Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 01, 1915, Image 7

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Invention That Is Causing Some
l-eratad st
Bar View, Tillamook Co., Ore.
Train ata»« at aur door
Only ZUO f«at from
high Ud*
Flank drive te l»»autíful béaoíl
Rafe balking. ramfortabie bada.
All iba
clama, eraba â rbkken yeti ran eat. Rat«« II
per dar and up
Fwr par tic niara write <»r «'all
trt) WlAK DKOTALCO.. lUuma »11-151 Falline
Bldf . Brd at Wan»> . Far Hand. Ore. rboma A
<>» M KM •• H«i View. Tillamook i*n . Ong«*'-
lienee Kverv MfM
Feel. Billiard« A Bawl
Hurt Halhina. Maa Flaking
INDIAN MA ft F Wampum or IU m I«
TZ t * ,T±g
A<*nii wanted.
M Uilhara. M i«h land Npring«. Gal.
Marn a Traie,
tie Independent
Trade taught In «Iaht waetaa.
tuoi« free
< omini m luna paid while learning.
Write fur free ratai»v
Ol I K 4'01.1 F.GKA. Portland KB N .nd Nt
KZ.V Mau. A«» . Seattle Klo» Mam ,.t
*'A Modern Bualnrea Training Mr buoi " Thorough.
Prague al. ■'Sport, reliable.
New building, large,
well lighted nenn«, complete modern equipment.
Write for free kw a u n in Bookkeeping and HhurU
Central Building. Furt La ad. Ore.
ta Ranch*«. Hop Yarda. Berry and Fruit Farm«.
Milker«. Iand*ckafwre and wund< hoptwr« on «hurt*
eat notlre. Fh«mc nr write flanl*-y Fmpier iu eat
A« m > o . at »&. fwlUtal*
ILa nfu U2N
eil til««.
•«««Mar «i.l, »••••«.
leat. cb««p. I«*’« all
• •••eu M • 4« e f
■*•$•!, «««'t •|Hll «• Mg
••• » ; will net •
!■!«'• aey lhl«f.
i.uayaaiaaei «•«<$$«•.
IWM by <!»•»<». • •
Pittsburgh Man Abla to Maks Vibra­
tions Radiated by Flams Reproduce
Every Note Played Upon
Pipe Organ.
Albert J. Pyne, a Pittsburgh busi­
ness man, has perfected, after years of
study, a device by whl*b he can make
vibrations radiated by tbe flame from
a tiny gas get reproduce every nuts
played upon a pipe organ. Tbe device
has not yet been named, but it might
well be called a pyropbone. It differs
little In principle from a pipe organ,
except that tbe vibrant note is caused
by a flame Instead of a current of air
upon a reed.
in recent tests In bk” iboratory Mr.
Pyne proved the practicability or bls
invention with a single unit, or octave,
and is perfecting It for a public detnon-
atratlon before a party of scientists
and musicians. The inventor does not
claim that be has discovered anything
particularly new to science or that tbe
instrument will In Itself become of
widespread utility.
Like Franklin's
experiment with the kite, however,
many persons believe that the appli­
cation of tbe principle of tho inven­
tion will lead eventually to tbe re­
production of sound from a ray of
light. Light flasliod upon a screen
will, they say. be made to give forth
tone modulations—music- as well as a
diversity of color.
A simple experiment with the "sing­
ing gas flame” Is not difficult Tbe
flame from the ordinary gas jet Is too
• m U by ••(*•••• $*♦•
paid l«w ft
Deserves Admiration.
Our admiration for the man who,
whether the conversation starts on
garden sass or the philosophy of Berg­
son, wtll yet bring it In three adroit
sentences to hla favorite bobby.—Mil­
waukee Journal.
How Mrs. Hurley Was Re­
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Eldon, Mo. — I was troubled with
displacement, inflammation and female
..........weakneas. For two
years I could not
stand on my feet
long at a time and I
i'T»g 9
could not walk two
blocks without en-
during cutting and
drawing pains down
Jt". , ?w— my right side which
/¡if increased every
month. I have been
Ht U>«t time purple
■————— in the face and would
walk the floor. I could not lie down or
sit still sometimes for a day and a night
at a time. I was nervous, and had very
little appetite, no ambition, melancholy,
and often felt as though I had not a
friend lo the world. After I had tried
most every female remedy without suc­
cess, my mother-in-law advised me to
take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
I did so and gained in
strength every day. I have now no trou­
ble in any way and highly praise your
medicine. It advertises itself.”—Mrs.
B. T. H urley , Eldon, Missouri.
small and posseases too little quality
of vibration to satisfy tbe novice.
Take Instead a burner of brass about
two Inches wide, like those on gasoline
lamps. This Is supplied from a quar­
ter-inch pipe.
The supply of gas Is registered by an
ordinary acrew valve, and a key be­
tween this valve and the burner con­
trols tbe length of tbe note. Beside
tbe aperture of the burner, which la
about 1-32 of an inch wide, la a maste*
light, which burns constantly to Ignite
the gas when the note la atruck. The
Inalde measurement of the pipe sup-
plying tho master light is about 1-16
of an inch in diameter.
Over the burner and master light a
tin tube four feet long and four Inches
in diameter Is suspended tn a manner
that will allow it to vibrate freely. The
adjustment of tbe tube Is similar to
that cf the pipes of an organ. The
burner is placed about one-fourth of
tbe distance from the bottom of tbe
tube, and the perfection of the note
I h obtained by raising or lowering the
tube until the instrument Is considered
in proper "tune."
To make a single unit capable of
playing music in a single octave seven
other tubes are required of the same
diameter, but graduated In length up
to eight feet cr down to two feet. In
this demonstration Mr. Pyne expects
to operate such an instrument with
a keyboard.
To obtain the best results he prob­
ably will use oxygen from a tank, but
In simple experiments the broad burn­
er can be affixed to an ordinary gas
pipe after removing the nipple, and
the tube can be suspended over It In
the manner Indicated without tbe mas­
ter light.
Wood Preservatives.
Owing to a falling off since August
1 of nearly 30 per cent in shipments
of creosote from England and Ger­
many, whence comes all but a small
part of the Imported oil used by wood
preserving plants tn this country,
American manufacturers have taken
steps which, says a report compiled
by the forest service. It Is estimated
will Increase production of the domes­
tic article by about 25 per cent The
Imported oil ordinarily forms about 65
per cent of the total used tn the
United States, where creosote Is tbe
most Important wood preservative,
It’s Tiresome Too.
“How long does It take you to buy
a dozen collars In a department store?"
“Ob, about half an hour.”
"You must be hard to please.”
"Not at all. I buy the collars In
Remember, the remedy which did two or three minutes and spend the
this was Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable neat of the time waiting for my
Compound. For sale everywhere
It has helped thousands of womes
Arduous Occupation.
who have been troubled with displads-
"Does It require great mental ef­
ments,Inflammation, ulceration, tumors,
Irregularities, periodic pains, backaAe, fort to be a photographer?"
that bearing down feeling, indige.Aion,
"Yes, Indeed." replied Mr. Snap-
and nervous prostration, after all other pum.
"You have to sit up nights
means have failed. Why don’tyou try learning funny storiea to tell custom­
ItT Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., ers in order to make 'em smile and
Lynn, Maas.
look natural.”
r. N. u.
WHEN wrltlss to adrerdsere, .lasos
tins thio posor.
Lumber, Shingles,
ijith, M ou I ding,
Doors, Windows and
other Building Ma­
terial from
Sam Connell
Lumber Co.
Portland, -
Send us a liat of what you require
for your build ngs and we will name
you prices delivered at your station
and Guarantee to save you Money.
W rita for our
Illustrated Catalog.
COMET GAM BA LUI - Latmt and
terminator for (¡oplwrs. Squirrel*. CoyuUs» <>r any
burr*>win« animal pe«la. Nun-poiaoLous, non-*x*
pioxiv«; aafer than any cartr«i«r; surer than any
trap, very effective, harm'*«* to p*rw>n hand 1 in«.
Hall runhned in burrow with torn njc pluir«*«!
burns two minutes, consuming1 all air and subati-
tutin« deadly gas
Pn>perly umm J never fails.
Animal cannot survive. Trial order 36c doaen. 30c
frusa lots. Live aalaaman wanted.
Great seller;
exclusive territory
Liberal contract. < om«t G«s
Ball Co., Cham, of Cominerca Bld«.. Portland. Or.
Dalles-Columbia Line
State of Washington, for Th« Dalle« daily ev.
Sunday Up. m. l^rav« Dalles daily ex. Monday
12 M
Steamer* J. N. Teal. Inland Empire and
Twin Citte« for Upper Columbia and Snake river
points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 611.
VdaMlt is* («le ahi Rear Tvwiag Cs„ Partissi
I» no more noceaasry
than Smallpox. Arm,
ezpvrlrnca ha* de«MS>aual*d
th. almoat wuscutava rfrt-
SKV, and barairaanraa. <d AMttyshotd Vaccinatimi.
Se vaccinatati NOW by you* »hytlclan, you «od
Bau* tamil.. It la mora alla) thaa bocca taratane*.
Aak your shyvlctan, draglia, a* **nd tor Ha »a
fra had Trphold/** telline «* Typhold Vaccina,
taaulta Iran uaa. and Saa<n tram Typhold Cartlen.
raaawoaa aracaaa* a aaaua* uhi e. x aaa. ucaaaa
Couldn’t Solvo the Problem.
After retiring fretu business a cer­
tain man continued to maintain an of.
flee In a downtown building He had
no nerd of It and. furthermore Asa out
of town altnoot all the time. A friend
of hie pointed out tho Inconsistency,
and asked him why he didn't give up
the office." "I would.” oeld the other,
"but I don't know what to do with
the rug.”
Valuable Timber Tree.
One of the largest and most valua­
ble timber trees of the country Is the
tulip tree, known to lumbermen as
yellow poplar. It Is related to the
magnolias, but Is the only tree of its
kind tn the world
Means that you keep
the middleman’s
profit in your pocket
when you buy
■ABOLD BOMBAI. IM Palai» Ave . Breeglyn. ». T.
Why Editors Age Prematurely.
"Will you please give mo.” an Kaot
old» woman writes earnestly to th*
Star. “a little Information through
your columns of ’Answers?' 1 am
making a shoe polish and want to
know what Ingredients to use to pro
duce the shine. It Is all satisfactory
eicept that It docs not give the do
slrod polish."—Kansas City Star.
Small Boy Not at All Disturbed by
Father Reaching for Strap While
Aboard Trolley Car.
■a ay.
"Jagson has quit drinking during
office hours.”
"Well! Well! I admire him for
that Was it much of a struggle?"
"No. Ha almply closed up his offlo«"
Whst J. F. Gloom Thinks of T. J. Daft.
"Do you read my comic poems?” in­
quired Tennyson J. Daft, evidently an­
gling for a compliment. "Occasional­
ly." replied J. Fuller Gloom, who has
a bright though evil mind, "and they
always make me a sadder if not wiser
man."—Kansas City Star.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar-
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­
els and cure constipation.
No other baking
powder will raise
nicer, lighter bis­
cuits, cakes and
pastry, none is more
pure and wholesome
They were speaking of tbe bright
remarka of tbe little folka tbe other
evening when this anecdote was re­
called by Congressman Henry George
of New York.
Recently a woman
crowded trolley where a man and a
very small boy were sitting side by
eide. Instantly tbe man offered his
seat to the woman and seized a
puic diiu wuuicaMiiic
‘‘Isn’t that gentleman your father,
my boy?” gently asked tbe woman
passenger, breaking Into conversa­
tion with tbe youngster.
“Yes, ma’am," answered tbe boy.
"We are goln’ to the zoo."
“Well, since be Is so much older
than you, why don’t you give blm
Forces to Be Destroyed. .
your seat?" remarked tbe kindly
Tbe forces of nature -.« must en
hearted passenger. “Don't you d la­
deavor to avoid. Working blindly at
Oct. 28, 1914:—"1 had eczema on
like to see him reaching for the
they do we can do nothing to oven my face for ten years. Little red pim­
come them. At most we can avoid ples form'd In a small spot on my
"Not in a trolley car," was tbe their destructive influence and allevi chin and then spread all over my facet
prompt rejoinder of young America, ate the suffering they give rise to They itched and burned me awfully.
"but 1 do at home."
But the forces that are thrust out by I tried almost every remedy and treat*
ourselves, that spring from our own meat that could be used for thia trou­
ble, but nothing did me any good. I
He'll Think They Own a Car.
minds, must be controlled and over
“See here. Louise, aren't you come. They are primitive.' They ar« used re-in ol ointment and reslnol
soap, and was relieved in a day or
ashatne of yourself? Tbe first invita­ brutal.
Thpy are animal forces two.
In one month I was cured.
tion you are sending to tbe adjutant Against these we must direct our en This was six months ago and the
is all soiled with petroleum."
“Why should 1 be ashamed about it?
(Signed) Mrs. C. C. Roberts, Weath­
erford. Okla.
Every druggist sella
I did It purposely, to show blm that
Not Worth Solving.
reslnol ointment and resinol soap and
our family Is not poor, since we can
"1 have pondered all my life," say* doctors have prescribed tbe reslnol
afford to use IL”—Humor! stlcke Llsty B. P. Walker, "on which was more lm
treatment for more than twenty
portant In this world, brains or money years.—Adv.
But when I look around and see how
Not So Sweeping.
many get along on little of either, I
As a Reminder.
Mrs. Styles—I see New York will conclude I am wasting my time trying
Frances was finding it tiresome fa
conduct a special school for tbe in­ to solve tbe question.”—Kansas City be kept in on a rainy day. After sev­
struction of street sweepers.
eral futile appeals to be allowed to go
Mr. Styles—It will be a failure.
out, she said emphatically: "Well, 1
“Why so?"
Wise Rather Than Witty.
am going to leave this bouse and nevs
"Because the women are net wear
Be rather wise than witty, for much er come back.” Thinking to frtghte«
Ing those long trails any more."
wit hath commonly much froth, and her out of the idea ! said: "Very well,
it la hard to jest and not sometimes then well pack your clothes.” "No,”
jeer, too, which many times sinks was the calm reply. "1 think 1 will
deeper than was intended or expect­ leave them here so you can always r»
ed, and what was designed for mirth member just how big 1 was when I
ends in sadness.—C. Trenchild.
y Then Why Pay More ?
MO^ARD E. BT’RT<»X; - AMxyer and fTie-mlwt,
■ • L*«dvil!e. Colorado.
inieu price«: Gold,
»ilver. Lead. tl. Gold. tJiher. %e; Gold SOc: Zinc
or Cuppur ti Mailing envelop« • d full pricelist
•ent on application. Control ar,d Cmpire worfcao
UciUvL Iteferenoe: CUxLonate
Another pathetic little feature ol
everyday life is tbe way a stout worn
an verging on middle age will read th«
directions for making the angles trim
and shapely, to meet the demands of
the short skirt vogue, and laboriously
but confidently go through all tho pre-
Nothing New.
This time It lias been discovered
that the steam engine was known in
Egypt as early as the year 200 B. C.
The machine in question was a ro­
tary affair and more theoretical than
practical. A Greek adaptation of the
same Idea was used a little later for
turning the aplt. Then steam power
dropped out of rt-»M for centuries.
The Best at Any Price
Ilave Healthy, Strong. Beautiful Fyae
Ova. lata aud Pb/eiciaaia a^ed Muriue K/e
many years before it was offered aa a
DomeeUc E>e Medicine. Marine la Siiil Com­
pounded by Our Faya.ciana aud guarantee«
by them a. a Reliable Relief for Eyes that Need
Care. Try it in your Byee and In Baby's Byee—
No Smarting —Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murtna
of your Druviclsl — accept no Substitute, and H
lntere-lrd write fcr Ife-oic of tbe Bye Frra.
Of the Same Opinion.
Mildred—"Don't you think Miss El­
derly looks much younger in her new
hat?” Helen—“Indeed I do. Why.
Mildred, it makes her look but very
What It Vias.
little older than she says she is."—
Six-year-old returned from his first
day at Sunday school, very proud that
he had learned the song that the chil­
No Place For Coupling.
dren sar.g as they marched In to th«
"What is this place, conductor?” assembler -?m. "What was the aeng?”
asked the passenger on his way to
asked the fond parent of orthodox pet*
the fair. “This is Reno. Nevada.” “Go­
suasion. "Onward, Christian Science I”
ing to put a new car on here?” “No,
this is where tbe uncoupling Is done."
"Does she love her husband?"
"It's tbe kind of love that you can
eend on a postcard."
"You might as well admit your
guilt,” said the detective. “The man
whose house you broke into positive
ly identifies you as the burglar.”
"That’s funny," said the burglar.
"What’s funny?" asked the detec­
"How could he Identify me when he
had hie head under the bedclothes all
the time I was In his room?” asked
the burglar.
Unwilling to lmpc«e on the Lord.
Bird Well Named.
"What does yo' think, s.-ih, bout da
A booby Is not merely a human ’vangelist's notion o' hoidin’ sunrise
dunce, but is a Bahama bird, which pra’r meetin's?” "I calls it plumb fool­
Is so spiritless that when attacked by ish, sah!” replied square-beaded eld
other birds it fails to fight and gives Brother Clank.
"Vhkaze why: D«
up tbe fish It has caught without re­ Lawd ain't gwlne to tumble out o' bed
dat early in de mawnin' to listen t«
' a bunch o' niggers dat's got all day ta
The Sabbath.
do deir prayin' in!”—Kansas Cltj
A world without a Sabbath would Star.
be like a man without a smile, like
3 Cures While Yota Walk.
a summer without flowers, and like
Allen’» F.H-t-Ease is a certain cure for hot
a homestead without a garden. It is
»wealing,callu»,and»wollen,schingfeet. Sola
the joyous day of the whole week.— by all DruggiM* Price
Don’t accent any
«ubetltute. Trial
FREE. Add rem
AllenH Olm-t-d. LeVnr, S Y.
' .* ’
Would Satisfy Him.
Captains* Saiarfea.
To the young man who sat timidly
Turning It Around.
The salary of captains of the tran«
"What's your boy crying for so up­
atlantic liners of the larger class
Precocity may be defined as a font
woman 15 feet away that he would
runs from £500 to £1.200 a year—or
of premature mental development thal
"Oh. his mother shut him up In bls cross the world for her, she coyly said from $4,000 to $6.000 in America«
Is Instanced when a child five year«
old has learned that tbe drumstick It
crossed the room
• What for?"
not the best part of a turkey gobbler.
“She always does things by contra­
Regular Hercules.
—Houston Post
Notary Public.
ries. When we have company she
Whenever there Is a street spat
The qualifications for a notary pub­
thinks a child should be heard and not
nearly every woman has the Ide«
lic are just ordinary intelligence and
That Resemblance.
that her husband would be a very
"What a funny looking man that
any age after twenty-one will fill the fiend for carnage if she didn’t bold
conductor is!" said Mrs. Jiggles on tbe
How It Happened.
him back —Louisville Courier-Journal
trolley. "Yea. " said Jiggles. "I've been
Mrs. Gotham—What! Another new
trying to thtnk whom he looks like. hat, John?
Asking Too Much.
Ant l\es<s in riant.
His face Is very familiar to me.” "Oh,
Our idea of Intellectual honesty ta
Mr. Gotham—Yes. dear.
In the Malay peninsula an English
1 know who it Is!” said Mrs. Jiggles,
"But you couldn’t possibly have naturalist has discovered a species what would prompt an editor to put ■
"it'a our goldfish I”—Judce.
worn out that other hat, already."
of ant that makes Its nest In the spring poem written by himself in th«
fleshy stems of ferns that grow in tbe waste basket along with the other«.-»
Safety First In the Ministry, Too.
Columbus (Onio) Journal.
of t—•— •'-« ->(r.
"And—ah—what salary would you
expect?" asked I>acon Klutchpenny of
Tiny Oven.
Some Title.
the church at Hardscrabble. "Seven
oven, tlnv enough to b«
hundred dollars a year, without dona­
"Young man,” said the Irate old gen­ In Spanish times "Pueblo de Nuestra placed on a micrcscrne, end used for
tion parties." replied the applicant for
heating and dn ing cblects that are to
tho pastorate. "Eight hundred and tleman at the lunch counter to the Sencra la Reina de los Angeles” or be examined, has been invented by a
hard looking youth who was inhaling
fifty, with’"
German »01*"»’-»
his soup with a gurgling sound and Angels."
splashing it about the while, "what are
Modern Children.
Splasn or t><j until.
Poor Man's Adva-ta-^e.
Tn describing the children who had you? A Colorado geyser?"
When a twelve-inch shell strikes the
The sleep of the laboring man fa
"Naw,” responded the soup juggler.
moved In next door little Helene said:
water it throws a "splash" higher than sweet whether be eat little or much;
"They're not troublesome children; "I’m a New Haven guy, sir!"—Har­ a battleship’s mast. The "splash"
but the abundance ot tbe rich will not
they don't do anything you tell them vard Lampoon.
weighs about 2,000 tons, enough to1 suffer him to sleep.—Ecclesiastes,
not to do. but they do everything yot>
drown a small shin
At the Cottage.
don't say anything about."
He—I didn’t know it was so late.
Are you sure that clock Is going?
Feminine Voice (from above)—It’s
going a whole lot fastef than you are,
young man.—Penn State Froth.
Will trade elegant Portland, Or., home,
Many people suffer from weak hearts. They
all new and modern, value |5000, for
may experience shortness of breath on exertion,
Tempered by Circumstances.
pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing
stock of Shoes or General Merchandise.
“What Is the only safe rule of action
after meals or their eyes become blurred, the heart is not
Royal Shoe Co.. 229 Morrison St.
when you want a thing done?” asked
sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and
the professor of social economy.
they have cold hands and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened
blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterativo should be token which has
“Order it rare,” replied the student
no bad altar-effect. Such is
who dined at restaurants.
Weak Heart
Merchants, Attention!
Do You Want to
Sell Your Farm?
We are exclusive farm dealers, and our long
experience makes our facilities for finding
purchaser« unexcelled in this section.
If you
desire to sell or trade your farm lands, write
us. giving full description and location of
your property, best price and terms, and just
what you want in exchange. We have a party
wanting a stock ranch up to $60.000. and will
trade 1363 acres of timber, containing fifty
million feet of timber. Submit proposition.
122 N. Sth BL, Portland. Ora.
As the Saying la.
"An obstinate sort of fellow is Dub-
"He won't even let a conductor tell
him where to get off."
Paw Knew the Answer.
Little Lemuel—Say, paw, what Is
the meaning of intuition?
Paw—Intuition, son. is something
that tells your mother she la right
whether she is or not
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
which contains no dangerous narcotics or alcohol.
It helps the human system in tho constant manufacture of rich, red blood. Tt
help« tbe stomach to asaimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby
helping digestion and curing dyspepaia, heart-bum and many uncomfortable aymp-
toms, atopa excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fever»; for the run­
down, anaunic, thin-blooded people, the "Discovery” ia refreshing and vitalising.
/n litfuld or tablrt Form at mosC afro* stores or send JO eno-esnt
otomorfor trial box to Dr. Piorco’ s invalidr Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y,