* * U of 0 Library ----- ? • -»a i UHL Subscription, $1.00 the Year Hrralb V ol . XVIII. LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 No 36 T' A FLAWLESS REPRODUCTION A song recital of u v»ry high <>r the Indi­ vidual idionographs differ from eacn other. Ask to have the Edison played for you al the Mt Hcotl Drug com- pany so that you may pick out the one you like best. GRANGE NEWS Ob CON- SIDEKAHLE IMPORTAN4 E UH NG WOMAN MAY IIAVE BEEN DRUGGED The la-nts Xlrunge held its reg­ ular meeting _ at Grange ’If Hall last - -, The program Saturday, the llth. consisti-d of an address on Die Con- stitution by Milton A. Miller. U. 8. Collector of Customs, und talks by Mrs. Maud Damali und Miss Julia Spoon<*r on the Toucher»’ Tenure of Tuki-n. suddenly >11 on u Mt, Scott street car last Friday evening, Miss Murgaret Albert, a telephone oper­ ator residing at 6825 46th avenue Southeast, rode to the end of the line where she was unable to give aer name or addrens. Dr. Nelson oX ia-nt», who was on the car at the dine took the young woman to 8t. Vincents hospital where she was found to lie suffering from heart .rouble. She is said to be subject . n-quentlv to such attacks. Iniiiiedltely following her collapse the police bureau was notified and the woman’s protective div mon went to work on the suspicion that ,he patient had l>«en the victim of administration by a ”needle" in the hands of some nearby person. .K T J. K render announces that , there* Will be eight granges placing exhibits in the coming Multnomah county nnd land Products Show at Gresham, 'they will be arranged in the following order on the south side of lite main pavilion: (►> I'lensnnt Valle), (2) Columbia. (3> RuHselvill», (4) Evening Star. (6> Lents. (6) Gresham. (7) Rockwood. (8) Multnomah, l-ents grange will show household ami truck garden products The household exhibit will Include butter, egg» and honey; cunfifd goodK <»f ovory sort» fruits* meal», vegetables ami fish; jellies and preserve«; and ull sorts of hand products craft Tlie truck garden product» cabbage will hicludc potatoes, squash, pumpkiiis, ami all oth< r sort» of vegetable- in marketable form; and there will h» a «bowing of grains, gra>a<-s, grarses, ripe see* Is und Euch grange must shelb-d grain, make at least 65 points to get a i— each rating for a premium; anil grange which make« points ulsive ______ one dollar for each 75 will receive extra point, Ix-nts grange will have nil its non-markctable products ar ranged in the booth on Saturday lie fore the ‘opening day. All per inhable things will he placed a« Iate as possible. ▼ * W. C. T. U. CONVENTION WOMAN THREATENS TO MEETS AT WHITE TEMPLE THRABH ATTORNEY The State Convention of the W. Tuesduy was ladies' day in tltc police court. !C. 1’. U. will be held at the White ozen of or the me fair rair sex »ex , ___ . __ . _, , A round dozen T*. 0 wore there. They let every body, ; r«'nP'*‘- ' - ■ und Mrs. Mattie Sleeth, state prta- including Hizzoner know that they were present. ident, will be the pemding officer. A mere legal opinion by the court On tlie 29th at 12 o'clock noon there to the effect thut they could not testify did qot duunt them. They ■ will I m * a lucheon in the dining testified anywuy; the whole dozen room of th« First Methodist church at one time. in honor of Mra. Mary Ham» Ar- The cause for the appearance of ! the feminine populace of Inerita wM momt of Georgia, a woman of rare the case of the city against Mrs. charm ami personality, who will Minnie Van Wart. ____ ________ According _ to give tiie convention address on the <‘iiiiplaint, she used ^language that nice "nif" Taîiyîîk« to • *«’••»■< ot that day. On the eve was neither t ’ her next door I ni^ghbor. Mr». W. L. Tung of Sept. . JU there will tie a Smith, 6338 »61.. Mth _____ at reel. declamatory ... contest, the winner to The hearing started off smooth be awarded a prize- Following this enough. But it ended in a near riot The twelve witnesses wanted to contest there will be the reading oi testify. As they hadn’t heard the the prize-winning essays written in language which Mrs. Van Wirt is alleged to have used the court de­ u »lute contest ol high and gram cided that he didn’t want to hear mar schools. The winer ot the them. grade school pnze is Robert Muz­ But this was where the court «rred. The mere wishes of a jurist zy of Woodstock school and that' were no bar to the loquacity of uf the high school is Ralph Green twelve women, and all delivered of the Benson Polytechnic. Another impromptu orations in varying feature of the program will be the pitches of voice. L. W. O’Kouke, attorney for Mrs. rt*f*itation of a Flory written by a Vun Wirt referred, casually, to IJncoln High ex-jo?rvice man. L>on- one of the speakers as a stout lady’ old Woodard, the reading being gn More trouble started. The adip laittle. tlie «‘vcHing of Oct. 1. all white The case did not end in the police court, despite the fact that the I ribboneiN vimting in Portland, and judge fined Mrs. Van Writ. One i.til thorn living her not now ntem- side thought that the Koman should beri« but having at sonie time pre- whitc ribbon, are have been in jail. The defendant vioux worn the white was of the opinion that »he should miked to find Kent* Keats In in the »cction have been freed. reserved for ntM*ht that tehy may re- As neither side was satisfied, the ‘•eive the greeting» of the conven­ case will go to higher courts. All the legal talent of the great state tion. of Oregon will be called on, in a The faculty of the Woodmere couple of months, to decide whether .school is as follows Mrs. Alevis or not Mrs. Van Writ was justifieii Alexander. principal: Miss Julia in calling the next door neighbor Hpooner. Ab; Mr». Emily Forrester. the unlady like names which she X«; Mrs. Mayme Hogue. 7b and Cb: employed—Daily News. ‘Miss Myrtle Woodburn. 7a anil Sb: Mira Grace Goodall. Ss; Mira Geor- Mrs. Joe Snuth ot 5630 «8 tn :ri.i Ervins. 6a and 5b; Miss Nina street, returned Friday the 3rd Johnson. 5a and 5b; Mira Pauline ‘4b and 5a; Mi»s Gudrum trom an extended trip including La Aussicker. Brandt. 4b; Miss Margaret Canning. Viosse, Wi»., Randall, Kan., loulon. 1«; Mira Celia Ludeeo. 3b; Mi»» and Feorta. HI., Vancouver and Madie McInnis. 3a; Mira Woiua Grandberg, 3a and 2b; Mira Helen victoria, B. C., and Seattle Mn. in Thompson. 2I> and Mira Edna Randall, Kan., Mrs. Smith, with a Galbreath, 2a; Mrs. Grace Hill, lb; Miss Queenie Swanson, la und lb; .-»»ter, Mrs. Craig Sauver of Bang Miss Florence Brown, la; Miss Min- or, Wts., visited another sister, Mr». nie Henry, la. A. J King, whom Mrs. Smith nad At the laurelwcod Congregation­ not seen for 35 years and whom al church next Sunday morning the Mr». Sauver had not seen since 62. pastor will preach a sermon espec­ At various pointe, Mr». Smith visit- ially for young people. The Christ- against public policy; that Beveridge and Lewis shall be perpetuaiy restrain­ ed from issuing or paying the war­ rants for such coupon books: that Commissioners Hoyf and Holman should make payment to the oil com­ panies for the coupon boks they re­ ceived which were not used in the performance ot county business; that the county should pay the costs of the suit, as it was institu- ed for the benefit of the county. GILBERT DISTRICT MOTOR PARTÌ VISUS WARM SPRINGS RESORT The fine $20,000 residence of Max A motor party consisting of Mr. Smith, retired fiorst, ' on Spring road, adjoining Johnson creek, is and Mrs. 'Ihomas Malloy, Sr. and Miss Mcbei Malloy of 7503 Wood- nearing completon. stock avenue recently returned from Jesse Farnsworth and bride have a most interesting trip into Cen­ re-opened the store at Gilbert Sta- tral Oregon, where Mr. Malloy lias tion and their many friends will 160 acres near Ashwood. The sight wish them well in their new busi- seers went up the Columbia High­ ■teas venture. way as far as The Dalles, where they turned oil on the Wasco Road Iiave Mr. Appernotta nd family moved into their new residence on While Aahwood was their chief des­ tination they made several side Foster road and McMay avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hants Harvey have trips, including an excursion to the Warm Springs Reservation, where moved into their new house in the are literally hot springs, oily and Gilbert district. sulphurous in quality. These The Bell Rose Community Club springs are leased from an Indiun will give another delightful party woman by the name of Pepper, who intends building a hotel for next at their club rooms the 25th inat. P. S. Sanches has sold the Per­ year’s season to replace the tent fection Confectionery and Lunch bath-house now in use. Mr. Malloy Room at 9143 Foster road, to Mrs. describe« the iieschutes river as Fred Miller, formerly proprietor of having walls over grown with sage this popular place. Mrs. Miller is brush even down to the water’s edge; a former owner of the “Perfection” and he say» that the scenery along and invites all old customers, as the John Day river is positively grand. By the aid of irrigation, Mr. well as new to call. Maliuy »a^ rw a ll .th» - co ^ u I q -drained An important election of great by these river» named may be made consequence to the Gilbert district to yield splendid crops of wheat. In is to be held at the school house, bis opinion, the half of the beauties Saturday, Sept. 18, from 8 a. m. to and possibilities of Central Oregon b p. m. and every voter interested in is not known by the people of Port­ the welfare of this section should land. On their way home the Ala! lie present and register their prefer- loy party was joined hy Mrs. J. E. ance. The proposition is to vote Edwards, a daughter of Mr. and un a new water district to cover Mrs Malloy, and her little daugh­ about 1000 acres at an approximate ter, Helen Kay. The trip was made cost of $40,000. The commissioners with only one serious accident, named on the ballot are Andrew was backing a car down one of the Heiman, Wm Gilbert and Mr. Pile. was backing a car down one of th long declines on a narrow road. By The game of “caterpillar” includ­ some unforseen mischance he struck ed nearly every one present, and the bank on one side of the road was enjoyed by those who looked on and the machine careened over th» as well. From the sound of laugh­ bank pinning Mr. Malloy beneath it. ter the entire game and the pace He managed to work his way out, at which they moved wasn’t slow, having sustained some chest bruises, The room was beautifully decorated which were fortunately pronounced with the Y P. A. colors, orange by a physician as probably of only and black crepe paper also ferns temporary seriousness. and yellow flowers added to the The Parent-Teacher -Association of beauty. the Kellogg school will receive the teachers of that school next Tuesday The Woodmere Parent-Teacher afternoon following the regula« association held 4ta first regular business meeting which will be heid monthly meeting in the assembly at 2:30 o’clock. The object of tlie hall. Thursday of last week. Mrs. reception is to greet the new teach­ Fred Peters presided. She stated ers and to facilitate acquaintance that the aim of the 'work this year, between the parents and the teach­ in the words of The general P.-T. ers. The room which is represented A. president, is to assist in giving by the geatest number of parents is “Every child a chance in every to be awarded a box of candy. The way," and that co-operation will be meeting and the reception will take the keynote of all endeavor. place in the assembly hall. Mrs. James Welch, the president of the On Tuesday of this Week the Kellogg P.-T A.. will announce registration at the Lents school through this paper the names of the amounted to 770 and that at Kellogg members of the various committies had reached 525. Prof. Slating of as soon as they are appointed. Kellogg announces that the. organi­ Prof. Hershner of 5906 80th zation of his school was largely street, is again principal ot the effected Tuesday of last week nnd that now the work of the school is Creston school. He reports that going smoothlly. the attendance is larger there than it was ast year. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrich of Og­ den, Utah and their four children, Word has been received trom A. spent the night of the 10th .with J. M. I .eitch and family on 89th Earl Kenworthy, of the Kenworthy street Mr. Kredrick and Mrs. Undertaking Co. of Lents, who l«^t I^itch were childhood school mates for the oil fields of Texas. Mr. in Odessa. Nebraska, and hadn't Denver when met for 20 years. The Fredricks Kenworthy was at have been visiting in Canada and he wrote. other points on their route. Mr». Cha». Mollett and lu*r daugn- i»r, Thelma of 462V 63rd ztreet, are pending their vacation time in a Seaside cottage. Mr. Mollett with Carl and Margaret, two other child­ ren, accompanied Mr Mollett down io the beach on Labor Day, return- mg to Portland on the Tuesday following. This is the first glimpse that the Molletta had had of the ocean and it had all the glamour ot its wonderful Ine»» on them. In a letter to her husband Mrs. Mollett reports a storm which threw up the About 12:45 Thursday, Kenneth Westover was run over in front of waves in such a way as really to the U-nts nchool bon r, by an auto frighten her. mobile driven by A. D. Morgan of I4H E. 23rd street, resulting in :t L. K, Molle tU of Obit) roster fracture of the left leg above the is now installed as proprietor loud knee. Eye witneses to the uffair, Peter Larsen, formerly with the including Prof. Thaxter, report that of the dye works formerly operated Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Kreb» of 410 Prudential Ins. Co., is now a mem- Mr Morgan wus driving slowly al at Arletu under the name ot Bul­ the time, an