The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 21, 1929, Image 3

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    T H E T R IB U N E . T U R N E R . OREGON
Conceal scuffs
this easy way
Fortress o f the G reat E astern Rum Ring
A much tor twoa/the dauhar conceals «cud* Ilka waste,
Color it r o u n d uniformly to faded daws More ■ chan
yo long-life atones— jo cent«. Colora for black, brow ^
tea tad white shoes— * neutral polish t e octets.
A Matter Speech-Highway
A Sour
In til» m ill« linn* It Ink«» ■ d<>** ot
to bring • Util* temporary r«-llel
•f (ii* and *«ur stomach, Phillips
»(Ilk of Magnesia hn* acidity complete-
y checked, and 111 * dlgoeHv* o r(»n *
ill Iranqulllzed. One* you hev* tried
Jil* form of relief you will c * * m to
vorry about your dl«t and *xp*rl»uro
I now freedom In *alln(.
Thla pieeaaat preparation la Juat aa
food for rhlldron, too. Use It when-
Ivor coated toiifua or fvtld breath
llgnula need of a ewe*tener. I’hyal-
rtana will loll you that «vary *p»<m-
tul of 1‘blllliia Milk o f Mnanoala neu-
trallxoa many time* Ita volume In arid.
Bet lb* (eiiulne, tli* name riillllpa la
tmportanL luiltatluua do not act tha
tame I
kh U
o f Magnesia
u.—— . . . —
Wall* Coal O r*g»n Tkaatar
Nature'* own coo lin g ayalaiu haa
been bameaaed by a I'ortlund (Ora.l
theater which drilled arteaun well*
tapping aubterranean lakea ISO feet
beneath the aurfac*. to obtain a »Up-
ply of water which la cnnalatently 03
legreea, aaya Popular Selene* Monthly,
l'lda naturally cooled wnter aupply la
pumped to three banka of sprays.
25 . 000.000
IIR busiest long distance a peach
highway In Amartca, according In
th# record*, la that on* whi.-h sih -« h 1«
up talking by wlr* between New York
city and Philadelphia—a d.aluui* of
about 100 mil**.
Mo great haa been th# demand for
telephone service between thuaa two
great aggregation* of humanity that
call« ara uiada at tba rat* of about
eight per minute or about 10.UM,
every 24 hour*—aoma 2U) telephone
circuit* being kept busy day and nlglit
four underground cable*, each eu
cloalng hundred* of wires. In addlllon
to two wirwand pole llm'». ara re
qulred to carry tbea* meaaages and a
flflh cable probably will Ire placed In
service by th* Urn* thl* appear* In
Th* underground cable* used In
thla aarvtc* ara Uigeuloua contriv­
ance*. They are cvnaldeieil alorui
priMif, tnaulatad agulnat diimpn i*
and rncaaed In a aheatb of leud. Al
though leaa than Hire* inelio* In dlam
etar. a aufltrlrnt nuiubar of wire* can
be ,«irked Into on* ol them to (rermll
250 telephon* coiiversMtlona and fltgl
talegrnph nieanagea Ur be transmuted
at th* aam* time—by virtu* of a *|r*
rial apparatus which makes possible
tba (ending ot many uieasages over
comparatively few wires.
Th# amazing demand and con**
queut rapid Increase In facilities for
overcoming tba handicap of dlstanc*
I* her* Illustrated to tha nth degree.
Th# Aral telephon* ter vice between
tbea* point* waa luetalled ID INHA
Doubting Thomases regarded th* eerv
lr* as an experiment which might
develop into ■ convenience, but never
■ would develop Into ■ uecesaary aerv lev
to the public.
a a a
D y
“Th* Greatest Bridge in the
W orld”
MASTOnONlO bridge*, officially
known as lb* Hudson Itlvei
I brldg*, but referred to a* "Th* Great
eat Bridge tn tba World." which will
! cut tha air blgb above th* waters ot
this famous and lordly stream between
tbs Palleades of New Jersey and Itlv
| arable drive. New York, la under con
■t ruction.
I d an attempt to cop* with th* prob
' able traffic demand* of future genera
Ilona, man bas dared to build a brldg*
I of aucb gigantic proportion* a* to stag­
ger th* imagination. Tli* bridge prop
•r will Jump th* river In ■ slngl* span
8.Mil) feel long, while Its length, ex
clualv* of th* ornal* pint«* which art
plunned 'or either end. will b* 7 3 »
feet. Its two pier*, resting on bad
rock, will each b* 210 by AA feet at
bn** and tower (VIA feet above the wa
tar and Its floor, which will be 2.V
feet shore th* water, will have sc
ultimata width of 188 feet. The weight
of tha suspended construction will up
proximate 00.000 ton*, supported b)
ANEW C D C C IFTHEY cable* containing 20,474 wire« eacl
and three feet thick.
Th* deelgn adopted admit* of ex
pnndlng th# capacity as neceesUy de
munda. Origlntilly. Ita one deck will
carry four lane* of vehicular traffit
nnd two sidewalk«.
Imler, two 24
foot roudwnya can be added. Finally
n second deck ran be swung under tin
flrat one, providing for from two tc
eight track* for rapid transit servlet
bringing the maximum capacity of th*
structure up to something tike 3U.tkx*.
Aeroaautica la Callage
UU) vehicle« annually.
All told, thl*
A departure In pedagogy «(Tordi
ubile krliool tendiere a eolira# In el*
by man.
lantary aeronautica. The roura* u tlon feat« yet attempted
a a *
Tered by Boston unlveralty and lu
Thu Moffat Tunnel
Odea Inatmrtlon In the elementar)
FTKIt years of tedious boring
t*ory of flight, alrplnne «trucilire, tin
through six miles of Solid rock
leory of aerial navigation and Uu
and the expenditure of about SISUU),
itur* of air travel.
onV—the Moffat tunnel, carrying twin
steel rails through tha backbuoe ot
Haro a M ad* Short Circalt
A farm community near Plymouth thla continent, fifty mile« northwest
Wte, waa without electricity all of om of Denver, waa completed In 1928.
Thla la the highest tunnel In th*
night when a heron perched on a 2.
800-volt power line nnd Ita tall cam« world —being upwards of a mile and
In contact with an adjoining wire. 'Phi a half above th* water* tn the aeas
redlining ahort circuit put ont tfu notwithstanding which some of th<
light* In the aurroundlng farm home* peaks of the t'ontlneotal Divide tow
er half a mile above the track. It
Tru* (Indue** d«e* not alwayt measures Ifl feet by 24 feet and wax
*I>eak ; Joy, bred and horn but In tin built with a high-point at the rentei
so that seepage water would readily
tongue, la weak,— Kleider.
drain away. It Is 23 miles shortet
and 2.400 feet lower thnn the pre
rlous route which squirmed ovei
"The Divide" through that bleak can
yon known ns Rollins Pass.
Thla tunnel promises to bocom* a
nntlonal asset of no mean Importance
It provides a gateway between a ter
rltory In Nortlienstern Colorado and
Eastern Utah—that Is larger than
Prance and. 'll* claimed, holds enough
coal to supply this country for sev
oral centuries, oil shnle beds capable
of producing enough ammonium sul
phnte to fertilize all the farms In
the Mississippi basin. billions of feel
xf timber and millions of acres of pub­
lic lands open to entry—and aomr
40,000.000 personf who people that
great ares between the Itockles and
the Alleghenies When the railroad Is
completed to Malt l.ake City II will
materially shorten tha distance be
tween Denver sml the Pari Ac coast
and will thua operate to speed up
Danger lies in careless selection transcontinental traffic.
All wearers cant be wron$
the Leading Brand
for over 56years
Every pair
sold with
T h is guarantee
T h e Boss
Judge Olrany, th* political leader,
»t a farewell luncheon—he wa* about
o »all ter Europe— was talking about
political booses.
"1 «oppose," be said, "that politics
nuat have bosses, tba *am* as armies
oust have generals. Tba trouble Is
that most bosses ate Ilka Boss Blank.
" ‘But, Blank,’ a citizen, protested,
will your conscience permit you to do
'.his heinous thing?
“ T-ook-a-bere,' rumbled Blank, I'm
accustomed to b* boss, even of my
:on*clence.’ "
The former Oscar llaminereteln Lome at Hillside, N. J., which was raided by federal agents after they learned
that a huge liquor syndicate had converted It Into an armed fortress and made It a base o f operation*.
New American Dirigibles Need Big Hangar
»pccialist in bowel and stomach
disorders. Its originator tried it
In thousands o f cases; found it safe
for women, children and old folk «!
thoroughly effective for the most
robust man. Today, Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin, as it is called, is the
world's most popular laxative. It
is composed o f fresh herbs and
other pore ingredients. You can
4 it, in generous bottles and ready
use, at any drugstore
The quotation "In our century set
rare la tha soul of tha prosperity of
he nations and the living source ot
•II progress," la accredited to Pasteur
H A N F O R D ’S
Balsam of Myrrh
A Healing Antiseptic
Garfield T ea
W as Your
Grandmother*» Remedy
Crowd to Lincole Memorial
Irwin B. Laughlln o f Washington
and Pittsburgh has been appointed
American ambassador to Spain, suc­
ceeding Ogden H. Hammond, resigned.
Mr. Laughlln has been In tbe dlplo-
matlc service for twenty-five yearn.
Since June 1, when the Lincoln me­
morial. In Washington, waa first kept
>pen at night, records kept by tbe
United States park police show It to
oe the most attractive to sightseers.
Between the hours o f 4:30 and 9:30
p. m„ guards reported the dally aver­
age number of visitors exceeded 800,
ind the record blgb waa reached Au­
gust 17 when 1,200 viewed the Impres­
sive statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Make More Money
This Easy Way
A Few Cente Invested in “ Dan­
delion Batter Colorn W ill Put
Dollars in Your Pocket,
Top prices for your
butter are possible the
year ’round with the
help o f "Dandelion But­
ter Color.” Put In Just
a half-teaspoonful for
each gallon o f cream
before churning and out
comes butter o f that
Golden June Shade. It’a
Thla la believed to lie the world's largest watermelon, grown this summer
by Edgar Laseter at Hope, Ark. It weighed 15214 pound*.
Former Ambassador and His Bride
I'l!r,' l-v vegetable, whole­
some and meets all
State and National Food Lows. All
large creameries use It to keep their
product uniform. It ’s tasteless and
loesn’t color buttermilk. Large bot­
tles cost only 35 cent« at all drug or
grocery stores.
W rite for FREE
SAMPLE. Wells and Richardson Co.,
tnc., Burlington, Vermont.
Benjamin Church of Lisbon, N. Y ,
despite his ninety-seven years, remem­
bers with startling clarity the scene
In Ford’s theater In Washington on
the evening o f President Abraham
Lincoln’s assassination, April 14, 1863.
Church, a young naval official, wa*
seated opposite the "Great Emandpe
tor*’ and saw Booth ahoot him.
Mother and Daughter Praise
Vegetable Compound
Johnson City, N. T. —“ My daughter
was only 20 years old, but for two
years aha worked
in misery. She was
all run-down, nerv­
ous, had aches and
pains and no appe­
tite. I was taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’a
V e g e t a b l e Com­
pound with good
results so she de­
cided to try It. B *
fore she had taken
two bottles her ap­
petite was better,
she was more cheerful and waa able to
work. I cannot praise your medicine
too highly. It is wonderful for mother*
and for daughters. It’a surely ’a
friend In need’.’’— Mas. L. E. H a h .
223 Floral Avenue, Johnson City, N. T.
W . N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 45-1929.
Tbe Other Receive« a Bill
“ What >a the difference between a
client and a customer?”
“ A customer pays cash on the spot.“
Russ Ball Bine goes farther, makes
clothes whiter than llqnld Bine. Large
package at Grocers.— Adv.
Pelican« Struck by Lightning
A flock of pelicans flying at an altl-
ture o f 500 feet was struck by light­
It Is said that life Is a story. Most
ning In an electric storm at Salt Lake girla today divide It Into “ Chap On#,'
City. Nineteen were found dead near “ Chap Two." and so on.
the city, while a few were able to
Tbe most tronble aotne women have
n.ake their wny to bushes outside of
'own. where they hid themselves.
with their husbands Is In getting them.
Famous Vaticaa Library
O f Doable Value
Pasteur C irc a Credit
N eal’a M other
Haa R ight Idea
Mast Have Been
"W hy did yoo sing at the party!”
"Because they bothered me to."
“ Oh, I see— revenge."—Berlin Ulk.
World’s Largest Watermelon
1*1* w » » t . r n N vw vpapvr U nion .)
T ree Qreataea*
It la easy In the world to live after
tha world's opinions; It la easy In soli
lude to live after our own; but tbv
treat man Is be who In the midst
if tha crowd keeps with perfect
iweetnesa tha Independence of soil
Depend on a doctor’» judgment
in choosing your laxative
live. Here’*
one made from the Pr
h in
It Is one of the most beautiful com
pensntlona of this life, that no man
•an sincerely try to help another with
iut helping himself.—Samuel Smile*
For every stomach
f/ ? * -f |
and Intestinal UL.
Within a few
Thla good old-faab.
months there will be
y i
y y j
toned herb horn«
no more feverish, bil­
remedy for const!»
lon*. headachy, con­ - J L . v T T h
potion, stomach Ills
wjB lIE P i»
and other derange*
puny children. That
ments o f th* ays*
prophecy would sure­
ly come true If every tern so prevalent these days U In evee
could see for greater favor as a family medicine
leraelf how quickly, easily, end harm- than In your grandmother's day.
essly tbe bowels o f babies and cbll-
Iren are cleansed, regulated, given
one and strength by a product which
haa proved Its merit and reliability
PRSS TB&AJ. RAC K AB C o f Dr. J. H. Guild’ * Greeo~
to do what la claimed for It to mll-
■Med la 1 M by Dr. Guild. »poeUiieC la rmp
'lona o f mothers In over fifty years
• m p er qntdUy i
>f steadily Increasing use.
As mothers find out from using It
■M ■
how children respond to the gentle
influence o f California Elg Syrup by
J. H. Guild Ce.. D e p t X - 2 . Report. Y u
growing stronger, sturdier and more
active dally they simply have to tell
»ther mothers about It. That's one of
the reasons fo r its overwhelming
An exterior view of the giant hangar at Akron. Ohio, which will house the new American zeppelins. Tbe ship*
tales o f over four million bottles a
will be o f fl.ra».ono cubic feet In rapacity, nearly twice tbe size of the German Graf Zeppelin.
A Western mother, Mrs. Xeal M.
Todd, 1701 West 27th 8 t, Oklahoma
City, Okla., aaya: “ When my son,
Neal, was three years old he began
laving constipation.
I decided to
give him California Fig Syrup and In
a few days be was all right and
<ooked flue again. This pleased me
to much that I have used Fig Syrup
tver since for all bia colds or little
ipset spells.
It always stops bis
trouble quick, strengthens him, makes
Mm eat."
Always ask for California Fig
Syrup by the full name and see that
I the carton bears the word “ Cali­
fornia." Then you'll get the genuine.
Reliab/e Merchandise since 1855
a n
of laxatives I By taking the first
thing that comes to mind when bad
breath, headaches, dizziness, nausea,
biliousness, gas on stomach and
bowels, lack of appetite or energy
warns of constipation, you risk
forming the laxative habit.
B A R T O N 'S
Lloyd G. Grlscom, former United States ambassador to Italy, with bis
bride, tha former Misa Audrey Grosse, leaving Mnrston Truaaell, Market
Harborough, England, In a shower o f flower petals, following their marrlnge.
The bulk of the world’s supply of
tungsten comes from China.
The average coat of gasoline In
Bolivia la HA cents a gallon.
There are more than 8,400 apnken
languages and dialect* In the world.
Interest In automohlllng has caused
a slump In horse breeding In Helglum.
Grizzly bear* may be Keen In three
of the nntlonal parka tn the United
Spain la to have a model automobile
road 200 miles long.
America Imported (7,000,000 worth
o f black pepi>er last year.
There are 75,000 elk grating In na­
tional tereats of the United States.
Tbe purple raspberry la the result
of crossing block and red raspberries.
The tales o f "glass snakes" that
break In pieces If struck are entirely
A curious feature of the Vatican
library. In the custody o f which Car­
dinal Ehrle succeeds the late Cardinal
Uaaquet, Is the palna which seems to
hare been taken to conceal It Yon
turn aside In a corridor not far from
the sculpture gallery, and pass through
a glass-paneled door, screened by a
grating. Within la a great chamber
exquisitely decorated, hut at a first
glance, without any sign of books
Tha hooks are there, however— ten*
of thousands of priceless volumes—
but all In dosed coses and cabinets
beautifully painted to harmonize with
tbe general scheme ot decoration.
Hew A beat Tbeir St lagers 7
"Mother," remarked seven-year-old
Janet aa she watched several mos­
quitoes gliding silently back and forth
over her head, "there’* skeeters In thla
room, bnt their motor* aren’t running'
—Pathfinder Magazine.
While It la Illuminating to see how
envtronmenffmolds men. It Is absolute
ly essential that men regard them­
selves as molders of their environ­
ment.— LIppnian.
lb Identify Genuine Aspirin
use of Bayer Aspirin «vary year is proof
T HE that increasing
it has no ill effect*. It is th* accepted antidote for
pain. It always helps; it never harms. Quick relief whan
you’ve a headache, or cold; or are suffering from neu­
ralgia or neuritis. Rheumatic pains yield, too, if you’ll
only give theee tablet« a chaace. But yon want gennina
Aspirin, so look for tha Bayer Oroee on every table*,
The box always bears the name Bayer and the word
“ genuine” printed in red. Proven directlos