The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 07, 1929, Image 3

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The Right Way to
Redye Fine S ilk s
French Troops, Also, Are Leaving the Rhineland
T e x tile makers al­
ways u s * special
dyes fo r silk or wool.
T h e y know that ia
the beat way. T h *
makers o f Diamond
Dyes are tha first to
enable home dyers to
fo llo w this plan.
N e x t tim e you want to dye some
o f your m ore valuable articles o f
silk o r wool, t r y th * tpceial D ia­
mond Dye# < » (A * B lue P a ck a g e
T h e y w ill f i v e the»# m aterials
d e a re r, more b rilliant colors than
a n y “ all-purpose” dye. And they
a re Just as easy to use aa ordinary
dyes. Lika the tu M lt package D ia ­
mond Dyes, these dyes contain an
abundance o f th « highest qu ality
anilines. The blue package dyes
silk o r wool on ly; the xvAit* pack-
age dyes, o r tints, any m ateriaL
E ith er package; 15c, drugstore*.
T h « First American Cathedral
!,o t( nf folks who llilnk they hnv*
loii" linvr only un udii rimili
linn whh-h could I mi corrected In live
or ten minutes. An rffro llv s anil-arid
Ilk * Phillip* Milk o f Magnesia anon
restores digestion lo normal.
Phllllpa iloea away with all thul
aourneaa and i t s righi after meals It
prevents the dial res* so apt to occur
tw o hours after r a lln (. What a plea*
ant preparai Ion to ta k e!
And how
pood It la for tlia system I Unlike a
Im m illa dose o f anda— which I* hut
relie f at
heat- Phillips
M ilk o f Magnesia neutralises ninny
times Ila volume In arid.
Next lim e a hearty meal, or too rich
■ diet Ima brought on the least d l»
com fort, try—
h il l ip s
L Milk ,
of Magnesia
G reeks First to D ivide
Day Into Equal Part*
It la not deltnliely known Just how
the day happened to he divided Into
34 hours. At the lime o f the Homeric
poema the day waa divided Into three
paria—the Ural beginning with sunrise
and mniprlalng that pail during which
the light Inerenaed; the seeond, mid
day. during which the aim was thought
to slum! still and the third period dur
Ing whlrh the alinoapheric warmth In
These divisions were luler
suhiiu Idol either by Anuxlnuinder or
Anaxlinlnee. who la anld to have made
the tlreeka ac<|Uiilnted with the u*e of
the llnhylonliin ehronometer or aim
dial, hy tnenna of whlrh the naltirul
(In) waa divided Inin 12 equal spaces
T h e earliest aumllal o f whlrh we hnvr
knowledge was that o f the Chaldean
astronomer Beroasua. who lived about
.H*i It 0. Ila arc waa divided lulo 12
equal p arti nf lima.
At llnhylon the
period from sunrise to aunarl and also
the period o f darknens were en< h dlvld
ed Into 12 hours
According to this
arrangement, ih * day hour waa In the
summer longer than tlia night hour
and In Ihe winter shorter. The Greek»
Improved upon this system hy dividing
the whole period Into 12 equal hours
A gaia
Richard, age three, la the proud poe
aeaaor o f a sis months old brlndle bull
T h e pup la quite mischievous
and an la lllrhnrd.
Th e other day mother found het
freahly leed cake In a deplorable con
dltlon. Hlrhard was harrying out the
door when mother halted him w ith :
"Sonny, have you been In Mila cnkeT"
lie looked up Innocently and aweet
ly said: "M other, It's that dog again.'
No Wonder
“ This card you have hung In the
kitchen, mum." said the suburban
rook, "Is too much for me. I can't
make out what my nlghta off nre."
"A n d no wonder. Nora. That's a
tim e table o f suburban trains.” — Kx
Ruaa Rail Rlue delights the house­
wife. Makes clothe» whiter than aoow.
At your Grocer's.—Adv.
Feminine Embellitkmeat
A farthingale la a contrivance, re­
sembling a ho op skirt or crinolina. Il
was worn hy women o f the Hlxleenth
and Seventeenth centuries to extend
their skirts.
Hum ility Is a feeling not to ba dis-
Denver Boy
ia a Winner
E very mother real-
Ixea how Important It
is to teach children
good habits o f con­
duct but many o f
them fall to realise
teaching their chil­
dren good bowel hab­
its uiiill the poisons from decaying
waate held too long In Ihe ayatem
have begun to affect the child's
Watch your child and at the first
sign o f constipation, give him a little
California F ig Syrup. Children love
Ita rich, fruity taste and It quickly
drives away those distressing ail­
ments, such ns headaches, bad breath,
coated tongue, biliousness, feverish­
ness. fret fulness, etc. It gives them a
hearty appetite, regulates their stom­
ach and bowels and gives tone anu
strength to these organa so they con­
tinue to art normally, o f their own
For over fifty years, lend­
in g physicians have prescribed It for
hnlf-alck, bilious, constipated chil­
More than 4 million bottles
used a year ahowa how mothers de­
pend on I t
Mrs. G O. W lleo*. MBOU W o lff
8 f., Denver, Colorado, says: "M y son,
Jackie, la a prlxe winner for henlth,
now, but w e had a lot o f trouble with
him before w e found hla trouble wna
constlpntlon and began giving him
C alifornia F ig R.vrnp. It lived him
tip quick, gnve him a good appetite,
made him sleep line nnd he’s been
gaining In weight right along sine*
the first few days, taking It."
T o avoid Inferior Imitations o f
Cnllfornln F ig Syrup, slwnys look for
th * word "C aliforn ia” on the carton.
' I 'H A T noble and celebrated adlfica—
1 Ihe old cathedral In 11* 111 more, be­
gun In INtKI, has been referred to as
Ilia Aral cathedral to be erected In
Am erica— presumably because It has
the distinction o f being our Aral
church to ha presided over by an
American cardinal. It crowns a hill
oo which the victorious troops o f
| Ilochuinlieau encamped on their return
j from Yorktown during lha Revolution­
ary war In 1792.
| This structurs was hull! o f gray
granite, which waa hauled In by og
teams from a quarry neat lha I'utaps-
co river. II Is Ilk) feet long. 177 feet
■ wide at th* anna o f th* cross, sur­
mounted by a gilded doma, which la
! 23! feet In circumference, and carries
tw o necullarly aluiped low er* which
era strangely suggestive o f th* Far
| Kaat. One o f these tower* Is the hums
o f quit* a slsahl* hell, r a il In Lyons,
Franca, which throughout all these
yea«* has looked oul amt down upon
the varied activities o f humanity.
What a story o f pathos and Joy. strife
and priaperlty, changa and progress,
It could relata I
Unusual as well ns remarkabl* for
Ita purs simplicity o f design and p lea*
Ing proportions, this historic building
com alna splendid and valuable paint­
ings—on * outstanding on* having been
presented by Louis X V IIL king of
Franca, and an ancient organ which
la aald to have been the largest In all
America at the tima o f Ita completion.
Under Ilia throne la a sacred mau­
soleum In which repose the remain*
o f former dignitaries of lha cliurch.
j among them being that o f tbs much­
loved councilor, the former James F a r
j dlnal Gibbons, who served hla church
; for almost half • century. Much of
the Catholic history o f America waa
■ mads In this noted church and tlia ad­
joining huma o f the form er prince o f
! th* church.
a a a
“ 1 can't do a thing with Parker,'
aald the manager. "I'v e had him ti
three departments, and b* dozes ah
day long."
"P a t him at tha pyjama counter,'
suggested th* proprietor, "and faatrx
a card on him with these words:
" *Our pyjamas are o f such supertax
quality that even tha man who selli
them cannot keep awake.’ " — T it bits
Balsam of Myrrh
French troops, evaruntlng the Rhineland, marching out o f Cvblenx behind th* tricolor.
great relief lo the Germans.
Th eir departure waa ■
Building the World’s Largest Relief Map
U r YOXJ m
s tir p ic i u s ;
k f . T C R N 'S
“ Why a r* yoo *0 anxious to have
Arthur give you present* of dia
"T h ey 're stepping stone* to mar
rtage, my dear."
Price List and Shipping Tags!
N M M . ___________________________
Nameroas Enemies
B e w bo has a thousand frien ds
Has no« a friend to spare.
And he w bo hae ons enem y
W ill meet him everyw h ere.
I * Roy NIcliuls. map engineer, placing one section o f the largest relief map In the world, being constructed
In a special map bonse In Baboon Park, near Roston. T h e map, constructed o f special gypsum blocks, will be 63 feci
long and 40 feet wide and will follow the curvature o f the earth.
Doctor Pearson (a fte r bringing hltn
t o )— H ow did you happen to take that
poison, Rastas? Didn't yon read the
sign on the bottle? It said “ poison."
Rastua— Yessah, bnt ah didn't be­
lieve I t
Doctor Pearson— Why not?
Rastus— Cause right underneath It
was a sign what said “ L ye."
NON-SU'RCICAl net hoc ca-
os ta Mm WHITTEN AS.
Scad toda, lor FREE lOOeaas
HE largest steam locomotive on
earth was built to haul all th*
freight cars tha coupling pin would
hold across the so-called "Dad Lauda" j
In western North Dakota, by the
American Ixtcomotlve company for the |
The Philadelphia Athletics, champions o f the American league, won
Northern I’ariflc railway.
the Arat gome o f the world series classic hy defeating the Chicago Cubs,
j Il ha* 22 wheels and. Including the champions o f the National league, hy a score of 3 to 1. In the top picture
tender which holds 21.U0U gallons of
F oxx Is seen crossing the plate with the first run o f the game a fter he had
water and 27 tons o f coal. Is 12A feet
knocked the hall over the fence In the seventh Inning. Cochrane nnd Sim­
long and weighs 1.118,000 pounds. It
mons are crossing the plate, In the low er picture. In the ninth Inning on a
la so monstrous that on* la Inclined
single by Bing Miller.
to say. Ilk* th* man In the too who
ssw a giraffe for th* Arat time.
"Shucks, there ain’t no such anlm ulel"
Tha details o f this mastodon o f
th* rails qpnd somewhat like a fairy
tale. Th# holler, for Instance, la al­
most 04 feet long, weighs 105 000 -
pounds, Ita Insldt diameter at the
■mall or front end la 8 Vt feet and I*
•Mended to operate at 250 »u n d a
steam pressure; 20.000 holes were
drilled In It nnd 5,153 stay bolts are
uaed to hold Its seams together Ita
Are box lx 22 feel long and OH feel
wide— larger than an ordinary room.
Recause o f lls tremendous alxe and
power both tha throttle and reversing
mechanisms are operated by com
pressed sir. fo a l can he mechanically
fed Into Ita seething furnace at
the rate o f 45.000 pounds or 22H
an hour and twin centrifu­
gal pump* are capable o f forcing 100.
000 pounds or 12,000 gallons o f water
Into Ita holler In the snme time.
London Has New Lord Mayor
(fk I I I * WaaUrn N«w«p«m r Union.)
B at A fte r That I
Pnronta never get old enough to b »
rome a nuisance ao long as they
haven't divided the property.—Cap
oer'a Weekly.
f A H N
» N »
« U t l TT Y f f Q
Norway Celebrates ia 1930
In 1930 Norway will celebrate th*
ninth centenary o f the coming o f
Christianity, together with the anni­
versary o f the death o f King Olav IL
wbo died In the struggle against the
opponents o f the new faith. Celebra­
tions will take place In ail parts o f
the country but the principal cere­
mony will be held at Trondjhem, an
old royal residence and the seat o f an
archbishopric before the Lutheran re­
formation. The work o f restoring tb *
cathedral ha* been proceeding for a
long time. Il was built on Olav's tomb.
T h e completion o f the work will coin­
cide with th- celebration of nine cen­
turies o f Christianity In Norway.—
Translated for the Kansas City Stag
From the Journal de Geneve.
Many a girl has her mother to blame
for a mouth that even a lip-»tick ra n t
love. And many a man wear* a mous­
tache because hla mother couldn't benr
to make him take hla Anger out nf
hla mouth.— W om an'« Home Com.
nan ton.
A J J J re«_
Forming a Career
"Y ou take a now flat every year?"
“ Yes," answered Mr. Meekton, “ 1
had thought o f persuading Henrietta
to go Into the movies."
“ W hy n o t r
“ H er natural eloquence Is such I
thought she'd better wait fo r the latest
developments and take her chances
with the talkies."— Washington Star.
A Super Power Plant on
Sparing Thalr Fooling»
I re t f u r r e c e iv in g h o n e e i
V o i c e d S ta te « .
Healthy Raiadaar
The government has maintained ex­
periment station* In Alaska and keeps
In touch with the main herds o f rein­
deer. No contagloua disease has ever
been encountered.
n fo r y o « r il
you w ant the M c M il tan
p r ie « U « . O ver SO year«
in butincM. O n « o f th *
America's Longest Tunnel
IIIC recently opened, eigh t-m il»
long tunnel through the granlt*
backbone o f th* Cascad* mountains—
1U0 miles east o f 8eattla, Is tb* long­
Rullt at a
! est tunnel In America.
by the
j Ureal Northern railway, this tunnel
| and Ita approaches clips nina miles
j from the old routs, permits the rail­
road to t>enet rat* the range at a re­
: duced grad* o f about QUO feet and. of
; course, saves that amount o f climb,
eliminate* curvature equivalent to up
proxlmately ten complete circles, die
1 places several miles o f snow sheds,
reduces tb* cost and work o f keeping
the road open during th* winter sea­
1 son, does away with delays due to
snow slides and brings the North Pa-
clAc coast closer to the balance o f tb*
country In point o f lim e and la, th e r »
fora, a national aaaet o f no mean
This Cascade tunnel la a remark­
able engineering achievement. 80 ac­
j curately wera the calculations made
that when the two ends met S.UUU feel
under the crest o f tha range and four
miles from tha western entrance, the
difference In elevatloo was but nine
Inches, while lha difference between
estimated and actual distance wua
only 12 Inches.
Work was pursued
day, night and Sunday— not a single
shift was lost.
At ona time, 1.703
I men were employed. The entire Job
• was completed within three years.
T h * walls throughout are lined with
concrete two feet thick.
electric locomotive* will he uaed to
haul both freight and passenger j
trains through this bora.
a a a
A Household Remedy
Fee Estamal Use O n ly
Clay Pip* Joke?
The owner o f a cheap watch brought !
It Into tb* Jeweler’s shop to see what
could ba done for I t
W m * W t a M MS, » m* M U M In »».
"T h e mistake I made, o f course," be
admitted, "w as lo dropping I t "
“ W ell, I don’t suppose you could
ClaitiRva 256,000 Stars
help th a t” the Jeweler remarked. “ Th*
About 32.U00 observations o f vari­
mistake yon mad* was picking It up "
able stars w er* sent to the H arvard
— London Opinion.
observatory in a single year by 100
On# o f the monumental
pieces o f work there, says Natnre
Magazine, haa been Mia* Annla J. Can­
non's classification o f over 256.000
stars, according to their various type*,
by means o f tbelr spectral line*. This
work requires expert ability o f tha
highest order and Miss Cannon has
been the recipient o f many honors.
Sir William Waterlow, the new lord mayor o f London, with hla w ife and
their aon, James.
Miss Jean Redlck, beautiful daugh­
ter of a millionaire realtor. George
Redlck, In her costume as Queen
o f Ak-Sar-Ren, the outstanding social
honor o f the season In Omaha. She
Is a graduate o f Mt. Vernon sem­
inary o f Washington, D. C., I* active
In the Junior league, nnd Is one o f the
most popular girls In the younger so­
cial set o f Omaha.
The famous Goliath o f Rlble day*
is supposed to hav* -been 11 feet In
h eight
In 1884, four men were taken allvy
out o f a mine In England after 24
d, ya without food.
T h e Museum o f ihe University of
Pennsylvania Is to excavate a pyramid
at Medum, dating from 200 B. C.. the
time o f Sneferu, the Arst really great
klug of E g y p t
Illinois has 400 new laws, pnssed
by the last legislature.
You caa't convince a stubborn man
that It la Impossible to convince him.
Don't be ao miserly that you are
afraid to laugh at your own expense.
A new metal known aa “ konel" la
said to he much stronger than ether
metals at high temperatures, and also
makes a cheap and satisfactory sub­
stitute for platinum Ir. radio tubes.
I f you wish beautiful clear w hite
clothes, use Russ Ball Blue. L arge
package at Grocers.— Adv,
T bs W ifely Viswa
"M y dear, you spend too much."
Said pa. w n o found Ilfs tou sh ;
"M y d ear." said ms, "y ou 're w ron g—
You Just don’ t m ake en ou gh !"
Tim as H av* Changed
Jones— It was Poe, wasn't IL who
wrote that stuff about a world o f hap-
plness and harmony were foretold by
those golden wedding bells?
Smith— Yeah, but all they foretell
now Is a lot of business for the dJ
vorce lawyer*.
Find Sise a Handicap
Gertrude Restoule, sixteen, of Stur­
geon Falls, Ontario, has gone to •
Toronto hospital to get thin, being
perhaps the heaviest young woman
In Canada. She weighs 450 pounds.
1 A slater who weighs 375 pounds also
will be taken to the hospital fo r
treatment. The parents o f the chil­
dren are normnl In weight.
T w o new Diesel rail cars have been
placed In service on a Swiss railway
Homs, Sweet Home
Guest— Great Scot I W ho'* that cou­ line which has many corves and rises
ple above you making so much racket 1.204 feet In a distance o f 16 miles.
with their fam ily scrap?
Flat D weller—Oh. that's the couple ,
who were quietly married last week
O. L. Bodenhamer o f Eldorado, Ark.,
who was elected national commander
o f the American Legion at the Louis­
ville convention. Mr. Bodenhamer has
long been active In the affairs o f the
Legion, both In Arkansas and In the
nation. His election was unanimou*
no roll call being necessary.
"Jones ought to be looking well after
being locked up at the police station."
“ W h y?"
“ Shouldn't a man look well after ar­
rest r
Virtue* are In the popular estimate
rather the exception thnn the rule
There la the man .and hla virtues
Men do what la called a good action
aa soma piece o f courage or charity
much as they would pay a Ane In expi­
ation o f dally nonappeartnee on pa
rad*.— Emerson
Freakish Natara
Nntur# It fuM o f (teaks, and now
puts an old head on young shoulders,
nnd then a young heart heating undet
fourscore year*.— Ernersou.
A a Office Secret
The New Stenog— 1 don’t see how
I’m going to hold this job. I’m sure
I can't spell the long technical words
In the boss’ dictation.
The Old-Timer— Sh ! Spell em by i
ear. The boss doesn't know bow to
spell 'em himself.
Newly Engaged
She— llenry. I have something I must
confess to you: my teeth are false.
He— My dear, I know that.
She— But I haven’t paid for them
As C ivilisation Goes On
"Crimson Gulch used to see some
thrilling stage coach holdups.”
"W e still have our holdups.” sighed
Cactus Joe, "but what w e re bothered
about now Is a little thing Hke a lift
In street car fare*.” — Washington Star
Th* Formala
A famous merchant was asked shod
his success nnd about his coutente-
help. He anld:
“ The secret Is: treat your m ono
and your employees Just alike. Keet
them busy, or they lose lulerest."
-Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound Gave Her Strength
\ A
1 —
M L Carmel, P a — “ A fte r m y second
baby was bora I had to work too hard
end be on my (set
too soon because
my husband was
111. A fte r his death
I was In such a
weakened and run­
d ow n c o n d it io n
seemed to help me.
I am starting th*
fourth bottl# of
Lydia EL Pinkham'a
V e g e t a b l e Com­
pound and feel •
great deal better. I am much stronger
and don't get so tired out when I wash
or work hard. I do housekeeping and
dressmaking and I highly recommend
th* Vegetable Compound as * tonic. I
j am w illin g to answer any letters I re­
ceive asking about It.” — Me*. GxsTsuMg
| B u - t t s , 414 8. Market, ML Carmel. Pa.
W . N. U.,” P O R T L A N D , NO. 43-1 »2 *