The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 13, 1930, Image 3

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World Events Pictured
a Little/ n
Glider Camp o f the Lindberghs in Mountains
A man decided he nnd hie son would
rake a drive lo their new cur. Aa
they entered the cur. the fellier said
I to the boy: “ Now. 'f you aee a mnioi
cycle cop coming behind ua. you tell
They settled down lo driving and
, the car crept up to 30 miles. 3ft. 40,
«ft, no, ftft and finally to On mi lea an
, hour. Knddenly (tie little boy cried:
; T'apa. the man you were expecting
Is here.“— Pacific Power and Light
1 Bulletin.
e e d l e s s
Pain F
P eo p le are often to o patient with pain«
Suffering when there is no need to suf­
fer. Shopping with a head that th ro b *
W orking though th ey ache all over.
And Bayer Aspirin would bring ini»
mediate relief!
T h e best tim e to take B a yer Aspirin
Is the moment you first feel th e psirn
W h y postpone relief until tb e pain haa
reached its height? W h y hesitate to
taka anything so harmless?
Read the proven directions fo r check­
ing colds, easing a sore throat; relieving
headaches and the pains o f neuralgia,
neuritis, rheumatism, etc.
Y o u can always count on Ha quick
But if pain is o f frequent
recurrence see a doctor aa to its cause.
don’t Km to talte thi
old briar outdoor! if you fill
it witb Sir Walter Raleigh's
tobacco. Wives like tbe fra­
grance of Sir Walter— buibandi
uy it’i tbe m ilJril, mellowest
smoke that ever came out of the
South. And the gold foil wrap­
ping inside tbe tin keeps it fresh
to tbe eery last pipeful. Sir
Walter can bring your pipe out
o f tbe woodshed into the parlor.
Col. and Mrs. Charles l.lndliergh and their companion* In the camp near Lebec, north o f D># Angeles, where lIt«
colonel eiperlmeutrd with the Uowlua motorlees aullplane.
First Geisha Girl Chorus Comes to America
Adam Navar Heard It
W h i, l* v *r trouble Adam bad.
N < mao In days o f yor*
lo ' !d aay arhrn Adam t'-ld * H>ha,
“ I've beard that one before.“
Melodious Publicity
“ We gel atone fine classical mush
by raditi.’'
“ And yet roost of the classical writ­
er* died poor."
“ Luck broke sen Inst them.
got Into action before they could com­
mand the coin|iensutlon that would
now be due them aa ad writers.“—
Washington Star.
« o t r o f c A V i o * . L *o a
S ir .'W alter
R aleigh
Smoking Tobacco
H o t»
m ilder
A H **f O M I w i f
fo r Irtela # l i r a ! -
lag, iSc. pr»t<»r fr##.
Oo-ln p»»w#r
•Ir«ara 4UH4MM» * ( Imme or In r »lth Sona*
t o r l i » « . W ak -I Miniti». RI. t. M olllotor.C nlir.
Sensitive Stout Fish—“ Who says I'm
•oo heavyT I've Juki weighed -ayself
tnd I’m no heavier than I ought lo be.
Jocular Thin Flab—Then your scales
are wrong!
The flret s«t*ha irtrl chorus ever brought to America arrived with a Japanese company of entertainers In Ran
Francisco recently. The picture ehowa the flrla «lancing on the deck of the liner that brought them acroaa tbe
Tbe Superpirate
Cop'uln Kidd—WUai's this I hear
about your reforming r “ d quitting tbe
nigh seas?
Sir Henry Morgan— Reform nothing!
True. I have abandoned the seas, but
I have Invested my money In a num­
ber of apartment buildings and •
thaln of delicatessen store*.
S tra y in g O ff «bn R e a e rv n tio *
“Miss Florida” Hails From Tampa
R. I. Ratta. B « t r * i l R o c k «.
W h lla l . « * Some—« I I from cara­
tali^ aaparvlMd Il ceke o i lare* bitda and
matura braadara, includiti* world a rac-
o>d atra In. Alao W . L> p u lì« » . yaaitln#
hana and dajr-otd lutkaya. W rlta for
prlcaa a l anca aa a v.ry ih in * pouits lo
gTM Ily Incraaaad damami. Prom pt
lOOIIUaadalIvaryguarafltaad. 30 y aara'
wondartul (apotatton your aaJaguard.
thaï *ko«eU Mm tnoo (c Sluuo rmil? lot roe*
T k u la • y -u »d ada
e ta s* Ä
i a »
æ j tsasrw a s.?*.
D efeat! ve Tact lea
Tlie Accuaed—There's the lawyer w#
stuck up. It's ail up wit' ua. lie's go to ’
to testify again*! na.
Ills Accomplice—Not thl* time, he
wont. I've hired him to defend ua.
five hours.
T h e trying time in a young g ir r t Ufa
Ta r e a c h e d
when Nature
leads 1
acroaa the
he i S
which divide#
wom anhood
Neglect at this
critical period
i* largely responsible fo r much o f tha
misery o f women. O ften there ia need
o f tome aafa. atrenglhening tonic to
overcome the langnnr, nervouaneee end
diitreaa girte commonly experience at
this time.
I>r. Pierce'a Favorite P re ­
scription soothes the nerves, encourages
the appetite and helps the entire wom­
anly organism.
It ia purely herbal—
contains no narcotic, nor any harmful
ingredient. Druggists. Tablets or liquid.
Tend Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N . Y., 10c
i f you desire a trial pieg. o f tablets
At Ant ales of a eold. taka W “ i
anvo that thoimishly cUana
y»ur Intoatln«*. It U tha one
quirk way to s »t r*li«f and .
y a rd your hsalth. Mild. / I D S I G H I
aafa. puraly yaaaUbla. »TO MOaaOW
» U a a a n t -S S r .
F o r Sale at All Drugaiata
“ My wife's tougue Is never 'still. She
talked her head off this morning.”
“ How relieved you mutt feel."
Pretty Jan# Rrewster of Portland,
Ore., who won the d-ll championship
ta the healthiest girl In the western
Saif of the United States. She la thlr*
teen years old and doctora mean as
; little to her aa electric fans do to an
Easier to Handle
'Y ou hit your husband with a rhalrT
Pray tell me why you did It. Mabel.“
•I did It." alahni the lady fair.
"Because I could not lift the table.“
Mies Margaret Ekdahl, representing Tampa, who was designated as "Miss
Florida" In the finals o f the state-wide beauty contest held In Itayfront park,
Miami. She will represent Florida In the International beauty competition to
be held at Miami, March 7 to 10.
Huge Base for Mussolini Monolith
Ton don't like people who are not
impremrd by your mioco**.
trained bands o f a masseur, this famous
blend o f o il o f mustard, camphor,
menthol and other helpful ingrediena
brings relief naturally. I t penetrates
and stimulates blood circulation, helps
to draw out infection
and pain.
Keep full strength
Musterole on hand
for adula and Chil­
dren's Musterole for
the little to o . AH
old Murtwole now made mtld-
for babies and «mall children.
So pleasant to use and so reliable—
apply Children’s Musterole freely to the
infected area one* every hour fo r
M a n y U a p s ra d R o a d «
from a eut or burnt Cola's Carbotlaalva
•lope pain Instantly and haala quickly
jtllhout a arar. K»ap It handy. All I drug-
líala, SOr and «h-, or 1. W. Col# Co., Hock.
ford. III—Advertisement.
Should Hava Know#
While bathing at a French seaside
Active Yoaag Scamp
resort an Income tax collector waa a t­
H a l Itosis— Ia your baby still In tacked by a shoal of Jellyfish, but one
of any such occupation should have
rom p ers?
Sal Hepatlca—Well, he'a still when known just exactly what to do under
the circumstances.—Fort Wayne News-
he sleep s In 'em.
Sen tineL
Stockings woven of human hair
were worn by basket-maker Indians
No matter what lessens, there la
who lived in the Southwest about 2JJU0 one thing that there is always more
years ago.
M o th e rs
don't neglect
y o u r child’s COUGH or COLD
»kotimm I
mo work. t* MOfiikly piu« probi* pesjr* yonr lnvo*«-
W S r S a la r P a le
C o tu t to Coast good Grocers sell and
recom m en d Buss Ball Blue. Better
va lu e th an any other.—Adv.
' «g aallcyOcactd
Wbala Pulled Boat
A ride on a whale waa taken by two
brothers. While they were fishing
from a flat-bottomed boat off the Don-
egal (Ireland) coast their craft began
to move swiftly along. After going
fifty yards Ibc boat's headlong career
was checked and soon It lay rocking
gently on the calm water. The broth­
ers declare that when they looked
over the side they saw the bulk of a
huge whale vanishing into the depths,
directly underneath tbelr tiny vessel.
Buldwin—Hey I Luj otf the back of
my neck. I ordered a scalp massage.
Cllpplt, the Barber— Beg pardon, air.
There was oothln’ to mark tbe boil»
■lary line and I overrun.
CoopertUve plan y Ulti* i
Although It la spending Jl.SOO.OOn,-
wo a year Tor Improved roada, tho
United Stalea atilt haa far to go be
fore U reache# perfection, note# Wal­
ter I*. Chrysler, writing In the Farm
loumal. The natlnn'a total highway
mileage la \018£A4 mile*, and only
S29.000 mile* are hard surfaced. How­
ever, the larger part o f the remain­
der. although nnpaved. haa been made
comfortable f«>r traveling.
W ife ’s Sy.teai
Now cornea a housewife tnd reveals
her secret for marital bliss. She says
that every time she gets angry with
her hatband she does not say any­
thing to him but alts down and writes
out what she feel* like telling him.
She puts the note away for three days.
Then If she has changed ber mind she
destroys IL but If she still feels the
same way she gives him the note.
Money in Bananas
» l i b a a l k r th « « . t * « ~
A v id a la tha tad* mask of Bajw Masmfartnra al Uaao eeckadda
Hub—I suppose you'd like to see
your son liecome a captain of Indue
Dub -Yea. but my wife thinks pugi­
lism Is too brutal.
[J iy T a M ] Q V X S N H A T C H E H Y
t e s e dee A v e .
laatU a, WaaS».
1 -N
•Nuff Sed
Give It a Chance
Coleslaw— Why don't yon
" I like the house, but It's .»mall.”
"W hat can you expect? It Is only poker?
Caviar—My wife plays bridge.
thre# years old."
Why tha Chastisement ?
The Pessimist
He— Look, our captain U going to
"W hat is the quickest way of dis­
solving gold?" asks a reader.
Get kick the “ oat !
She— What did the goal dot
married.—Detroit News.
Logical Solutio#
Professor—Ro the ship hugged the
thoref Anti where was the shore?
Student—I suppose. II was In thv
sold of the vessel.
Aa Far aa He Got
Bunk—I understand from good an
horlty, he's writing for the rnaga
Bink —Well, tt’a true tn a certain
They were delayed In the
malls snd lie wrote snd asked to have
toother copy sent.
Our Cyuica
"Father, wtmt Is a 'c ln e T
“Clue.” my boy. t* police pronnn
elation for 'glue.'
Il means they're
Robert 1?. Walsh, son of the fnmoua
«pitbull pitcher and brother of the
White Sox hurler, who reported to
Manager Rob Shawkey of the Van-
tees with the first squad to go south
;n St. Petersburg, Fla. He Is twenty-
two year# old, alg feet four Inches
high nnd weighs 20ft pounds.
Gave Accordion to World
Tho Klude say* that a form of ac­
cordion was Invented by Damian In
Vienna In 1R20. A little later an Eng-
llahmnn, Sir Charles Wheatstone, took
out a patent for a concertina.
A Success Story
“ Busy" was the word from the In­
ver office when Mr Salesman called.
Nothing daunted, he wrote across
s card: "That's why I am calling.
I haven't any time to waste on loaf
>r*," and sent it tn again.
This lime he got In.
T h a t ’ s tb e safe,
sure treatment that
millions o f mother»
and leading docton
and nurses recognise
•nd endorse.
Working like the
Ju«t a* Reasonable
"Six feel In hts hoots!" exclaimed
Mrs. FlalL
"Yes." »old Mr. Flatt.
"Nonsense I
Why. they might nr
well tell me that the man had si-
heads In his hat!"
W o n d e rfu l I
Here are eighty-six tons of marble being moved through St. Peter's square
In Home. It la the giant block which will serve ua a base for the lofty mono­
lith In the new Mussolini stadium which Is under construction. Curved strip«
of soaped wood were used to transport the heavy block.
Sherlock—Aim :
This letter w ii
written hy a radh-tti communist.
Watson—How do you deduce that •
Sherlock - He scrupulously avoids-
lie us« of cnplial letters.
C 0 1 IC
W cry in the niehf may Be tha
* t Baf
first warning
Baby ' has colic.
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
handy I This pure vegetable prep­
aration brings ouick comfort, and
can never do the slightest harm.
Always keep a bottle in the house.
It is the safe and sensible thing
when children are ailing. Whether
It’* the stomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath is bad.
Whenever there’s need of gentle
regulation. Children love the
taste of Castoria, and its mildness
makes it suitable for the tiniest
infant, and for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose of
Castoria is always better for
growing children than some need­
lessly strong medicine meant only
for adult use. Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. H. Fletcher'«
signature on the wrapper. P re­
scribed bv doctoral