T he T urner tribune f (El) lit E l f Nil. 363 EOUPMENT MOVED 10 Tuesday tli«* property of the Yew Log Camp No. 368, whose c h a rter wus su rrendered in the pant spring, was t.'k' n to Marion when- it becomes a p o rt of th at cainn equipm ent. Muny of the oh I member* will read thi* with re g re t for around the yew *tuinp which wu* u p a rt of the equipm ent here for over 40 year«, wan woven m em ories of pleasant association of many who are resting in Go«!’* acre and others who are scattered. Besides the lovely old yew stum p, which was brought from n ear the Red S ta r mill, an o th er m em ory, by C larence "C lick” R obertson, th ere arc six wedges, eight large axes and eight small ones, p art o f them hand carved and pol­ ished and with over 40 years o f sea­ soning, it is indeed a rare collection and M arion Camp is fo rtu n a te in th eir inheritance. J. M. Ilones, Hollis Hones ami Art Robertson of the obi rum p have tran sferre d th eir member* ship to Marion, where Archie Rankin is the council com m ander and M. A. Maile r is clerk. « 8 - ■' ■— 1 ■ “• All Day Meeting Pomona Grange Macleay, Wed. * CHRISTIAN CHURCH " A* the close of the Sunday m orning sermon Rae W estafll made the good confession of his faith and was bap­ tised at the close of the evening serv­ ice. The C hristian Endeavor young peo­ ple enjoyed a most interesting and helpful pray er me. ting Suiwluy eve­ j ning. The topic was “ W hat I Admire Most in G irls." The m eeting wu* lest i by Jim McGowan. The girls wi re not allow -d to speak. There was a large crowd present. —-0“——• Im m ediately following this fine C. E. m eeting the young people took charge of the full evening service. They led the sohgs, read the scrip­ tu re , led in prayer, took the offering and preached the serm on. It was fine and the young folks did themselves proud. —— a- —- The church is looking forw ard to the four days of fellowship and re ­ vival with the Kellcm B rothers, F eb­ ru ary 3, 4, 5. No one will profit more in this than the m em bers of the church, though it is planned to invite th e churches from neighboring towns. All ure invited to come. Tw enty-tw o fine young people assembled for choir practice Tuesday evening. Dr. Kph-y is a splendid big b ro th er to the kids and the older ones. If.- is planning some new music for the near future. \j METHODIST CHURCH m (j[[Jf) |5 Your re p o rte r forgot last week to tell you o f the w onderful tim e we had at the Aid Society silver tea held ut the home of Mrs. C. A. Bear, J a n ­ uary 8th. The house was full of guests, even Mrs. John Duncan from T hursdev William Fox, county j Salem was th ere and many new la- club leader, came from Salem and I dies who have moved into o u r midst. talked to tha girls in the grade school The tw o Mr*. Bears and Mrs. Hazel v/ho were interested in a 4H club S tew art had arranged fo r the delight- and on Friday the girls m et and o r­ full en tertain m en t for the event and ganized. M argaret C ilstrap was elect­ a sum ptuous lunch. We always have ed president, M arjory Fowler, vice- an unu-sually good tim e when we go president; Ruth G ilstrap, secretary , to Mrs. B ear’s country home. and Mrs. John Cox was chosen club We also failed to m ention three leader. T here are 10 girls in the club which in all probability will be divid­ new m em bers who came into o ur ed into two groups. They will meet church Sunday, Jan u a ry 11, on con­ in the domestic science room a t the fession of faith. And two m ore joined school house on F riday afternoons. last Sunday by letter. J | FOX HERE THURSDAY There will I k ? ten lessons and one dem onstration during the club year. The girls are all looking forw ard to a 100 per cent club. The club mem­ bers are Alice and M arjorie Fowler, Geneva B arber, I>a V erna W hitehead, M argaret Schifferer, Mildred and Ah ta Bones, Kathleen Sparks, E lea­ nor Parke«, Stella B arnett, Clarissa and F rances Clark, M arjory McKay, M argaret and Ruth G ilstrap and Evelyn Jensen. Granges. Frank Rowers presided at the lecture hour ut which tim e Geo. Palm atier, past state master; Edith Tox'er Wethcred, lecturer Oswego Grange and Mr. Lundy of California were interisting speakers C. H. Edwards, district deputy of district number one, gave a summary of the agricultural situation. Included on the social program were q u artett uumbers by Mrs Silke, Mrs O Maker, W. E. Branch, H. E. Martin with Mr* Jessie Roomier as accompan­ ist; readings by Mrs. Leroy Elson. Four resolution* were presented by a committee composed of S. H. Van Trum p, A. D. McCully and W. A. Jones and are a* follows: Opposing cream grading la» ; land settlement bill; $75000 »tute money for Pacific International Exposition; the use of oleomargarine and commending the grocers who do not offer it for sale; all measures were adopted. The next Pomona meeting will be at Butteville with Woodburn us assistant host. O — A fte r the opening service last S un­ day m orning in which the choir fav- ored us with an anthem and the m en’s q u arte t with a selection, Rev. Bur- goync brought an in terestin g dis­ course on the tex t, “ To whom shall we go,” to a goodly audience. He said in p a rt: ‘‘Men have alw ays asked a f te r a God. Jesus can m eet every test. No blemish on his ch aracter. He .-tands out as one w.X changed the stream of life. Life is a m ystery! C hrist is the only one who can solve it. Salvation is a sudden experience, a gradual CRAWFORD grow th and a glorious fu tu re. " I f you tu rn from C hrist, to whom Mr. and Mrs. C. T. W hite and will you go? ’Only thou hast the daughters, B em adine and Rosalie, words o f etern al life!* P eter told were supper guests a t the Raymond C hrist and it is very, very tru e .” T itus home Friday. The evening service was called off I All the services Sunday wil I be w orth while. Not least will be the gr.-at address by Frof. M ountain nt ■ ■ o------ the evening hour. He is a specialist. Mr. and Mrs. Tim T. Palrm?r and Everyone in T u rn e r will w ant to hear dau g h ter, P