Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 04, 1914, Image 7

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    POULTRY ■ ■■ ■
and Dairy Produce
What Ha Left.
Reatillng In a little village la a law­
yer, who. according to Ladle»' Home
of all bind» want*!. Writ« for eur
Journal, la famous for drawing wllla.
In which branch of bunlneaa he baa
long enjoyed a monopoly of th» noun
try for mil««» around.
A f«w month» nine» a wealthy man
died. There whs much speculation an
to the value of th» property and the
town goanlp set about to find out th«
facta. He bunted up the lawyer and
Bought, auM »»*•
n»«d, engines. holler», after a few preliminary remark« about
• mw mills.
Stork I.hl and Prira«.
the dreeaaed he «aid rather bluntly:
111k J. B. MAXTIN CO.. kJ l»t Mt. l urtiand. Or.
"I nuppoau you made Brown', will?”
"Then you probably know how much
he loft. Would you mind telling me?"
"Not at all,” the lawyer anawered.
aa he reaumed bls writing. "H» left
everything he had."
MASOLO MOMMAA. IM XMACk A»«. BretUr«, ■. t.
hr Cutter'» Slash l»f 9*111«
freeh. reliable. preferred i < j
WeHeth »I -iur>»ti I« c « um they ere>
| m J «bere eJhar veeelee« fall.
Wtl(« far l»rw>ld«t and f«»Un»«»nlel».
ta i«»« »*#• ni««bi»i rm« ii.ta
• »<« hlatk'.f Fin. 4 »
I’ m >■ r i».
• » .» ruttai »*»’
. »ff Cullar i " i »> la I» due tu orar ¡3
I.e « In »eaeia»» ««a HruMi eely.
er*» If ’in>.i '»hi«i I« order direct
Wanted a Whole Ball Team.
While lila mother waa <r<xhi*tlnic
boot»»» for the one corning they were
shown to t'laronc«, 2 yeura old, and he
«1.« naked:
"If God gave us another baby do
yOU want a little brother or a little
After many minute« of thought he
"Well, mother, If It doeHn't
make any difference to you, 1 bad
rather that the first nine were boya."
St. Louin Republic,
Includes ___________
actual Office _________
Practice, Book-
keeping, /
AecountilMf, ‘ Banking, Arith-
mane. Rapid Calculation, Letter Writ­
ing, Spelling and Penmanshiii—in a
won!, drill» you for
Combination Courses may be taken
if desired.
Prepare to earn a Good
Salary by attending
Tacoma, Washington.
Like King Alfred.
Mrs. Coinoup—I like our minister
because he laika right out in good old
Angular Haxon.
Cynlou»—That probably accounts
for hla lack of rounded periods.—Bal­
timore American.
Wonders of Electricity.
Here Is one that was told by Con­
gressman Claude Weaver of Oklaho­
ma the other night, and is reported
In th» Philadelphia Telegraph.
Some time ago a young farmer who
A Staggerer.
had joined the army »nd gone to the
Young wife (four weeks married)— Philippines sent a cablegram to bls
Good gracious, reproaching me al­ father. The day after the arrival of
ready because 1 have bought a new the message the father was speaking
hat! la It going to bo like this every about It to a farmer friend.
month? Fliegende Blaetter.
“Great thing Is that telegraf, Josh,"
remarked the father. "Jes' think o'
Free to Our Heeder»
that message coinin’ all them thou
Write Murine g/e ll*-m«*«ly C’o . Chl<-ago, for
sand miles!"
IS pn«« lllu»*l K> * Hook Free, Write all
"Yes,” was the hearty response of
ab<>ut Ynur g/e Trouble end (Ury win ad,lee
Josh, "an’ so thunderin' quick, too.”
a. to the Proper Appllcetloo of the Murine
"Thunderin' quick!” exclaimed the
Fye Kemedlee In Your Speelel Cue«. Your
father. "Well, I should say so! When
txugglet will trit you that Murlur Kellevee
bore gyre. Strengthen« Weak Eye«, ltoern't
I got that mesHage the mucilage on
Smart, Muotbea Eye I'.lu, end »ell. fur &0e.
the envellup wasn't dry yet."
Handing Her One.
Kitty Jack told mo laat night that
1 wn, the prettleat girl he’d ever ».een try It In Vour k>r« end In Baby's Kye» for
Ethel -Oh, that'a nothing He auld Sc«:y K)elide end Or.uulxtlou.
HOWAHO r. Hl kTinX
zw-r •>>« rh.aJC.
the name to in« a year ago
■■ I -*ad » » 11 «». (ktlomdo, «>•».*>. eu l nur«: Gola,
With Other Feelings.
Kitty I know that, but na one
Hll«• r
Hlhet. lie. Gold te*?; Ziae
I« Melila* enrekipm» •
full pricaliM
grown older one's taste Improve», you
Rhe -Before we were married you »• nl < <*; o« per.
« bj I h ** >«n.
end ( tnplre work •>
solemnly declared that you never,, U oì U m I. Beforeftzw: Girtxjnate hie'- boom H äa A l .
could be happy without me.
For the first time In history Vassar
He True; but marriage has made
"I hope," «aid one wife to another, another man of me.—Boston Tran­ college seniors will wear black caps
and gowns at their commencement.
"that you never nag your hu«band,”
Since the college was founded in 1861
"Only when he la bvutlng the rug«,"
«aid the second one. "When he in
A Moorish woman regards it ns a the seniors have always worn white.
thoroughly Irritated he make« a much point of honor to be absolutely Ignor-
better job of it."—Ladle»' Home Jour int of her ttge.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not
Tobacco Habit
Easily Conquered
A N'e* Yorker of wltl« ««(Nirience. h»« written
t«vUins h<»w th«
or »fttiff h«bit may
I* *o*Cy »n<i rtwnplelcly l*«ntah«d In tl.rew day»
with dehtfhtfui l»nt it. Th« author. Edward J
Woode. ¡’■V l>, 81«lion K. New York City, wli:
mall hi« bm>k fi«« on r«M|u««t.
Th* hoof th Improve« wonderfully oftrr th*
lib of In« i »iMm 1« out of tho evetrin. (*«ln>ne«»
trontiull «loop tlror «ry««. normal appetito. «<*■!
dttf«all«m. manly vitfur. »trout memory and •
r* .«ral vain Ju *fll«’k*nvy ar* among the mam
«n«Mta r«port«*l. G«t rkl «»f that nerrvoua f««lihtf
ho tnor« uael rtf pipe. rlfar. «uraretU», »nufT. ur
rh«wln< tob«r< u to parify morbid doetTo.
The soothing, healing, comforting
medication In re«lnol ointment and
realnol soap sinks right Into every
tiny pore Of the akin, clears It of lm-
purities, and stops Itching Instantly.
Realnol speedily heals eczema, rushes,
ringworm and other eruptions and
gets rid of disfiguring pimples and
blackheads, when other treatments
prove a waste of time and money.
Resinol is not an experiment, It Is
a doctor's prescription which proved
«o wonderfully successful for skin
troubles that It hua been used by
other doctors all over the country for
19 years. Sold by nil druggists, res-
tnol ointment, 50c and IL reslnol soap,
stain the kettle.
What Spider Indicated.
When Mark Twain, in his early
days, was editor of a Missouri paper
a superstitious subscriber wrote to
him saying that he had found a spider
In his paper and asking him whether
this was a sign of good luck or bad.
The humorist wrote him this answer
and printed It:
"Old Subscriber—Finding a spider
In your paper was neither good luck
nor bad luck for you. The spider was
merely looking over our paper to see
which merchant is not advertising, so
that he can go to that store and lead
a life of undisturbed pence ever after-,
ward." — Pittsburg
Limited Promise.
Spoiled the Job.
Reggy- I thought you'd forgiven
Howell—When you want a thing
what I said and promised to forget It*
done right, do it yourself.
i’eggy—But I didn't promise to let
Powell—I guess that's good advice;
The late Canon Fleming's sermon,
you forgot I'd forgiven It.—Chlcugo Recognition in Eternity," which was I never got a fellow to lie for me when
Dally News.
preached at Sandringham Church on he didn't make a mess of it
January 24, 1892. and is sold in pamph­
Ths Whois Hog.
let form, has realized a profit of 18805,
Playwright -Was Grasper satisfied which the queen has divided between
with the part assigned him In my new the Gordon Boys' Home and the Brit­
ish Home and Hospital for Incurables,
Manager—Was Grasper ever satis S treatham.
fled with “part" of anything?—Judge.
X < urea Whll« Vou Wsllu
ta S\3æjsas»aaŒEJ
Alh'n'a Fnot-Ksae la a »-f-rialti cur» fot hot,
-u-eatlng.calliia,sii-l »wollen, »<-hlug feci. Suiti
Uy all InugglM». Prie»
. lion't sci-evi any
l«tltlllo. Trial vai kaee FHEE. Addica»
llleuH lUm»te.|, lai Boy. N Y.
A report of the interstate commerce
commission gives 1,499,213 as the total
number of men and women employed
KIHEI I) IRI KS. No worryin* or dan- H by the steam railways of the United
*«r of an operation. Ruptur* 1» not a tetr nj States.
or branch, a* commonly «up|XM«>d. but in
the ntr«tchin*. or dilation, of a natural
SHIELD appliance cluawn thin openln* in
today« In moat ran««. If you can’t c«rm«.
write fur mvMunn* blank and literature.
Hold only by
Wooden palls are being displaced by
steel receptacles, says the American
Machinist. For the paint trade nlono
ono plant turns out every year 4.000,-
000 steel pulls to hold white lead.
No Swimmer.
Edna—Did she sink in the social
Who ar« True» Expert* and Excluaha
Stat« Atfatita for thia appliance.
Winifred—Yes; she went beyond
BHSfffiEEBE SC'S E ««233KJSaSi38B her depth.—Judge.
Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or.
Blood Troubles Are
ften Hard to Locate
Catarrh, for Example May Be the Cause of Very
Serious Illness.
A Slight Trouble Often Brings Serious Blood Disorder«.
A chronic cold mean» «omethlng wrong
l'impie, mean had blood,
The»« and a hundred other «ymptoma are
enally re<-.ignl«e<J, but where I« th» trouble.
Where I« It located Ì What la wrong with
th, bodily machine?
If you will go Inta any first claaa atora
•nd gat a bottle of H. H. K. you are on the
way to getting rid of thoae conditions that
cauae alckiiraa and dlacaae.
But don't let
rnyone work off that old trick of aoniethlng
*'Jiiat aa good."
H. K H. la taken Into the blood just as
naturally aa th* inoat nourishing food It
spreads Ila Influence over every organ In
tne body, cornea through all the velna and
srterlea, cnablea all mucous anrfacaa to
exchange Inflammatory acids and other
Irritating eubatauc-x for arterial elemen'a
that effectually cleanse the system and
thus put an end to all pollution
H R. R
slesaa out Uè stornaili of mucous acetumi-
latlona, enables only pure, blood-making
materials to enter the Intestines, combines
with these food elements to enter the cir­
culation, an<l In lose than an hour Is at
work throughout the body tn the proccae of
You will coop realise Its wonderful tn-
fliien.-» by the absence of headache, a stead­
ily Improved condition * f the »kin. and n
sense of bodily relief that proves how com-
nletely the entire ayetem wae loaded With
You will And S. R. R. cn rale at all drug
It la a remarkable remedy for any
and all blood affections, such as ecsema.
rash, lupus, tetter, psoriasis, bolls, and all
other diseased conditions of the blood, Foi
special advice on any blood dleea»» write
to The ‘Awlft Specific Co., 223 Swift Bldg.,
Atlanta Ge.
l»o i.ot trifle with eiibstltute«. Imita­
tions or any of the horde of "Just ag
good" Counterfeits of B, B. 8k
Too Many Go at It the Wrong Way
and Consequently Cause III Health
and Suffering.
Write Me
Housework Is cither a very great
Pur»« Flavored With Vanilla Is Excel­ menace or equally an aid to health,
beauty and happiness.
lent— Recipe for Banana Sponge—
If the housekeeper approaches her
Good Mixed With Other Fruit
work with strained nerves, a scowl
and Frozen.
upon her face, and her temper at white 1
heat, or if she approaches It grudg­
Peal as many bananas as desired ingly, hating It. or resignedly, with a
Such a ri« for th« money haa never been
and rub them through a fine sieve into look of the martyr in her eyes and a
offered before In th« Northweatl Th« cele­
brated Russell Engine and Separator. Ev­
a basin. Mix with this fruit puree determination to do It because »he
ery Farmer in th« Northwest »houki know
a pint o' thick cream flavored with va­ must, plainly shown in the straight.1
about this special offer. Writ« me today,
nilla. then pass the whole once more bard line of her mouth, then house- i
pereonally. for full particulars and d«a-
through the fine sieve. Turn into a work isn't going to bring her much I
/ aUo havt a copy of the new 1914 FREK
freezer and leave till thickened, then benefit beyond cleanliness.
Ruutll Threshing Machine Book all ready
beat three-fourths of a pint more of
to mail you! l/roy try a potial NOW!
If, on the other hand, she takes the
I'll tend YOUR copy by return malL
cream till thick, sweetening to taste, same interest In dusting the furniture,
and mix with the frozen cream; add­ wielding the broom and polishing the
A. II. AVERILL, President.
ing also one wineglassful of wine. Ar­ brasses as she does in learning the
range the cream, rock-shape, on a fold­ steps of the latest tango or playing a
ed napkin or dish and serve.
game of tennis, which is every bit as
Or you may like banana sponge: strenuous, she will soon cease to find
338 Masst SL
Dissolve three-fourth» of an ounce of that housework is drudgery.
powdered gelatin in a gill of boiling
Housework, rlghdy approached and
water. Make a boiled custard of rightly pursued, brings splendid re­
on i pint of flour, four eggs, one half sults. It is the best series of physi­
pound of sugar and a pinch of salt cal culture -xerclse there is, because,
Add the dissolved gelatin. Strain and first, it has a definite purpose; second­
Never Too Late to Begin.
set aside until cold and beginning to ly, it helps keep the blood circulating,
A short time ago while visiting a
thicken. Stir in two tablespoonful» of the muscles pliable and the body and relative In a distant city at breakfast
lemon juice and eight bananas rubbed mind working in unison, and, thirdly, lone morning the little daughter of lb»
through a sieve. Now add a pint of it helps to educate.
I family, aged 3, was dipping a roll Inta
her coffee, much to the embarrass­
whipped cream and pour Into a wet
Housework Involves brain work. By
mold, decorated with bananas, cut In inducing the mental faculties to direct ment of her mother at this breach of
rings and set in a cold place to be­ the movements of the body the mind table manners.
The mother leaned to vsrd the llttl»
come firm.
becomes more alert.
girl and gently said that nice llttl»
Banana surprise is also an excellent
In performing each and all the duties girls never dipped their roll into their
dessert. Scald a quart of cream with of housework she will not allow her coffee.
Little Helen gazed at her
the yellow rind of a lemon and have a body to slouch any more than she I mother in astonishment and asked t
pound of sugar. Allow to cool and par­ would at the dancing lesson. She will "Mother, when you were a little girl,
tially freeze; then add three-quarters take frequent long draughts of fresh didn't you never, never dip your roll
of a pint of banana pulp mixed with air, beside breathing regularly and in your coffee?”
On receiving a reply in the negative
a sirup mixture of candied fruit, cher­ deeply all the Urne, and she will on no with a most satisfied smile, she whis­
ries, pineapple, greengages, etc., and occasion allow herself to become over­ pered confidentially, "Try it 6oms
the strained juice of half a lemon. fatigued, for she snatches periods of time, it's fine.”—New York Sun.
Now finish the freezing. Have ready rest between duties.
chilled, fresh-looking banana skins, in­
jured as little as possible in remov­
ing the pulp. FBI these with the frozen THIS ONE AN OLD FAVORITE
mixture, putting one tablespoonful of
the fruit mixture In the center of each. Lennon Butter Served at Luncheon
Will Please the Guests—Sour
Press the strip of skin buried m equal
Oranges Also Fine.
parts of salt and ice for an hour and
This reaüy means keep­
a quarter. For the fruit mixture cut
Old-fashioned lemon butter is a
the fruit in very small dice and mix
ing the digestion good,
prime favorite for luncheon. Here Is
with a little thick sirup flavored to
the liver active and the
taste. When serving tie each banana a good recipe:
Wash, dry, then grate the yellow
with a bow of narrow ribbon.
rind from one fine lemon into a small
bowe!s free from con­
agate saucepan. To it add half a pint
Braised Tongue.
stipation. You are then
of fine granulated sugar, one fresh egg.
Wash three pounds fresh tongue a pinch of salt and a dessertspoonful
ready to “play the
cover with boiling water and cook of butter, five tablespoonfuls of cold i
slowly two hours. Remove from wa­
game” to win. For any
water and the strained juice of one i
ter, blanche in cold water and remove
in the di­
skin and roots. Cook one-fourth cup
Over a slow fire dissolve these in-
each of diced carrots, turnips and gredients. then simmer the nrtxture
gestive functions
onions in butter five minutes and re­ until as thick as molasses
Stir con-
move them to a deep braising pan. stanUy. Remove the pan from the fire
Frown tongue in fat and place on veg­ when the right consistency is attained.
etables in pan. If desired add clove, Pour into a glass dish or large tum­
cinnamon and sweet herbs, salt and bler. It is ready to serve soon as cold,
pepper, one clove, bit cinnamon, bou­ with plain uniced cake, bread or crack­
quet of sweet herbs, one teaspoonful ers.
has been proven very
salt, one-fourth teaspoonful pepper.
Sour oranges may be used in exactly
helpful. You should try
Cover tongue one-half way with stock, the same way with satisfactory re­
and bake tn covered pan two hours. sults, but sweet ones will not answer
it but insist on gettin*
At the last half hour the juice of a at all.
lemon may be added. When tender
remove to a hot platter.
Jelly OmeleL
This Is No Josh.
stock for gravy and pour around
Break fresh eggs into a bowl and
tongue on hot dish.
in Boston—Can you
beat lightly with a fork. Add salt and
hot water and as soon as blended pour tell me how to reach Washington
Delicious Cocoa Crullers.
Into a smooth pan In which half of the street?
Second Stranger—That’s just wher«
Beat two eggs and two-thirds cupful butter has heated, but not browned.
I want to go. Let's work together.
of sugar till light; then add two ta­ Shake the pan as eggs begin to thicks You go south and I'll go north, and
blespoonfuls melted butter and one en and as soon as partly cooked lay a we'll report progress every tim» w«
cupful of milk. Sift together three plate over pan and invert IL Place meet.—Puck.
cupfuls pastry flour, one heaping ta­ pan back .'n stove, add the remaining
blespoonful dry cocoa, one-half tea­ butter and slide in the eggs. Place a
spoonful salt, two rounding teaspoon­ cover over and cook a few seconds, or
fuls baking powder and one teaspoon­ until a tootpick comes out clean. Now
ful of cinnamon. Combine the liquid elide on to het plate, spread jelly over
and dry ingredients and add flour to quickly, fold over and sift well with
roll out. Cut in strips and twist slight­ powdered sugar. All this must be
ly- Fry in hot lard and when cold roll done quickly and served at once. This
In powered sugar. They can be cut is a fine breakfast dish served with
in rings, but the worked-over trim­ delicately toasted milk biscuits or hot
Have All Gone Since Taking
mings are apt to be tough. Roll and rolls.
cut all the crullers; then fry in the
Lydia E. Pinldiam’» Veg­
Whey Bread.
order of cutting
etable Cor'pound.
Put a pint of clabbered milk on the
Pickle Lime Chowchow.
Terre Hill, Pa.—“Kindly permit me
One dozen thln-skinmed pickle limes and boll two quarts of the whey brisk­ to give you my testimonial in favor of
soaked for 24 hours In cold water, ly for ten minutes. Strain again, and
Lydia E. Pinkham*»
rhanglng the water two or three times. to the clear whey add two tablespoon­
Vegetable Com­
Put over the fire in a saucepan of cold
pound. When I first
began taking it 1
water and boll till a straw can pene­ sugar, one of salt, one yeast cake dis-
trate easily. I^et cool, remove seeds solved in warm water, and flour
- was suffering from
female troubles for
and put through the food chopper. enough to make a stiff batter, Let
some time and had
Make a sirup of one and one-half cup­ stand in a warm place until light. Add
almost all kind» of
ful of sugar, one cupful vinegar and flour enough to knead into a fairly
Put into well-greased
aches—pains in low­
one-half cupful water to which has stiff daugh.
er part of back and
been added a little bag of spices. pans, and when ¿cabled in bulk bake
in sides, and press­
Cook 15 minutes. Add the chopped in a moderately hot oven until a gold­
ing down pains. I
limes and cook about five minutes. en brown. This will keep fresh and
could not sleep and
Excellent with fried or escalloped oys­ sweet longer than bread made with
water or milk and water.
had no appetite. Since I have taken
Costly Hangings.
"I hear the duke's Amerlc»-* wife la
refitting the caatle."
"In fin« style, ft's a case of hang
the paintings, hang the tnpestrl.a,
hang the expense."—Louisville Cour­
ier Journal.
U»ln*s Cu«r*nt'»*d frr Tw« Y*
Mivla tu your individu«! nraiur
from »ny •election of cloth, in »ny
•tyle anti *uarant<N*d to fit yon
feettv. Our «nit« are not approff. b
la »ffr«, vanaty of «<yl*. auahtv
matariala.trtmming« and wurkniar
any ottoar h>> .aa. W • save you on» U
oa aaj? rk»U>*a gau bur.
Amazing Agency Offer
Write <>• and we wUl »«nd v>»u «!'•<»-
lutely free. rnflU1»!» »atari« cut'.I.
laur« «elarUaoef clot» mmpla«. f»'
li.ustret on» f"
" lerdar b
l.prmeM.r. ALL I
I loti
Inta « wel I
««J pa yin« bi»1
R itHfra-fe at agent, mekti ir te »1» • Oar. Yc
tn >aey u»«n« si**ir time vtily. mill on tw « tiler»
One Case.
The Ingenue—Did you ever have
stage fright?
The Rough Soubrette—When I was
doin' a sister act I had a partner, and
she sure was a stage fright.
The Sweet Things.
Miss Supberldge—I should just like
to see the man that I’d promise to
love, honor and obey!
Miss Pertly—I’m sure you would,
dear.—Brooklyn Life.
The marine disasters
amounted to 3*15.000,000 in British in­
sured ship* and cargoes, totally lost,
ns compared with $26.500,000 In 1912.
The figures for the latter year Include
the Titnnlc. representing underwriting
claims for about 36,500,000.
When Sir Isaac Newton was dying
Apple Roll.
he wns told that the many things he
had added to our knowledge should
Mix and sift two cupfuls of flout
-omfort him. but he replied that he with two teaspoonfuls of baking pow­
felt "like a child who had picked up n der. rub In two tablespoonfuls butter
tew shells on the shore of a limitless or lard. Make a stiff dough by adding
ocean of truth.”
milk. Roll thin, about twice as long
The Russian depsrfment of nw-'— ' as the dough is wide Brush over with
ture has appropriated the sum of »5665 melted butter, spread evenly with
for the reorganization of the Moscow chopped apple and add sugar »nd cin­
Museum of Agriculture, the first in­ namon to taste. Roll like jelly roll,
stitution of its kind in Europe, which cut in slices an Inch thick and lay cut
will celebrate its 50th anniversary In side up on a greased baking pan.
(Fake In a moderate oven about half
The declared value of exports from an hour and serve hot with sugar and
the consular district of Berlin to the cream.
United States and its possessions in
the first It months of last year
To Renovate Cloth.
amounted to 318,401,504, compared
Everfone has experienced the an-
with 316,316.703 in the corresponding noyance of having a «uit wear smooth
period of 1912.
and shiny In spots, but everyone does
Most of the domestic vessels used not know how to restore the material
by the people of India are made of to its original condition. The remedy
Sponge the spots with
copper or brass, and departure from la simple:
this usage is rendered difficult from strong indigo bluing water, then press
certain ritual observances of cleanli­ under a cloth while damp.
Whipping Cr»am.
There are more than 1000 concerns
Whtp the cream slowly for the first
In Japan engaged in manufacturing
knit shirts, socks, gloves and drawers. minute or two, then beat rapidly for
Factories employing large capital, la­ 15 minute», and It will be ready for
bor, or modern machinery do not ex* UH.
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Stomach Bitters
Cooking Pumpkin,
Cut your pumpkin in halves. take
out seeds and place each half in the
oven with peeling on. Bake a short
time. When done, scoop out the pump­
kin and you have nice, dry filler. This
does away with watery pumpkin and
long cooking.
To Remove Old Varnleh.
Having discovered an excellent
method for removing old varnish from
my furniture I pass it on to others.
Take three tablespoonfuls of baking
soda, put In a quart of water and ap­
ply with a rough cloth.—New York
To Remov» Coffee Stain».
Coffee stains may be removed from
the table linen by rubbing them with
pure glycerin and rinsing afterward
in lukewarm water. Thia Is also good
when cream is In the cotte».
Pr«v»nt Linoleum from Cracking.
To prevent linoleum that has been
rolled and put away for any length of
time from cracking, place It In front of
the fire for a few minute» before un­
rolling IL
Lydia E. "Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
pound the ache» and pains are all gone
and I feel like a new woman. I cannot
praise your medicine too highly.
M rs.
A ugustus L yon , Terre Hill, Pa.
It is true that nature and a woman’s
work has produced the grandest remedy
for woman's ills that the world has
ever known. From the roots and
herbs of the field, Lydia E. Pinkham,
forty years ago, gave to womankind
a remedy for their peculiar ills which
has proved more efficacious than any
other combination of drugs ever com­
pounded, and today Lydia E. Pinkham’»
Vegetable Compound is recognized
from coast to coast as the standard
remedy for woman’s ills.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., are files containing hundreds of
thousands of letters from women seek­
ing health—many of them openly state
over their own signatures that they have
regained their health by taking Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound;
and in some cases that it has saved them
from surgical operation».
». N. V.
No. 23, TA