The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 22, 1931, Image 1

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    T he T urner
(El) lit E l f Nil. 363
Tuesday tli«* property of the Yew
Log Camp No. 368, whose c h a rter wus
su rrendered in the pant spring, was
t.'k' n to Marion when- it becomes a
p o rt of th at cainn equipm ent. Muny
of the oh I member* will read thi*
with re g re t for around the yew *tuinp
which wu* u p a rt of the equipm ent
here for over 40 year«, wan woven
m em ories of pleasant association of
many who are resting in Go«!’* acre
and others who are scattered. Besides
the lovely old yew stum p, which was
brought from n ear the Red S ta r mill,
an o th er m em ory, by C larence "C lick”
R obertson, th ere arc six wedges,
eight large axes and eight small ones,
p art o f them hand carved and pol­
ished and with over 40 years o f sea­
soning, it is indeed a rare collection
and M arion Camp is fo rtu n a te in
th eir inheritance. J. M. Ilones, Hollis
Hones ami Art Robertson of the obi
rum p have tran sferre d th eir member*
ship to Marion, where Archie Rankin
is the council com m ander and M. A.
Maile r is clerk.
« 8 -
■' ■— 1 ■
All Day Meeting
Pomona Grange
Macleay, Wed.
A* the close of the Sunday m orning
sermon Rae W estafll made the good
confession of his faith and was bap­
tised at the close of the evening serv­
The C hristian Endeavor young peo­
ple enjoyed a most interesting and
helpful pray er me. ting Suiwluy eve­
j ning. The topic was “ W hat I Admire
Most in G irls." The m eeting wu* lest
i by Jim McGowan. The girls wi re not
allow -d to speak. There was a large
crowd present.
Im m ediately following this fine C.
E. m eeting the young people took
charge of the full evening service.
They led the sohgs, read the scrip­
tu re , led in prayer, took the offering
and preached the serm on. It was fine
and the young folks did themselves
—— a- —-
The church is looking forw ard to
the four days of fellowship and re ­
vival with the Kellcm B rothers, F eb­
ru ary 3, 4, 5. No one will profit more
in this than the m em bers of the
church, though it is planned to invite
th e churches from neighboring towns.
All ure invited to come.
Tw enty-tw o fine young people
assembled for choir practice Tuesday
evening. Dr. Kph-y is a splendid big
b ro th er to the kids and the older ones.
If.- is planning some new music for
the near future.
(j[[Jf) |5
Your re p o rte r forgot last week to
tell you o f the w onderful tim e we
had at the Aid Society silver tea held
ut the home of Mrs. C. A. Bear, J a n ­
uary 8th. The house was full of
guests, even Mrs. John Duncan from
T hursdev William Fox, county j Salem was th ere and many new la-
club leader, came from Salem and I dies who have moved into o u r midst.
talked to tha girls in the grade school The tw o Mr*. Bears and Mrs. Hazel
v/ho were interested in a 4H club S tew art had arranged fo r the delight-
and on Friday the girls m et and o r­ full en tertain m en t for the event and
ganized. M argaret C ilstrap was elect­ a sum ptuous lunch. We always have
ed president, M arjory Fowler, vice- an unu-sually good tim e when we go
president; Ruth G ilstrap, secretary , to Mrs. B ear’s country home.
and Mrs. John Cox was chosen club
We also failed to m ention three
leader. T here are 10 girls in the club
which in all probability will be divid­ new m em bers who came into o ur
ed into two groups. They will meet church Sunday, Jan u a ry 11, on con­
in the domestic science room a t the fession of faith. And two m ore joined
school house on F riday afternoons. last Sunday by letter.
J |
There will I k ? ten lessons and one
dem onstration during the club year.
The girls are all looking forw ard to
a 100 per cent club. The club mem­
bers are Alice and M arjorie Fowler,
Geneva B arber, I>a V erna W hitehead,
M argaret Schifferer, Mildred and
Ah ta Bones, Kathleen Sparks, E lea­
nor Parke«, Stella B arnett, Clarissa
and F rances Clark, M arjory McKay,
M argaret and Ruth G ilstrap and
Evelyn Jensen.
Frank Rowers presided at the lecture
hour ut which tim e Geo. Palm atier, past
state master; Edith Tox'er Wethcred,
lecturer Oswego Grange and Mr. Lundy
of California were interisting speakers
C. H. Edwards, district deputy of
district number one, gave a summary of
the agricultural situation.
Included on the social program were
q u artett uumbers by Mrs Silke, Mrs O
Maker, W. E. Branch, H. E. Martin
with Mr* Jessie Roomier as accompan­
ist; readings by Mrs. Leroy Elson.
Four resolution* were presented by a
committee composed of S. H. Van
Trum p, A. D. McCully and W. A. Jones
and are a* follows: Opposing cream
grading la» ; land settlement bill; $75000
»tute money for Pacific International
Exposition; the use of oleomargarine
and commending the grocers who do
not offer it for sale; all measures were
The next Pomona meeting will be at
Butteville with Woodburn us assistant
A fte r the opening service last S un­
day m orning in which the choir fav-
ored us with an anthem and the m en’s
q u arte t with a selection, Rev. Bur-
goync brought an in terestin g dis­
course on the tex t, “ To whom shall
we go,” to a goodly audience. He
said in p a rt: ‘‘Men have alw ays asked
a f te r a God. Jesus can m eet every
test. No blemish on his ch aracter. He
.-tands out as one w.X changed the
stream of life.
Life is a m ystery! C hrist is the
only one who can solve it. Salvation
is a sudden experience, a gradual
grow th and a glorious fu tu re.
" I f you tu rn from C hrist, to whom
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. W hite and will you go? ’Only thou hast the
daughters, B em adine and Rosalie, words o f etern al life!* P eter told
were supper guests a t the Raymond C hrist and it is very, very tru e .”
T itus home Friday.
The evening service was called off
All the services Sunday wil I be
w orth while. Not least will be the
gr.-at address by Frof. M ountain nt
■ ■ o------
the evening hour. He is a specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim T. Palrm?r and
Everyone in T u rn e r will w ant to hear dau g h ter, P<ggy, spent T hursday
A number from here attended Pomo-
with Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Little.
ns Grange at Macleay Wednesday » b n
Thieves visited th e hen house of
M cleay and North Howell were joint
Floyd B row er and a friend from C harles B arber, F riday night, ami
hosts to over 200 Grangers, among them,
P ortland visited with hi* parents, Mr.
all Pomona officer», I, R. L itnbert. Mas- and Mm. George Brower, here T ues­ stole ab au t eighty chickens, nearly all
being Rluxle Island Reds. They left
t v ; K. L M .t taw», O ter*eer; Frank day. In the evening they m otored to
ten chickens, probably ru n n in g out of
flowers, le c tu re r; (*. II Taylor, Slew, Hutteville where they were the dinner sacks to carry them away.
ard; Arthnr Edwards. A»*t. Steward; guest sof Mr. and Mrs. Dick P arrot.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thom ason mo­
Anna Farris. Chaplain; Helen W riter,
The T ribune received a lettei this tored to P o rtland, S atu rd ay , visiting
C -rts; Nellie Sundner, Pomona; Flora
week fiom John G irardin of Beaver­ th e ir son, Owen, and d aughter, Mrs.
Taylor, Flora, Ellen Lam bert, Instrlla
ton, Oregon, in which he inclosed n Paul W ulkrr, and family. They re­
lion officer; Eva Jones, Secretary; S. II.
turned Sunday.
check for renewal of The T ribune for
Van Trum p, Treasurer; Ethel Fletcher,
an o th er year. His letter reads in p a rt:
Mr. and Mrs. Mayro McKinney
to Halsey to atten d the fu ­
"I like The Tribune because I get
The Marion County Granges have
M cKinney’s cousin.
news about friends and acquaintances«* wonderful progress during the year,
th at I would not otherw ise get. 1
F rank Carlson o f S tayton visited
having placed 200 new members on the
lived about two miles from T u rn e r his brother-in-law , C harles B arber,
roll, with Ankeny Grange leading, with
the lurgest number of new members. fo r 42 years. I have seen many
J Tackenburg and G, C arter were ap ­ changes in and around T u rn e r since
Mr. and Mrs. S. Page were over­
night visitors at P. E. Thom ason’s
pointed s* a committee to procure new 1881.
home last Thursday.
members for Pomona Grange
Reports were made hy the following
M asters; A. Edward», Surprise of T u r­
ner; J. Edwards. Stay Ion; II E M artin,
Macleay; G. O. Farr, Ankeny; Daisy
Klump, North Howell; O. L. Larsen,
Wood burn; J. A. Van Cleave, Monitor
and C. Carter, Hutteville.
Granges reporting one hundred per
cent economic committees were, Union
Hill, Silverton Hills, Manitor, Fairfleldi
Woodburn, Turner, Slayton, North
Howell and Macleay.
A bontious dinner was served at the
noon hour by North Howell and Macleay
th at all m ight have the privilege of
atten d in g the pageant a t the Am eri­
can L utheran church, “ The Light of
the W orld.” The house was packed
and people tu rn ed aw ay from the
fifth presentation of it a t 6:30 and
enough people were standing on the
outside to fill it again fo r the second
time a t 8:15. It was certainly fine
and m ade the C hristm as story very
Much in terest is being worked up
in th e Sunday school over the mem ­
orizing o f scripture verses. The
Young People’s class has challenged
the Young M arried People’s class to
learn m ore scipture verses than they
can and a t the same tim e the la tte r
cla<s were challenging the Bible class
to a m em orizing contest. It was de­
cided th a t any m em ber o f the Sun­
day school who fo r any reason could
not be present if they would send
word as to how many new verses they
had learned during the week, they
could be counted by th eir class. So
everyone please take notice and b#
Mrs. R. D. Witzel atten d ed th e W. sure and have a report fo r us next
C. T. U. institute in T u rn e r last W ed­ Sunday in person if possible, but
where impossible then by m essenger.
This is a contest well w orth while,
Dean Rice went to P ortland, S a tu r­ let’s do o u r best.
day, to en ter the v eterans hospital.
H enry B arn e tt retu rn ed Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T itus spent from a fo u r days’ visit with his sister,
Thursday aftern o o n at th e H. C. P or­ Mrs. Guy Chapm an, and husband at
te r home a t Aumsville.
St. Helens.
In the fifth gam e of the Cascade
league series, T u rn e r captured high
honors against the pine tree boys by
a score of 28 to 17.
The gam e was fairly fast th ro u g h ­
out and some nice passing and team
work exhibited by both team s added
many thrills to th e game. Mill City
failed to connect many long shots
while th e locals were fairly accurate
in th e ir shots. M. Pearson and E.
G ath w ere high point men with 11
and 10 tallies to th eir credit, respec­
tively, while W. Pearson was third
in line with 6 to his m arker.
The home boys a re com ing along
fine and with a little stiff practice will
make one of thes strongest team s in
the league. Stayton leads the league
with no d efeats and T u rn e r is second
with one. The next game is at T u r­
n er w ith Aumsville next W ednesday
night. Come and help us win.
The lineup:
T urner
E. Gath ...
M. Pearson
W. Pearson
C. M artin
C. Ensley...
R eferee,
Mill C ity
........ R.F.... ... Catherwood
------ R.F.... ................. Oiin
......... C...... ............. Gooch
R.G. ......... G regory
........ L.G.... . . . Baltim ore
F lesher of Salem.
Dr. Jesse Kellems
To Lead 4 Day
Rally In Turner
Rev. G ilstrap, p asto r of the T u rn e r
C hristian church, announced Sunday
th a t arran g em en ts had been made to
have Dr. Jesse Kellems and his broth-
I er, Hom er, a t the church on the eve­
nings of F eb ru ary 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Mrs. Kellems, w ife of Dr. Kellems,
will also be with them . She is an ac­
complished violinist.
Dr. Kellems is well known as an in­
tern atio n al evangelist, having held
large m eetings in A ustralia, South
| A frica, E ngland and th e Am ericas.
1 He has done advanced work a t th e
U niversity o f E denburgh and th e
U niversity of Berlin. He is an Oregon
boy having taken his first college
work in U niversity o f Oregon. The
pastor plans to invite the m em bers of
all th e churches in th e nearby tow ns
to atten d and have a p a rt in the
Follow ing th is short
m eeting the Kellems b ro th ers will
conduct a union m eeting o f all the
C hristian churches in P ortlan d , Ore.
Horner Kellems is an able and
pleasing song leader. Dr. Epley is
asking his choir to help Mr. Kellems
in the music.
Growers Meeting
The W est S tayton Grow ers club
met in the school house last W ednes­
day evening. Q uite a little discussion
arose over the cucum ber question and
other things pertain in g to crops o f
various kinds. Mr. Stafford, the A u­
rora pickle com pany agent, will m eet
with them Ja n u a ry 28 to discuss plans
gave a very in terestin g and in stru c­ on p u ttin g down pickles.
tive discussion on insurance which
was g reatly enjoyed and appreciated
by all m em bers present.
Officers and directors fo r the en­
suing y ea r a re : R. A. Bell, Sublim ­
ity, p resid en t; H enry Steinkam p, vice
president, Aum sville; Chas. H ottinger,
L etters rem aining uncalled fo r at
secretary -treasu rer, S ta y to n ; direc­ postoffice, T u rn er, O regon:
tors, G. A. S andner, Scio; Andrew
H arry Creasy
Fery, Aum sville; F ran k S aalfend, Sa­
C. E. Buchanan
lem, and M. W einacht, W oodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B etker
O th er solicitors are P. C. F re res,
M aster E dgar R. H usted.
S ta y to n ; John Silbernagle, Scio; L. E.
Mr. George W. Jackson
Hennies, T u rn e r; John T. Russell,
Mr. T erry W arner
Sweet Hom e; W. H. Scott, Jefferson;
Mr. I. C. Thomas
A. G. Rempel, R ickreall; John T.
G. V. A lexander
Plas, Scotts Mills, and W. A. H eater,
Mrs. Anna H unt
; Sublim ity.
P ostm aster.
A n n u a l M e e t in g F a r m er s
F ire R e l ie f A s s o c ia t io n , S a t u r d a y
The 34th annual m eeting of the
F arm ers Fire Relief association of
Sublim ity, Oregon, met a t Sublim ity
on Ja n u a ry 17, 1931, with the larg­
est m em bership in attendance th a t it
ever had since its organization. T here
were m em bers present from Salem,
W oodburn, Mt. Angel, Jefferson, Scio
and Dallas.
The secretary 's re p o rt showed in­
surance w ritten d u rin g 1930 was
$98,000. On Ja n u a ry 1, 1931, there
were in force 853 policies, insuring
1870 buildings and contents for the
um ount of $926,300.
The tre a su re r’s re p o rt showed re­
ceipts fo r the year, as prem ium s from
new m em bers, $316.50; assessment
No. 9, $18885.72; in terest on seven
real estate loans at 6 per cent, $499.-
9 9 ; total received, $2652.21.
D isbursem ents: F o u r fire losses,
$1,576.50; o th er ru n n in g expenses,
$712.29; total disbursem ents, $2288.-
79. Prem ium assessm ent No. 19 was
25c per $100 o f insurance in force.
Net gain fo r the y ear was $363.42.
Total fire losses paid in 34 years,
$12,691.47. A verage cost fo r 34 years
was $1.80 per $1000 o f insurance in
force per year. Resources and in­
investm ents include; Bank deposits,
$476.77; seven real estate loans to ­
talling $8400; total resources, $8916.-
C lare A. Lee, insurance commis­
sioner fo r the sta te o f Oregon, fav­
ored the occasion by his presence and
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