ouse H 4 « OPIE^READ ILLUSTRATED BY R. H. LI VINGSTONE | them At it they went, »baking the tioua», end when wearineaa threatened SYNOPSIS : to »H«e them, for refreshment they | drew off. and leaping, butted their OH A ITI R l-TM un» h»«d» Ittgelher like grata After ■ time w .«rly rio» and th. mu •a U»» Mlastoalppi riva». the General gave them • dollar »piece, •< Ih. p»rt haa* la Viti» aa biga aa all bring about a trowel full of that *1—-- Drac» haa barom» »namorM wild plum jelly. ar a aratorio»» baauty aboord th» booL The dovea »nd the »trlpa of bacon CMAI-TKH 111.—Th» M»«m»r reach»» and the boe-cake and the Jelly came W»w orlrana, at that Um» tn th» »ome- on. and artalng th« General raluted What lurbulrat thru»» »f oarpatbag a»v- •nunant. Sbolli« bwootn»» p<«»»awd of the repaat. twa Uckola for tba yr«noh hall, a grral •Talk about quail! Quail, Mr, ta In­ M Bi lly «vani, and prop»»«» lhal Drac« aaountpany > Ini to tb« affair Th« young al pld. white, dry and taateleae com­ m»a altond an 1 Dra- « uo«ip»«a»y eight torn by tha auaplckm that Nadln« •Ittlng hack, smoking, sipping wine, t» th« ilauahtar of old f>t«pho la Villa, I when Drara noticed ■ sudden ch»age ■•w an admitted outlaw. Now, mora than ever, le h» resolved to find whor« tn tho General's countenance, a tight­ the girt live» and to And Htrph.. Drara ening. a grtmnoas; and turning about, aad Rhottto bagtn a Caereh of the city I» one of their nocturnal pilgrim*«•« he saw standing agalnat the wall a they rame upon a mob latent upon hang- atrunge figure—a man not tall, but la» a poor wretch from th« limb of a tree It I« a typical carpetbag elocution broad of shoulder, hla body »loping and arouaed the roa«ntment of an oppoo- Ilthely down to feet expressively of Mg mob of eltl»»na Orme take» a hand la the tight which elan» and la tnetru- sinewy rratle*>ai<-«». ills tnara of hair m»ntal in preventing the »i»< utton. From was like tangled flax straw, dark and a wtndow oppoalt« th» aceno, he catrh»« a gtlmpe» of one he I» euro la Nadine yet gray. I.lkc the bristles of a wild CHAITKH V -Th» aararad». th» fight, | boar, hla short mustache stuck out and &lat»rf»ranca wtth th» »«»ration api hla heavy eyebrows looked like groat ra and »botila Into bad »tending wtth hairy caterpillars crawling acroaa hla autborlllM. but tn»t»ad at punlah- manl ara glvan until Ih» nail day t» lower forehead. In hla dross there waa board a »tramar bound north Returning a wild touch, a barbaric aspect. Slomrly lo th» ho una wh«r» ha thought ha had gilmpard th» girl. Orar» Ib d» th» piar» : he came forward. abandoned ‘Rtrough Colon» I Jo»h. ag "Tills la General Bethpage. hehF Starar y employ»» at Ih» aunratton of olila, ha gal» a faint riti» In th» dla- That la my nanw. yea. What do oevary that a certain Frenchman, a wtn» you want with raeF daalar, I» reported to b» an Intimate of Stapho la Vitia Thar» I» only a »hort “Whut I want; hehl I come to 'pol- lima b»fora the departur» of the »t»am»r ogive to think them mule be mine." »hon Drac» aod K> otti» go to rail on lha Frenchman The lattar la too kaari “Well, go on away. I don't want any I» ba Inveigled Into giving up anv Infor­ apology from you." mation. but »botila, apylng around among th» raak» and botti»« »»par la Uy th» ar- “No? You put platol at me. That tlrl«» made up for ahlpmrnt. make» an waa In Ikiulalana. This Is Mlttalattlp'. important —• nglng wild» At hl» f»»t Ilea a ropa, on» | ace him some other day." and of It a hangman'» nooae. Turning, the fellow made off. “Now. who tho devil was thatF CHATTKR VII - Drac» penetrate» In- »the wildern»»» dl»cov»ra Fariwlnkl» naked Drara. »u»e and find» Nadln» «ton» 8h» I» •Thnt, my dear Drara," replied the much alarmad and warn» him b»r father will «hoot hlm. Ha make« lov» to har and General, “was the fellow you naked ta gat htm to go «he agra»» to meat him about the other dny—Rtepho la Vitte." again th» following Thur«