Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, September 17, 1920, Image 1

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----- ?
Subscription, $1.00 the Year
V ol . XVIII.
No 36
A song recital of u v»ry high
<>r<lri wu» given-under Ih« direction
ut III« Mi Hcott Drug
Bruir <*o.,
Cu., al the
Y«<«K«r Theutre laat Monday
nlng, H.q.i 13
Tlt» urtisi»
artista were
M imi Alice Verlet, Coloratura »opra-
no; Robert Veltan. vmbnl»t; and
The pro
Victor Young, pianist.
gru iu included lb» following num-
bere: la) "Horn.*o and Juliet,” und
Ibi "l'hiiiiiMiii d* Amour,'* Ml»» Ver-
lei; “Ave Maria. Mr. Velten; (a)
'‘Little Hhcpherd" und ( b ) '•< 'reliell-
do," Mi V ouiik ; (a) "I'urlu Val»«”
and (b) “• 'armena." MlM Verlet;
"M vtlll.itlmi," Mr
Velten; Iin pro­
vlalun un olii song», M-
(a) ''Coinin' Through the »Rye" ami
(bl “llunnlc Hwret Beasi»,** Mixa
Verini; Violili Holo, Mr. Vclleli; ami
a »cric» of fouraong», "By the
Wuliwa of Minnetonka," "Smilin'
Through." “Flower» unit You.” »nd
"I Met Ton,” by Ml»» Verlet iwith
Mr Young ut the plano.
All these number» were given In
contiust with Die work of cuch ar-
list uh reproduced by the E i II hoii
Mr Young would play
for a while and then stop, the pho­
nograph currying isi the piece In
seemingly flawless reproduction.
The work of the violin was also
highly complimented both us to the
ublllty of the violinist himself and
as to the reproduction on the Edi­
son. Ml»» Verlet 1» without doubt
a singer of ability »nd culture. It
1s a thing of wonde, that a combi­
nation of metal and wood should
so accurately give buck ugain Io the
ear the sounds of the human voice
or of Inanimate materials, And the
wonder is none the less that one
make of phonograph may have as
many degrees of lone-production
quality us It has numbers of instrii-
ment". Just as one violin may tu­
worth thousands oi dollars and an­
other may be worth ti und rails be-
cause of the difference In vibratory
qualltlea of the wood, m > the Indi­
vidual idionographs differ from eacn
Ask to have the Edison played
for you al the Mt Hcotl Drug com-
pany so that you may pick out the
one you like best.
The la-nts Xlrunge held its reg­
ular meeting
_ at Grange
’If Hall last
- -, The program
Saturday, the llth.
consisti-d of an address on Die Con-
stitution by Milton A. Miller. U. 8.
Collector of Customs, und talks by
Mrs. Maud Damali und Miss Julia
Spoon<*r on the Toucher»’ Tenure of
Tuki-n. suddenly >11 on u Mt, Scott
street car last Friday evening, Miss
Murgaret Albert, a telephone oper­
ator residing at 6825 46th avenue
Southeast, rode to the end of the
line where she was unable to give
aer name or addrens. Dr. Nelson oX
ia-nt», who was on the car at the
dine took the young woman to 8t.
Vincents hospital where she was
found to lie suffering from heart
.rouble. She is said to be subject
. n-quentlv to such attacks.
Iniiiiedltely following her collapse
the police bureau was notified and
the woman’s protective div mon
went to work on the suspicion that
,he patient had l>«en the victim of
administration by a ”needle" in the
hands of some nearby person.
T J. K render announces
that ,
there* Will be eight granges placing
exhibits in the coming Multnomah
county nnd land Products Show at
Gresham, 'they will be arranged in
the following order on the south
side of lite main
I'lensnnt Valle), (2) Columbia. (3>
RuHselvill», (4) Evening Star. (6>
Lents. (6) Gresham. (7) Rockwood.
(8) Multnomah, l-ents grange will
show household ami truck garden
The household exhibit
will Include butter, egg» and honey;
cunfifd goodK <»f ovory sort» fruits*
meal», vegetables ami fish; jellies
and preserve«; and ull sorts of hand
Tlie truck garden product»
will hicludc
squash, pumpkiiis, ami all oth< r
sort» of vegetable- in marketable
form; and there will h» a «bowing
of grains, gra>a<-s,
grarses, ripe see* Is und
Euch grange must
shelb-d grain,
make at least 65 points to get a
i— each
rating for a premium; anil
grange which make« points ulsive
______ one dollar for each
75 will receive
extra point, Ix-nts grange will have
nil its non-markctable products ar
ranged in the booth on Saturday
lie fore the ‘opening day. All per
inhable things will he placed a«
Iate as possible.
The State Convention of the W.
Tuesduy was ladies' day in tltc
police court.
!C. 1’. U. will be held at the White
ozen of
or the
me fair
rair sex
, ___ . __ .
A round dozen
T*. 0
wore there. They let every body, ; r«'nP'*‘-
including Hizzoner know that they
were present.
ident, will be the pemding officer.
A mere legal opinion by the court On tlie 29th at 12 o'clock noon there
to the effect thut they could not
testify did qot duunt them. They ■ will I m * a lucheon in the dining
testified anywuy; the whole dozen room of th« First Methodist church
at one time.
in honor of Mra. Mary Ham» Ar-
The cause for the appearance of
the feminine populace of Inerita wM momt of Georgia, a woman of rare
the case of the city against Mrs. charm ami personality, who will
Minnie Van Wart.
According _ to give tiie convention address on the
<‘iiiiplaint, she used ^language that
"nif" Taîiyîîk« to • *«’••»■< ot that day. On the eve
was neither t
her next door I ni^ghbor. Mr». W. L. Tung of Sept. . JU there will tie a
Smith, 6338 »61..
Mth _____
at reel.
declamatory ...
contest, the winner to
The hearing started off smooth
prize- Following this
enough. But it ended in a near riot
The twelve witnesses wanted to contest there will be the reading oi
testify. As they hadn’t heard the the prize-winning essays written in
language which Mrs. Van Wirt is
alleged to have used the court de­ u »lute contest ol high and gram
cided that he didn’t want to hear mar schools. The
winer ot the
Robert Muz­
But this was where the court
«rred. The mere wishes of a jurist zy of Woodstock school and that'
were no bar to the loquacity of uf the high school is Ralph Green
twelve women, and all delivered of the
Benson Polytechnic. Another
feature of the program will be the
pitches of voice.
L. W. O’Kouke, attorney for Mrs. rt*f*itation of a Flory written by a
Vun Wirt referred, casually,
to IJncoln High ex-jo?rvice man. L>on-
one of the speakers as a stout lady’ old Woodard, the reading being gn
More trouble started. The adip<iec ••n by Mira Hazel Maran Clark of
one turned on the attorney.
of Oratory.
“That man insulted me,” she de­ the Gillespie School
clared, "Ami I’m going to thrash I Hi Oct. I. the Washington W. C.
T. I', convention will be the guest
hint. 1 can do t too,” aha added
O’Rouke declined the invitation to •ft the Oregon State 'Convention, On
*> laittle.
tlie «‘vcHing of Oct. 1. all white
The case did not end in the police
court, despite the fact that the I ribboneiN vimting in Portland, and
judge fined Mrs. Van Writ. One i.til thorn living her not now ntem-
side thought that the Koman should beri« but having at sonie time pre-
whitc ribbon, are
have been in jail. The defendant vioux worn the white
was of the opinion that »he should miked to find Kent*
Keats In
in the »cction
have been freed.
reserved for ntM*ht that tehy may re-
As neither side was satisfied, the ‘•eive the greeting» of the conven­
case will go to higher courts. All
the legal talent of the great state tion.
of Oregon will be called on, in a
The faculty of the Woodmere
couple of months, to decide whether .school is as follows Mrs. Alevis
or not Mrs. Van Writ was justifieii Alexander. principal:
Miss Julia
in calling the next door neighbor Hpooner. Ab; Mr». Emily Forrester.
the unlady like names which she X«; Mrs. Mayme Hogue. 7b and Cb:
employed—Daily News.
‘Miss Myrtle Woodburn. 7a anil Sb:
Mira Grace Goodall. Ss; Mira Geor-
Mrs. Joe Snuth ot 5630 «8 tn :ri.i Ervins. 6a and 5b; Miss Nina
street, returned Friday the 3rd Johnson. 5a and 5b; Mira Pauline
‘4b and 5a; Mi»s Gudrum
trom an extended trip including La Aussicker.
Brandt. 4b; Miss Margaret Canning.
Viosse, Wi»., Randall, Kan., loulon. 1«; Mira Celia Ludeeo. 3b; Mi»»
and Feorta. HI., Vancouver and Madie McInnis. 3a; Mira Woiua
Grandberg, 3a and 2b; Mira Helen
victoria, B. C., and Seattle Mn. in Thompson. 2I> and
Mira Edna
Randall, Kan., Mrs. Smith, with a Galbreath, 2a; Mrs. Grace Hill, lb;
Miss Queenie Swanson, la und lb;
.-»»ter, Mrs. Craig Sauver of Bang
Miss Florence Brown, la; Miss Min-
or, Wts., visited another sister, Mr». nie Henry, la.
A. J King, whom Mrs. Smith nad
At the laurelwcod Congregation­
not seen for 35 years and whom al church next Sunday morning the
Mr». Sauver had not seen since 62. pastor will preach a sermon espec­
At various pointe, Mr». Smith visit- ially for young people. The Christ-
<an Endeavor work. which has
U-d nephews and nieces. Her party been discontinued during the mun-
In addition to herself, included Mr. mer months. will be resinned next
evening at the 6 o'clock
und Mrs. Byron Valentine and lit­ Sunday One
of the most Important
hour. I
tle daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. J. features will be the convention re-
port by Miss I.ols Hnndsaker.
County Commissioners Hoyt ami
Holman will have to pay to the
Standard and Associated Oil corn-
panics the value of such proportions
of coupon books for gasoline, issued
to them as compensation for the
use of their private cars in county
business. The court has ordered.
The suit was brought by John
W. Kaste against County Clerk
Beveridge, County Treasurer Lewis,
the county eornmisionen* and the
oil companies issuing the coupon
books. The
went before Cir­
cuit Judge Percy R. Kelly of Linn
county and its final phase transpir­
ed just before the summer court
holidays, Judge Kelly has just filed
with the circuit court here his
He holds that the facta are, as per
stipulation, that reasonable value for
the use of the county commirionenf
had been fully compensated up to
the time of the filing of the suit;
that coupon books for gasoline were
isued to the value of $110.50 *
each of the three county commis­
sioners; that Commissioner Muck
used his coupons for gasoline uaed
in county owned car and for the
transaction of county business.
His conclusions are that the
agreement that the county commis­
sioner» should have isued to them
such coupon books as compensa­
tion tor the use of their private
cant is void, because it p> against
public policy; that Beveridge and
Lewis shall be perpetuaiy restrain­
ed from issuing or paying the war­
rants for such coupon books: that
Commissioners Hoyf and Holman
should make payment to the oil com­
panies for the coupon boks they re­
ceived which were not used in the
performance ot county business;
that the county should pay the
costs of the suit, as it was institu-
ed for the benefit of the county.
The fine $20,000 residence of Max
A motor party consisting of Mr.
Smith, retired fiorst, ' on Spring
road, adjoining Johnson creek, is and Mrs. 'Ihomas Malloy, Sr. and
Miss Mcbei Malloy of 7503 Wood-
nearing completon.
stock avenue recently returned from
Jesse Farnsworth and bride have a most interesting trip into Cen­
re-opened the store at Gilbert Sta- tral Oregon, where Mr. Malloy lias
tion and their many friends will 160 acres near Ashwood. The sight
wish them well in their new busi- seers went up the Columbia High­
■teas venture.
way as far as The Dalles, where
they turned oil on the Wasco Road
Mr. Appernotta nd family
moved into their new residence on While Aahwood was their chief des­
tination they made several side
Foster road and McMay avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Hants Harvey have trips, including an excursion to the
Warm Springs Reservation, where
moved into their new house in the are
literally hot springs, oily and
Gilbert district.
The Bell Rose Community Club springs are leased from an Indiun
will give another delightful party woman by the name of Pepper, who
intends building a hotel for next
at their club rooms the 25th inat.
P. S. Sanches has sold the Per­ year’s season to replace the tent
fection Confectionery and Lunch bath-house now in use. Mr. Malloy
Room at 9143 Foster road, to Mrs. describe« the iieschutes river as
Fred Miller, formerly proprietor of having walls over grown with sage
this popular place. Mrs. Miller is brush even down to the water’s edge;
a former owner of the “Perfection” and he say» that the scenery along
and invites all old customers, as the John Day river is positively
grand. By the aid of irrigation, Mr.
well as new to call.
Maliuy »a^ rw a ll .th» - co ^ u I q -drained
An important election of great by these river» named may be made
consequence to the Gilbert district to yield splendid crops of wheat. In
is to be held at the school house, bis opinion, the half of the beauties
Saturday, Sept. 18, from 8 a. m. to and possibilities of Central Oregon
b p. m. and every voter interested in is not known by the people of Port­
the welfare of this section should land. On their way home the Ala!
lie present and register their prefer- loy party was joined hy Mrs. J. E.
ance. The proposition is to vote Edwards, a daughter of Mr. and
un a new water district to cover Mrs Malloy, and her little daugh­
about 1000 acres at an approximate ter, Helen Kay. The trip was made
cost of $40,000. The commissioners with only one serious accident,
named on the ballot are Andrew was backing a car down one of the
Heiman, Wm Gilbert and Mr. Pile. was backing a car down one of th
long declines on a narrow road. By
The game of “caterpillar” includ­ some unforseen mischance he struck
ed nearly every one present, and the bank on one side of the road
was enjoyed by those who looked on and the machine careened over th»
as well. From the sound of laugh­ bank pinning Mr. Malloy beneath it.
ter the entire game and the pace He managed to work his way out,
at which they moved wasn’t slow, having sustained some chest bruises,
The room was beautifully decorated which were fortunately pronounced
with the Y P. A. colors, orange by a physician as probably of only
and black crepe paper also ferns temporary seriousness.
and yellow flowers added to the
The Parent-Teacher -Association of
the Kellogg school will receive the
teachers of that school next Tuesday
Parent-Teacher afternoon following the regula«
association held 4ta first regular business meeting which will be heid
monthly meeting in the assembly at 2:30 o’clock. The object of tlie
hall. Thursday of last week. Mrs. reception is to greet the new teach­
Fred Peters presided. She stated ers and to facilitate acquaintance
that the aim of the 'work this year, between the parents and the teach­
in the words of The general P.-T. ers. The room which is represented
A. president, is to assist in giving by the geatest number of parents is
“Every child a chance in every to be awarded a box of candy. The
way," and that co-operation will be meeting and the reception will take
the keynote of all endeavor.
place in the assembly hall. Mrs.
James Welch, the president of the
On Tuesday of this Week the Kellogg P.-T A.. will announce
registration at the Lents school through this paper the names of the
amounted to 770 and that at Kellogg members of the various committies
had reached 525. Prof. Slating of as soon as they are appointed.
Kellogg announces that the. organi­
Prof. Hershner of 5906 80th
zation of his school was largely
is again principal ot the
effected Tuesday of last week nnd
that now the work of the school is Creston school.
He reports that
going smoothlly.
the attendance is larger there than
it was ast year.
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrich of Og­
den, Utah and their four children,
Word has been received trom A.
spent the night of the 10th .with
J. M. I .eitch and family on 89th Earl Kenworthy, of the Kenworthy
Mr. Kredrick
Mrs. Undertaking Co. of Lents, who l«^t
I^itch were childhood school mates for the oil fields of Texas. Mr.
in Odessa. Nebraska, and hadn't
Denver when
met for 20 years. The Fredricks Kenworthy was at
have been visiting in Canada and he wrote.
other points on their route.
Mr». Cha». Mollett and lu*r daugn-
i»r, Thelma of 462V 63rd ztreet, are
pending their vacation time in a
Seaside cottage.
Mr. Mollett with
Carl and Margaret, two other child­
ren, accompanied Mr Mollett down
io the beach on Labor Day, return-
mg to Portland on the Tuesday
following. This is the first glimpse
that the Molletta had had of the
ocean and it had all the glamour ot
its wonderful Ine»» on them. In a
letter to her husband Mrs. Mollett
reports a storm which threw up the
About 12:45 Thursday, Kenneth
Westover was run over in front of waves in such a way as really to
the U-nts nchool bon r, by an auto frighten her.
mobile driven by A. D. Morgan of
I4H E. 23rd street, resulting in :t
L. K, Molle tU of Obit) roster
fracture of the left leg above the
is now installed as proprietor
knee. Eye witneses to the uffair,
Peter Larsen, formerly with the
including Prof. Thaxter, report that of the dye works formerly operated
Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Kreb» of 410 Prudential Ins. Co., is now a mem-
Mr Morgan wus driving slowly al at Arletu under the name ot Bul­
the time, an<l Kenneth, who was lock's Cleaning und Dyeing Works. E. 56th street, are making an ex- lier of the Kern Park Realty Co.
playing with other boy» ran imme­
tended trip througe the East Won! 6707 Foster road.
diately in front of the cur, strik­ Mr. Mollett has changed the name ot has been received by the ■ motner ot wide nnd favorable acquaintanceship
throughout the city will be of ma­
ing ilie fender and falling under .lie place and the public will now
the front wheel before the . car snow it us the Blue Bird Cleaning Mrs. Krebs, Mrs. Mamie ■ H. Hogue terial benefit to the realty company
could be stopped. Dr. McSIoy ar­
of 6438 88th street, that the travei- —ith which h.e is now connected
Cetoqa-q iixwvs.Yos fo
fiM qbH
Mr. Mollett is
rived promptly and gave first aid and Dye Works,
“•------ *■ no ivturbiahing his work room by ers have visited friends i in Chicago,
to the little
fellow who,
J. E. McNamara and wife have
doubt suffered groat pain, bore up means of paint and carpenteryig Detroit, Niagra Falls, Buffalo, New recently taken over the swell little
bravely under first aid treatment of
York and Philidelphia; and that they grocery. confectionery and
the doctor. The Isiy’a mother is and hopes soon to have a clean and
Irink establishment on 7135 51st
Mrs. Grace Westover Graves
Mr. McNarama has been a
ton, D. C. Their return trip will avenue.
618)1 84th street
well known and competent printer of
able even now to take and fill or-
include short stops in Denver anil Portland for many years, but takes
hold of the new business like an ex-
Salt latke City.
perienced merchant.
J. Sanger Fox, one time publish-
At the Lincoln High School sat-
Republican club, at Lents school er of the Mt. Scott Herald, , was an
The business meeting of the Y.
house, Friday evening Sept. 17, at entertaining caller last
Tuesday. urday the llth, all the teachers or P. A. held Tuesday evening at the
8 p. m., lion, num E Cochran will Mr Fox is now located at Quilcena.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bohna on
apeak on the United States con­ Wash., us pastor of the Friend’s the city, reports Mrs. Mamie B. 94th street,
After a very inter-
stitution and the League of Nations, church and related interesting and Hogue of Woodmere Rchool, wen- esting business session they were
nnd Hon. C. N. McArthur will hpart-rqnding adventures as ttky present for a pre-school meeting, at highly entertained by Oliver Bohna,
speak on candidates and other is­ pilot of the Herald that would
after which refreshments consisting
sues of the campaign There will he bring one less callous to the world which addresses were given by Supt of ice cream and cake were served.
community singing
patriotic than the writer to tears we pre- D. A. Grout; Assistant Supt's. Whit­ All present had a delightful time.
songs and nil Americana are urgent­ »ume. Evidently Mr. Fox had the ney and
Rice; Mrs.
Richardson, A social evening is being planned
ly ri'qucsted to attend.
same trials and tribulotions as the president of the Grade l'eachers As- for Oct. 1. All young people are
Mr». E. Parsons of 7820 56th average publisher; the lack of ap­ sociation; Mrs. Larabt-e, President ot urged to join in theise gatherings.
preciation and support of the com­
avenue is entertaining »Mr, and Mrs. munity for untiring efforts in their the High School Teachers' Associa-
By perusing the files of the Mt.
John Hankins and their two child­ behalf. We congratulate the rever­ tlon; and A. C. Newell, director.
Scott Herald of September, 1918 it
is observed that the lax conditions
ren Alfred nnd Sylvia, of the Colum­ end gentleman that he has “gone
a better world,” and may success
The faculty of the KtHTogg school ohained in this locality as now high
bia River valley. Mr. Hankins, who to
attend his labours in behalf of a
taxes pior improvements and prom­
is a nephew of Mrs. Parson’s is a better cauae.
Viola Spenaer of ig composed of the following: prtn- ising candidates. Those that failed
' rancher, living nenr Ranier, Wash., 6029 92nd street, return«! with Mr- sipal, E. T. Salting; teachers. Miss to make good, should he remember­
nnd Mrs. Hankins arrived at the Fox, having been in Quilcena for Kula Strange, Miss Eva Horan, Mrs. ed and relegated to the rear next
The city federation of Parent­
some time past in quest of better
regardless of party af­
Parsons home Wednesday evening health, but is much improved and Marguerite Othus, Miss Hannah Mc- November,
teachers associations had an official
of last week. Mrs, Parsons hospi­ will attend school here the coming l.eod, Miss Helen Greenman. Mis»
L. A. Parker of the Economy Fur­ luncheon at the Hotel Portland last
tality was also extended Wednes­ season.
Mabel Colvin, Miss Margaret Hart.
niture Store has gone to his farm Saturday at 12:00 o’clock, at which
day evening the 8th, again last
The Herald’s earnest suggestion Miss Dorothy Prosser, Miss Edm
near Monroe, Benton county, for a there were about 250 women. Mrs.
Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stew­ that a Community Club with the
couple of weeks, accompanied by his Sadie Orr Dunbar, president of the
art nnd their children, Lois and Mil­ necessary pep, be organizedi in this
Mia» Emily Woods, Miss Maud Mi- daughter Mildred. F. M. Barker, T. A-, reports a good representation
dred. Mr. Stewart another nephew favorable comments. Now, let’s act.
chel, Miss ¡Rita Snook, Miss Giara son of the first named gentleman from the various P.-T. A., organiza­
of Mrs. Parsons, was a service man Somebody start the ball! »rolling.
will have charge of the store during tions.
In the late war; he is now making Get busy! Play ball! We are reli­ Smith, and Miss .vynnie Worrell.
ably informed that there is plenty
his father’s absence.
hi» home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mclntyre and
of very competent gentlemen reaid­
125 members of I. O. 0. F. Lodge
uncle. Charles Palmer of Pittsburg,
ing in the I-ents district able to ac­ No. 3, of Oregon City, visited the
I. J. Handsaker of 5630 44th Ave., complish much atyng these lines, if
Mt. Scott I. 0. O. F. at I,enta last Ward» of 5704 92nd street, enter- Pa., are visiting their son Charles
regionnl secretary of the Armenian thev will only nut their shoulders to Tuesday evening and had an old- talned 'at luncheon at 1 o'clock the
j McIntyre. They also stopped at
relief work has returned to his the wheel and GET BUSY. Bills time smoker, lunch and a jolly good other four members of the Royal i Salt Lake City at their son George’s
and space in the Herald will cheer­ time, returning home in high praise
work after a vacation of two months fully be furnished gratuitously for
Five. Plates were laid for Mesdames home for a two week’s visit. They
of the hospitality of Mt. Scott
enforced by ill health
the purpose of aiding in forming brethren The Mt. Scott lodge has Ravburn. Wai rod. Wright. Leman i think the west a fine country only
this organization. 01 for a Moses a membership of 147 live wires and Warde.
| they don’t care about the rain.
S. A. Iloiiglas, formerly residing to lead us out of the wilderness, in belonging to this worthy order.
The Rev. K. A. Smith of the
on the Gilbert mad. has sold his this hour of dire necessity. '
Mrs. Inez I. S. Gulliks will soon
Mrs. lois Burkhart of 5636 88th T»enta Baptist church left Tuonday be ready to open for fall work.
interest in the
__ ____
laFolett fruit ranch;
consideration $15,000, nnd will re­
Millinery of all kinds. Our opening
pneumonia, experienced a relapse State Convention of Raptint» held i advertisement in next weeks Her-
tire to his home on Buckley ave­ has moved from 5927 38th avenue pneumonia
and continues bedfast
to 5927 72nd street.
bind last Saturday.
| aid.
L. S. Erly left a want ad. at this
office last. Monday forenoon, desir­
ing to sell a horse. He found a
buyer within three hours. Pretty
quick results. Those classified ads
in the Herald work while you
Mrs. F. A. Dodge of Forest Grove
visited her mother and sister, Mrs.
Wagner and Mrs. Gulliks. Mrs.
Loren W. Young and two babiew o
Mt. Sole Wn„ tvery also guests of
Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Gulliks this
week. *
Mr. V. 0. Sampson, wife and
daughter, Ixila of Woodland, Wash.,
visited Mr Sampson’s mother, Mrs.
Kate M Warner and sister, Mrs.
Inez Gulliks the first of the week.
Emmett Bancroft, alias Neil Hart
self-confessed slaver of Til Taylor,
sheriff of Umatilla county, hos been
sentenced hy court to hang at Sa­