpag» I» liberty BhotiU'a uncle I tell me thnt, do you know what I
I would say to hlmF
CHAPTER VI.-Dran» and fthottla ar»
“You would beg heea pardon ae you
with genuine hoapltallty by
Cblonel Rethpag» and find th» planta­
will mine. hehF
tion and II» environ» delightful
“I would any to him as I now say to
a brief »tar and a ch»ra<-t«rl»tl<- financial
tynnaar tton with the mlnnnl. Phot tie goe»
you: You nro an Infamous liar."
away o«ten»lbly on a biialne»» trip to
Drace sprang between them and
Vlrkaburg, but In reality Io geek hl»
favorii» form of amtteemenl.
eelred the man by the wriet; a dirk
make» th» phirttatlon hl» haadquartar»
and from placa» of Information gatherrd ' fell from hla hand.
from vario»» »mtrr»». bwontaa oont lnced
"Stand hack, General," cried Drara.
that I.» Vitt» ha» a haunt In a greet
'There la not going tn be n tight hero.
wood of i i pre»» and a tangí» of »all
cwtar. a »ort of everglade», a manti with
Stand hack, Tobe!”
^1010*1 of knoll lalonda rising here and
The dark-faced man looked Drara tn
r» among th« bayou»
A »hrewd old
n»gro had told him that th» outlaw lived
tn a houae built of partwlnkle »hall». ; the eye.
Day after day Drace take» a cano» and
"Monsieur wna ver* at rang. But—I
CM further and farther Into th» n>—•
nglng wild» At hl» f»»t Ilea a ropa, on» | ace him some other day."
and of It a hangman'» nooae.
Turning, the fellow made off.
“Now. who tho devil was thatF
CHATTKR VII - Drac» penetrate» In-
»the wildern»»» dl»cov»ra Fariwlnkl»
naked Drara.
»u»e and find» Nadln» «ton»
8h» I»
•Thnt, my dear Drara," replied the
much alarmad and warn» him b»r father
will «hoot hlm. Ha make« lov» to har and
General, “was the fellow you naked
ta gat htm to go «he agra»» to meat him
about the other dny—Rtepho la Vitte."
again th» following Thur«<lay.
On hl»
way horn» Orara I« acco«t»d by thro»
To Drace thia encounter wlHi Stepho
man who a»k Io b» nt aero»» th» rtv»r.
la Ville, the father of the girl he
They overpower him and bind him with
led by Tony they throw Drac»
loved—and the outlaw upon whom he
into an old cabin
Tony taunt» Drac»
■aid avow» ht» love for Nadln», whll«
had »worn to wreak vengeance—was
tb» other» coltoci fuel
Tony »ete tir»
disturbing Indeed. The General, how­
lo Ih» cabin and th» thr»» go off laugh-
And than hl» bond» ar» cut and
ever. waa not at all upset by the fact
with Nadln»'» h»lp h» gel» Mf»ly out
Sha tell» hlm how »h» wa» led to coma that he had been barely saved from
Rtepho'a knife, and when a short time
ta hl» rracu»
later they boarded the Bumblebee on
CHARTIER VIll-Drara reto «af»ly
their return, he gripped Major Pewltfa
haak tn th» ttothpag» place
Th» gen­
eral writ»» hlm to accompany hlm to
hand and aald:
Match»», wh»r» h» la to addr»»» a toaeh-
•ra* mratlng
At Natch»» they go to old
“Major, Mr. Draco and I have tn our
Toha Manon'» tavern, under the hill, a
precious possession three quarts of old
famous piar». Thor» they drink »umm»r-
grnp» win». Ilaten to '"Th» Arkansaw
Tobe's wild grape."
Traveler ’' ••• th» bnck-and-wtng d«ne-
"Ha—which Is as much as to say
«r» and have a dinner of dov»» and ta­
Rtepho la Vitt» appoara. Insult»
thnt you have three quarts stowed out
ih» Generai by calling htm a "f»rp»t-
of the heart of Venus. Hl fled Haw­
Eggor." Th» General t»ll» hlm h» lira.
Mepho draw» a Atrk
Drac» dl»«rm»
kins and the four of us will gather In
■t»pho. who Iravra. vowing v»ng»anra.
the Texas and—and flatter the stars,
CHAPTHR TX -On th» Th u rada y morn­
by ga'I I Bn* Tobe lied—aald ha didn’t
ing of th» appointment between Drace
have any of the old stock left"
¡JM Nadln». 8t»pho Inform» th» girl that
they ar» »oon going to Memphis wh»r*
"And a liar’s wine la sweet, my deer
»B« I» to b» married to Boye». Rh» pfo-
Mnjor^ Come, Virgil, my boy, put all
tmta to no avail. Draco com«» at evening
and mah»» warm love to her
brooding out of your ptnd. Brooding
Gonnral greeted him warmly, Intro­ Is for the poet when the nag Is tired,
* ’*•«*»* oi
duced him to Drace; anti the moat and not for ua. VY*’”
comfortable chair In the houae provid­ It, and then we’ll refcirn to respectable
ed him, he eat down to play the fa­ aervltude gnd slow mocpl decay. My
nion» old tune and to reette the di­ dear Msjor. lepd on. ^j’e fnilow."
The rentshidet“of the trip bnck to
alogue, Improvising where hla memory
Bethpage waa a matter of moral free-
failed him.
The General roared hl» delight, aald dtjjn at the gnmlng table for the Gen­
that ho would go on the »fand to »wenr eral. For Dractt It was orettpled wtth
against Sour Socrate» In favor of the the hot struggle between thoughts of
tiddler*» dialogue. "Tobe," he ahouted. hla grim mission sgslnst Rtepho. end
"feteh !n the bnck-and-wlng dancer»." hts longing-for Nndlne. For the time
Tobe wont to the door, yelled ae If being, however, the beautiful girl who
calling hoga; and In camo two btg so- had rescued him from the buptlng hut
groo», a throng of idler» fellownig triumphed. Rha had promise^ to qee
him once mor» on Thursday. He I she swept tbe ground, unstrung a cat­ arroea the aky, and then a heavy «en­
erpillar swinging down and carried It teric» fell upon him. It was time for hunting today. But they may be back
would keep the tryst.
You must not
Presently the Btynblabse made Beth­ away out of the range of her stage. him to go. In the cane she stood with at any time, Virgil.
page landing. And the General's hos­ From the house she brought a narrow him where hla canoe was moored He stay."
“But I must stay; you bold me pris-
atrip of rush matting, spread It be­ held her hand, drawing her toward
pitality was at once so warm and so
! oner. I must stay until you love ma
neath a tree, raising one edge as If him, but she took It away.
grarioua that Drace felt no hesitancy
"No—no, you meat not . . . Quick ' as madly as 1 do you.”
In remaining for th» tima being under to form of It a sort of beck, a sofa.
“A« madly as you do me? That
Fntm tha house aha brought a box, to Virgil, you must go now. Tha aun Is
hla roof- until Hhottle’s return, at
might not be so much mad, Virgil.
serve for a labia, and from out be­
leeat. That night after dinner when
But why should I love youF
yond the palisade of cane she gath­
hla wife, Tycta, had left, tho old getv
"Because you are to be my wife. We
tletnan III a tiger and for a long time ered lilies, plucking from the bank a
are sugared."
rat smoking In silence; and Draca was great bloom that looked like a trum­
"Are we?
I did not know that,
In the night, In that hour of self-
silent, too. looking through tha lattice pet. The»« »he hung on the low away-
at the moon, love's slow timepiece Ing branches of her playhouse trees, reproach which comes to us ell, Virgil ■ftty you not tell me soonerF
or with sharp thorns pinned them to awoke In a rage with hlmsetf. He had
“I did, and now you must know It"
stopped and stagnant In the aky.
the rugged back, a curtain io drape been dreaming, had seen himself Infirm
"But I did not. Then I must ba
“Virgil F
tha wall above her “pretend-ilk ^“di­ of purpose, without character. Back stupid. ye»F
"Yea, General.”
van. She sai down and waited a long to Highland Bruce be traced bls an­
"Hava you a pistol, MrF
“The whole universe Is stupid If It
Ume. Th» cane stirred, and »he seized cestry, and was he to be the first of denies tt. The angels are stupid If
"No; I had one, but I lost It."
her book, opened where a llly-atem his race to prove degenerate, to tram­ they fail to see it”
"Well, provide yourself with »noth
marked her favorite play, and made ple upon the memory of bls father, to
ar. In saving ma from a deadly assault
*Ob, you roust not talk like that It
heraelf believe that she waa reading. loll In stupid love, to give hla soul to
you have mortally offended old La
Is worse than swearing tbe big oath.
It was only a breeze that rustled In a creature far beneath him in birth . . . And I am to be your wife, Mrs.
Vitte. He Is In no wise afraid; but
the cane. 8he could hear It now, lisp­ and schooling, a girl whose father bad Virgil? Then what do we do? Go
neither la ha gallant, and would shoot
ing amid the glossy leaves above her. murdered I Out of bed he got. and about and sing with tbe flddleF
you without warning. You told me,
Why should she be Impatient? She bowed wtth the weight of shame,
you remember, of your appointment to
"No, we go to the beautiful places
meet old Hpence tomorrow. I haven't could wait. Had she not waited night walked the uneven floor, for hla slow on earth and look upon them—togeth­
any too ranch confidence In him; be after night for her father's footstep? steps were doddering.
"Caught in an Instant, a fly in a er We—”
Had she not sat In the houae. alone
might play you Into the hands of
"No, no. yon must not think like
Rtepho, and I advise you not to go and not afraid, when the storm speck of Jelly, and have never been
You take my father by the wrist
tangled the tops of the cypress trees
fishing with him."
and he hate you. . . . And I do ao
No that's not the nama and lashed the bayou mad? ... self. "Even Liberty Shuttle, the slave
wrong to sra you. I am the sinner, but
of the old fellow I'm going with. Ills She had not heart! a sound, but look­ of cards and dice, can see ay weak­
I believe that tbe Blessed One. ahe
ing by chance, she saw Drace coming ness and must laugh at me. But by
name Is—HpGlera, 1 think.”
ask for my forglveneaa. ... No,
"I don't know a man of that name In through the cane, and she sprang up the God In Heaven It shall not be. In
Virgil, we can only play together and
the neighborhood. But. anyway, arm
then ... It will live In the mind,
own law with me, my oath, and a fisBe our childhood here. . .
younwlf and keep a »harp lookout."
Your inspection invited at the
My fa­
and a word of flattering love bade me ther Is not well all the time now. and
And then they sat and »looked I d
“Monsieur r
put It aside, and I let tt slip from me.
■Hence, Inhaling tha dawy breath of
I must be good to him. . . . Only
“Don't call me 'Monsieur.' Call me Now I must redeem myself."
tha ulghL
74th and Foster Road
I must see you. sometimes. That ta
He stood at the window. Gamecocks
the only wrong I do him.
Perfectly Pasteurized Milk, Cream,
She dropped her book. He bent to were crowing the dawn, a courageous
“For I—I love you. ... I did not
pick It up. but she snatched It from challenge to all the world. No, there
Whipping Cream and Buttermilk
want to tell you, but I cannot keep It
beneath his reaching hand and stood would be no weakening now.
Wltb tbe first gleam of Thursday*»
back from him.
sweetish comedy had been played
light Nadine aroae and atood looking
I dream of you all of the night, and I Candies, Cigars, Tobaccos, Light
“Oh, It was you, then 1 It was you
Swiftly he d res s e d himself, stol»
out from th» window. Her father had
Xpeel down and pray that you always
the so strong man that would break downstairs, out of the bouse, down to
com« In lata and waa to depart again
love me. . . . There, I have told
from my own hens
my father's wrist. It was you F
the river. There was no boat, but no
early for th» hills, but she was afraid
you ao much. And I kiss you, too.
every day
“Nadine. It was not to hurt him. matter, he would walk to Willow Head.
lest he might have changed his mind.
. . . Now—yon rosy stay for a little
She beard him moving about, but she With a knife he would have killed an Realizing tliat It was yet too early for
time, and then you must go."
waited a long time before she went to
8611 Foster Road
meet hint, so sweet It wts to stand hanged him. Nadine, my other hand halted at a wayside place, ate break­
the book but from love'e ever-varying
fast and waited for the sun. Then not
there at the window to catch the flrot held yours, to protect roti."
text. In his canoe they paddled afar
Tt must be true. I will believe you ta flurried haste, but deliberate in
ray of the sun.
off where the lily-pads paved the sur
Tbe old tnan hummed a Jsgged tune; —Virgil. I know you brave and not strength, he walked on to Willow
face of the pond. They landed on a
128 Third st, bet. Washington
tn a garden of melody It would have
knoll where waa spread over persim­
could not do that You will forgive rope where, in a hollow stump In
and Alder sts.
me. yes?"
backsliding weakness he had hidden It,
Just 1H blocks from “M-S” ear.
She held forth her hand and taking buttoned it beneath hla coat and strode
nest of young.
She cried and flut­
It tenderly, he touched It wtth hla lips; town Into the swamp.
and like a princess she accepted the
It was a long way to his canoe near
homage due her rank and her beauty. tha Muscadine Isle, and then a long
505 Raleigh Bldg., 327*4 Wash. St
emies, that they caught grasshopper»
"Come, now, we play,” she aald. pull to Periwinkle house, but there
to feed her brood, she sat- high among
Main 4933
sweetly laughing.
“And It must be was time enough. Stepho would not
the vines, calling her mate, the mnsl-
free, like the boy and the girt. But i go awsy till Thursday. Ah. he would
dan, and here he came, scared at flrat
flrot you ait down here and tell me." go away no more, for now on Tuesday
Rhe led him to her "sofa” and they be must settle with the spirit of Alfred
Hemstitching 6c to
sang his medley, ending with the cat
sat down, leaning back against the Drace.
call whence comes hla unpoetic name
Mists hovered about, but the Island
The sun had been speeding, and went
“Tell you what, NadtneF
was in a blaze of light. 8llently the
behind a cloud. Fear seized Nadine
"About the great big world you canoe silt the satin water. Silently
and taking Virgil’s hand, ahe urge«
know so well."
be landed. Determined vengeance may
him toward the boat.
T is a consoling thought
“I don't know the big world, as you pick Its way as softly as eager love;
“My dear one. we must go now. The
to know that your dear
think it. But I know the universe ae and in the cane, sharper of whisper
I feel it. It is here.”
one was laid away by a
now that tbe weather was cool, be sun was jealous that we so happy and
About her finger she sat wrapping made not a sound. Out Into the open will go into the dark to pout . . .
firm that does not con­
the llly-atem that had marked her he peered. No one within sight. On I will show you tbe near way for you
sider the service mere
favorite play. Was it that she did not the bark of the live oak were the dead to come again, the way I came when
ly as a business trans
■nderotand bls reference to his uni­ flowers of yesterday.
You can leave
There In the there was the fire.
verse? No, for she shook her head, shade was the box that had served as the canoe In the rushes and yon will
»nd with a sigh that did not mean table, once so prettily strewn wtth need It only to cross over to the cane.
But we must hurry now.”
wen riness.
“The universe could not be on thia
In the rushes opposite the Island he
In spite of his vow of vengeance and
little Island.”
hit hatred of Stepho, these things hid his canoe, and then she conducted
Day and Night Service
Tt could be held In your dimpled caught at Drace’s heart, shook his him along a narrow and sometimes
Pltone 618-11
A 0. (eawarite?
fixed purpose of action.
For meny treacherous trail. Coming to the foot­
5802-4 92ad St
R. S. Heedtnoa
“Oh. my hand dimpled!” She held ft minutes he waited—no sign of Stepho, ing, she halted.
In front of him, touched his brow of anyone. And then his blood leaped;
for soft hands suddenly blinded him
Antecedents or Subsequenls?
wtth the palm.
Some time ago a young man went
"It Is not soft enough to be dimpled. from behind, soft laughter bubbled
over at his astonishment. And dark to a great »tore in Chicago to apply
Ths Old Man Hummed a J»oo»d Tuna. Virgil."
thoughts and dark purposes fled on for a. position, and was fortunate
T would kiss It soft”
enough to be shown into the office
been n briar. Nndlne enrne out, and
He caught her wrist, touched the the wind as he caught Nadine and
of the merchant prince himself, to
gallantly ho kissed her hand, laughing tip of each finger with his lips snd hugged her close.
whom he stated the object of his
“Now for your punishment!" And call, saj-3 Everybody’s. The mer­
softly; and then as was his wont, he then kissed the palm. She laughed,
he kissed her.
kissed her hair.
drawing back her hand.
chant was favorably impressed with
“Oh. you must not again .
Her duties about the house were
“You must not do thnt. We must
his appearance and address, and
Virgil, I cannot like you when you are after asking him a few questions
light, but he helped her, nml when talk of other things."
relative to his business experience,
their queer nssortment of plates and
“Yes, but first let me tell you of rude. . . . You must not!”
"I don't want you Just to like me.” promised him a place in his employ.
dishes, gold-rimmed chins, crockery, my drentn."
"You do not? Then I will try not to. But the caller, who evidently had ex­
at one were and tin plate had been
"I do not like to hear dreams. We
washed and put sway, they sat In the always forget them and make up some­ . . . Come and sit down, Virgil. pected to be more rigorously cate­
chized, thought it best to volunteer
shntj^nf the house, the girl anxious thing we did not dream. . . . But You worked so hard for your kisses
you must be tired. . . . How did additional information. "If you wish,”
and wondering.
did you not tell me once?"
he began, “to know something of my
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you guessF
"I have sent Tony back to the ceety,
"No, I don't think so. In my dream
antecedents------- ” “I don’t care to
“Guess what?" he asked as she led know anything about your antece­
as I tell you I will," he said to her. yon touched my heart with a torch
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him to the sofa and he sat gnzlng en­ dents, young man," interrupted the
"He does the good work to burn the and set It afire.”
tranced as she captured and impil«- merchant with a smile. "If your sub­
apy. the cnrpetbaggalr. Now he have
“But I would not do that. I would
sequent» are all right you’ll do. You
spree, with the red wine an’ the white. eave you from the fire. Ah. and Tony one«! her guerrilla bands of hair.
“That Father and Tony had gone may report to Mr. Smith Monday.
When the time come, he be back. I he has gone to the city, but when he
have need of heem with the cattle that comes back, we must watch close.
M. J. Walsh Electric Co.
I buy. He drive them ... Up to the . . . One time he tried to take my
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town Natchex I have trouble. The ol'
hand, and he said he would kiss me.
scoun'rel Bethpage! I go In the tar*,
And I say: That may be, Tony. You
an* he Is there, sing, laugh, eat an' can kiss me because yon stronger. But
look at the darky dance. I wait. Then
Bet. Wash, and Stark Sta.
when you have, then you be dead.'
I go up. We have words. He Jump
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And he knew that I speak what waa
Then the young man, big, he
to come."
grab my wrist like thia. He aqueexe.
"We rare nothing for him. I-et him
I say: 'Monsieur you was ver* strong,
keep out of my way. . . . And
I see you again.' An* when I do, I
when I saw you at the ball, I knew
keel heent. I hear old Bethpage call
that you were the girl with the torch.
him Vergeel. The old man I keel too,
And do you know what I said to my­
self? Let me whisper It to you."
“Ob, no—nol” she cried . . . "Let
“There is no one to hear.”
ua go away somewhere.
They will
"I said: Ton are to be my wife.'
never let you alone. It will be better And Just then you turned about and
to be In the city than here."
looked at me."
"Just a little while longer we stay
“But I did not see you."
315 HAWTHORNE AVE. 4 ’ *° st ►
ta thia place, eh? Then we meet Mon­
“Come, now, you must have seen
_________________ ________________________ _ ______________________________
■ O
6 <? 5 5____________
sieur Boyce tn Memphis, an' you mar­ me."
ry him, an' he take you away for ths
“Well, perhaps. But I did not any:
honeymoon, per'aps to France.
An' 1 am to be hla wife.' No, I did not
he buy you the silk dresses, an', many any that. And It cannot be. Virgil."
you’re missing if
beautiful things. An* then I fora» and
"But tt is going to be, all the same,
Join you, an* vra all live happy—ehF and you know It. Why, what Is all
you’re uot listen­
"But—but I do not like Monsieur this universe for If that la not to be?
ing in.
Why was this little Island cast up
—yet he had to be led into
"Ha! Yotj learn soon. He la a fine here? Why did tho word ring forth:
Optical department because
R s the famous
vision had failed. A pair
man. Walt till we see him tn Mem­ *L«t there be light'? It Is part of the
glaases nroperiy fitted 20 years
phis an' you know him better. You plan of creation, and nothing can pre­
Hawley Station»
ago would have saved this man’s
will love him then, an' bo happy. , , . vent It. ... I shall have to wait, but
I go now, Au ravolr, ma p*?lte.“
now owned by the
Rtepho went down to his boat, feel­
"Will wait a long time. Virgil. But
—Are you doing all you should
for your eyes?
ing that he had outwitted her Impa­ w» must not talk like that. Come—
tience of the swamp, and ahe ran back let us forget such things.”
—Have your eyes examined to-
to her room to gaze through the win­
Rhe put her spell on him, and he was
Main 4S3S
But soon ahe came ont with a boy again.
Hand tn hand they
»•big leatherbound book of ploys and walked about, pretending that the acre
put It on t|jv ground beneath the raks. Island was miles and miles In extent.
Then wltb a broom made of stiff twigs Time was a day-star shooting unseen
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That’s the
J ames A.C.T ait &C o .
He Was a Mae Less than Sixty
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STAPLES-The Jeweler-“™nMA^,ST9