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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1918)
i Je &r0tt. xxn ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNT, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 28, 1918. NO. 12. ONtteiUf LEGAL FIGHT MAY BE WAGED OVER SYSTEM OBNKRAL MANAUKR WALLACE OF IDAHO POWRR COMPANY WITH ATTORNKY O. O. HAOA FILMS NOTirR ON COUNCIL. fMI $20,900 FOR SYSTEM imnrM Declines to Pane Rewolnllon to Hold l'p Opening of Bid Pend ing NrajotUtloos, Tho Wining to "Dicker" for Pleat. After the City CdtinJI refuted laat ht to aorede to their reqiieet to rltlihold action on the bid for the Iropoied municipal water yatem At- )rney O O Haga, of b.le. repre- ntlng the Ontario Water company, a formal notice on the Council bat It would contest the city a ae on in building a competing ayatem no arrangement wa made for Ike irehaae of the company' property. The notice, algnod by William T .allare. vice president and general lanager of the Idal.o Power com-, my. la a lengthy legal document, rhlch concludea by quoting -i kngthy New York declalon In what Ir. Haga declared waa a parallel The Council, after Informing the la ho men that It would not conalder la resolution propoaed by them, do- ired that It waa atlll willing to ne- itiate with them and lr a atlrar- ry price could ho determined upon auld buy the ayttcm or wbat it uld uee. To that end the Council! ueated that the company a map turned oer to Engineer I. . C who would report to the Council a lime before rriaay. waaa luegimpeoa gaoaroauy, me mir paay eftVlal would be heard la. If they ho desired This culmination of what waa one i the moat atlently dramatic meet-, of Use eity body In year. In Ich the attitude of the visit ng of- als aad that of the council to the trnieuia made of the previous n- tliiMar between the oun II and re. t)rr and ataruuia, repreeeut , the company, brought about sa clrie teaeeneaa that only the aelf- Itrol of all preeent prevented km dageneratlug tbe meeting Inloj ;ive Hysleaa's History. Ihe meeting wae opened by Mr.. kllare, who gave a brief history of Otstarlo water system llede-i that the original builders to right aad property the pdga- I eamiaaay succeeded, were induced ter the city at the request of the s and that the iavestmeut made luede for the benefit of the com- - -- - y He further iieciareu inai uie as. y had never aarn.-i a prom, during reoeat year wha it Sailneee wa 1507 per nr User, he aald, that while tha con. had no dealra to legally eulajigtc, , dty. that It must protect lt'nd absorbent cotton re naere eipeu- which it intended to do srdlug the character of the mo charge oould be mad It was the cause ol the tvpnoW la which have raged her, faai tbe samples which thecom I manager, 1. F. Orr. had , le Boise and to Portland for ei st see as proof of this It would ore raamiuable, he aald, to al- tbe typhoid to ihe open stagaaut water aud other an- Oliv try eaaMlllious which !"''" to the waaer. thia Maeasr Homan and various cllmeu readied that repeated. show the water to be bad. fegtvag thaa to Ihe etforU hi. h em KM te sen ine ptsni . he recited the visits he had here end also those of Meears. td Marquia. He told the Couu- of the esaajlaafioa made hy leer Horn ot tioiae ana 111 re lecturing the cltlxene' determlu- o build a municipal system, to with the difficulty of securing aa tbe reasons tha aaatpaay t built a plant to feral'b Hie filtered water. aaaara I'm III ikigg far the Coaacii, Gaaacll- L rec: kjm declared u Mr heUeved that the ettp weald kt with him to buy tha ayatea atataJie Mr. . Coeayea de tbal the eity had repeatedly (Coptiaued pa B) Wnj, BR NO HLACKKHS AMONU RUHINHHS MKN Ontario bualnees mi will tarn their clock ahead when they go to bod Saturday night, 'lit brlrht and early by iO m-i. the new time they will open end clone their store Monday William Laxoa made a trip around the buarttiees diatrlet to day . Mil fovad every business man I ad already made up hi mind to run om H.o new lumintr achedule. The old Pony time la one aad there will be no Black er among Ontario business men CANDIDATE OFFERS AUTO FOR AUCTION Ontario Riid Ouw t liapter Receive Handsome tilll From J. U Simp son. Candidate for Republican NomiauMloej for tenverwor. J . Simpson of t'oo Bay, who I touring the State In hi Kord. aeek- Ing the Kepubltcan nominal on mr Governor, will flnlah bla Katern Oni- goo journey here la Ontario eoon and take the train borne. The reeoa tor thia la that Mr Simpson haa wired the local Hod Crone chapter that It can hare the car to auction aad aome Eastern Ore gonian la te have the pleasure t winning the candidate' oar. When Mr. Slmpeoa will reach the city I unknown, but It will n oon. and In the meaatlme the finance corn- KeJ-ailttee I getting ready to aall chance on the ear. Thanks to Mr. will get a big boost Mere thtn II luO ha beeo spent during the past month for supplies and Hie balance in the treasury of coarse was reduced However, with the auto funds and the return of membership funds, the chapter will be cared for for summer supplies RED CROSS WORK IS BACK TO SCHEDULE Dlviaio Mewdqwartera .. fa Ikoatbl. Use Pert toes (NatfHM ssh! New order la for More Ksiee slve Meterlak. With the Uertuan drive a the v - .i front biereaalag tlie aeest for mmttrul supplies the local Bed Crona.ror the urive, wnirii starts on April . received a request from Hie division .. .. headquarter to doable us output s a . . il This means thai lour noiee or meoi- tri supplies eauet leave here each a,UUih And that I uot all Tha; aew order 1 for drainage beadeges made of gause , aive thaa Hie gaaxe aloae aad mean au .adttlaaal fuada meet baapeat. There will no logger be a shortage - o( gge. far the Nalioaal eoatmltte : ji, to handle all the gauxe uauufac tured aud each chapter will receive its pro rata The chapters will no; lunger order direct thru dealers or I manufacturera To teach the gupelniesidenis the uew xuppllea la he made Mrs K M. Oralg held a class Monday aflernoon an.l uow me room are up every day and all tbe women pf the eity are urged to help the chapter make good o Its big order of supples - , - KCI.w tniHi CONTP34K WILL HK HU.ll AT VAI.K Mis Margaret Black by. who woa tha honor of repreepptlug the Ouiarlo grade schools la the aauual coaaty declafatory ooatest. will participate In that event Saturday night at She will deliver a declamation a titled. "Tha Making of au American ONTARIO OIRIM titet HKMtHiiK IIKKKAT MH.I.M.r OK IDAHO At Caldwell last eight tbe Oatario Hlgb Schowi girU aaafcet ball learn, ap a .our of It to II, got reveage on the Idaaoaa for the defeat admlnls tared to them lea days , Mr. Will JaaxMeua ol Srogan wp aa Oaiarlo shoppe Saturday PARADE FOR LIBERTY IN ONTARIO APRIL 6 CAMPA1UN FOR THIRD tiRP.AT WAR UltV TORE IMMIIKII HKHrV-HTKAKKR IN NOT YET ItOWN. SCHOOL SHUDRED 10 HARSH High School Cadet WUI Oive Mili tary Flavor to Ooaooarwe Hfgjh School Bead to Kurwieh Mwaie Store Cloee Dwrtap; Parade. Ontario port In the great Liberty Loan campaign will start Saturday. April d A yel no' holiday haa been declared but the places of buelaes will cloee during the parade, which will start at Ac yet the publicity commitrw. haa not heard from the Portland head- quarter who will he here in deliver I the address, but expect 4 krorrl dejb 3 i thron Turner. ch:.l. ui.ui of the parade committee, has I ocured I narration of tho business 'men. Tho pe.ipla will march. Ti-, will he an floats, for the men declarec :hlf 'h slrn to save the money :liat would aa spent for decoration Ut buy bond with Tbe Hlgb School Cadets and the Hit,: irhool band will .ond anilliaty air to the concourse and the hundred Of school children will be In line Nou of tbe lodgee will march la a body bat tha cltliena will unite as Ameri cans' to march for Liberty HOME LOOTED WHILE J I " it OWNER IS IN CITY Adrian W.miau .Hrlarns ii.mir to I Ind That Hlie Had callers When Away New Pumping Plaiils"1 Being Installed. tSpicial I'nrrei-liiilideui e i Adrian, Ore., March Is - When Mia Leslie MacDouald ret.urne.1 home from Cortland sbe found that lake had aad aome unwelcome visit ors during her absence As the re -uli of their call a large per Hon . the fumlshUigs of the houa waa looted. Bvery one Is talking Liberty LuaU;(a iw-a wn( , y Krom that in this section There waa a patriotic ' rally Saturday evening at the Wade School houae aud on Hun day the com mlltees met ru .ompiete tne.r P'nn th. TI.U l.l.l... I..U.M Mk....aMw'M llMM. 1 - -.. .--. ......k-.' aa.. a. a. as a. ssaal I aw aa i...U.u U1..I .IiIumIiih - - . i -- - e wires to the overtreet aad ureeiey i pumping plant. The pump have arrived for the rirty-r oot nucn 1 ne people ana there are expecting a lot of water "' season air. rtcuuo uae aooui tuvewe.. with twin lambs for many of pasturing ou mr. nnrr.iug.ia ana. .a Held He reports a fine spring for lamiag lwrence Blodgett baa the meas- lea this week. They are aot Has Orr- man kind, for they do not hurt him Mra. Overetreel la hoarding the linemen wblia they are working lu tills section Several bench of Cattle passe 1 thru here this week bouud for Ihe hill. Construction Superintendent Red ui.iinl of the Idaho PotTer company looked over prospective pumping plants here thia week. The receut rains aud warm weather have slatted the grass on the fool hill sufficiently to assure ahundau feed aud many uncbe of sheep aud cattle are leaving for th range dally. Mr Oreellug's brother arrive.) from the Bast thia weak and wi Improve the land of Mr C just east of town oa Snake rive Mr. Mdaard will tski Jorda Valley week Averlti Hlckox weal 10 aisn 1 ibis week oa the bus He egpecta 10 enter tbe Hlgb School there aegl year. . Mr. Nichols and his harder wefii to the Payette alley today to gfi bugch uf catlh- WATER SYSTEM BONDS SOLD AT PREMIUM SPIRITED RIDDING SHOWS HI MAM) FOR SKCCHITIKS OK THAT TYPK BIDS ARK l- (t)M(ITIIINAl. AH TO ONLY WKMfKCY IS HIT Five Bid Offered, Oae From East and Others by Finns Repreweatcl at Hale CHy officials With Rearalt. Ontario' municipal water 1oh.Ih ware auctioned off at the Council chamber Monday evening and sol. I for a premium of 107 50. The uc seccful bidder waa J. W. Hyer, repro aeutlng Keeler Bros , of Denver and Portland. Keeler Bros, did not get the laaue. however, without a spirited race In which Carl Kelty of the Lumberman : .Trust Ot of Portland and K 11. ' Prat I or same city ent. Mr. Morrl Bros of the were the chief oppnn- Kelty stepped bidding when bis figure ieuhd fCOtt ahov par Mr Pratt quit with an offer of $.140 above par. Tbe fourth member uf Ihe bidding firms was Ira K Hlgb. representing Jaauex N Wright t Co.. of Denver, who dropped out of tha contest befor-i par waa reached Those who attended Ihe meeting enjoyed the sesatoo Immensely altar tbe auction got ahder way aud It be came evident that the bonds would go to par. or above Following the nasi bid tne vis ting uuyars ue. laren hat l be city received a good price fur the bouda. Whan tbe meatiM was called to order the represent at Iras of the four firm agreed that Ihe Issue ba placed at auction under the condition speci fied by the council, auy bid be subject In ihe payment of accrued Interest i I f roui Marc I 1 to date of payment "i thsl the bidder furnish tho bonds and blank bonds Tim contest oneue I with tbe offer from Pltsier llourbe ' Co. of Toledo. Ohio, for a discount oi $ 4 S 7 f to pay for attorney's fees fot examination, ate. Thaa Ihe Misn jreduoad so that Ihe eniin ataM will present started thalr race for the'ruine wlthlu the eet'niaie for 111 Issue plans call for mains In portions at The first of Hie offers by men pre- n,,. , ty aparcel settled There tin ant auie frniu Ihe The Lumberman' mains can lie built later Alan i Trust and was a dlecoanl og 1200. Un-rLer of other economies cun l Then hy lumps of from 250 to ti ni; le. ptm on the rise was mora gradual .,,., tgej r H I'luinblng liaatlb: ryg frUi 175 to tl mull a pr. ,inpaiiy f Ontario arrlvail loo late , . 07 . ,. ,.-,! py Hr.'i,, .. it. ..n.r before the coum I My,r of jteelar Bros In all bids wre lu.,)r iiuriug the auiilmi ,,,k 0 of these to raise the taWH Ighagkaag the term of the bids whhh - . . .. ....I .... froai l7. below pat to par ami -:,.. vre In unlls and the contraut w in i u 0. a aeaai ea I . .a t ninr, u ,,, premium or Ian, jo. .,.n llirm ooatraet for the pur ehae of the bonds was entered In'" Immediately after Ihe sale oil Hie ulloratlon of the council I only contingency stipulated was 1. 1 tbe bond lasue be approved by the "war securities board " This has al ready been provided for. An aS landing waa also entered into in ease of a Injunctiou being secured by anyone against the laaue for the return of the company's check for 15000 bid. which accompanied the tl.MKI R tOl NT lssile. ITH I IHH1 HOI III Kit not la tbrt death of H B M. Kli.n. 1 ill Vale al Haa Antonio, Tex, of piieu JBBfla. Malheur ..unity lost it first v'tftBm to Merman tyranny Mr Mi -Klasni) was well kiiuwii and respect ed tin in. ut Mi.- . .unity ami a nulim tribute was paid his nmry hy the cilUens uf Vale lat Week lleleativ .1 w lllllW IIHM MIMII. HHIPMKN I i 11 IYM lM KAirTKHM M HhiK' opened the wo. week by shipping l.-sier Seawell iwaaou here th's 35.0110 pounds ut wool 'lipped from J 5M00 ewes which he wintered mi tin Owyhee The shipment waa for warded ou consignment to Keapetu llutcbius of Boetou aad is aetlataL ed will bring Si,000 The shipment pf wool at till Hm break ibe egr'y son record by nearly a month The W. C. T. U, viU 0fh at the Ked (rose rooms next T MANY BALES BRING BIG LIST OK RIYRRH HKHK Another big cattle sale I list ed for Saturday and with It the uaual traders' auction. This makes four big sales of cattle In a tew weak In Ontario and the total sales have run into thous ands of dollars Aa a result of the eftorte of the Ontario Hales company, with tha oo-oeratlon of the Caldwell Horse Mala company aad Individual stock men, many huyero have been brought to town and the Impor tance of Ontario as a cattle mar ket baa lmmeaaarably Increased WILL BUILD SYSTEM WITHIN ESTIMATE Bills Opened for Municipal Water System Tills tftei-Doiui Hhow That This Can He Done. One Mm al rtl.l.ter IW Late. Ontario h municipal water system Ih in he built III that within Ihe tlmate of 110.000 made by Engln eer l.oiils C Kelaey. The lowest bid for the general contract wa that of C K. Maimer of Twin Palta, whose offer was for 171.710 11; east to ulm osiue i. A Hoaklas Co.. of On tarlo and Baker, with an effoorfNce.ii tarto and Baker wllli au offer if 17. 301 and C. at Ureeu of Ogdan with 7.I7X All Of these were for Oregon fir ptae For Callfolsis red wood all of the Mde were Iku. 000 or more. The only bidder for the filtration plant was that of tha Callforn-a Jewi I Filter Co. for Ill.r.JO; for the lank and tower the Omaha Hlriiclural sic. i company M lowest with aa an offer ol Si I ..".no C. K Ureen of Ogdan made the heal offer fol pumps at 40i0 for a squirrel car , :i and 14500 for gall ring nioiiu- A combination of ihe lowest blJ- nkn the offer for Ihe entire s (m 101,II II, to which must h kdded the engineer's survlce o. l 5,000. This total, how.ier, rati It tn, bidder who bad prepared li I Knglueer Kelsey and Couiiclliui.u ll;c ii kuiIhiii spent Ihe afternoi.n awarded t a session ot tue coun.ii to i. held this evening, unless an In- jun. 1 mu proceeding Is started In the 1 n.ealillnie ' FAMOUS ESCADRILLE HAS ONTARIO MEMBER Morporal I llflinil Caallc-lil Trans ferred lo l-araelte K.s. a.lrllley Mel a MUinher ol Oulartsi Ib.ys lu Paris. Onlarlo now ha a repreaeutellw ln the most famou of all American flying legions, the I -a Kay el te Kaca drills-, the nucleus of which Is Amen can flyer who were In ihe French army prior to the entry of the United Stales That member is Corporul Clifford C Canfleld. son of Council iuan aud Mrs Ward Canfleld. He wa one of the first boy to leave Onturh to Jntu the army after war waa de Corporal Cauf el. I U l- oi I"- IfSU fee In a letter lo hi- rl Uhf, ptaTtiag 1 t ahlch are as follews: American kUpedlliouary lure- February Is llsceined your I - - 1 and photo and tnyoye.l both ami al 1 tbe bos that the Honor Uuard aapi a and It certainly wa Sae. Whea 1 wa lu Pari 1 saw lfai..l Sproula aad Misped a ale Uai there. Fred (bla brother who is Ii lb aviation corps in leaa mu have good lob where Urn la sialiou ed 1 surely woald like lo see bin .1 i.uiuiue.i on Page I.) OVER THE TOP IS" n LOAN CAMPAICN CRY MM.IIKtll COINTY MIST tiO OVKR THR TOP" THIS TIMK AKTKR TWO KAIL! MR, IH VIKW OK COMMITTI I.. BROCAN MAN HERE FOR PLANS Lincoln aad Arraria Hch. .1 House Have Honor ol Hotdtav Irsl fjaw slon Llhewty Hands 10 He Otv aerved Parade Satan lay. 'Malheur muet go over the top." Thai Is tbe watehwnrd by which the committeemen are to be guided la the campaign. The work la on now. The first meeting of the week were held Wednesday of th's week: W W. Wood, Rev. Herbert Living ston and C. Mcoonagn. with tne Wienie Trio and James O Smith, op ened the campaign at Lincoln school house and at Arcadia Neil Tues day at Valley View and the Orange Halls meeting will he held, address ed by It W. Bwagler, J II Ilia, gaby and II B Douglass the addresses there snd the musical feature will be furnished hy s quartette composed of Dr W J. Weeee. 8. M Boucher. Hugh Allen Jid Kred I. Htewart. and Ihe Beamguard orrheetra will plv at the Orange Fred I. Htewart and tha Beamguard oroheetr will play al the Orange. 8. M. Boucher will do the solo work. Liberty Loaa Nueday. All of tha churchee will unit In making Sunday. April 71b a day for the consideration of the Liberty Loett drive A union meeting of alt the churcuee will be held In the evening. when the addresa will ba delivered by W W. Wood Aleo al every church service from now en until the di n la past, mention ot the nation need will be blvaa a place. Oa Dead Ox Flat, too, the campaign la under way. South Jacobsen -gulch was the flrat community In that teglon to answer Ihe publicity com mittee's qnll for a dale and Chairman Creem has prepared the plan for (hat gathering. KeauarUy Here I nun rwogaM. J A. Kennedy, halraten of the committee 'n tbe Brogan district, was In Ontario Monday and rueaday gathering the necesary data for the campaign there. He has hi dlatri otganlaed and a drive each a Ik 1 Ik have never seen w II take plac Whit the i.vmii.itiee men of that r glon do not know about the elatue ! their fellow clllns' ability 10 abaorb I'm le Sam's set ur ties la little. In ilee.l llrogan will be there, declwr. s Mr Kennedy WOOIl sllll'H HIH HHKKP TO aVaaWMl 1 01 T MacKantle Wilson left this week with the band of sheep which John Wood wintered here The band will be summered oil Mr Wood's silo' iiieui In llaruay iount ihe ban.' wintered well A big crop of laal -wa harvested and the wool I d dared 10 be exceptionally heavy. UK. II SCHOOL TKACMMlh tH KK-KI K. THII MHI MM IH" Al a meeting of the lln.ira of th iol a I a. hool all ol the meiubers .if the High School faculty ware re elected but the board did not com plate the ehwlioo for position in M. grades TON OK 1 l.o'iHIM. t.O!H TO Mil Kit 111 M.I tN I1KHI.I I Ontario more than m de Its Bgej of oue Ion of chilhliig (Ol tin H I tenlgiau relief roniBil kn To xact, the coiiiinii t-1 or warded " ' pounds of 1 lot li luac i.n. I all 1 good condition A surplus waa stilt ou hand when the surplua wa in in- forwarded when ik pjssl I comee. Daii.i 'lurner of the Steins nmui -tain country I In Ontario Watting rlsne. He reports Mini Ibey have bad a flae w later In that sett Ion btH believes tbe lack of snow will affect the range thia summer So cum foil able has been Ihe range during M winter that tee ere killed rig 11 from the raag all uaon Howard wBt lo Val. U I take tbe army examination Tat