THE TURNER TRIRUNE County, Oregon, and that the 10th estate may appear and file objections NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Violet T. Calder. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the o f 10 o’clock u. in., has been uppoint- thcrto in writing and content same. ACCOUNT final account o: Ladd & Hush Trust Co., a corporation, administrator with day o f November, In the County Court o f the State the will annexed o f the estate o f cd by said court o f Oregon for the County o f Marion Violet T. Calder, deceased, has been tions to said final In the Matter o f the Estate o f filed in the County Court o f M arion i time any persons 1030, at the hour for hearing objec­ account, at which interested in said 400 First National Hank Uldg., Salem, Hi. m l Attorney for the Administrator. LADl) & BUSH TRUST CO., a Cor Date o f first publication October 0, po ration, By Jos. II. Albert, Trust Officer, 1980 . Dute o f last publication November Administrator with the Will Annexed. f, 1 !' " OTTO K. I’ AULUS. ' How are you going to vote on the “ Grange Bill”? Do you understand it? Have you studied this important constitutional amendment? Rend it as carefully as these People’s Water and Power Utility Districts Constitutional Amendment 1 Q 1 A«*a r l i r l That ArUcle XI of the Constitution of .the State of Oregon be, and the same hereby Is. amended by the addiUon of the following section, to be known as Section 12: -'"Section 12. People's utility districts may b ? created of territory, contiguous or otherwise > within one or more counties, and mav consl b l ta ss^ a a tsd