The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 02, 1930, Image 3

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Athletes of Old Tins as
Never Out of Training
4 4/
| i
W orld Events Pictured
* « « OF N O T E AS SEEN B Y T H E C A M E R A « - -
Towing Back House Dislodged by Tidal Wave
•’ •WJ
L - -#-l
Till* exclusive photograph from the Newfoundland are« stricken by the earthquake tidal vara show» on« of Iba
dislodged hoaaaa bring tnwed In from tha ara by a returning flablng arhoonar. Tba bousr, along wltb many others,
bad brrn swept a distance of live in I Ira by tba gigantic Inundation.
Canada's New Outlet to Atlantic Ocean
D k w to
<m ISIS W u (M | S * S «| a H * U I M . I
A M . ■#. D.
# X S-S-X S.A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
M * r s liv in g S m o h i m
rssl I lf«
Wtivu II »•«•*,i,ms s s c r lflc is L
W s
b » « l n lo o p # r# l# wi t h v lt s l fo rr o a
w h#n * • cro s s th# b o rd er In to tha
land o f s a c r . m » — U r . i H J s w s t t
Food Fnds
W P »b lb M##M> f A u t l w ,
Ststs mi FeMMjrWMk.
1 two Internationally known Arctic
explorers sustained life nets satisfac­
torily on an exclusive meal diet while
living In the temperate x»ne and en
gaged In sedentary tiahlla A ln »«t at
tbe same time a young lady claimed
thet «lie had a«tually flourished for
months solely on peanuts. And still
another ex|«erlmenlallel «iinoumed to
the world M in i breed, milk and cheeae
constituted the perfect dietary. Thua.
food foil* are horn.
However, when It It all said and
merely prove the amaxltig flexibility
of the human system to food adjust
merit And while front a news afaiMl
point such studies are Interesting,
they are likely to result In more harm
than good.
Tbe reason for this la
(hat there are so many fanatically
minded people who are eager to try
anything new If ll relates to the food
question and particularly If ll Is con­
nected with »he reducing Ides.
ll must he readily admit led that
various klmls of food are definitely
contra Indicated In I ha actual pres­
ence of disease. Ilul In generul all
foods, ao far at tha average (teraon
Is concerned, are entirely safe and
healthful lo consume. Consequently
sweets, meat, milk, grains and all
their by products have their proper
place on tbe dally menu.
The Iro
portanl thing la in maintain a ration
at diet balance and eat all things mod
Therefcra. follow fada In clothing.
Interior decoration and motor cars If
you have a falling for fails, but do
not go craxy on the food fads Long
life Is nol In aympulhy with such an
Don’t G«t Chesty
Conatrurtlon camp at Churchill, on tba went conat of llmlaon bay, where Canada la building a new port for tha
shipment o f grain to Europa.
National Champion Milkmaid
l I IS only nalural to develop a stipe-
* rtor feeling over man's present «lay
achievement a Airships. subways, sky­
scrapers and all Hie wlxnrdy of elec­
tricity ere enough lo turn Ibe bead of
tbe most modest of us.
And with modern nitration plants,
sewage dls|M«tal works and all the
other magnificent strides In disease
prevention and cure, ll seems entire­
ly logical to develop a "high hat" at
tltude no the quesiloD of living.
Has not the span of life been In
creased St lenst twenty yesra In tbe
last two decades! Are nol tbe health
laws Hie best and most efficiently en­
forced In man's history! Is not life
easier and more protected than ever
before! Well, the answer to all these
questions Is emphatically, yea.
Hut In spite of IL tha outstanding
and disturbing fact remains that for
(he great number of ctllxeus who have
attained flfiy years. Increased longev­
ity has no application whatsoever.
It eating lo a sense of false security,
humlreds of thousands of adults who
have reached the one-half century
turn In life are dying al the some rate
of years ago. and sad 1« say are In­
creasingly dying. This la happening
been use they are confident that the
modern conditions of life have auto­
matically a<hled two decodes lo their
expectancy and consequently do little
to help themseivaa.
They have an
Idea that “George." In the form of
health departments and regulation!,
had made life Just that much safer
and lotiget for them. A great Idea,
bul a totally erroneous one.
(lancer, dlaltetea. tuberculosis and
heart affections are Pxliiy actually
creating havoc among those over mid
die age ll la this group of mulndles
which mulninlns the unaatlsfacH ry
death rate among adults.
The annual physical examination
alone. If employed, would by means of
early diagnosis, save cottniless live
Sensible living habits would tiilqe care
of many more thousands.
Heat assured thsl adult mortnllty
will not decrease unlll health Interest
Increase». I'on't gel chesty over this
niialern living hualni-aa. Do something
about It.
(A lift Wntfra NtvipapM Union »
Ownership of Arctic
Island Awarded Norway
A man atandlng bealds what tha
manufacturera in fiydnsy, Australia,
claim to ba tha blggrat ropa In tha
world. It haa a circumference o f thrae
fact and la mada of flbar. Tha com­
pleted rope la 400 feet In length and
walgha nearly two tona. It will be
naed to anchor ateamera off ahora In
tha Pacific lalanda where tha ocean
awell la an heavy that even the atrong-
eat chaina anap under tha «train.
■ » « m
i* '
■ S B L u is
Mary Fontana, flfleen year« old, of Carrutl.era, Calif., who won the Stall
and national champlonahlp milkmaid tltlea at the ninth annual Pacific Slop«
Dairy «how.
Gold Medal Presented to Elihu Root
Tha Island of Jan Mnyen In Arctic
waters, between Iceland and Spits­
bergen. was recently formally annexed
to Norway, says a dispatch from Oslo.
At the same time the director of tbe
Norwegian meteorological station on
the Islnnd was given mngtaterinl au­
thority on the Island. The claim of
Norway to Jan Mayen, ao Island tkkl
miles north of Scotland and SHU miles
northeast of Iceland, hut sometimes
I torn contested hy other countries. It
wns probably discovered hy the Eng­
lish explorer. Ilenry Htnlson. In I0tl7,
as It has been Identltted ss the Island
he visile«! that year. In latitude 71
degrees north, and named "Hudson's
Tulchea." But ll Is cerlnin that the
Hutch navigator. Jan Jacobs! May
(wh«vae name It now ’tears), lamled
«here In 1014. Hut It was then con­
sidered nn English p<tasesslon. and
was granted to the corporation of Hull
hy James I In 11114. During the
World war It wns occupied and
claimed tty a Norwegian, bul he fu r
ther complicated the «piestlon of own­
ership by selling bla rights to an
vmerkan cttlxen.
Good Old Bunk
Hunk Is a kind of grease that make»
«ha wheels run «moot lily, harmless
flapdoodle to keep |>eople Interested
Yon kiss your wife to show her that
you still love her. She knows Just
how much you love her wlthont being
klaae<1: yet aha likes It.— American
Mr«. Mary Itoherta Itlnehart, who«e
Inle« of the great wide open apncea of
the West hnve thrilled thousands, In
the only woman member of Pro* I dan I
H oover» public Innda commission.
Detailed view of both aldea of the new Presidents gold mednl which tha
National Academy of Art presented to Elihu Itoot, In recognition of his dis­
tinguished service to the cause of One art. The medal Is the work of Ilobert
Altken, American sculptor.
Valuable Record
When a housewife washes dlahea
three times a day for 4tl years, she
has a right to claim an emlurance ree
>rd that reali} amounts to something
In comparing athletic feat« of to­
day with thoaa of ancient times. It
must ba kept In view that the men
o f tha old days did not spend their
days In factories, or over desks, and
take botneopuHile doses of exerrlse
I d l l . H . C A. gytu at nights. Their
whole lives were spent In exercises
which fitted them for sterner work oo
the Held of battle. Exercises and war-
ilk« sports were their A B C , Brat to
eighth grade, high school and college.
About flfty years ago. In a small
town called Jedburgh, In the south of
Scotland, there lived a man named
Dan Wight. This man was a noted
runner and was tha first man to be
called "The Flying Scotsman.”
on« time he was tha champion sprin­
ter of Orest Britain. It Is. however,
his unofflclsl rec«>rd which Is of great-
aat Interest. Ha Is credited locslly
with having run 300 yards In 30 sec­
Tba writer once saw him give an­
other runner about two-thirds tbe
length of the coarse, and If tbe rare
had been one stride longer Dan would
have won. It la of Interest to specu­
late on the speed Dan attained while
be was cutting down his competitor’ s
Thera ara many dishes which are
banded down from one generation to
another In families, who
enjoy some of (ha old-
fashioned dishes occa­
Salt Fish Dinner,—
Soak, simmer, and drain
the required « mount of
boneless codfish, until
_____ _
tender. Serve either as
whole piece on a platter
with plenty of butter (toured over It
or flake It and add a rich cream sauca
with hard-cooked chopped egg added
and a bll of minced parsley Accom­
pany the flah with rrl*p brown fried
»alt pork, diced buttered heeta and
carrots, small potatoes cooked whole,
rolled In butter and parsley and
cooked onions, also buttered. Serve
Too Many New Cares
a portion of Osh. vegetables, pork and
| Prof. Irving Fisher, the famous econ-
sauce to each plate.
l »mist o f Ysle, said In New Haven tbe
Oallctoua Pudding.— Take one plot Other day:
of line bread crumbs, soak In one quart
There are too many new cures—tba
o f milk for 15 minutes. Heat togeth­ liver curs for anemia, the gland cures
er until light the yolka of live eggs, for old age, the nltra-violet ray cure
add one cupful of sugar; stir In a ta­ fo r everything under the sun.
blespoonful o f softened butter, add a
"A man said In a restaurant:
hit of grated lemon rind, two table­
•"W alter, there’s a fly In ray soup.’
spoonfuls of lemon Jnlca and a pinch
“ But the waiter peered In my soup
of salt Mix with the milk and bread
and answered:
aDd add one cupful of cocosul Bake
“ ’Oh, no. air. you’re barking up the
In a pudding dish until Hie custard is wrong tree, air. That ain’t no fly.
set In the center. Teat with a knife— It’s one o’ them vitamins beer, sir,
If the knife cornea out clean It Is ready wot we supply with each and every
to take from the oven. Cover with a
meringue, using the egg whiles beaten
stiff, five tableapooofuls of powdered
Sis Children Doctors
sugar; heat until well blended. Heap
With the qualification of his daugh­
over the podding and sprinkle with
ter as a doctor. Mayor J. T. Halllnan
more coconut and cover wltb pow­
o f Lewisham. Ireland, believe« his
dered sugar. Brown In a moderate
family bolds a record In the medical
oven. Serve cold.
world for six o f his children are now
Chowder.—'This la a distinctive new practicing. Five sons had previously
combination. One may use flah. fresh passed examinations, one grandchild
or salt; dams, oysters fresh or la studying medicine, and another,
canned, or any Osh food one desires. aged twelve, declare« that she will be
Tbe method for preparing Is the same. a doctor. Neither Halllnan nor his
Try out two good slices of salt pork parents were medical men. All hts
cut Into flue cubes until brown; add sons served In France with the Boyal
two good-sited onions thinly sliced, Army Medical corps, and two were
and cook, stirring live minutes. Add decorated with the Military cross.
tlx or seven potatoes thinly sliced aft­
er quartering, add salt and pepper
and cover with boiling water. Sim­
Optimism was the keynote of a ban­
mer until the vegetables ara dona.
quet in London, Just prior to the de­
Then add If salt flah. the well-soaked parture of the British premier, Ram­
and shredded cod. or. If dams, fresh
say MacDonald, for America. It was
flsh, parboil In boiling water, then
a gala occasion and apparently the
add to the hot mixture. Bring to a
only skeptic present was Lord Dewar.
boll and add a quart or more of rich
Lord Dewar, when called upon to say
milk; when simmering hot add six
s few words, said:
to eight milk crackers which have
"Ton have all preached optimism.
been softened wltb a little hot milk.
What Is optimism! In my humble
Serve at once, Parsnips, diced toma­
opinion optimism makes s man of
to or corn may taka the place of the
ninety buy a new suit of clothes and
flsh If desired.
two pairs o f trousers.”
Marlboro Pie. — Taka one cupful
each of alfted stewed apple, sugar
Fishing Pond os Roof
and milk, one-foorth cupful of butter
A recently constructed building of
melted, two beaten eggs, a little grat­ Portland. Ore- has a real fishing pond
ed nutmeg and lemon peel; bake In a on the roof for tbe accommodation of
pastry shell aa for custard pie.
city residents who are unable to get
Ordinary Foods.
into the country for a fishing experi­
Ordinary foods may be mada ex­ ence. The pond Is surrounded with
traordinary by the addition of sea­ growths which give It the appearance
sonings and gar­ o f nature and It answers many pur­
nishment and the poses.
manner of serving.
One of the ordi­
Things Wo Don't Son
nary dishes which
jo many o f us go through the day
la simple, easy to and hardly notice the sparkle o f sun
prepare as well as light on a lake or goblet, the majestic
tasty Is:
angles east by a skyscraper or a
Appls Tapioca.— picket fence, tbe grace, of a dandelion
Take four table­ turned white and fluffy, o f a gray road
spoonfuls of minute tapioca, add winding over a hllL—Woman's Home
one-fourth tensitoouful of salt, and Companion.
and one-third cupfuls of boiling wa­
ter, cook twenty minutes or -util the
tapioca Is clear.
Butter a pudding
•John," said Mrs. Dumbell, “ what
dish and cover the bottom wltb ap­ do they mean by a man being long-
ples cut Into eighths, sprinkle with
beaded r
sugar and cover with a layer of the
“That he Isn't short-sighted,” he
tapioca, repeat and place In the oven grumbled from behind his paper.—Cin­
with a few apple quarters on top.
cinnati Enquirer.
Rake until the fruit Is dona Serve
with sugar and cream.
More Useful
Dubarry Macaroni.— Cut four slices
Customer— Have you a copy of
of bacon Into small pieces and fry. ■Who's Who" and “ What's What,” by
Add one sliced onion and one can of Jerome K. Jerome!
tomatoes which have been allowed to
Clerk—No, but we have “ Who's He"
simmer unlll reduced to half. Season and “ What’s He G o t" by R. G. Dun.
with cayenne, mace, allspice and a bit — Fort William Tlmes-Jouraal.
of hay leaf, salt and pep(>er. Cook
thirty minutes, then add two cupfuls
Both Have Drawback»
o f cooked macaroni and serve.
Blinks— I've seen a lot o f rich peo­
Halibut on Toast__ Melt one-fourth ple I don't envy.
of a cupful of butter and add two and
Jinks— Yeah! Well, I’ve also seen a
one-half tahlespoonfuls of flour; when lot of poor ones I don’t, either.
well blended add two cupfuls o f milk
and cook until smooth, then add two
cupfuls of flaked halibut; season to quickly relieved »ad hauled by Col»*»
Cmrboilanlve. Leave» no »cure. No medi­
taste and add one teaspoonful of an­ cine chest complete without It. SSc and
chovy essence. Serve hot on squares •Sc at druraista. or J. W. Cole Co., Rock­
ford. 111.—Advertisement.
of buttered toast
For a delicious Oiling for a white
layer cake add ('rained grated pine­
apple to a boiled frosting. It may he
used with powdered sugar If In •
A most attractive pear salad may
ha garnished wltb strips of pimento
and dressed with a snappy french
dressing. Serve with a dinner meat.
Horseradish Sauca.—Take one-half
cupful each of sour cream and grated
horseradlah. salt, a little sugar and
a dash of cayenne. Serva wltb flsh
or oysters.
Add a teaspoonful of anise seed to
the Jars of pickled beets when can­
ning them. The flavor Is especially
Architectural Whin#
Thera are eight winding at H ires sea
In the State War and «Navy building
at Washington that are peculiar In
that they hnve no columns support­
ing them, hut are held up hy the prin
cl pie of the arch. If one stair were
removed, the whole would collapse
Redundancy Rebated
fie that uses many words for the
explaining any subject doth act like
the cuttlefish, hide himself for the
most part In his own Ink.— Uev. John
Ruv (HBS-I7U5), "On the Creation'
W m You r
>•> “
and Intestinal UL
This fend old-fast-
lone! herb boss«
remedy for coned-
pa Hon, stomach IDs
and arbor derange­
ments of the syn>
tern so prevalent thane days la la sesa
greater favor as a family modi d a s
than In your grandmother's day.
To Cool a Burn
Balsam o f M yrrh
Real Fighting Bull
A fighting ball In Spain recently
br«>k» loose from the box In which It
was being transported from the Sal­
tillo farm to Valla>:n|ld when tha
train was stopped at tha station of
Los I'arrales. In th» province of Ciu­
dad Real.
The civil guards were
called to take the sltaatlou .n hand,
and when they drove up In their
truck, the bull “tore Into It," damag­
ing the truck considerably.
guards began shooting, and with
each shot the ball became wilder and
wilder, and died only after the forty#
slxth»shot had been fired.
Coast to Cosst good Grocers sell and
recommend Rasa Rail Bine. Itettsf
value thaD sny other.— Adv.
Tie Found la Canada
The first find of tin In Canada has
been made In the Stratford and Rernlc
lake districts of Manitoba and the
announcement Is hailed with great In­
terest In that country. The country
referred to Is very rugged snd Inac­
cessible, but If the discovery warrants
It there will be provided the mesne at
getting the material out.
Easy te Select
It’s reported that ouly one book was
published In Turkey daring th« last
year. The “book of the year dub”
couldn’t make any mistakes over there.
—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Those who plot ths destruction o f
others often fall themselves.—I'hae-
Trnly i
IT !
15-years success in treating Rectal and
C elt« troubles by the Dr. C J. Dean
wow-aumacAL — a»»« •
•Mss as tu « v s W R ITTE N AS­
Oregon & California Directory
R o o S se
ve lt
u e H ra h
mt P O R T L A N D 'S
All room# have shower o r tub, St.00 up. l U f l M f .
Ztl W. Purk St. C olle» Shop. Durum opposite.
m Stockton 8t. near Union Sonar* 8 tutor UM
»’ &ANKLYN B. SMITH. M*na«*r
O*tilde rooms with bam. M M Unc 1* JB M ,* H doabln
M ____ E A R N
N T ri F T
* t o » a per m t p * ld w hile
W M « * S S W S S ¡u n tH , Po#iU ou secu red
L ectu res w eek ly » c o l > » c # W rit# fo r c a t a lo g
M O U E R Si ■■»& m nicr?i MsSjh?
P ip e V a lv e s . Fittings
Pomp Engine«
Farm Tools A Supplies
First ned Taylor Sin, Portland, Oregon
Luke of Goa
American motorists. It Is estimated,
trill use 14,000,000,000 gallons o f gaso­
line this year—a lake five miles wide
and four deep.
Brerr room with bath #r shower. SAW te O J A
Jsnes st Eddr.
Nothing to Work Ou
“ Could I Interest you In a vacuum
“ No, I haven’t got any vacuums.”
Gurus# next deoe.
W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 51-1929.
Industrial Teres
Cartel Is a name applied to prac­
Dainty white dresses for baby or tically all forms o f Industrial combi­
daughter made beautiful by Russ Ball nations In Europe. Production Certain
elm primarily «1 Joint regulation or
Blue. Tour Grocer has It.— Adv.
control of production. Their main pur­
History records thousands o f mis­ pose Is to prevent overproduction.
takes. This Is why history Is worth The selling cartel In one In which n
single sales agency handles all or part
of the outpnt o f the Individual mem­
I f your harvest Is a failure remem­ ber plants. Price-fixing la generally
ber you selected the seed.
Included In Its activities.
WhoWantsto be Bald?
Not many, and ’ /hen you are
getting that w ay and loosing
nair, which ends in baldness,
you want a pood remedy that
will stop falling hair, dandruff
and grow hair on th«; bald head
B A R E -T O H A IR is what you
Foe 9ule uS All D u k e In ToOst Article»
W . H. Forst, M fgr.
ScottdaU, P*nna\