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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1919)
Annual Meeting Held by IMPROVEMENT CLUB Millard Avenue Church * AT ARLETA WORKING Officers are Re-elected FOR PAVED STREETS I ANNIVERSARY SALE _______ The annual meeting and dinner of County Asked to Pave 18-Foot Strip the Millard Avenue Presbyterian on Footer Road From Fifty- church was held in the basement second to Seventy-second. dining room Wednesday evening. April 2. The address, a pointed and earnest one, was given by the R<>^ Every Thursday evening at the au Orlando B. Pershing, of the Central ditorium of the Arleta Library, from Presbyterian church. He was accom now on, there will be a meeting of panied by Wilson Bcnefiel, an alder the local improvement club. This and well-known Presbyterian of the club has in mind the improving of same church. After the early de Sixty-seventh street and the surround parture of Mr. Pershing, who was ing neighborhood, desiring a substan moderator of the meeting as well as tial surfacing of Sixty-seventh and chief speaker, the pastor. Rev. W. a noticeable absence of tin cans and Lee Gray, took charge of the meet other rubbish. This club is actively i ing, Reports were given from the furthered by Mesdames Fred Love ' various departments as follows: Fi and Fred Taylor. Last Friday eve nancial report, H. C. Forbes; Sunday ning. April 4, the committee on the , school, A. J. Hollingworth; Sunday 1 improvement of Foster road met and school finance, ' '* ' ‘ read plans, specifications and csti- Sunday school beginners, Mrs. Myra I a8 foUowg. sidewalk. 6 feet; Zehrung: and pvtori* report Rex. I rking. ,os feet; paving, 60 feet;I tracks {<> to the I W. Lee Gray, Th«' personnel of the I officiary was retained unchanged.^ of extent of with the exception of the election of from Fifty-second street to Seventy- I Messrs. Reed and Kellar as elders. second street; cost, $113,300. The Messrs. Gilbert and Crum were also money is proposed to be raised part- I re-elected as trustees. ly by district assessment and partly, SEVENTEEN YEARS IN LENTS Tinted Stationery, regular 50c Glycerine Soap, Special . 6 Bars Ivory Soap, Special . . 5 Bars Matches, regular 2 for 15c 5 for Toilet Crepe Paper . . 5 for it is hoped, by county appropriation. Librarian Recommends Reading of These Bookb Miss Wil Hutchinson, librarian of the Arleta branch library, recom mends these books as of especial in terest at the present: “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” by Vicente Ibanez; “The Magnificent Ambersons.” by Booth Tarkington: “A Schoolnfaster of the Great City,” by Angelo Patri; and “The New Rev- elation,” by Sir Arthur.Conan Doyle. The Four Horsemen are Pestilence. War, Famine, and Death. “The Mag nificent Ambersons” is a novel of American life during the big growing time of an American city. “A Schoolmaster of the Great City” if a story of a teacher with a vision. “The New Revelation” is a personal and compelling evidence of continu ation of life hereafter. Community Sing Held by Arleta P-T. Association 20c 2 35c room BRUSHES Regular 40c Sale Price 25c FILLERS $1.50 IS YOUR SYSTEM RUN DOWN? TRY OCR IRON TONIC PILLS SPECIAL April 11, the committee will meet |; again to receive the county’s report : on how much it will do. The Portland Railway, Light Jt ; Power company is opposed to the', moving of the car track, but it is ■ estimated that the assessment on : the company as owner of property • adjacent to the street would amount • to a sum nearly three times as much : as it would cost the company to • move the tracks. : $2.39 UNIVERSAL LUNCH KITTS REGULAR FOUR DOLLAR WATER-GLASS ONE QUART A. D. Kenworthy Now The county is asked to pay for a strip 18 feet wide, which will cost Interested in Dunning about $45.000. & McEntee Company At a session this Friday evening, : By a recent arrangement A. D. Kenworthy has secured an interest in the Dunning & McEntee funeral establishments at Broadway and An keny streets. West Side, and ha- consolidated this place with the A. D. Kenworthy & Co., in Lents. Th? two places will continue to be oper ated under the present firm name s and in the same locations as the;, now have. Mr. A. D. Kenworthy’s personal attention will be given from either place and patrons of the Lent; place will continue to receive tb same courteous treatment as in th past. Mr. Kenworthy’s brother, A E. Kenworthy, formerly of th Chambers-Kenworthy Co., has taken an interest in the company and ha moved to Lents where he will tak- active part in the work of the com pany. PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE 26c 25c 25c 25c 25c . We Guarantee Uiem . . Now is the time to Put Down your Eggs tor Winter Use A NEW LINE Swift-Hand Soap, regular 10c Sale Price . WE HAVE THE FAMOUS ■i 5 for 25c EDISON PHONOGRAPHS DRUG SPECIALS Salts Boric Acid w. c. t . u. 7c 7c Senna Leaves Lysol, 3 ounces Our meeting was held at Mrs. Shinn’s. There’s where you find the beautiful times; 9503 Fifty-ninth ave nue is the number. We are having to say goodby to some of our members at every meet ing these days. Mrs. Esther Fank- hauser, evangelistic superintendent and recording secretary, leaves to morrow for an extended visit with relatives in Southern California. Wc shall miss her. Our part of the million-dollar drive counts up just $360, which we must raise in the next two months. Many plans were discussed, Those receiving most favor were: A W. C. T. U. day in every church; drive boxes; every member a dollar a month for 12 months; private sub- scription and public appeals, It will come. After the meeting delightful re freshments were served by the hos tess, assisted by Mrs. Rush, our gen ial social superintendent. A luncheon in honor of Mrs. Ad kins, national worker from Nash ville, Tenn., is to be given at the Portland hotel next Friday at 12:30. Several of the ladies are going and every one interested is welcome. If you can go, notify Mrs. Dunbar be fore Thursday morning; 75 cents a plate. Glycerine 3 ounces Listenne 3 ounces 7c 20c 20c 20c Cascara Tablets GEISLER HEATLH TABS 22c Discount ¿I rhi* ‘'Li WJ '‘ à . 1‘ I I ¡W Try them once you will always have them COLUMBIA * 25c Glycerine and Rose Watei . . . LARGE CAN EXCELLENT FOR BABY OR TOILET Í GRAFONOLAS A Complete Line ol right up-to-date $95.00 15c Both $1.00 A SOLD Disc and Imberole Records S k W 17c Imported Talcum Powder 25 per cent WITH » ItU 25c Glycerine and Bay 17« Rum .... Ill Hot Watei Bottle and Fountain Syringe 75c . RECORDS 12 Selections and 300 Needles MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Edison Conceit Friday and Saturday Nights. Come and hear the latest Records PRESENT \ FOR / EACH ; LADY WHILE THEY LAST-COME EARLY Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. Young People Enjoy Party Last Friday evening at the Arleta At the G. W. Dilley Home school house the Arleta Parent- Teacher association held a commu The home of Geo. W. Dilley was nity sing under the direction of the well-known Prof. W. H. Boyer, di the scene of a merry time Tuesday Portland | evenin8 when Margaret Tifft enter rector of music in the t__ _______ schools. John R. Leach, proprietor tained a number of her friends. of the Kern Park Phoenix Pharmacy, Those present were the Misses Pearl spoke on “Improvement in Mt. Scott Miller, Myrtle Hummen, Francis Hartwig, Francis and Margaret and on Foster Road.” C. E. Kennedy has moved Tifft, Messrs. Howard Jones, Harold Mr. Leach says that the cake was I from his present quarters? delicious and that they were al) so i Miller, Harley Clark, Clarence O’Neil glad that there was no smelt. A and Raymond Butterfield. to old location just east* Closset & Devers man furnished the coffee. BIRTHS of Donaldson’s grocery on Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ninety-second B. Schleigh, 5622 Successful Dinner Given Woodstock Avenue. street, April 2, a boy. By M. E. Ladies’ Aid Bom—To Mr. and Mrs. Hiftry Thornton, 5715 One Hundred and The dinner given by the Ladies’ Second street, April 2, a boy. Aid society of the Laurelwood M. E. Born — To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar church in the basement dining room Philips, 8744 Seventy-first avenue, of the church last Friday evening April 4, a boy. was quite a financial success, the amount made amounting to about ANOTHER YARD IN LENTS $30. An address was given touch Just inside the fence, ing social uplift conditions by Mr. Of another yard in Lents, Lewis, of the Centenary church. The Not a mite of beauty appears; ladies active in directing this dinner were Mesdames M. J. Onslow, Eva Not a flower, not a bud, Lawrence, A. J. Snider, A. C. Brack- Even the birdies pass it by. enbury, Lillie Perry, W. O. Boon, Tomato cans, and yellow paper, Vroman, Miller, Greeneley, Palmer, Broken boards, with rusted nails, Sad old shoes with worn out toes, Farley, and Z. T. Saulcer. Limp old rubbers, full of germs. Humps and hollows, bare spots too, HOW ABOI T VOIR KYKHf Membership of Baseball Weeds and grasses all entangled, Yon have y«ur tppth examined twice it year, Why not YOUR KYKH? They are Team of Wood die re Poor old yard, where no one cares. more important. G. S. B. Itemember your eyea are your bread The boys’ baseball team of the winners. If I rare for your eyes your eyea will Woodmere school has the following Fahy B. Hiatt, a former Mt. Scott care for you. personnel: Captain and pitcher, boy who has been in the heavy ar Charles Repp; catcher, Charles Strat- tillery service in France, is reported ^»• tometpis T- OPTICI» er; first base, Harold Atwood; sec to have arrived in New York, from ond base, George Bundy; third base, where he will be Bent to Ft. Dodge, Rudolph Clark; left field, Charles Iowa, for discharge. He is a brother 206-7-8 Swetland Bldg. Portland, Or. Hurd; right field, Paul Haynes; cen of D. L. Hiatt and Mrs. Jessie Fifth and Washington ter field, Billy Cox; shortstop, Tom Crouch, of 58th avenue and 84th Main 7M7 my O’Brien. street S. E. s Ninety-second Street Near Carline GEISLER BROS, g WiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih^ P r .F.VS auvi r T The Qualitq Goes Clear Through The Famous Doit Automobile is now in Lents. Come in and see this Wonderful Little Cai. Price $1095. We will dem onstrate it any time. LENTS GARAGE Local Agents WANTED Contracts for hauling wood, dirt, sand, ties, Iumlier or grain. Write and state particulars to Gary Coast Agency, 71 Broad way, Portland, Ore. /*- ■ PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET SHAVI^ CHILDREN BARBERING A SPFCHI.TY See 4 U iibhti A i A G kowik ■ JOYt>»r»’ Kiperlenrr I. F. GIV1 u* «T hal NOTICE I PERRY, THE EXPERT Will Rcpalr »our H cw I iik Morhlnv*! * Knaaonsblr Prlec All Work . Ooarairtead. Ikaan SkarnaH K h Tahar 771» Shop Tahar alll kaliltrla« !>••• *a« rillst Inwa Mawara SbarpraaS