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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1919)
fa dhtwe0 v$n. The Ontario E( tocrat will ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 80, LW9 NO. 9 WNSIDFR PLANS FOR ENTERTAINING LEADER li in in en IhI (luh to Hold Special Mis-till,; I I libit : 'llltllf sov- iiiiiiii'ijni( Mm . -IX (41 be IKvMnl For the two fold purpose of pre ' krlug for thr BUM) D tin,: which regularly nchnd.tled for February. I d for Hie purpone of perparine Inns for the entertaining of fol llm Leader who will be in Ontario February 17. a special mc'tlng of (oniiuerrlnl culli hM been called Friday evening. Ontario seldom baa bad Hie op Irtiintly to entertain ho (IImI IiikiiIhIi - i rlllron an Col Leader wh .rd. not only In the World air. but In ninny previous cam in luring wlileb bo fought with British army In etory dime. : .mil honorable one iniallve plan for 'he entertain- Ml of the Colonel call for n lunch- i nl smoker o di filiate ar- mi-nil have been niiide for Ihene will be lOiiHldereil it f Ibe moot 'I'lme to Iteconie lillir on i ii eompai allvelv uulel vear fen member of the club feel thai lime ban arrived to revive MtltrO liimercliil culli work For that Inoii II In propoaed that the special cling Friday cvciHiik appolnl a ' '" """ ' l'ln for Ibe I'ltiK year, and If ndvlHable to n lie candldalcM ror Ibe dlrecnryti tl n- ii in year. i: im u. i.iiis i H Mil it i II U'l.lN im IOM HI.AV . bile waiting for his new HtuiMo b.lhwiiod. California, to I reel harla hnpim peal PJUM) I. y bllng about the highways and b - ot Ibe nearby city of Los An- Huong one or his sluniniliik litlons Into the Mexican uuurlei. .ted white mongri 1 ii .i rrui-l ill .it b (but was about provided for him hy a pack . f p toothed guller bounds The Iiom ed tl i- iii. ' .1 1 1 Ion or ''liar l.liuliii . bv foil.,.. In llll i b ..I-. .ittai-hinit 1 1 1 in - 1 r to ibe premi'ii- siudii. smrr when it became lesnary In decide ujiiii a Ibeii'- fof Hl-.l t I .Ollil nun ,l. CIlHtlle ic.i.'ii bis brain for onaa time until II t i toned Itseir ujinn bis nil. -n I by dragging one ot Hie dlmiu I i iitnedlan s l.iuious sboex out ol " " i iiapim a.-, i i..i 11 " '" """ 'he amhl'louKcn iW '' icouniged in hi- lung tor a hlmorl. career. Aa a re I. I harlle to mm .. rj In tthlch the dog should ..ecu,.. t eadlug rola. The completed I Im -nottei. at ibe tireaml; ,.., , daj I January :i I and I'.i nan I I ll.e title lit.- ' IYS TWO CARLOADS IF BUNCHGRASS BEEF Mile ft. mi .li.liu li,i nuulrt Sold In In, I. n . inlfin Muikel Tuns in i.iiiKi-i... k In I i.l "lie oi tin- bunehea ot cattle to he 'I in tin- -eiiion which Is al nin- .ill. -in inn o, stockmen is that II T MrHuley of the John Hat intrj tt bo is feeding ill this sei - nil this year. vii M, Haley this week sold tttn I loads of top stock to A ItutmiiMiu 1 Hn Inilepimdeiii .Market, the an:- lit all big bunch grass fed short tut were shipped here from Val, '' lliet were led this winter 14 . I "one tbiH la a big buy ot beet r u lo. al uiurket," aaid Mr Itoblu- in dis, UHhlug Hie purchuse, "ftMgOOg ami n is .i.i I .il that gtMf k is not pleniiful from now oi. ,,. ,.iH(is ',,, (, Kra.luatea the Ml .1 On. ttlll care tor Ibe nee. Is of 'I o.nle tor several months id tt us received here by U,er par- Itn lhal ii-- H..el Herviu, a grad- lt Ol the clan of '1 and Linm-i i here, had obtained the pos I librarian at Aberdeen, Wn ong two uaaistantt, under her Mrs N'au A Jones and Mrn Home. nn.TKnn returned Monday from i' tt 111- re llirii hu.l I.M.,1. ciulllttu 1 day i n. fAOOB i'm..iu is hiimi; litoM CAMP I.KWIS ftir six miiiiiiiN i r iottIm tor Uncle Hum an a medical officer nt Camp I.cwIh, Lieut Jacob Printing returned to Ontario Tuenilay morn ing. He wan accompanied from l'irtliin.l by Mm I'rlnzlng who went there to meet him Dr I'rlnzlng loot Home weight while In the Hcrvlce hut ileclnrea that he never felt better and declare h en loynd tlie exnerlenre vcrv mnrli ..,-,- .. ,., -. - .. , ., ,,, ,,.., ., ,,, ,., ,,r f()od W(l ,,,, " ........ , . r ,,nvtl.lnK like that, but the bent of , , ,, , ,f ,,,,. -,,,... , wiih nothing that a man could IMM ; no far an necenHBry food lo keep fit ' Dr. rrln.lni: did not loaf long u f -ter IiIh arrival but mwiNi a Mil tbrpe bourn following bin arrival here where a number of IiIh friend wel- nnied biui home. REP. GALLAGHER IS SHOWING ACTIVITY Takes lending I'art in Ocliliig Hold lerV mill SalloiV llelief Hill Thru LllHllltr Other Mea - Inn ..In. .1 HTATK CAPITOL, Salem, o,. . iSpncliil lo the Argun i ltcircen(a- ,,v ,, in no , ,,(,Mp w,, enihiiHlaHilially taken the pari of Ibe i. I in ned soldier and In envloun tbrl the soldiers who have done Ihelr duly no nobly In lands across the nag shall not know how I he leglnlaturc assembly ban batted the soldiers aid bill ii.i. k and forth between Hie two bonnes He wan today made chalr- null of the confcrenie rommltteii an iiolnted lo go over to Ibe Senate ami Inform dial augiiHl that it wan lime lo ij tilt fooling and hedging Hie approprlailou ror Hie teller of the bo, Hbout Willi communis ba( wete an Insult lo those who had sacrificed etert thing to hake this u : ale count rv in which to live The Calauder nhows thai lr (lal-liii:'-'r it otrii In ililng lhal i. .nllil lie .lull, lot' the l.ilietll of the late In ge.ierul and his portion of the .,,.. , ,.1,i..11ir i.i.... ., iu - - latin. bich he lia- t.itlnTe.l are II. II 3K, lo reijun.. It .iii-mi: i i.m om iL.tlle-. to tile t lib the nll. Ik servb cnmuilKHlou uamea and addres es uf wilnesser. to accidenls, II II 36 to amend section 577M. relating to t.-u lliC .j, it tr tmni iillw I tit ,,.ami. , rll ilKM1ls t. iteul to kill: H. B. 87 making fall- ur ((l fnm ()f ,.,,,.,.,, ,.,,,,, llor, ,, miKdeinean,n , II II :i. mck ., .!...Ul,r ,,.'.. iter Into K, ,.,.., .,,,,. m. nt pretenti.e ipi.Illlw. bidding loi In csmck Hhlp- i . .. ... ,..., i .ii ... .1 . ... n.-r... ..- ... i ... . .. . - . i. .. -..ii. I ui.iikil, II II 7;. -.-i.-alin i.ecliniis r.-l.llllin In . i pan io; II II 7i, relating to allnr'nt tees In suiin or intions upon liwr IM i.ollcies; and II II till, rilatlne to lull- note clc . given loi lile in -.liriune pi'iiulums Mr liallaglier Is on the coiuiuii lee-. en Irrigation and mining. I inn nut i to Willi b will lie rererreil m.itler- .' iiiienst to bin aeilion, and alno M the ciinillilllee on retlsion ol law. and on mining and on several - led oonmlltMi INTKH-CI.ASS IIISkKI HU.Ii SI H Kill IK WON H Jl 'N Milts The riiliuiilidef of Hie schedule l.,i the Interiiass championship tt i plHtnii out Tuesilat and eilin- ila evenings and the result wan lhal an ,,er pennant for Hie boys' and KiriH chain liiotibli lps baa gone Ig ,i(h yearn Junior clan 'I'lie giiuie- pajd were- Siiimi b'reHliuiau hots; score tor Sen iors IT-4; and Junior Fre-hman jlls HVItn. .,; r, T, HH, tt a i- 1 1 1 of Hie ilur,i..., f, ifirls aame n ,i,a ..luud nf '' v-: Hants ttni ku in .... ,..,-.. ,-. Iur ,ie gjrh iir,. ,., ,., ,., Wed nesdav evening the hot- nt the lui. lor and Sophomore elOWM BOl M the Boor, Hie Junior winning to the unct of 24-1 : The sume eteiiin the girls of the Senior and Swphoinore classes plated. Hie game gnitn.. to the Seniors Mik Etliel Ward, who has be. I leaching at Beaver. I'tab. la aubaii- lulliia ff.r M .-- I-' J I l.-n.n 111 llll- eighth grade COUNTY COURT ASKS HlgliHiii I Cllglnccr lie, iimmcmls III. reel lloutes to .lorilim Vnllcj MM Work to Start Soon. On the recommendation of M O, "" 'I division engineer of Ibe Slate Highway CommlHHlon, the Succor 'reek route Iihh been nelected an He proper one over which to build aroad ban been -ele, ted an the proper ,., nv.i which in iiiiiiii a roiiii io Jor dan Valley road to .lor Following Hi lerelpl of Knginecr Hi'inett'a report Ibe County Couri iiitucHteH the illiih.vay Cotnttilnnloi in nioceed with a survey, and thin Is being arranged for at the preae:n Harlet J linn1 -I. pr. .blent or the Jorenii X'nlley Karms Co , who in con sli'ictlng Hie big Jordan Valley pro-J-. t wan in Ontario on Tueailay en route to Portland Mr Hooker mild thai there was evident a demand for Jordan Valley lauds and that nettlers were being added every week. lie tlncH not expect a real ruth, however, for several week. "Moat of the aettlera," aald Mr Hooker, "are from the Yaklinn unnii ry where Ihey have aold their higher priced landn." HOSPITAL NOTES H K Hrnwn of Ontario returned lo bla home In the city after being an Innuenia patient In the delation hospital ."or three weekn Mrn. 0. II Croihy wn able to re-1 turn to her home In Harper Monday i after recovering from the flu I Mlsn tlrace Found wan operated on yenlerdny for appendicitis and Is, Betting along Mrs llairt Heeler and baliy datlgli- ter returned lo Ihelr home In Vale Monday morning John Hull bin-on who undertt . n- a rather serious operation Christmas eve wan able lo return to bin home in I'.ivette yeaterday. John Spropulos and John IMioto- polos who are well known In I he val ley among the DMMJM population. I have been vert III with the luliiieui hut both are making rapid pmi low ut ds recovery now Jeddle Mustard or Wcstlall Ml discharged Tuesday after recovering from the llu Mra John Norwood and baby girl are. leaving in a few day for their l e In Jamlenon. M. B. Jolly of i'ayette relumed ib.-ie Tuesday after recovering from an operation pci tunnel some time ago. Charles Mcllride was a palielt it the hospli. I for a few days last wc-i (i II i.l KM I'lt nioutli VII operaled on for appendicitis lant week Joseph Feugler of Onturlo Is here reletting medical treatment for in Jurien received ttlnln fixing noun telegraph wires Miss Mm King of New I'Iviiioiih ttu- ,ii.ialeil mi lor .iip.nilii II I I in- il.n Mia Alma Ader of Ontario ttu dlschargeil te.ii'iday afler recot-i lllg rrotn an appendicitis operation 0 (i L.'Ulns is getting alotiK I well as can he expe. led alter under j going a lomplicated openiilon tin M m the tteek Miss ni:i,,ia True of W a patient at Hie .lats last tteek Born lo Mr and Mr Adam llb-ii ' of Fruitland, a boy, mi Friday, Jutni ary 24. Mra J V llllible bud her II remnted lust week Mis Hay Cballielil nt l'a.ti tie t a operaled on Mon.l.n Mi J II Vail ttas another Wei Of p.i'ient adiniiled the firs! of ' tteek Mrs I Coil is in the I Il i! i citing medical treat mil. tor mutism at the present Born in Mr anil Mr ' 0 llolll ' u daughter, on I aOOg Carl Aninusseti is the late MM patient in Hie bmiutlon lul i oining in yeaterdut Mrs W J. Hopper t I Fruit I -. wan operuleil on Mouda. Phillip Hound or Huns. -n Ida ho. was operated on the lasl ol the week for appendicitis Mi -s Mildred lluhbell of Jorduii Valley underwent an operation ii"' appendicitis a lew duvs ago WANTSONTARfOTEAM TO Jjir, IN LEAGUE Snake lUver Valley Orgmilntlon I'm- ioscl Ultll Light TOWIIH lleire- soiitisl Three Team Al remly Listed For the purpoHe of Inviting On tarlo to be a i iber of. a buHeball j league a letter wan addrccd lo IM j Argun tbla week by Harold II Kddy. , nf 22(0 Harrison Houlevard, Boise ,, aHkll ,mt lt ,,,. h , s.nni. -,,. Interenled in tho game and ev m -s the hope that thin illy Join Mr. Eddy wants a permanent or ganlKatlon, but evidently ban not made Ibe progrenn reported In Wed nesday'a Statesman, which declnrc.l lhal Ontario had already joined Mr. Kddy's letter follews: BofeMkj Idaho, January, IK, 191(1 I have Just about organl. gue to furnish huso ball for si i clKht tow iik till" summer. .We t ould like to have Ontario gel In tin- gue. I expect to hear from Weber. Km iin-it. Caldwell and I'artiia anv 1 1 n now. Ilarber, Wilder and Nam..i -bate already organlted. We waul to pli k the best Iowiin and for a 'I w" ""' 'D H''J yen r or next ell her If you would pleane nee that Hn imt gels Into the hands or gggM Inn i e.ted party I would appreciate It veiv mii.ii If you could get behind thin and Ontario come Into the i league It would pleane me vei t muc'i IMeaae let me bear from you annie (time this week what to expect. Hop , lug Hint your town wantn a good ball team and will nupport It and that I may hear from aoine one In your town lhal will nupport it Very Sincerely, ll.nold B. Eddy. J200. Harrison lllvd DrWTFPnCTftl PHIIDPH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH I 1 lllfillHI llll I la I f 1 1 ' IS FULLY REBUILT v'rk Mi Miuciine Moved I rJsi. slile of Track I ompleleil In Mai ki I lniiiot einent 4 nil uieguiinii f trotting. The membera or the cougregatlm of the I'enlei nstal church ol the Na arene are celebrating the coiupletiim of Ihelr new cburih home with a re vival service The new building, for it amounts practically in lhal, has been recollslllli led since It wa i moved from the Kiolside g the li.n I. to Ita present locution on Itlchurdson and Montana I'liilcr Hie diiectlou oi KgV. I I l-'lotteis. the paslor. the iliunh ha the iimperty on ttlilch Hi" cluin Ii itself and Ibe pat- OBBg ! st.imls. und both have un.leiom marked changes In IM past i. uionlliH. The auditorium of IM church ha been enlarged, und from u drab, UN painted structure ttbiib wus moteil. a .siibsiuullallt mat building b.i been erected, with enlarged slain capacity This MM BOOMMfj Ig I pace with Hie growing lougregulion which from a few Individual:. yeai ago has increaaed to nearly K present lime 'n,,. , ,c.,nslru. Hon of the i hunb ibi, t. ir ttas one of Hie substantial iBiorovO nts which marked lb pa llOg "I lill and greul deal gl Hie wolk Mils iliine in I In- pustor linn sell aided by members .,1 the DOWN gation i n V. "I Hill was a Bill I tor In tho ci.y 'I in id Miss Klb I I. Id . llite.l i .in in Monday morning from I igl tb grad. ill Mi II' , I... . j i Ba'rr) ol ISoiun i .i i int.': u . -i'p r I'Tn Tin- kadi'-- Old "I the I'onj. lOUaJ church will tool gl Hie Iiii'i.. il Mr. Irwin Trnx.ll. Wiilnesdin afternoon, Fehi uai Little Mian Kallierine. Tunnt had the luiaforiune nue duy lust week i fall on the uidewalk near her home and hurt her arm and sbnulil.-i The injurt did nnt pniVO tfl I" IM il was paiuful siiKltli'F T DRAW IN I, INKS Off .timisT WITHOUT w It behoovi - .Mr. anil Mra. Ann. Owner to get buny and procure mi- . of Secretary of State Hen Olcott'a cute little ortuige and black tag") for 1919, leaat they want to DOVO speech with Sheriff Leo Noc or Mai Mhal Marlon Jonee. Sheriff Noe wna In Ontario last Friday and told the Argun that it would be doing Ita reader who own aiitow a friendly ncrvlqc by cnlllne their attention lo the tact that l round-up of i urn without 1919 lb en koh In noon to be Hinged Tin v fore wo are panning the tip along LikenwlHe for the benefit of our , r,.a(ors Secmlary of Slate m.,i u. ,.r a.n. , n,J i u ' i i i n i ifi i'i,. . n i nil oiivnui,ii wi iiF-inniiiiin n; nit I Argun, and ho long an these bold out : lMy nioy t)e nBl on Hppcal at tbH office, ! FIRE IN FRAT HOUSE DID NOT WORRY HIM I'.-ii iimiii.ii of JiiiiIiii'ii cs on Tie oi, "ICs RlM To OM I'p In Hie Moiiiin, Hut It's Heller to Lie in He,l." n lllustiiiilon of the pbllosopb' or Harry Lauder's song, "ICs Nice '" i;,,l ''P 'n UM Mornln. Hut it - ''"' '" II " 'r lied', was ,;n . n ly ""' Ogfema, of Jamlenon, a sta 'lent at Hn- Slate I'nlverHlty l.i Saturday morning when the alpha '' mega linuse took lire, gccor.l lllK '" ""' "r,'K""'" lialernlit luotherN of Oxiiian ; rushed lo bis room about I I :. i ! "" roused him with a yell. Oct ""I Don. Hie bonne In on fire." "Lei me know If il geln nerlous, WH e Uggff oinan gat. as le i turned over in take another nap. '' " Ukgaktafl lib late that . "" ""'' reveille or Hie V T. C. "," ""' '" k' '" "" """"" " l"ii . ami Omii.-ii was ugiilu 'i formed or condition! and goi up in hurry. The lire MftOtMi) dainaged llm Inlerlor of the house OOtag appinv l imuteiy 1,(111(1 worth "i ton I All III Hie git . -llpillll- cape. I eti II i Oxman This In Hie second time In t tt I tens ibe house has been in It iPTgrtl oniai inns, inciu.iiiig flarl Lai ue and William ll'.nkalit ami Spiague Adams have lived Ibi-t I HI lug their colli CITED FOR BRAVERY WHILE UNDER FIRE QgJlMM MM l-leil imilMg Mil lllsl llltl-n.n Who Sliotteil I i.lelltt ami Kill. Icn, v In . Hon Ii - L M Mm t. .ii ni ibis i Itj re c-it ed last tteek a i opt of II onl.-rs Nn nf Hn- Hist I i.m, Inn as O. loin i 'a I HI in ttbii I tin- nam.' ol BOl OB. I I MoHOP I. en among IM im-i. Ol ' :ti;isi Im. in ir. wlin..- i tii ,,,.,,,.,, W()l, ln ,,, , , ,.,,.,,, ' rlf ., n ... ( c mn f f ((r , f ,,.,,,, n.., ,1M muintan,- urn ,,,,, II, ..I In-tall l the I O O I' Hall nil Jan the follOl Hit nllli" f"l III . So llll for tin- . im.ii,' , .n Vi-ueruble i on ,.. Ml, tier IL : i i niisul. .1 I MeNult , Urn i 1 1 ..r. Waltii (Jl .nn-' . I i ilhinil - t I,..,: toll I ! I . ii", A. til '.do, .ini,i I . ii I'.lti:. H IV I io Ml I I 1 1..- i.-Kuiui lueVtlng ni i In nv T U Will he MM I 11 1 iv lei I rll.- n) ueetlnj will """"eel Sundut .n till Kit W I' Jay win. Ing..n u re. val series here In Oinurln Tnr III Na.uriiie iliunh has opened , ut t he Lincoln achool Imu BEEF STEERS SHOWING BEST MARKET VALUES Cuttle Instead or s: ii'ii cnti of I n.rstock Interest I Is Win. ter Stuck trartlnu Markets Kiinl mill Weet For acveial yeara On' rlo hi been tho headquarter for I hnnitl ol sheep, and ther nr till innnjr liandH In thin nectloi Hut today sheep are playing gecoinl fiddle to - lln "' ,n,"'e ' " coniparatlveir more cattle than aheep In thin Hon. and all the talk iboiit the hotal and on the otreet Centura on cattle valuer Maiket londltlnns of courne ac count fur l hn change. And ir pra .iit may be relied upon It will be a year m I wo before sheep et hack to their old premiership in thin aeetlnn. Ilnrlng the gg tnnrket for lioth cattle and I p ha- ! -n dull here No big gga hate be. n i...ried tlin negotiation! are nald lo In mi far man purchase. Mm nil mn i nmparatlvely cm. ill Just tinw I eiM, ready for Hie market, or nearly so. are Hi nter I of aiiriictlon They show ability in hold up price .-, Hjuichcr. I e.ihic yltr , ,,no ,, UIV ranchers who ,,.,,, , S(1, 1 1 -1 crop- In Id up the prices for feeders b coin lading a eOUt4rMg number of Ibis clans of MtllinalH Thin demand WM purely ,,,,, however, and Ibe f ler prl- ggg are not traveling skyward Cattle met! here bellete that with Hie appropriation m MM linml-l million io feed Kurope. there wl'l In- a iienglhenlng In the MttlO market espei laity for cow beef I' I .ml belleted t lull the gotellilli'lll will maintain the nluadard of Im-i demanded tor the trmf orltli whii-h w.i- Im steer beet milt, and top stun at that The people ol Kurope, will be will- inn to lak; cow In it and lor t ', n hi, it If thol lhal perhaps thll i i.le nt stuck will he In demand shortly ( Hi I In- nllier hand there .. tt'lm hoi let the gotellil'i will not MMirllt l lie sl.nigl.ier of cows and thus i . .Inc.- I In in .. i to! .illllluiled heel silpplt III Oils country, while other believe that it is poeatMe thai Ihe v.. i-iii.-i On 1 1 .-ni tn arkei I.. , ill. be.-r fi.r the r.-llil ol lill'tlng Kurope An afternoiiu -peril a( I he Ml Hotel III ilavs will nnw Ihgt I belc Ofbll I r" studtitit: nn Internet toga I '" " ier more etu ' ihan ihi h i nt in ot tbi si i linn MAN WHO SAVED WILL llol-c llll- III. - Ma I'erllMl i.l I', nil H ml wit I. III! il I'l l I - ' l ItlllflN. I . till : lie la gl 10 ' i ..inn ..llll ben. I in On a .ay or Ibi -. "Tl lo.ibi t III thai II reoonal uetluo la m h nd, now culli . .1 Mi ' Il is linund in in- The pen d it hoi .mg from ' Igh war i . ml i wl.i- - la mil I Willi Uf gnlllf In ' till If llll 'The III) Ini ' W III ii , i,. i nt he . Inn i, nieel Hi' III . I llu Bill 'be l' .- ..f all w hen a ball I I. I aged High I ' i'' ..: drop, and ih , il.ul tail It.. in im . i , giiiii,: i- in- got ! .is., i, lii i.i opIouilM ii . now Mi I -ier i , leavinv a few dayi I ilia 'till make an i.'nlefin. " tin :" ;i l,..i.. in IM cap'tol ,-j, . l i i. nn es Hager i tu t ( w