The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 14, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
The masque ball given at the Moore
hall Saturday evening January 9th,
waa a aucceaa and everyone present re
port a moat enjoyable time.
Mra. Myera, representing "Old
Dutch Cleanser," took the ladle's prise,
and Randall Blackman and Homer
Overatreet, captured the men's prise,
they wore a sailor'a costume.
This dance marked the close of the
regular Saturday night dances given
under the management of Messer's
Sheets and Norton. There la no quest
ion but what the dances will be taken
hold of by others, in the event that
they are continued, we wiah them suc-
Any ladies' coat or suit up to. $16.60
for $9.93, at LAMPKINS.
In referring to the Library Board
Club in laat week 'a issue, we were
somewhat in error. The Library
Board la not a club. Ita members are
appointed by the mayor according to
tite law. It ia an dYiranization that
has a standing to the community simi
lar to the city council and the school
board. The duty of the Library Board
ia to administer the business of the li
brary. For Sale Pure bred
mouth Rock Cockerels.
Payette, Idaho, R. F. D. 1
young Ply
L. F. Shaw,
Phone 12-21
Henry Griffin and Guy Fisher have
diaolved partnership and divided up
their business. Hereafter, Mr. Griffin
will handle the coal business, and Mr.
Fisher will manage the ice and cold
storage business.
For Sale -Wheat for feed, $1.40 per
hundred Phone 290R2. E. L. Gil
beet, Payette, Route 2. S-4tp
Mrs. Yeagcr of Payette waa operated
on at the hospital Wednesday for gall
J. L. Pope of Jameison waa operated
an at the hospital Wednesday.
Lloyd Richardson underwent an op
eration Monday for strangulated her
mia. He waa in a critical condition be
fore Uie operation, but he la much bet
ter now.
Mrs. Snyder of Weiser waa in the
hospital Wednesday for an operation.
Mr. Wm. Vogel ia In a very critical
condition at the hospital resulting from
an acute attack of pneumonia.
Now is the time to buy furs, you can
get them at less than wholesale, at
James A. Lackey la getting along
nicely from his operation two weeks
Abe Moore is getting along very nice
ly from his operation.
Dr. Seara returned from Vale Mon
day where she had been on business.
J. B. Burrell waa a Vale visitor this
County Commissioner M. I). Kellv
waa in UnUrio on business Saturday.
John Murphy of lteulah is in town on
business this week.
County Judge George McK night waa
a buaineas visitor here Saturday.
Wm. Leea waa a Vale visitor Mon
day. WANTED To buy shelled
Phone 006-K-2.
In the case of the State versus
Wheeler, where Wheeler was alleged
to have stolen a team of horses at
Vale and to have driven it down into
Nevada, the jury could not agree. The
ease will be tried again next week.
Joe Goodfeilow and H. W. Allison
went to Vale Monday on buaineas.
H. W. Brock was a Vale passenger
C. E. Boyer and Kay returned from
Portland Saturday.
Loon Rambo was in Boise Saturday
on business.
M. E. Bain returned from his trip
east and Canada Monday morning.
Arthur Hobson came over from
WdIki Sunday to spend a few daya.
Jess Farrier of Riverside is a business
visitor nere this week.
Thomas Turnbull of Mooreville is in
town on business.
First clsss alfalfa hay for sale. De
livered in town. Phone J. J. Diluurd,
Phone No. 204-N-4. tf
E. 1. Brogan returned from Portland
Friday night where he had been on
Mrs. Van Buren and son made a trip
to Ironsides Saturday.
D. C. Petrie of Boise
friends here for a few days.
Mr. snd Mrs. C. E. Konyon came
over from Weiser to spend a few daya
with friends.
Mrs. J. W. McCulloch is visiting
later at Pendleton this week.
J. D. Billingaloy
waa a Vale visitor
John Wood returned from his ranch
at Riverton Tuesday where he had been
to look after his stock interests.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bailey went to
Boise Monday evening to attend the
Idaho dairy association, state horticul
tural association which are holding forth
at Boise this week. A number of On
tario people and Fruitland people are
taking advantage of this opportunity.
Virginia E. Bennett, the daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Frank Bennett, died at
Malheur City, January 8th and was
buried in the cemetery here January
10th. The funeral serviceewere held at
Farley's chapel, Rev. Baker of the
Baptist church officiating.
Miss Margaret Dunbar came down
from Vale Friday to spend Saturday
and.Sunday with her parents.
J. J. Prestel of Reno, Nevada, la a
businesa visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Swagler re
turned Friday morning from the east
and are at home to their friends in the
Ben Brown house in the north part of
A. N. Jacokea waa married at Cald
well Wednesday the 6th, by Judge Har-
ger, to Mary Hell (Jhamnera. oui are
well known here, Mrs. Jocokes being
one of the early pioneers of this place.
Mrs. Addie Page went to Boise Tues
Mias Estelle Currsy returned to Nam
pa Monday after spending two weeks
with her mother of this place.
C. C. Carter went to Baker Monday
to arrange for the French inspector of
Cavalry horses at this place.
Miss Lillian Turner of Weiser came
over Monday morning to look after her
music class at this place.
Miss Bessie Stoetsel of Jordan Valley
is visiting friends here.
Rev. Harry Hays of Nampa was in
town Monday find Tuesday.
Mrs. W. W. Utson was a Boise vis
itor Tuesday.
If you want shoes go to LAMPK1N,
the clearance sale prices makea real
bargains for any member of the family.
The Eastern Star will hold their an
nual insUlletion tonight. Following
are the elective officers to be installed:
Mrs. Knrna Hillingsley, worthy mat
ron; W. T. Lampkin, worthy patron;
Mrs. McCulloch, associate matron; E.
G. Bailey, secretary.
Mrs. Tonningsen entertained the Sil
ver Bridge Club Wednesday, Mrs. L.
Adam receiving the high score.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood entertained
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week
with seven tab! s of Five Hundred
each evening. Mrs. E. E. Goudy and
Mr. Rader were the lucky onea Tues
day evening and Mrs. M. E. Newton
and Mr. Kambo Wednesday evening.
Mrs. L. Adam entertained the Bridge
Club Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Test re
ceived the high score.
L. J. Aker was in
Vale on business
J. W. McCulloch returned from Vale
Wednesday, where he had been on
W. E. Lees was in Vale on business
this week.
C. W. Zwegert wss a Vale (visitor
this week.
Harry Withycombe left Thursday for
Salem to attend the inauguration of
his father, James Withycombe aa gov
ernor of the state. The inauguration
was scheduled for Monday and Mr.
Withycombe expects to return to On
tario tomorrow.
Geo. I. yells and son have opened up
a new blacksmith shop in the building
formerly occupied by the creamery.
Walter Glenn waa 2a Baker visitor
this week.
Mr. snd Mrs. R. W. Swagler were
Vale visitors Wednesday .
E. A. Eraser visited "Vale Wednes
day. Halwood Robert Manlove, the man
of many faces, is the next number of
the Lyceum course snd will be pre
sented Saturday night, January 16, at
the Dreamland Theatre. Reserved
seats may be secured at the Ontario
Pharmacy. Mr Mai dove cornea highly
recommended by the Redpatfi Lyceum
Bureau, snd, as a comedian, he ia the
best and cleanest artist in the profes
sion He impersonates every type of
human being and can touch his audience
in every mood.
The Knights of Pythias installed of
ficers Monday night and also put on the
work iii the rank of page and squire.
The following officers were installed :
Swagler, Commander: Geo. Bender,
Vice Chancellor; Murray Morton, Pre
lite; Wilmer Boyer, Master st Arms. A
J squish. Inner Guard; Don Preston,
Outer Guard; H. L. Poorman, Master
of Finance, James Connor, Keeper of
Records and Seals.
R. 0. Payne continued in his office of
Master of Exchequer and John Land
ingham was elected as Trustee.
D. D. Stevens wss initiated into the
mysteries of the rank of page white,
H. H. Halderman was the lucky end
much envied recipient of honors in the
rank of esquire.
The Dead Ox Flat Irrigation District
held a general election at Crane's ranch
Tuesday January 12. At this election
six directors snd a treasurer were choa
en. The director's were Henry Beier,
Roy Kelley, Geo. K. Clark, Ira Book,
Pearl Crane, and W. F. Homan. Orin
Boyer was elected treasurer thus re
electing the whole staff.
This year promises some interesting
developemenU in the Dead Ox Flat dis
aid there
Rene Vlvisnl, ths French
who Is reported to havs
will be no pssce compro-
Au appropriation of $76,000 baa bee
mads by the federal government to
purchase farm machinery, livestock
and graiu for the Indiana on the Warm
Springs reservation in central Oregon
Portland's children between 4 and
20 years of age number 44,700, accord
lng to the annual school census. This
is a decrease of 216 from the census
of last year, when the number was 44,
916. A half million dollars has been
spent on the construction and main
tenance of roads in Clatsop county the
past year sud approximately $76,000
remains to be paid contractors for
work that Is yet uncompleted.
It appears from the report of the
Oregon Conservation commission,
which has just been made public, that
Portland, more than any other city in
the country, is entitled to be called
the "Power City." The commission
reports a grand total of I.1J8.170
horsepower In its vicinity.
Ths fish snd game commission has
deolded that Fish Warden Clanton
shall hereafter have full charge of all
matters pertaining to fishing for com
mercial and sport purposes and State
Game Warden Kluley shall be allowed
to handle matters In connection with
game, game propagation and protec
tion. Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State
Oregon, for Malheur County,
in the matter of the estate of G. W
Morrison, deceased.
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Recorded in County Clerk's Office
From Jsn. 4th to 9th. 1915.
U. S. A. to James L. Elms, SEVi
7-14-39, June 20th, 1912.
James M. Butler et ux, to S. II
dcr, SEW SW, 17-18-47, Dec.
1914, $1.00.
David Nelson et ux, to William Bed
des, N' NEW NWtt, N of Lot 1-17-16-46.
Nov. 7th, 1914, $1980.00.
Mary Ann Townsend et vir to
Charles Denkey, S NWtt NWtt, 32-18-47,
Jan 2nd, 1916, $1.00.
William Crawford to James Kissick,
NEK, 31-16-47, Dec. 4th, 1914, $10.00.
Oregon Valley Land Co., to Julius M.
Peterson, 8WH SWK, 33-33-89. June
2nd, 1910, $200.00.
Ontario Land & Townsite Co., to Roy
Reynolds, lot 24-26 Bl. 6 Riverside
Adn., Ontario, Nov. 14th, 1914, $280.00.
Martha B rod rick, administratrix, to
Nancy Kime, Ett SE'i. 27; EH
NWU, SWH SEW, SWW, 26-18-41.
Dec. 8th, 1914, $9600.00.
Joseph W. Doane and Charles H.
Woodward to C. C. Rulifson and H. E.
McKcnnr-y, lots 1, 2, ,'t. SW'. NK', .
SEW NWVF'v SWW, 6-19-45. Dec.
81st, 1914, $10.00.
U. S. Land Office to Patrick J
lather, NWW NEW, 7-21-38,
Oct. 23rd, 1914. Certificate.
Patrick J. Gallagher et ux to Jones
Land A Live Stock Co., NWW NEW,
7-21-38, Jan. 2nd, 1916, $1.00.
State of Oregon to the Heirs of Dan
iel R. "nrgood. NEW NWW, 9-17-47.
Nov. 18th, 1914. $360.00.
Susan Elizabeth Morehoad et vir to
Sarah J. Ehrgood, NEW NWW, 9-17-47.
Jan. 2nd, 1916. $360.00.
T. B. Fisher et ux to W. H. Fisher,
S. 60 ft of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Bl. 166
Ontario, Dec. 81st, 1914, $6.00.
A. N. Soliss et ux to C. E. Konyon,
Lots 18, 14, 16, Bl, 20; l!'-20 Bl. 255
Ontario; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bl 6 Villa
Park Adn., Ontario; EW NEW, 14-1!)-
44; H Int. in NEW, 36-18-46. June
19th, 1913. $10.00.
U. S. A. to Thomas C. McElroy,
SWW, 12-18-44, Sept. 11th. 1914.
Thomas C. McElroy to Hannah W.
McElroy, SWW, 12-18-44, Nov. 30th,
1914, $1.00.
U. S. A. to Frank M. Spencer, "SW
8EW, .!; SW SWW, 24-24-40, Nov.
4th, 1914.
W. H. Hill to John MrGetrick and
Lelah D. Clay, Iota 6, 6, Bl. 19 River
ton. Dec. 10th, 1914, $1.00.
E. E. McCay to Alvin Spurlock,
Water Right, Jan. 6th, 1915, $100.00.
State of Oregon to Heirs of C. J.
Sebrlng, WW SWW, 16-31-42, Doe.
31st, 1914, $400.00.
Mrs. E. L. Mudden et vir to Mrs
Lottie J. Cook, 1W acres in NW.
SEW NEW, 30-18-45. Jan. 7th, 1915,
Lawrence It. Johnson et ux to Henry
A. Ehlers, Quit-Claiming D. E. W'-.
NWW, NWW SWW, 20-18-44. Jun.
9th, 1915, $500.00.
Ontario Land & Townsite Co., to
H. C. Kasthum, trustee, lots 6, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, Bl, 276 Ontario, Sept. 24th, 1914,
Fn-idu Johnson et vir., to l.etit ia F.
Ehlers, Quit-Claiming D. E. SWW
SW W , 20-18-44, Jan. 9th, 1915, $200.00.
Lottie J. Cook et vir., to William 1!
Divers, 1 W acres in N W W 8E W NEW
30-18-45, Jan. 7th, 1916, $10.00.
Marriage Licenses.
William Buckner to Mabel Stewart,
Jan. 4th, 1915.
Frank A. Miller to Romilda Holley,
Jan. 6th, 1916.
Complaints Filed in District Court.
W. H. Monroe A C. C. Crisell vs. E.
B. Conklin, foreclosure ot mortgage.
W. H. Monroe ft C. C. Crisell vs. E.
B. Conklin, recovery of money.
W. H. Schenck et ux. vs. C. B. Banks
et als., foreclosure of mortgage.
Thomas Turnbull vs. Ivor Williams,
recovery of damages.
T. A. Barton vs. F. O. Young and N.
J. Minton, foreclosure of Miners Lien.
Petition for letters of administration
in the G. W. Morrison estate were filed
in the Probate Court Jan. 5th.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the Stats of Oregon,
for Malheur County, administrator of
the estate of G. W. Morrison, deceased.
All persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased, are hereby re
quired to present the same to the. un
dersigned, with the proper verification
as by Isw required, at my office in On
tario, Oregon, within six months from
date hereof.
Dated January 14, 1916.
Date of first publicatitn, Jsnuary
14th, 1915. Lsst publication, February
11th, 1915. C. McGonagili.,
Administrator of the EsUteofG. W.
Morrison, deceaseXl.
Jan. 7. Ben Brown, Vale; E. F.
Mickey, Cord; J. M. Davis, Drewsey:
R. H. McNee, Nyssa; J. B. Fine, Cord.
Jan. 8. R. M. Sargent, Owyhee.
Jan. 9.- R. J. Dodge, Juntura; Thos.
Turnbull, k Mooreville. ( Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Golden. Nyssa; W. W. Warner,
M allot t; B. F. Farmer, Nyssa; Mrs.
Geo. Light and daughter, Fruitland.
Jan. 10. -C. F. DuPre, Juntura.
Jan. 11. E. E. Kendall, Jamieson;
C. W. Polk, Huntington; J. Gubl,
Homedale; Lester Derrick, Jamieson.
Jan. 12. J. S.;Vl.celor, Homedale;
Arthur Van Sicklin; Weiser; E. .J.
Jan. 13. W. A. Robertson, Drew
sey; J. B. Blgolow, Nyssa;. Lee Hylton,
New Plymouth.
If Jan. 7. Harry J. Schenck, Weatfall,
Howard Mallett, Mallett
Jan. 8. T. W. Stephana, Burns; F.
A. Gay lord, Joseph; R. H. DeArmond,
Vsle; D. C. Petrie, Boise.
Mid-Winter Excursions
Oregon Short
January 29th.
The Salt Lake Route will
Ontario to Los Angles and re
turn, Iwth ways via Salt Lake
Returning via San Fran
cisco, Portland and Hunting
ton Limit April 1st
Francisco, will
upt'ii 1'Vbruarv
You should visit Uitli expositions. Make Early
reservations through 0. S. L. Agents.
D. E. Burley, General Passenger Agent, Oregon
Short Line Railroad Co.. Salt Itke City Utah.
Ontario, Oregon
Hot Water Bottles
Fountain Syringes
The one that won't tear or leak
Jan. 9. S. W. Gould, Vale; Mrs .1.
H. Schilling, Homedale; I). Murphy,
Beulah; Mrs. P. C. Beckstesd, Payette;
Dorothy Peterson, Payette.
Jan. 10. -Chas. II. Powell, LaOrande;
Beryl MofHt, Portland.
Jan. 11. H. H. Hays, Nampa.
Jan. 12. C. D. Blackburn. Emmett;
J. L. Pope, Jamieson; A. C. Maneman,
Payette; C . J. Musselman, Weiser;
Louis Hucker, Harper.
Jan. 13. Howard Mallett,! Mallett;
Dr. W. A. Brown, Seattle.
. t
According to figures compiled by
the Salem commercial club, ths aver
age monthly payroll ot the combined
Industries of the city amounts to a
total of $161,111.86.
Mrs. Anna l.ay(on. a pioneer of 1147,
died at her home in Philomath of
hoart trouble, aged 7G years. Mra.
Laytou crossed the plains with her
parents when 8 years of ago
special, electric
ally lighted
trains, consist
ing of dini n u
cars, standard
and tourist
sleeping cars,
and observation
cars, lea vine.
Salt Lake City
at 12:(M) noon,
.January 30th.,
in connect i o n
from Idaho Ore
gon and Wyo
ming points of
The Panama
California Ex
position, Sa n
Diego, opened
January 1st.
The l'anama
Pacific Inte r
national ExK
sit i o n , San
Drug Co.
Phone 131