T urner T ribune he AND V O LU M E XVI C O N T IN U A T IO N OK T H E A U M S V IL L E S T A R NO. 2 T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 23, 1931 Farm Home Burned GREY DIGGERS TAKE CLOSE One Hundred Attend Other Homes Suffer GAME IN SECOND CAS­ Brotherhood Meeting Here Last Week During Wind Stori CADE TILT SUNDAY Theory And Practice I .ant Tucxduy thi* farm property o f Mr. An«l<-rs«>n, form erly own«-«l by M. E. Townut nd, caught Aru from un­ known origin in the burn and aided by a strong north wind sw«-pt to the •v o o d x h ed , g.irng«- and chicken house, One o f thoxe euny faulty epigrams which were all burned to the ground, decluren: "M ake the Hcholar and you UX Well MM a Nmall dwellink llOUHC Mpoil the man.” It I m uttered wm e- occupied by a daughter o f Mr. An- tm e * by men who arc proud to be dernon'a, directly benid«< the barn. The known ax "p ractical" und who make muin dwelling house/was Moved. It ix the grave mistake o f «-mpting the vial* located about seventy or <-ight y feet o f their xcorn upon the theoriet», who from the burn and by much effort on are axxumed to know only what a the part o f local volunteer* it wa» textbook told them one«- upon u time. Hut modernly the “ practical" men kept from catching fire. All the furniture in the «mail houx< are compounding the old i|uarrel with wax deatroyed aa it wax mo much con- the theorixtx. Great industriea are xumed by Hume* by the tine if WM ' " ‘M'liizini! how hard they I. ai. M diacovarad that it wax impoM*ible to luborutory science. In the need of enter, but the car which wa* kept in exact meaxurcmcBt und xpeciAe pro- the barn wax removed and did not j e «“ . »hey have learned to reaped the burn. Ax neur ax con be learned r v - , p h y iiílit und chemixt, inviting their erythln* wax inxured and the los* íh “ •'* consulting «ngim-er*. ax iearn- not quite no heavy. ¡ ■ptcialiaU in medic nc are called to ___ « ____ ¡a patient'x bedside. It i< a powi-rful alii Wi-dncxduy afternoon the alarm wax »«-nt m that the home o f Frank man who know* how to hundió labor­ Cook was on fire. Volunteer Ar«-m. a e r ! linea himself up f«»r the building respond' d and oon had the Are under o f a bridge or the building o f a sub­ control. It started from r. burnt out way or the muk.ng o f a road with the flue, ami the sparks kept lighting on man who hail the long courxe o f tech­ the roof netting it on Arc. No dam nical training, w ho digi stx a blueprint axe war done except a portion