POULTRY ■ ■■ ■ and Dairy Produce THREE SWEET DISHES What Ha Left. Reatillng In a little village la a law­ yer, who. according to Ladle»' Home of all bind» want*!. Writ« for eur Journal, la famous for drawing wllla. In which branch of bunlneaa he baa long enjoyed a monopoly of th» noun try for mil««» around. A f«w month» nine» a wealthy man died. There whs much speculation an to the value of th» property and the town goanlp set about to find out th« facta. He bunted up the lawyer and Bought, auM »»*• n»«d, engines. holler», after a few preliminary remark« about • mw mills. Hand Stork I.hl and Prira«. the dreeaaed he «aid rather bluntly: 111k J. B. MAXTIN CO.. kJ l»t Mt. l urtiand. Or. "I nuppoau you made Brown', will?” "Yea." "Then you probably know how much DAISY FLY KILLER he loft. Would you mind telling me?" "Not at all,” the lawyer anawered. aa he reaumed bls writing. "H» left everything he had." RECOMMENDED TO THOSE WHO ARE FONO OF BANANAS. CASH OFFER PearHon-PageCo. MASOLO MOMMAA. IM XMACk A»«. BretUr«, ■. t. BLACK lOSSft SURflY PREVENTED hr Cutter'» Slash l»f 9*111« lx»* freeh. reliable. preferred i < j WeHeth »I -iur>»ti I« c « um they ere> | m J «bere eJhar veeelee« fall. Wtl(« far l»rw>ld«t and f«»Un»«»nlel». ta i«»« »*#• ni««bi»i rm« ii.ta M • »<« hlatk'.f Fin. 4 » I’ m >■ r i». • » .» ruttai »*»’ . »ff Cullar i " i »> la I» due tu orar ¡3 I.e « In »eaeia»» ««a HruMi eely. er*» If ’in>.i '»hi«i I« order direct LEG Wanted a Whole Ball Team. While lila mother waa * Hook Free, Write all "Yes,” was the hearty response of ab<>ut Ynur g/e Trouble end (Ury win ad,lee Josh, "an’ so thunderin' quick, too.” a. to the Proper Appllcetloo of the Murine "Thunderin' quick!” exclaimed the Fye Kemedlee In Your Speelel Cue«. Your father. "Well, I should say so! When txugglet will trit you that Murlur Kellevee bore gyre. Strengthen« Weak Eye«, ltoern't I got that mesHage the mucilage on Smart, Muotbea Eye I'.lu, end »ell. fur &0e. the envellup wasn't dry yet." Handing Her One. Kitty Jack told mo laat night that 1 wn, the prettleat girl he’d ever ».een try It In Vour k>r« end In Baby's Kye» for Ethel -Oh, that'a nothing He auld Sc«:y K)elide end Or.uulxtlou. HOWAHO r. Hl kTinX zw-r •>>« rh.aJC. the name to in« a year ago ■■ I -*ad » » 11 «». (ktlomdo, «>•».*>. eu l nur«: Gola, With Other Feelings. Kitty I know that, but na one Hll«• r YJ Hlhet. lie. Gold te*?; Ziae I« Melila* enrekipm» • full pricaliM grown older one's taste Improve», you Rhe -Before we were married you »• nl < <*; o« per. « bj I h ** >«n. end ( tnplre work •> know. solemnly declared that you never,, U oì U m I. Beforeftzw: Girtxjnate hie'- boom H äa A l . could be happy without me. Efficiency. For the first time In history Vassar He True; but marriage has made "I hope," «aid one wife to another, another man of me.—Boston Tran­ college seniors will wear black caps and gowns at their commencement. "that you never nag your hu«band,” script. Since the college was founded in 1861 "Only when he la bvutlng the rug«," «aid the second one. "When he in A Moorish woman regards it ns a the seniors have always worn white. thoroughly Irritated he make« a much point of honor to be absolutely Ignor- better job of it."—Ladle»' Home Jour int of her ttge. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not nal. Tobacco Habit Easily Conquered A N'e* Yorker of wltl« ««(Nirience. h»« written • t«vUins h<»w th« or »fttiff h«bit may I* *o*Cy »n, 81«lion K. New York City, wli: mall hi« bm>k fi«« on r«M|u««t. Th* hoof th Improve« wonderfully oftrr th* lib of In« i »iMm 1« out of tho evetrin. (*«ln>ne«» trontiull «loop tlror «ry««. normal appetito. «<*■! dttf«all«m. manly vitfur. »trout memory and • r* .«ral vain Ju *fll«’k*nvy ar* among the mam «n«Mta r«port«*l. G«t rkl «»f that nerrvoua f««lihtf ho tnor« uael rtf pipe. rlfar. «uraretU», »nufT. ur rh«wln< tob«r< u to parify morbid doetTo. RESINOL EASILY STOPS SKIN TORMENTS The soothing, healing, comforting medication In re«lnol ointment and realnol soap sinks right Into every tiny pore Of the akin, clears It of lm- purities, and stops Itching Instantly. Realnol speedily heals eczema, rushes, ringworm and other eruptions and gets rid of disfiguring pimples and blackheads, when other treatments prove a waste of time and money. Resinol is not an experiment, It Is a doctor's prescription which proved «o wonderfully successful for skin troubles that It hua been used by other doctors all over the country for 19 years. Sold by nil druggists, res- tnol ointment, 50c and IL reslnol soap, 25c. stain the kettle. What Spider Indicated. When Mark Twain, in his early days, was editor of a Missouri paper a superstitious subscriber wrote to him saying that he had found a spider In his paper and asking him whether this was a sign of good luck or bad. The humorist wrote him this answer and printed It: "Old Subscriber—Finding a spider In your paper was neither good luck nor bad luck for you. The spider was merely looking over our paper to see which merchant is not advertising, so that he can go to that store and lead a life of undisturbed pence ever after-, ward." — Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele­ graph. Limited Promise. Spoiled the Job. Reggy- I thought you'd forgiven Howell—When you want a thing what I said and promised to forget It* done right, do it yourself. i’eggy—But I didn't promise to let Powell—I guess that's good advice; The late Canon Fleming's sermon, you forgot I'd forgiven It.—Chlcugo Recognition in Eternity," which was I never got a fellow to lie for me when Dally News. preached at Sandringham Church on he didn't make a mess of it January 24, 1892. and is sold in pamph­ Ths Whois Hog. let form, has realized a profit of 18805, Playwright -Was Grasper satisfied which the queen has divided between with the part assigned him In my new the Gordon Boys' Home and the Brit­ Play? ish Home and Hospital for Incurables, Manager—Was Grasper ever satis S treatham. fled with “part" of anything?—Judge. GOOD SUIT HUDE TO ORDER »8^9 X < urea Whll« Vou Wsllu ta S\3æjsas»aaŒEJ RUPTURE ‘ Alh'n'a Fnot-Ksae la a »-f-rialti cur» fot hot, -u-eatlng.calliia,sii-l »wollen, »<-hlug feci. Suiti Uy all InugglM». Prie» . lion't sci-evi any l«tltlllo. Trial vai kaee FHEE. Addica» llleuH lUm»te.|, lai Boy. N Y. A report of the interstate commerce commission gives 1,499,213 as the total number of men and women employed nr waaHntr a RFKI.KY BPKRMATIC KIHEI I) IRI KS. No worryin* or dan- H by the steam railways of the United *«r of an operation. Ruptur* 1» not a tetr nj States. IS RABLE or branch, a* commonly «up|XM«>d. but in the ntr«tchin*. or dilation, of a natural openln*. Thia KKEI.EY SPERMATIC SHIELD appliance cluawn thin openln* in today« In moat ran««. If you can’t c«rm«. write fur mvMunn* blank and literature. Hold only by Ms , g M rfi Wooden palls are being displaced by steel receptacles, says the American Machinist. For the paint trade nlono ono plant turns out every year 4.000,- 000 steel pulls to hold white lead. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. No Swimmer. Edna—Did she sink in the social Who ar« True» Expert* and Excluaha sea? Stat« Atfatita for thia appliance. Winifred—Yes; she went beyond BHSfffiEEBE SC'S E ««233KJSaSi38B her depth.—Judge. Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. Blood Troubles Are ften Hard to Locate Catarrh, for Example May Be the Cause of Very Serious Illness. A Slight Trouble Often Brings Serious Blood Disorder«. A chronic cold mean» «omethlng wrong eon«tlmtlon*lly. l'impie, mean had blood, itheumallam mean« faulty elimination. The»« and a hundred other «ymptoma are enally re<-.ignl«e> .aa. W • save you on» U oa aaj? rk»U>*a gau bur. Amazing Agency Offer Write <>• and we wUl »«nd v>»u «!'•<»- lutely free. rnflU1»!» »atari« cut'.I. laur« «elarUaoef clot» mmpla«. f»' li.ustret on» f" " lerdar b l.prmeM.r. ALL I I loti X^XhvootJsri*“*- Inta « wel I ««J pa yin« bi»1 R itHfra-fe at agent, mekti ir te »1» • Oar. Yc tn >aey u»«n« si**ir time vtily. mill on tw « tiler» TJH^ArtTO^SUMjrrL^H^HICMOJl^ One Case. The Ingenue—Did you ever have stage fright? The Rough Soubrette—When I was doin' a sister act I had a partner, and she sure was a stage fright. The Sweet Things. Miss Supberldge—I should just like to see the man that I’d promise to love, honor and obey! Miss Pertly—I’m sure you would, dear.—Brooklyn Life. 1913 The marine disasters of amounted to 3*15.000,000 in British in­ sured ship* and cargoes, totally lost, ns compared with $26.500,000 In 1912. The figures for the latter year Include the Titnnlc. representing underwriting claims for about 36,500,000. When Sir Isaac Newton was dying Apple Roll. he wns told that the many things he had added to our knowledge should Mix and sift two cupfuls of flout -omfort him. but he replied that he with two teaspoonfuls of baking pow­ felt "like a child who had picked up n der. rub In two tablespoonfuls butter tew shells on the shore of a limitless or lard. Make a stiff dough by adding ocean of truth.” milk. Roll thin, about twice as long The Russian depsrfment of nw-'— ' as the dough is wide Brush over with ture has appropriated the sum of »5665 melted butter, spread evenly with for the reorganization of the Moscow chopped apple and add sugar »nd cin­ Museum of Agriculture, the first in­ namon to taste. Roll like jelly roll, stitution of its kind in Europe, which cut in slices an Inch thick and lay cut will celebrate its 50th anniversary In side up on a greased baking pan. 1915. (Fake In a moderate oven about half The declared value of exports from an hour and serve hot with sugar and the consular district of Berlin to the cream. United States and its possessions in the first It months of last year To Renovate Cloth. amounted to 318,401,504, compared Everfone has experienced the an- with 316,316.703 in the corresponding noyance of having a «uit wear smooth period of 1912. and shiny In spots, but everyone does Most of the domestic vessels used not know how to restore the material by the people of India are made of to its original condition. The remedy Sponge the spots with copper or brass, and departure from la simple: this usage is rendered difficult from strong indigo bluing water, then press certain ritual observances of cleanli­ under a cloth while damp. ness. Whipping Cr»am. There are more than 1000 concerns Whtp the cream slowly for the first In Japan engaged in manufacturing knit shirts, socks, gloves and drawers. minute or two, then beat rapidly for Factories employing large capital, la­ 15 minute», and It will be ready for bor, or modern machinery do not ex* UH. i»L The A. H. Averill Machinery Co. KEEP IN FORM’ HOSTETTER’S Stomach Bitters II MRS. LYON’S ACHES AND PAINS FT Sid Cooking Pumpkin, Cut your pumpkin in halves. take out seeds and place each half in the oven with peeling on. Bake a short time. When done, scoop out the pump­ kin and you have nice, dry filler. This does away with watery pumpkin and long cooking. To Remove Old Varnleh. Having discovered an excellent method for removing old varnish from my furniture I pass it on to others. Take three tablespoonfuls of baking soda, put In a quart of water and ap­ ply with a rough cloth.—New York Press. To Remov» Coffee Stain». Coffee stains may be removed from the table linen by rubbing them with pure glycerin and rinsing afterward in lukewarm water. Thia Is also good when cream is In the cotte». Pr«v»nt Linoleum from Cracking. To prevent linoleum that has been rolled and put away for any length of time from cracking, place It In front of the fire for a few minute» before un­ rolling IL Lydia E. "Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound the ache» and pains are all gone and I feel like a new woman. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. M rs. A ugustus L yon , Terre Hill, Pa. It is true that nature and a woman’s work has produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. From the roots and herbs of the field, Lydia E. Pinkham, forty years ago, gave to womankind a remedy for their peculiar ills which has proved more efficacious than any other combination of drugs ever com­ pounded, and today Lydia E. Pinkham’» Vegetable Compound is recognized from coast to coast as the standard remedy for woman’s ills. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek­ ing health—many of them openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound; and in some cases that it has saved them from surgical operation». ». N. V. No. 23, TA