The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 30, 1930, Image 3

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    -> • I
Reelect Charles L. Me-
Nary United States
"The student permit is designed for
I’rogress in the work o f the Chil­
«»»ily '.ri«- puipo .'t," says th< secretary dren’s Furrn Home o f the Or«gon W.
o f stute. "A ny person over tie age C. T. U. has been «piit- mark'd the
o f fourtei n year may make applica­ past few months. The demand for
tion for such a permit, hut in aildi the cure o f depend« nt children has
lion to o t i' i- r quir« d information increas -d rather than decreased und
th- applicant mo t certify t 'a t he th« home is filled to overflowing. At
Inis no other available means o f trim»- tin- present time 14k children are
portution by which h<- would be en- I cared for un«l th«« s«-ven cottages are
allied to continue hi» education, and tilled with happy hoys und girls. Our
»hull designate the road, highway or gr«-at regret is that we are not able
city streets over whi h it is desired to care for more o f th«- «■ undi-rnour-
to operate a motor vehicle in or«ler to ished little on«-*, for w<- have many
arcomplish this purpos«-. If th«- hold- I uppeuls to whom we have to say
er o f such a student p«-rmit is known "there is no room."
to In- operating over any other high­
At the r«-c«'nt »tat«- convention o f
way or f«>r any other purpose than the W. C. T., which was h«.-l«l at Rose-
di dgnuted in the application, th«- s«-c- | burg, < x Governor Walter M. Pierce
ret ary o f statu may then imm«-diut«-ly was made one o f the boar«! o f trus-
cancel th<- special privilege that has tees.
been grant«-«i by revoking the student
The well we have has not be««n
giving sufficient supply o f water for
all purpos«*», so this summer we had
home and irrigation o f the grounds,
and will be a great asset to the home.
Another improvement that has re­
cently been completed is a swimming
pool, built according to the latest
methods o f construction. It is twenty
feet wi«le by sixty feet long, anil
tw nty by twenty feet is reserved as
a wading pool for the little folks.
This is surroumled by a safety fence
for the protection o f the children.
'Phi* will not only be a source of
pleasure for the chidlrn, but will also
give us an udequute supply o f water
for fire proti-ction, which we have not
ha«l b«-fore. This pool is maile possible
by the generosity o f Mrs. Cooley o f
Salem, who is giving it as a memorial
for her husband.
Work on the much net-tied cement
walks is progressing. There is suffi­
cient money in the treasury for 1000
feet, and we hope that the money
for the completion o f this very neces­
sary improvement will be received so
they can be finished this fall.
FA j
^ E
Wm H a v e a C o m p I t U
Influviu .ii t oiign-HM has iU nuurce
in u comb , .lion o f ability, iUt> »-
main:hi|> . 11 : i eniority.
,<* Senator Charles L.
Me Nary p
i•» »the first two oi
it» u miturul inhent-
tini»' «pulii
ance ami llf liiirii in hi» because tin-
|l«‘Opiu o f O ifw n hare eo n » . to
> i htm. Foi
d el ami r*
year» he lia» v <ith«r«.d puruain« < -ary
■1'1| I I I »
W ith
U CC cS*.
C O l i l . . .U I-»
liUot him, b«.-t.iu*c they bavu fourni in
bun nothing o f the «piurk or eharlu-
t in. Hi» hon Ally uml sinci-rity have
never b< u questioned. W hot lier ho
ha.- oppu . il
favori «I a nu asuro, ho
ha» nut I» . n accused o f s« rving oth-
• r than hi» ii"it nxhteoua cunclusion».
Uopubtican.i .it i democrat» alike re­
gal d him v.
ut suspicion.
It is i t .. »lerling attributes o f
churucui mi ..cli have given ¿n-nutor
McNury a prominence which hu» sel­
dom fallen to the lot o f u western
senator. A glance at his committee
u»-ignm<-nt» indicate» the confidence
which in ri pon d in his judgment and
leadership, lie i» chairman o f the
commitl. un couintflley», one o f the
most important in the sm ut" because
it nuines tin- chairmen and members
o f uil r«-guiur committees, lie is chair­
man of th" committee on agriculture
»ml forei try, which hu» charge o f all
legislation dealing with thoi-- sub­
jects. lie is ranking tn< mber o f th«;
committee on commerce, which puss-
«■» all legislative proposals governing
the dcvelopni. nt o f rivers and har­
bors, und ulso controls the merchant
marine. He i» ranking member of
th«- commit!« <• on Irrigation nnd recla­
mation where matter» o f vast import
to Oregon ur«' considered and often
decided. II«- is ranking m«-mb«-r of
the committee on manufacture». He is
u leuding member o f the commitW-v
on public lands un«l surveys, before
which comef the important qu«-stion
o f the comp* iisution which the state
»hull receive from the fe«lerul govern­
ment for the use o f fifty-tw o per c«-nt
o f the state's land» which urc under
govemmi-nt control.
A«l«l to th«t.<- honor» the fart that
Senator McNary occupi«-» the impor­
tant p«»st o f n.'sirtant floor leader o f
the senate, and you have a summary'
o f the reasons why Oregon's welfur«\
progr«'»» und development are so ma­
terially concerned with his réélection.
Requests are oft«'n received in the
office o f th«- secretary o f state urging
that special «lispensation be allowe«l
in th«- matter o f issuing operators’ li-
«’enses to persona under tile age o f lfi
years. The opinion seems to he mon-
or less prevalent that it is within the
scop«- o f authority o f the secretary o f
»tat«- to exercise his judgment in cas«-s
where the applicants, their parent or
guardians submit good and valid rea­
sons substantiating the cont«-ntion
that it is n«*c«‘.s8ary that they be
granted the privilege of driving, prior
to the time o f their sixteenth birth-
ilny. This impression, which seems to
he somewhat widespread throughout
tin- ranks o f the motoring public, is
entirely erroneous according to the
secr«-tary o f stat«-, since the law-
makes no provision for any excep­
tions, other than th«- stmlent permit,
regardless o f the merit o f tin- case or
th«- circumstances prompting the r<-
I ) 8
in the U r» t
P n s t ih 'e
M a n n e r w ith
v e r y l.atait T y p e o f C l e a n i n g M a c h i n e r y a n d W e M a k e a
S p e c ia lty of
D. A. W hite & Sons
-M State Street
Candidate for
Justice of Peace
f o r Salem D istrict
Sto ck of A ll V a rie tie s of R sc le sn e d
O u r Se e d * ara
I pledge myself to a fair
and impartial enforcement
o f law, with justice to all.
Am a graduate of the Law
Department o f Willamette
University 1918 and tax­
payer o f Marion County.
Resident and farmer of
Hazel Green district for
the past ten years.
Salem, Oregon
A gainsi Sixfossive
P u blic E&ebds
U nlim ited
In creases in Y ou r
The power districts amendment would
permit political speculation and "high
finance”. .. without any limit. . . <7/ the
expense of every taxpayer in the state.
P-iid Advertisement
H. L. WALTHER. Manager
20 6 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon
s a v e o r e o o x eekom r e i x g s c l » fo r t a x e s :