-> • I THE TURNER TRIP,UNE Reelect Charles L. Me- Nary United States Senator "The student permit is designed for I’rogress in the work o f the Chil­ «»»ily '.ri«- puipo .'t," says th< secretary dren’s Furrn Home o f the Or«gon W. o f stute. "A ny person over tie age C. T. U. has been «piit- mark'd the o f fourtei n year may make applica­ past few months. The demand for tion for such a permit, hut in aildi the cure o f depend« nt children has lion to o t i' i- r quir« d information increas -d rather than decreased und th- applicant mo t certify t 'a t he th« home is filled to overflowing. At Inis no other available means o f trim»- tin- present time 14k children are portution by which h<- would be en- I cared for un«l th«« s«-ven cottages are allied to continue hi» education, and tilled with happy hoys und girls. Our »hull designate the road, highway or gr«-at regret is that we are not able city streets over whi h it is desired to care for more o f th«- «■ undi-rnour- to operate a motor vehicle in or«ler to ished little on«-*, for w<- have many arcomplish this purpos«-. If th«- hold- I uppeuls to whom we have to say er o f such a student p«-rmit is known "there is no room." to In- operating over any other high­ At the r«-c«'nt »tat«- convention o f way or f«>r any other purpose than the W. C. T., which was h«.-l«l at Rose- di dgnuted in the application, th«- s«-c- | burg, < x Governor Walter M. Pierce ret ary o f statu may then imm«-diut«-ly was made one o f the boar«! o f trus- cancel th<- special privilege that has tees. been grant«-«i by revoking the student The well we have has not be««n P'-rmit." giving sufficient supply o f water for j all purpos«*», so this summer we had home and irrigation o f the grounds, and will be a great asset to the home. Another improvement that has re­ cently been completed is a swimming pool, built according to the latest methods o f construction. It is twenty feet wi«le by sixty feet long, anil tw nty by twenty feet is reserved as a wading pool for the little folks. This is surroumled by a safety fence for the protection o f the children. 'Phi* will not only be a source of pleasure for the chidlrn, but will also give us an udequute supply o f water for fire proti-ction, which we have not ha«l b«-fore. This pool is maile possible by the generosity o f Mrs. Cooley o f Salem, who is giving it as a memorial for her husband. Work on the much net-tied cement walks is progressing. There is suffi­ cient money in the treasury for 1000 feet, and we hope that the money for the completion o f this very neces­ sary improvement will be received so they can be finished this fall. for KENNETH M I Ü FA j ^ E Wm H a v e a C o m p I t U Influviu .ii t oiign-HM has iU nuurce in u comb , .lion o f ability, iUt> »- main:hi|> . 11 : i eniority. Unite«! ,<* Senator Charles L. Me Nary p i•» »the first two oi it» u miturul inhent- tini»' «pulii ance ami llf liiirii in hi» because tin- |l«‘Opiu o f O ifw n hare eo n » . to > i htm. Foi 'ii d el ami r* year» he lia» v