The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 30, 1930, Image 4

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County, Oregon, and that the 10th estate may appear and file objections
NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Violet T. Calder. Deceased.
f 10 o’clock u. in., has been uppoint- thcrto in writing and content same.
final account o: Ladd & Hush Trust
Co., a corporation, administrator with day o f November,
In the County Court o f the State the will annexed o f the estate o f cd by said court
o f Oregon for the County o f Marion Violet T. Calder, deceased, has been tions to said final
In the Matter o f the Estate o f filed in the County Court o f M arion i time any persons
1030, at the hour
for hearing objec­
account, at which
interested in said
400 First National Hank Uldg.,
Salem, Hi. m l
Attorney for the Administrator.
Date o f first publication October 0,
po ration,
By Jos. II. Albert, Trust Officer, 1980 .
Dute o f last publication November
Administrator with the Will Annexed.
f, 1 !' "
How are you
going to vote
on the “ Grange Bill”?
Do you understand it?
Have you studied
this important constitutional amendment?
Rend it as carefully
as these
People’s Water and Power Utility
Districts Constitutional
1 Q 1
A«*a r l i r l
That ArUcle XI of the Constitution of .the
State of Oregon be, and the same hereby Is.
amended by the addiUon of the following section,
to be known as Section 12:
-'"Section 12. People's utility districts may b ?
created of territory, contiguous or otherwise >
within one or more counties, and mav consl
b l ta ss^ a a tsd <auni» tpaiiij. ui nttuilcipalltlea.
with or without unincorporated territory, for the
purpose of supplying water for domestic and
municipal purposes; for the development of
water power and/or electric energy; and for the
distribution, disposal and sale of water, water
power and electric energy. Such districts shall
be managed by boards of directors, consisting of
five members, who shall be residents of such dis­
tricts. Such districts shall have power:
(a) To call and hold elections within their
respective districts.
(b) To levy taxes upon the taxable property
of such districts.
(c) To Issue, sell and assume evidences of in­
(d) To enter Into contracts.
(e) To exercise the power of eminent domain.
(f) To acquire and hold real and other prop­
erty necessary or Incident to the business
of such districts.
(g) To acquire, develop, and/or otherwise pro­
vide for a supply of water, water power
and electric energy.
8uch district may sell, distribute and/or other­
wise dispose of water, water power and electric
energy within or without the territory of such
The legislative
may provide any
sary, In addition
the provisions of
assembly shall and the people
legislation, that may be neces­
to existing laws, to carry out
this section.
324 Yes. I vote for the amendment.
325 No.
I vote ajrainst the amendment.
Above is reproduced the so-called “ Grange Bill/* exactly as the official
voters’ pamphlet quotes it. No voter should go to the polls without reading
the measure. T o take the word of any political aspirant may mean that
you are misled into a wrong vote. Your voters’ pamphlet gives interesting
arguments for and against the “ Grange B ill/’ on pages 49 to 57. Pacific
Northwest Public Service Company. “ Pepco”
I Paid Advertisement)