The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 29, 1927, Image 3

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    T ill*; T R IB U N E , T U F NT. R, O R E G O N
U fe ** »
By Rosita Fortes
( '» p r illili
lip Nufeiife ru rb M
W NU » • » * !. •
KoMinarp Cr*»ftnn Is visillo*
(hs fovsrnor's |i«lacs In K»s.
Murooro, with hsr sunt.
A Frsnobnian, Us
Vrlsa. liinkns loVS to Imr lls tslls
t»• r of U t K « i«l. s ■ f l U r l t l l
parson In lha ssrvlos of ths
Itossinnry rspulssa l>s
Vrlss* lo vs, Nsit morning, whlls
riditi*, aha la thrown from hsr
horas and 'andar *d unmnirlous
Hhs Is rra«-ii»d l»f ItlfT lilU«-*-
nisn and masts ths Kald. who
turns out to hs an KtiHlIahtnan
Ths Knld says It would Jsnpar*
dlss his ( rum to return hsr to
Peto, an Australian, and
/.ailfa, a servant, aro assigned to
cars for hsr.
III— Continued
All day Hoactniiry sutt In It»«« enve.
With nothing to occupy her, her
thought* revolved like it mill wheel
miahlug her hrnltt M v o e fl them. |ty
nflertio ui aim hud * heudnclm nnd
would have l>een glud to tnlk even to
Pete, who brought Iter bl! the cutup
«»tilfit either he or hi* chief
mirror, soup, hlnnket*, n buttered
twi«!n, hut the Atistrnllnn was motto*
a> liable. When he couldn't answer n
Question he grun(«*d.
Ily sunset she was rxnaperntsd he
yottd endurance. “ I shall have to Wte
my nails nr cry, or go out.** she told
herself, with an attempt at humor.
it nee mar y climbed a little way up
the hill, ant on it bowlder, nud stared
nrroas the tumult of till la hviow. The
sky wna molten tn the crucible
Flumes rippled ncros* it, touring at
the edges of bunked cloud*.
**Rather Jolly, Isn't ItT** aald a voice,
nnd the girl h»ok«*d up to *«*> the Knld
atnmilng above her. 11« came down
with the agility o f a gout **1K> y >u
mind If I amok«* one o f our few
ainiiaettic lit« V
lie hud washed off several layer« of
dust and brush«»«! the straight wiry
hrown hair which raslated every effort
tn mnke It h»ok anything hut a mat.
With even so much return to the nor
tual as|»ect of mankind a* she knew It.
Itosemnry was Intrigued.
She voiced her curioalty, “ How did
you get mixed up with these people?**
"My life history for yours, eh? Well,
It's simple. I’ve got no people to wor­
ry about me. The war upset things,
made life pretty Hat
Hunting and
shooting were no *|»ort after the Yprr*
salient, so I got Into the foreign le­
gion «l|d « bit of desert work. It gets
hold o f you, you know, hut my sym­
pathy was generally on the aide of the
enemy. So I bought my discharge and
went shooting In the mountains. I met
Ahd el Krlm by chance, a good fellow,
hut not up to dnte enough for the
stunt he'* running. He asked me If
I’d like tn organise tills show for him;
he has tupping fighting material, only
wnnfs a little modem strntegy.**
“ Which you supply,** luterpoaod the
«Urn yes, I'm going to s « m » It
through There's an awful hunch of
dagoes round headquarters. It’s rath
er s|»ort apoettlng their game. They’d
sell us all nnd their own mothers. If
they weren't an frightened for their
skin*. The lllff'n never been eon*
quered. nnd It Isn’t going to 1*» now
If I cun help It.'*
“ ! see. You’d sacrifice everything
for that."
“ Mot much sacrifice— It’a a great
gn me.**
“ For you,“ said Itosemnry, and re­
pented the words a little forlornly,
though that was the last thing she
wished to appear.
The man looked at her sharply. For
the first time It dawned on him that
she was young nnd n girl In a rotten
hole, ns he put It. lie wns struck,
not by the flrmn«»** nnd fineness of
line which had characterised Rose­
mary for !>o Vries, hut by her help-
h'SHtiess. She shivered In the rising
wind, nnd her «'otnpitnlon wanted,
suddenly, to wrap something, any­
thing, round her. “ I any. It’a rotten
luck on y«»u."
“ It lal Your fault 1" retorted Rose­
mary, obdurate.
“ I wish It wn*. You wouldn't lx»
here long If I could help I t "
“Can’t you?" The girl made a last
appeal, clinging to his ami, almost
shaking R In her vehemence.
“ You know I can’t “
In silence they climbed down to the
“ I*x»k here, I’ll glvo you Pete,“ said
the Kald. feeling, like his one time o r
«lerly, the need of making some obla­
tion. "You can start for the village
tomorrow. I've sent a messenger al­
ready to got hold of a house. Pete'll
go with yon and
you're nil right.
Yon can trust him—up to the hilt.“
ilosemnry’s eyes widened. "Aren't
you going hack?“
"Not for a bit. I've got a Job In nn
other direction.“ Il<* dropped the cur­
tain and Rosemary, listening to his
retreating footsteps, felt that her last
link with the old commonplace life
wns severed.
Two days later Rosemary and Pete,
with a guard of a doten saturnine
mountaineers, approached the village
o f Telehdl. Tt was a collection of two
atorl««d square huta, haftlly large
enough to ho called houses, though
a«>rne of them hnd several rooms. A
number of women nr. *, children ran to
their doors ns the cavalcade clattered
through the single street. A few men.
dark skinned, wllh hawk features,
turned to look after them.
"Ul*mjltah, has the Kald brought a
wife at lastr smiled a stalwart
youth, shifting the sling of hi* rifle.
“ It la time,“ returned lleiiebbhe, the
village headman, “ but Id* mind Is full
of war nnd politic*. Them I* not
place In It for women “
“ Rhe Is white, and of hi* own race,“
ejaculated n third, “ lie ha* never
cared for our women."
At that moment a tall, I« mmmi Jointed
figure nunc swinging down the street.
“The Npaidard 1" muttered the vil­
lager*. Hud were *ll«i»t a* the uitt.i
greeted them.
“ H*lnnm nlelkum.“
There was n frown, tor no Moslem
likes to receive this religious greeting
from a Christian,
Juan Mnrteugo was n Itasqiie from
the Pyrenes, but, for thirty yeum, b*
bad culled no country home. Ills dual
gods were money und woipett. He hud
the typical ctiuriigu of th«« l.ufln, hot
In realisation, cold In anticipation. At
moment*, when lie could forget the
pusslon* and the failure* of years, he
was charming. Ills smile Ironed out
the lines graven by ruw pleasure, and
still cruder labor, and In nplte of
every kind of fight with Ilf««, wllh
sense, with whst little he had once
known of honor, he could speak with
conviction on such auhje«-ts aa rifles
and horses as well, of courac, ns of
love affairs I
This was the Individual who arrived
at the door of th«* Raid's guest house,
scarcely half nn hour after Rosemary,
reluctantly, hnd entered It.
She was seated on n rope «MJttrh,
covered with the headman's Iwmt car­
pet She hud taken off her lint nnd
ruffled her hair Into n mop. Under It
her eye* were sun gilt pools, reflect­
ing a gamut of bewilderment.
The Hpnnlurd caught his breath on
th«« threshold This was not at nil the
sort of wotunn he hnd expected. "I
beg your pardon. I heard there was
a si ranger here. I came to offer my
s««rv|cea In the absence o f Weetwyn.“
“ Who Is WestwynF’ ashed Rose-
many, Ignoring (he rest,
“ I-«»n't you know the Kuld? I
thought he sent you here.“
“Oh, I *«*»." Rosemary wasn't giv­
ing anything away. She remembered
“ Rathar Jolly, Isn't It?“ Said a Volca,
and tha Qirl Looked Up to See tha
Kald Standing Above Har.
the ICnglUhman's remark about the
dago* at headquarters.
“ At least you will let me do any­
thing I can for you. Who I* looking
after you?“
A faint smile curved the girl’s lip*.
The apparent pliability of her visitor
was encouraging after her racort’a
grunts and Westwyn’s unapproach-
ubieties*. “Thank you,” ahe replied.
*Trte— I don’t know hi* other name
— has gone to procure food and water,
chiefly the latter. I haven’t had a
hath for ages, I can’t remember bow
many days or year* It I* since 1 left
Moroccan Town W ell
C alled City of Blind
Bllndno*.., In Uarrakech (Morocco),
Is n woefully prevalent nlllietlon.
Score, of slghtli'HH boggars line the
slrvcta, iHiuat In the market places
ami thread tlielr way wllh uncuntiy
uaaiiranee through the mure, of the
souks. More often limn not there nre
two of them together nnd In tunny
cnaet they make their appeal for
alma In group, of from four to a
With or without n crude mualcnl In-
atrument or two, they chunt Incee-
anntly their plena to the paaaer-by,
conjuring him In the name of Allah
to r*mre Ida copper, wllh Ida brethren
who cunnot acc. Hour after hour tlila
hoarae chnntliig goea on, rhythmical-
ly, puntlngly, uncenalngly—until It la
n wonder that Hie rasping vocal corda
do not fray out like nn old ahoe-
atrlr.g nud refuse further service.
In his tour of the amiks the visi­
tor In led through a colorful arende
given over to denier. In the bright-
lined corda from which the Arabs aua-
pend their poiiclica and daggers. A
llllle beyond the end of tlda covered
pmumgeway he la permitted to look
lit, but not enter, the mosque anil
annetiinry of Sldt Del Ahhna, tlie en­
virons of which nre peopled almfiat
exclusively by the blind. OflU-lnl fig­
ure, are lacking, yet It '.nuy he enld
tlmt the number o ' these unfortiinntes
la eatlninted not In hundred, hut In
thousands. II, t). Wells once wrote
a fiintnay called “The Country of the
llllnd." Here la n City of the llllnd
In pitiful reality, with Sldl ltd Ahhna
aa Its patron aulut.—llandsh
reu lu "What About North Africa."
India’» Holt Fettival
At the time of the vernal equinox,
on the night of the full moon, the
popular lloll Festival la celebrated hy
the Hindu, of India. The ceremonlen,
lasting for three days, are derived
from the anelent spring festival. This
festival, originally a solemn religious
rite, hna degenerated and la now
known aa the Saturnalia of Indln.
ttonflrea are lit nrotind the temples
and aaerltleea nre made to the gnda.
lied powder called kiinkuma la thrown
about, ns Occidentals throw confetti,
nnd the clothing of the |>coplc hccoutes
covered wllh U.
What’s the f
Storm§ Directly Due
to Forest Destruction
T h e K itc k e n
Trees are lightning rods, and the In­
creasingly bud weather la due to the
destruction of forests, says Edouard
llrunly, France's grand old man of
Qu 0 »tion§ No. 25
“ If there are no longer seasons," he
(ft. M il. W v a t u r»?vat/«i*r Uslen »
jay a, "deforestation Is the principal. If
I- How fur from the mouth o f the
Oh, there's no aa# tn fretting. Ws
I Indeed, also, not the sole cause.
Mississippi Is New Orleans?
*!! with csres sr* vried.
Hut there's lots of fun In living
•Trees on the heights, with their
3- Who was the founder of Rhode
lust to ses whst happen* nest.
| pointed tips toward heaven and their
— Florence L> sy.
j roots deep In (he damp ground, are
B What was the earliest weapon
nothing less than so many lightning
us««d b y iiiii u?
rods, constantly discharging Into the
4- Who la tha champion automo­
I earth the atmospheric electricity and
A list of anndwlch Oiling In tome
j thereby preventing Its accumulation
bile «fVlver?
convenient place Is a grant comfort.
I In the clouds, an accumulation that
O n « m a y f i nd
t Who has generally been consid­
many possibilities
ered the foreiiuHit American lnnd»<u|M»
This amusing wedding Incident lk j would cause terrible storms. In wood­
with the food at related: Among the attendant flower ed districts there was calm, but now
hand, which oth girls was the small niece of the bride. that the woods are being cut down
•V -What French city la the leading
erwlse would be She loved her Aunt Frances and there are constant hard storms."
silk manufacturing Hty?
The need for protecting trees la well
thought everything she did was Just
T— What Kngllsli writer of p«»etry I
S a lm o n
S a n d
rlgbL The mlnlater had put the ques­ recognized and the French government
and romance wns also a decorative
wlchss. — C h o p tion, "Do you take this man to he your proposes to spend some money In that
artist and designer of furniture, tap- I
direction, but meantime owners of for­
one can of salmon j wedded husband?"
setrlea and type?
ests say heavy taxes oblige them to
very One, add an
" I do," said ths bride.
R WluR and when wna the flrat equal amount of mayonnaise, and three
" I do, too. Aunt Fraucey,’ piped up cut wood to get Income.
newspaper published In America?
tnbleapoohfuls of chopped capers. the small flower girl, loyally.
0 What other office doea the vice Spread bread, lay on a piece of let­
Black Bear Gett Hit
president hold hesldea the vice preal- tuce leaf and cover with the aalroon
Ju*t to Oblige
Annual “Honey Spree ”
mixture. Cover with a slice of but
A botanist bad Just discovered a new
There Is a famous black bear of
10—What la the diameter of the lered bread.
plant and asked his wife what he the Rocky mountains that comes
moon ?
Pineapple 8andwlchaa.—Take some should call It The lady was deep tn
I I — What general wna known aa finely chopped pineapple drulued from a cross word puzzle. “ Call It Sprzo- I down out of his winter hibernating
den on a "hooey spree" every spring
the Juice Spread bread with butler, j phanx." « I d she.
"Old Fuaa and Feafhera"?
when be beare the caretakers getting
lay on a leuf of lettuce, spread with
"Why on earth should 1 do that?"
12— What la rubber?
ready to open Many Glacier hotel In
mayonnaise, then sprinkle with the he asked In amazement
1$— Who ta the world’a amateur
Glacier National park tm the summer
pineapple. Cover wllh a slice of hut
skating champion.
tourists. Two years ago he went ram­
tered bread and cut Into strips.
! to flnlsh this puzzle." she replied.— pant on his annual "periodical,” broke
14— What American woman, who
Lemon Sandwich,,.— Mash the yolks
Into the hotel and smashed dishes
died 1». 1026, hnd been celebrated for of three hard-cooked eggs and mix
right and left In an eager kitchen
more than half a century for her wllh suit, cayenne and u teaspoonful
rummage for tweets. Last spring the
work In oil, wafer col ora and etching, of Ouely minced parsley, tne grated
caretaker leu a guiiou of soup ou
and who received greater honor« rind of a lemon; mix well and add
the door sill and that « t e d bruin. He
abroad than a* horn«»?
three lablespoonfuia of letnon Juice.
went back up the mountain side
Iff—What two large cities of the Spread ui*ou buttered whole wheat
• b u i
peacefully licking bis chops, and was
United States nre not located on Inv bread.
satlsfled to eat roots and herbs for
portnnt waterways?
Nut and Oats Sandwich«,—Wash
1«-- Wbat British cities are the lead­ and remove the stones from one pound
Tbe offering will become a part of
ing e'entera for the manufacture of of dales. Add an equal amount of i
the caretaker's annual expense, since
Iron and steel?
Ouely chopited walnut meals and a
It Is cheaper to end tbe “ sweet tooth"
17 What British p«»et wna drowned tublespootiful of lemon or fruit Juice ;
craving at the doorstep than have
of any kind.
while sailing near leghorn, Italy?
this audacious “ neighborhood" looter
Iff— What wna the first dally news­
run amuck within the bulldiDg.
paper In the United States?
prepared mustard, very lightly, or the j
10 What 1« the salary of the speak­
Resourceful Putty
butter and mustard may he mixed and '
er of the house of representatives?
A cat which Is at home In the res­
spread on the bread. Then lay on |
20— What la the time from new thin slices of boiled tongue and cover
idence of Louis Marshall, Manhattan,
saved Itself from starvation by sound­
moon to new moon?
with a buttered slice.
ing a burglar alarm In a neighbor’s
Watercress Sandwiches. — Remove
house where It bad gone visiting.
Answers No. 24
(he stems nod chop tine a few bunches j
Operatives answering the alarm with
t — Saeujawea.
of fresh wutercress. mix with a little j
He— I never dreamed love was like drawn revolvers found the bouse
3—The burning o f a auhatanee or | French dressing to which a bit of
boarded up, tbe family being out of
body hy llie Ihtertinl development of onion has been added. Cover .he but- this, did you?
She— No, 1 thought there were more town. They made an entrance, saw
ttred bread with the chopped water­
heat without the application of lire.
no burglars, but did bear a plaintive
theaters and randy In I t
cress and serve well chilled.
3— Welker Cochran.
feeble meowing that led them to the
Oliva Sandwiches.—I’ lt and chop
culprit As soon as tbe outer door
♦—“ Madame Butterfly."
One one large olives, add the I
Tough Luck
was opened, the cat made a hurried
S— Ninety mllea.
same am .tint of chopped nuts, mix j Jack (at resort)—1 guess fm out of
daeb to tbe Marshall house for some­
0—Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, with salad dressing and spread on I t Now that I've bought the ring she
V ltroason Aleott, l-oulue M. Alcott lull tered bread. Stuffed olives, flnely | refuses to give me her answer for ■ thing to eat
ind William Kllery Chnnulng.
minced wllh celery, make another week.
Bananas Crown in North
7—The walnut la a family of nut good olive combination.
Tom—W elt what of that?
A full bunch of bananas has been
Sorority Sandwiches. — Mix thor­
bearing trees comprising about a
Jack—Wuy, In order to stay here
loreu s|H-elea. all of which are valued oughly one-hntt cupful of Onely another week I’ll have to bock the grown successfully at a Salem (N.
J.) flower shop. The tree from
for their wood and for their sweet, chopped Canton ginger, one-half cup- ring.—Boston Transcript
which the fruit was gathered stands
ful each of stoned and chopped dates,
edible fruit.
more than ten feet In height and has
and pecan nut meats. Season with a
N— Seventieth.
His Opportunity
been maturing In a greenhouse for sev­
few grains of salt, moisten with some
» —The sun's unrfHce la 12.000 and
Visitor—1 suppose your wife lis­ eral moDths. Banana plants are also
of the ginger sirup or chopped orange
ts volume 1..100.O0O times that of the
mnrinnlnde to
the consistency to tened In when you were broadcasting. curiosities In a few private gardens
•art!». hut the mass Is only 332,000 spread on thin sllcea of brown bread, Professor fweety?
In Salem, but because of the short sea­
limes as great and Its density about spread with creamed butter or on
The Professor—She did, mi dam. son cold weather always nips the fruit
me quarter that of the earth.
before It can ripen out o f doors.
saltlnes. Serve with hot cocoa or
years I had the pleasure of addressing
Alexander Hamilton.
her without Interruption.
Many May Lose Titles
ltlrmlnghnm, Ala.
Ssatonabls Dishes.
DIehonesty among tbe nobles of
Capt. Matthew Webb In 1873.
This Is the mince pie season nnd
Try This!
Japan Is a cause of Increasing worry
IS—In 1021.
we all like to prepare the mlucemeat
Parker— I kicked my wife out of bed In the imperial household. Many
14— lternuse It has been proven that
three times last night
titled business men have beeD taking
every hninan being has a marking on I
Mi ne emeat—
Watson— Ua, ha!
That’s a good advantage of their exalted position to
the Anger tips different from any oth­
Take two pounds Jeke on you I
fleece the gullible. Tbe police have
er person on earth.
of raisins, one
Parker— No, the Joke’s on her—she been asked to assist In a sweeping In­
pound each of thought I did It In my sleep I
1 »—Ford's theater, Washington. P.
vestigation which may cause t'ae loss
currants and clt
0., during a performance of "Our |
of many titles.
I ron, one whole
American Cousin."
orange e x c e p t
Record Made by Few
17— James Juatlntah Morlnf.
Henry Kirby of Deal. England, has
same of lemon, one cupful or more
celebrated bis second silver wedding
18— From 1,000 to 2.000.
of sweet elder, one-half cupful of mo- !
anniversary. In 1871 be married Har-
10— Andrew W. Mellon of Pennsyl­ lasses, three pounds of cooked
ret Scott at Newington, and with her
chopped beef (not ground) chop|>ed
celebrated his first quarter-century of
20- 7.020.3 miles nnd the polar di­ In a wooilcn bowl with knife, one j
married life In 18116. After the death
pen ml of suet, one pound of brown
ameter 7.HD0.5 miles.
of his tirsi wife be was married to
augur, one tablespoonful of mace, the |
JesHe Elizabeth Taylor. Kirby ts
« m e of allspice, two tablespoonfuls
Texas Bandit Queen
e!ghty-three aud for 33 years has been
of cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful ot I
employed by a railroad.
Unhandicapped by Sex cloves, and one and onedialf table- |
C a b in e t
Fully twenty years before American
women besieged the White House, the
capitals and the vlllagns until they
got the vote, one American soman
considered It proper for a woman to
"Oil a man's shoes." If she could do It
She was Bells Starr, the Calamity
lane of Texas, styled by some news­
papers of the time the “ Queen of the
Belle was once asked why she, a
woman, undertook to play the part of
a man In the Slnrr coterie. She took
her pistol, pointed out a leaf on n
nearby tree and shot two holes In it
before It fell.
“ Did you ever see my husband do
that well?" she asked.
“ No."
“Then why shouldn’t I take his
place? Because I’ m « woman? That's
no argument. I f yon get a thing done,
does It matter whether you’re a
man or a woman? I've no patience
with these silly women who depend
on men for their opinions."—Kansas
(Tty Star.
Huge London Waste
The amount of waato In a larjre city
waa ahown In a recent aurvey made In
I»«ilo n . where 1.300,000 ton, of refna*
are gathered and dumped each year at
n coat of $3,300,000.
Knylnecrx told the eotinellmen thorn
hat If the waatr wire treated scion
tlflenlly about cue half the oust would
he avoided. In>|»>rtant by-product*
would he supplied, anti. If the dry ref
use wore burned, at least 332.000.0iai
m ils of electrical power could be pro
spooufuls of salt Chop apples and
turnsure twice as much apple as
meat, measure for measure.
liquid may be needed: cook until the
apples seem well done, then can for
rN -
later use. Cook over a slow Are.
stirring often.
"O f all the creatures the polar bear
Cheese Salad.—Soften a teaspoonful
of gelatin In one-half cupful of water, can stand the most cold."
“ Oh, no; the flapper can let him
adding one-half cupful o f boiling
water. Mix one-half cupful of grated keep lila fur coat aud beat blm at
cheese with one cupful of whipped that !”
cream, season wllh salt and cayenne
And Caves Out of Cavities
nnd add to the gelatin. Pour Into a
mold and cover wllh grated cheese
"Spent three hours nt the dentist's
when It begins to harden. Serve with this morning, all on account of a slight
French dressing to which onion Juice lir-'-'rfectlon In one tooth. How those
and tomato has been added or with:
iws do magnify trifles."
Blackstone Dressing. — Take four
“ Make mountains out of molur^
tahlcspoonfuls each of mayonnaise what!"
and whipped cream, two tnhlespconluls
of chill sauce nnd add a little minced
Heavy Loss
roquefoil if desired.
Mick—That's the old skinflint that
Salmon Salad.—To one and one-half swindled me out of a $30,0(0 fortune.
cupful, of salmon flaked, add one-half
Nick -How's that?
cupful of celery, two tahlcspoonfuls
Mick—Wouldn’t let me marry his
of chopped green tiepper, one small daughter.—Capper's Weekly.
onion (chopped) and a slice of pine­
apple minced. Peei two tomatoes and
His End of It
cut them Into dice, mix wllh the snlad
Player (ci mplacently)—The other
or rut Into eighths ami use ns a garnish
over the salad. Arrange on a bed ot members here seem quite proud of
lettuce and garnish after mixing well me.
Caddie (not to he outdone) —Tus.
with dressing. Pipe whipped cream
nnd roses of mayonnaise around the you alius nabs the best caddie !—
The red of the radish should not be
Thoughtful Woman
combined wllh other reds such ns of
Grocer—Canned beans er tu the
the heel or of the carrot, for there
should he a hnrmony In colors In food hulk?
Mrs. Smith—In the hulk, please. The
ns well ns In dress.
doctor told my husband he needed
bulk in his food.
Derived From Sajron
The word cluh. used to designate
n organisation, la auppnsed to be de
Ived from the Raxon cleofnn. to dl
Ide : a club being un aasoolallon the
xpenses of which are shared among
is members
A Parable
Scientists sn> that itinong mosqul
*es and other Insect pests tf ts only
io fotoni*- ’ hat attacks man and
o.tst T m *- lv nr*’h:ihly a parable
urlnnc” "• 'O’lrer
Averaging Up
Beg r* Downfall
The hlstor) «1 Individuals, as well
as of nation^ - owe tha! when the
body Is more ■
I for than the mlml
—when nohlci e-nls and nlnn are lost
In debasing m I degrading pleasures
nnd corrupth>
"in thai moment
Is to he dated i In- ' me of Imhcetlltj.—
But T
As often ns i
have siiwiltiri
nnd Flieshle
• i *1! I’ke mnlilen*
o bends -Fumi
The cluh bore »-as holding forth as
“ When I was n young man." he said.
“ I used to tulk In my sleep.”
“ And now." said the b. ight young
member, "yon sleep In your talk."
Light Lunch
"W ill there be anything else?"
"Yes. a paper weight That Iasi
sandwich blew away.”
Headaches from Slight Colds
L a x a t iv e B R O M O Q r i N I N E T a b le t s r e -
l i e v e t h e H e a d a c h e b y c u r i n g t h e C o ld .
L o o k fo r s ig n a tu r e o f E . W . G r o v e on
th e b o x .
30c.— A d v .
« Ì
M u 2 ^ D^ * S T o m o i
in d ig e s t io n
Boschee’s Syrup
h a * b e e n r e lie v in g c o u g h * d u e to c o ld *
f o r s ix ty - o n e y e a r*.
Soothes the Throat
lo o s e n s t h e p h le g m , p r o m o t e s e x p e c t o »
r a t i o n , g i v e s a g o o d n i g h t 's r e s t f r e *
f r o m c o u g h i n g . 30c a n d 90 o b o t t le s .
B u y it s t y o u r d r u g s to re . G. G. G re e n ,
In c ., W o o d b u r y , N . J.
i :
Ends pain at once /
In one minute p»in from corns is ended.
Dr. Scholl’s Zi'<o-pad3 do this safely
by removing the cease—presring s r.d
rubbing of shoes. They a r e thin, medi­
cated, antiseptic, healing. A t a ll d r u g
a n d shoe s to r e s . Cost but a tr ifle .
D XScholls
Z ,in o ~ p ad s
Put one on — the
pain is gone!
W h o o p in g
Cough Relieved
Th is dread cough Is on e o f the
m ost dangerous o f children’s
diseases. T h ere Is no cure fo r ,
w hooping cudgh. I t usually runs 1
its course, but a fe w drops o f thia I
w e ll k n o w n p h y s ic ia n 's p r e - 1
scription w ill relieve th e violent
coughing paroxym ns, and avoid
vom iting. N o danveroua "dos­
i n g " —n othin* to upset li p ie stomachs. Glessco
S f t iiS «
G lessco k a
T h # c rip p lin g an noyances • .- v i la io s .
th a t in d escrib ab le h a lf nu
h a lf p ain in t h e f e e t cuased by
j- w iu «
t o snow o r cold, quickly relies«** by C*.rb.vl
W h y su iter w h en a 5 «-*# r.; t e x
Car boil w ill taka ¿he mi^erjr
■ A
w a lk in g ?
G et a b * a t your
now. Y o u r nione«-- back i f -.->t sati r-.
S P U R L O C K -N E A L . C O , N a sh ville» Tease
* generations hair* found relief in
lng and healing to mom Wanea of
H A L L A RUCKEL. N- * .
N E R V IN T *
Nervousness &
adik fo r Sample
So There, NowI
Clerk— You say It’s not ink In the
bottle? Why, certainly it's Ink.
Shopper— Well. It says right here on
the label: “ Made by the Blank A Blank
Co.. Not Ine."
¿¿artield Tea
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stomach
and Intestinal lit
This good old-fash­
ioned herb home
remedy for consti­
pation, stomach Ills
and other derange­
ments of the sys­
tem so prevalent these days is In even
greater favor as a family medicine
•hnn In your grandmother's day.
m ade
AVOID d r « p p l n f
* * strong <i r u 1 1 i s
n s sor» from A lksti
or o t h • r irriutton.
Th» old simple remedy
that brings comforting relief
U boat.
SSc. • U * . < j j u f
Salve Hall * Sachet. New TarhOty
O il R o y a lty A crea ge. K evln -S m ib u rst flsld.
M ont.
Tertr.s 130 cash ea. $100 pur -ha^ed,
bal. 5 $14 install, p a y a b le ea. com p letio n p ro­
d u cin g w ell. A . H. C am pbell. O ilm on t, Mont.
P A R K E R ’S
Removefl [‘andruff StopftHal rFWltng
Restore« Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
60c. aud $1.00 mt U niggistn
X j >-ern. WVs Pat£ho|lte v. T
SHAMPOO-T-leal for n*s in
co n n ectio n w ith l a rk c r'a i l a i r R a eam . M ak e s th#
h a ir so ft am i flu ffy. 60 ce n ts b y m ail o r a t d ru g­
g is ts. U isc u x C h e m ical W ork s, P atch ogu et N . I ,
H A N F O R D ’S n Z f '
\ mcse Balsam of Myrrh
Try it for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, etc.
All deslrra ir t »■tboruni to refund year ■ «# »! for the
lint bottle if ao« suited.
On the days one worries, he doesn t
know why; the circumstances haven’t
Enroll any ".ime. And for literature.
j Y.M.C. A. Bltlf.
Portland, Oregon
R e s tilts w on d erfu l nnd so re . «>ne com plete b ox
o t Krenioias -k in b le ach w ill vou*it.«.-e th# u...h i
sk e p tic a l. A ls o cu re s e c s s w a . P ric e I I . » . A sk
y o n r d e ale r. B e a u t r B tiok let F re e . Ib \ C. I L
B e r r y C o., Dept. B , $975 M ichigan A r e .. Chicago
W. N. U„ PORTLAND, NO. 51-1927.
Check up thiDkiug by doing.
Cuticura Preparations
for All the Family
For generations Cuticura Soap and Oint­
ment have afforded the purest, sweetest and
most satisfactory method of ptomoting and
maintaining a healthy condition of skin
and scalp. Tender-faced men find the
freely-lathering Cuticura Shaving Stick s
necessity. Cuticura Talcum is an ideal
powder, cooling and refreshing.
Soap 25c. Ointmciit 25 grid 60c. Tulcnm 25c. Sold cwry*
• M r * . Sample c«rh free. Address i ‘ OuMcUT» Labor»-
burin*. OiWM, Mold«. M us '
g g r Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c.