The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, April 23, 1931, Image 1

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    T urner T ribune
NO. 2
T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 23, 1931
Farm Home Burned
Other Homes Suffer GAME IN SECOND CAS­ Brotherhood Meeting
Here Last Week
During Wind Stori
Theory And
I .ant Tucxduy thi* farm property o f
Mr. An«l<-rs«>n, form erly own«-«l by
M. E. Townut nd, caught Aru from un­
known origin in the burn and aided
by a strong north wind sw«-pt to the
•v o o d x h ed , g.irng«- and chicken house,
One o f thoxe euny faulty epigrams
which were all burned to the ground, decluren: "M ake the Hcholar and you
UX Well MM a Nmall dwellink llOUHC Mpoil the man.” It I m uttered wm e-
occupied by a daughter o f Mr. An- tm e * by men who arc proud to be
dernon'a, directly benid«< the barn. The known ax "p ractical" und who make
muin dwelling house/was Moved. It ix the grave mistake o f «-mpting the vial*
located about seventy or <-ight y feet o f their xcorn upon the theoriet», who
from the burn and by much effort on are axxumed to know only what a
the part o f local volunteer* it wa» textbook told them one«- upon u time.
Hut modernly the “ practical" men
kept from catching fire.
All the furniture in the «mail houx< are compounding the old i|uarrel with
wax deatroyed aa it wax mo much con- the theorixtx. Great industriea are
xumed by Hume* by the tine if WM ' " ‘M'liizini! how hard they I. ai. M
diacovarad that it wax impoM*ible to luborutory science. In the need of
enter, but the car which wa* kept in exact meaxurcmcBt und xpeciAe pro-
the barn wax removed and did not j e «“ . »hey have learned to reaped the
burn. Ax neur ax con be learned r v - , p h y iiílit und chemixt, inviting their
erythln* wax inxured and the los* íh “ •'*
consulting «ngim-er*. ax iearn-
not quite no heavy.
■ptcialiaU in medic nc are called to
___ « ____
¡a patient'x bedside.
It i< a powi-rful alii
Wi-dncxduy afternoon the alarm
wax »«-nt m that the home o f Frank man who know* how to hundió labor­
Cook was on fire. Volunteer Ar«-m. a e r ! linea himself up f«»r the building
respond' d and oon had the Are under o f a bridge or the building o f a sub­
control. It started from r. burnt out way or the o f a road with the
flue, ami the sparks kept lighting on man who hail the long courxe o f tech­
the roof netting it on Arc. No dam nical training, w ho digi stx a blueprint
axe war done except a portion <Si the .ix if it were delicious shotcak«- and
who xeex decfmal placea sprinkled
house dampened slightly.
over the landscape as if they were
It is also reported thnt three houses spring (lowers.
burnt «1 to the ground in Lyons. The
Theory plus practice ix the harmony
Stayton Are department was culled to wh ch our whole civilization march­
but con*hlernb'e d*imag • wax «lone be­ es toward the millennium. Though
fore It arrived.
theory ix needful and plans muxt lx*
laid ere u structure i f whatever kind
T t C i s an «
^Tmd t me o f
ix reared, it does not follow that all
the year for Are as every thing has those who bury their noses in u book
dried out ro much and Are starts so ind browse in a library are engaged
easily. People should be very cautious in research and speculation valuable
about lighting Ares now on this uc- to the race. Nothing is easier than to
sit snugly ensconced, out o f the hurly-
burly o f the storm o f living, reaching
W h a t ! Trnda out of Tu rn er? N o ' attenuated
N e v e r ! Than why not bring your that are o f no earthly uxe. Mental
■hoot to bo repaired to E. Robinson, gymnastics there may be, but they
located on F ifth
street in T u r ­ arc o f the im perfect kind that over­
ner, Oregon
Also furniture repair­ works sinews o f little consequences,
permitting muscles thut are important
to be atrophied from idleness.
Training o f ..chool or college has
fo r its end not an airy, foolish, fan­
tastic chatr o f (speculation, but an
equipment o f fact— and poetic truth
Hrotherhood banquet was a success! is not excluded— that is to be tested
I f you were not there ypu missed it, and extended by v.tal experience. The
that all. The program nt »he church wise man w ill not shut a dor und close
was very inxpir ng too, from ull that a book and cease to be a scholar be­
has Icnki-d out.
cause he has le ft college and is out in
Sur. lay .ervlces wero very helpful. the world at work. He will go on
In the morning the pastor based his learning ulwayx.
remarks on the passage o f scripture
that call mention to the fact that
every grain o f wheat before it can
grow and multiply has to «lie. So
Christ's death means that He liv«*s
anew in the hearts o f every one o f
his horn aguin followers. His death
I fe possible fo r aJI humanity.
Hut his death taken by itself will save
no one. It is like he has built a rail­
road to heaven, erected depots, put
may trains on the track, hired con­
ductors and all the helpers necessary,
«•vo bought our tickets, but, if we
refute to take advantage o f it all it
will avail us nothing. Christ has pro­
vided all God requires and ull we
need. Now it's up to us to accept or
go to hell over Christ’s dead body in
spite o f all, oven He can do fo r us.
The local Hrotherhood did better
than ever in their evening service.
- - -»
Epworth League service was good
Let us all boost fo r the W. C. T. U.
county convention, which is to he held
in the. Christian church Wednesday,
Apr.I 2!». Remember the W. C. T. U.
cause h<-longs to us all. A Ane op­
portunity to work for Him who has
«lone everything for us.
West Stayton
Clubs Have Work
On Display
Last Friday th«- West Stayton Jolly-
Girls and the Hoys Handicraft Clubs
hud th«-ir work on display at the
school house. Purents and friemls
viewed the work nn«l th«' exhibits
were all Ane. The Needle and Thread
Club had their work ju«lged also but
«lid not have their achiev«-m«-nt pro­
gram until Tuestlay. The judges for
the Jolly Girls were Mrs. Goss, Mrs.
Darley and Mrs. Lacy. Velma Roy so
won Arst, Haxol Comstock second, and
Hazel Shell« nberger third.
W. O.
Royse, Merle Crane and Arthur Bra­
den were judges o f the hoys work.
Donald Hankcl won Arst, Mnrk Lewis
second, Eugene Lee third, Harold
Tegen fourth, and Tommy Bowne
Afth. Mrs. Bone, Mrs. McClendon and
Mrs. Royse were judges o f the Needle
an«l Threail Club work.
Hurms won Arst, Neva Harms second,
and Fern Lewis third. Short talks on
club work were giv« n by Elmer Aschc
an«l Mrs. Tegen.
Last Sunday Stayton p«-ople got
their Arst glimps«- o f the Gr«.-y Diggers
a fter their long absence o f a year,
but nevertheless fo r their second
game o f the year did v«-ry well by
¡d e fla tin g Stayton to the count ow 8
to 7.
The Arst inn ng o f the game the
locals succeeded in «trapping in five
tallies which put them well in the
j lead, then Stay ton gradually began
climbing till the score was nearly tied
when Turner got two more runs aguin
going ahead. In the sixth inning the
j home boys scor'd another tally mak­
ing th<- score 8 to 0. In the seventh
and eighth inning it look«d lik«- Stay-
ton would overcome the lead but they
only gained one run on the boys, clos­
ing the game 8 to 7 fo r Turner.
The batteries fo r Turner: Russell
an«l Pearson an«l Webb.
The next game will be at Turne r
against Aumsville next Sunday on the
1 Cloverdale «liamond. Come out an«l
help the boys win.
The Present
It has been frequently obx. rved
that the American people are loi-ing
that imperturbably serenity their
forefathers are said to have possessed.
The pres« nt g« neration is ea:«l to be
capable o f getting excite«l over tri­
vialities and o farguing about any­
Americans have always argued—
fo r arguing seems to be instinctive in
all forms o f an mal life— but pool
room, after- church and street-coiner
d«-bates are not what is under dis­
cussion here. This form er closed-
coropration form a forensic combat is
thought to have been replaced by the
t< ndency o f the whole people to be-
com«' more easily aroused into vocifer­
ous protest or approval.
I f the criticism is founded on fact,
there is a ready and plausible expla-
nat on fo r the national change. With
virtually every man and woman read­
ing in the newspapers and listening-
in on the radio about the same hap­
penings o f the day, and under the
closer relationship between people
through growth in urban population,
Mr. an«l MrB. P. E. Thomason mo­ it is not surprising that the whole na-
tored to Portland, Wednesday, and t on overnight becomt s interested in
spent xeevral days with their daugh­ the same things, talks about and in­
ter, Mrs. Paul W alker and fam ily, re­ evitably, differs on them.
Perhaps Americans should be criti- home Friday evening.
cfzedfor having cultivated too much
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little mo­ o f the laissez-faire attitude fo r their
tored to Halsey, Thursday, spending own good. I f people do not interest
themselves in that which concerns
the day with relat vcs.
their welfare, they can not expect fo
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus at­ do so. When government fails, politi­
tended Pomona Grange at Butteville cians go wrong or fa n a tic ! reformers
last Wednesday.
get something over, it is generally be­
cause a people were not interested or
Owen Thomason spent Saturday
aroused to the argumentative temper­
and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and ature.
Mrs. P. E. Thomason. Owen is em­
ployed in a store in Portlan«!.
Mr. an«l Mrs. George Keech o f
Stayton were Sunday visitors at the
home o f Mrs. Kcech’s sister, Mrs.
Thomas Little and fam ily.
J. N. Jolly has just returned from
a trip to California, where he visited
a foster sister he ha«l not seen fo r
over forty years.
C. C. Tracy has been sick with the
measles the past week.
Mr. an«l Mrs. C. M. Barber and
Mrs. Barber’s father, J. N. Jolly, took
dinner with the form er’s daughters,
! Faye and Erma, o f Salem.
W. c. T. U.
To Meet Here
Remember our county get-together
is Wednesday o f next week. Plan to
get there (Christian Church in Tur­
ner) by 10 a. m. Program are not
out yet but we promise you an ex­
cellent wide awake time. Plan to give
it your full day! Bring a good full
basket o f eats as we may have much
| company to feed. Salem ladies are
talking o f chartering a bus especially
fo r the convention.
Mrs. Jolly, our state
The District Brotherhoo«! o f the
Methodist church was entertained by
the Turner Methodist church Wed­
nesday .April 15. The program com­
menced a chicken dinner at C:3Q
p .m. More than 100 men sat down
to the banquet which was serve«l in
the Gower building.
Tables an«l
b<?nches used were manufactured fo r
the occasion by the Turner Lumber
& Manufacturing Co. The banquet
wasserved by the local Ladies Aid
which netted them over $45.
A t 7 :30 the meeting was called to
order in the Methodist church with
O. W. Emmons o f Salem, district
president, presiding. The program
commenced with group singing led by
Ivan Hadley .president o f the Turner
Brotherhood. Ronald Craven o f Salem
sang a beautiful vocal number which
was followed by the address o f the
evening, “ L ife ’s U nfolding Personali­
ties,” by Dr. Carl G regg Doney, presi­
dent o f Willamette University. There
was more group singing a fter which
Mr. Craven sang another solo. The
busin-ss meeting was then called by
the president which consisted prin­
cipally o f reports o f committees and
particularly that o f the assistance o f
the church at M yrtle Point. Judge
Arlie G. W alker o f McMinnville, Prof.
McGruder o f Corvallis and W. C.
Winslow were called on fo r short
There were .representatives
present from practically all points in
the district, including those as fa r
away as Corvallis, McMinnville an«l
Woodburn. The meeting adjourne«!
to hold theia. next meeting at Wood-
Birthday Club
Entertained At
Forette Home
Wednesday afternoon the Birthday-
Club met at the home o f Mrs. Arthur
Forrette. It was a beautiful day and
18 ladies took advantage o f it. Mrs.
Forrette had a request number over
the ra«lio to help entertain them.
A fte r a short business session gifts
were presented to Mrs .Stewart, Mrs.
Allen and Mrs. Bowne as their birth­
days were all in this month. The host­
ess, assisted by Mrs. Porter and Mrs.
Royse, served delicious ice cream and
cake. Those present were Mesdames
Stewart, Rand, Wallace, Woosley.
Peggie Comstock, Lottie Comstock.
Goss, Allen Gilbert, Hankel, Bowne
McClellan, Dickman, Asche, Roys«
and the hostess, Mrs. Harry Porter.
Mrs. Mary Forrette and Edith Stew­
art were guests.
president, to be with us, which assures
Farm Service by a Dank
us a lively time fo r she lives up to
i her
A farm service department was
inaugurated a year ago by a bank
in Olympia, Washington, and a
farm advisor appointed. Close co­
operation has been maintained
with the state college extension
service. Work in dairying is car­
ried on in conjunction with the
Dairy Herd Improvement Associa­
tion. Also a pasture contest was
held in cooperation with the four
banks in the county which offered
prises amounting to $100. Work in
poultry was carried on in coopera­
tion with the Co-operative Poultry
Association and assistance was
given in organizing an economic
conference for the benefit of berry
growers. The farm advisor of the
bank is active in the Agricultural
Council of the county composed
of farm and other organizations
interested in agricultural develop­
ment, and also in the Farmers'
Market. Six hundred farm busi­
ness analysis blanks were distrib­
uted while farm account books and
poultry record books were also pro­
vided to farmers and have been
helpful in starting many farmers
la keeping business records.
bring your neighbor.
Five Hundred
Party At Country
Home Friday
There were two beautiful services
'hgain Sunday.
Our Bible school is again on the
Junior Christian Endeavor met out
by the river Sunday evening.
Sunday evening Mrs. Kellems spoke
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gulvin delightful­ to a large audience. H er address was
ly entertained a group of friends at on “ Missions, the Heart o f the
tbeir home Friday eveniny All enjoyed Church.” It was an inspirational ser­
playing 500 'tila late hour when refresh­
ments were served. In the group were
The choir went to the T. B. hos­
pital Tuesday to help put on a play
Emma, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchel!, Mr. fo r the beneAt o f the patients.
Mr. ahe Mrs. U. E. Denyer and daugh
and Mrs. Geo. Crume, Mr. and Mrs. C.
N ext Lord’s day E. Parrish and his
T. White, Mr- and Mrs. A. Edwards and sister w ill speak. He is a Ane likable-
Mr. and Mes. Bert Peebles all of Turner. young man and a great preacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Libby, the hosts,
The meeting behind held in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Gulvin snd daughter Eve­ by the Kellems is proving to be a
lyn and son Robert.
real success.