The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, September 29, 1927, Image 2

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Legionnaire» Begin to Arrive in France
I'r R o n a ld
<»gl»t. un«1*rtaW** »0 w l v « th*
m> s t e r y o f \ h * m « r d » r o f a ra-
f l u « » , llt>nry M.-rurtn
Th«* d * « 4
** U'. » p a p e r » r « v » » l th at h# hud
b«'«*n in N.*w / . » a l a n d w h » r » M>"
Altat ar h a d U v c d In hla y o u t h
W i l l l U t v » j r taatlftea l o * » » l n * a
w o m a n In a s r » » n c l o a k at the
M o r a a n h o m e the n i g h t o f the
m u r .t e r
iw tor
M cA lister
a a k e d te ace a v o u n g w o m a n p a -
11vn« In a h o s p i t a l
In h e r d e ­
l ir i u m » h e m u t t e r s In a »trang««
lan itu a«* w h ic h on ly M cA lister
und erwtanda.
H e au ap +ct a » h e
m a y know s o m e t h i n * o f t he m u r ­
A c a r e f u l l y h i d d e n m a p is
d i s c o v e r e d h> M c A l i s t e r a n d As­
sistant D istrict A t t o r n e y Ash ton
In M o r g a n s ho m e .
W h U e they
are s e a r c h ln * a y o u n g w o m a n
e n t e r s t h e h o u s e In t he d a r k n e s s
and escapes, leavin g behind a
green cloa k
The n am e o f Jane
1 ' e rk ln * . a h o u s e m a i d . Is b r o u g h t
i n t o t he c a s e amt M c A l i s t e r b e ­
lieves he has a c l u e
Queition» No. 13
1— W hat crew m , th* llarvarvPVat*
tw » m il« rowing race lo lwa»T
Already he wa« struggling Into hts
overcoat. 2 turned lo go to ihe i>in»r
room for mine, when he calletl me
back an«l sent me to the telephone.
"I think we had better have a text*'
he said, "It’ ll save some precious time
ami will enable us to take som e o f our
traps up to the hotel with u i ‘*
‘T r a p s ? ’ I inquired. “ Som e o f our
instruments, do you m ean?"
He nodded. T h e chronograph and
telep h on e«.' he said. " I fancy they'll
be all we'll need for any real test
we shall want to make, but It will be
well to take so nethIng else fo r the
purp«««e o f diffusing attention. Here.
this p iece o f heavy artillery will Just
serve the purpose. It's rather cum ­
bersom e, but that m akes It all the
The Instrument he indicated was
one I had never neen before. It hav
Ing cotue It. only that day from the
model maker«.
The d octor was al­
ways demising nvw Instruments o f one
sort or another. This one looked in
tercet lug. and I should have quee
Honed him about It had not my mind
been so full o f other things.
"Y ou 'd better telephone at on ce," he
concluded. “ If this »leet storm keeps
u p the w ires are likely to be down
before night "
Roth o f us, I think, w ould have
been a little surprised if we could
have known how true that prediction
was and how vitally it was going 1«*
concern u i
You are going to make tom e *est«
ip> In our rooms In The M eredith?" 1
WNV »*r*»"*
Cop> 1 igat, u i«
-V ita l >latM »«T a originally eel
m il. «Ht ti, the («panlsh?
.H " lin t army m ugvfit became sec
rotary o f w ar; lo »h .xw ca b in et!
who had Identified the cloak, was. per
4 llow «loo, th* iH'nfh gft It* «»tell
hapa, a myth altogether. | could tmag
» 1 to » deep I» tlif U«H'|H<«t part ol
Ine w hoever played the part laughing,
the « .» m it
as she walked away with that cloak
» " h u t wa* th , origin In tha thra
over her arm. and picturing the effect
tor or th* Autor place riot, » h lf h r o
upon all o f u« when we should learn
■ultfil In tho ilfalh o f .M p eop le; in
the addreas she had given.
what «'Ity unit what year .11.1 It o ccu r!
Rut to the district attorney the situ
a tie s hud a very different look. He
> T— " h e r e 1« thf group or Island*
had no doubt at a ll— and on second
| which la if«« anaulnufrgvtl porthm ol
(bought I could not blame h im —that
' a nioumaln a jai'-u iî
we o u o e lv e a were the «'enter o f a plot
» " h u t grvut American novfllal ho
J to make him lo o t ridiculous.
j cam e u pormuuviii resident o f Kng
I got the shtvk o f another surprise
when i turned to look at D octor Mc­
U W ho aatd, whon ho heard o f th«
instead o f the Indignant re­
battle o f Hunker h II: "T h * líben le* of
buke which l expected hint to mete out
th* country uro *ar«i!"T
to the young man who had Just ac­
UW A r f «H.iimion « l . f k i o f corpora
cused him, he spoke very quietly and
tlona oror re. W in . -t ?
with a mocking twinkle in hts eye.
)1 " h u t novelist 1« conahlfrvtl I hr
"Y ou can't expect me to pas» my
fcnm h’ r o f tha American uciiool ol
opinion on a Joke, Ashton, until I
llora nra some o f the first member» o f the AtucrloNtt I.egl.u to a r r i* «
real lain 1
hear It," he said.
em piuti ns they »luko«I their th in ! In Cherbourg, where they lamlotl. At
"T ou know altogether too much
>2— W ho wa* Ih f Ira.ltng pitcher lu
Salvation army, the original "doughnut girl," who already ha» g« m* aero»«
about It already.** said the attorney
tha American league In 1 ICtl?
hoy» om*e nutra,
hotly, “ This precious Jane lV rklns o f
13— W hal aro -fighting lt»ITl
yours answers my advertisement for
1 4 - What waa (ho “ 1'lylng t'utoh
the cloak which you turned over to
• ian '1
She Identifies It. beyond any
IV -W h o iwtenleu (ho firal rovolror.
doubt, as anyone whom you had In­
and w hen?
structed In advance w ould be b b le to
do— Identifies It down to a missing
HI " I hhi was (he I'anatna canal
openinl T
button and a patch in the lining How
far back ttoet the Joke go? Did you
IT— What genln* o f the Itenalaeanoe
find the cloak as you pretended you
w »» painter, arnlpiur. »r.‘hlle«-l, arle»
H it In Oak Ridge, near the Morgan
ti«t, engineer. iue.hanlclan and inu
house, or was the finding o f It part naked.
alelan ?
o f the gam e?"
“ I Im agine." he said sober»y. though
!$ — W h e t, are .Ituated Ihe Ihon
hla eyee spark ted with excitem ent a«
A little gesture o f rebuke and pro
aainl.« o f email takee form ed by Ihe
test from the d octor checked him very he spoke. “ I imagine that our rooms loiurendan glacier*
will be about the only place where w»
I » —W ho «a id : ‘ me die In my
"N o, I withdraw that." ho said will be secure from Interruption.
old Amerltwn uniform. In which I
'T h a t was an unwarranted thing to could see II In Anhton'a eye that h .
m.'Ktu hii5 ln.-«H and I'm pretty «tir.- '"U ghi my b a u le»
( « mí forgive me
say. I believe that up to this m om
having put on any other'**
Ing. when you declared war upon me. that If we attem pted to com e hack for " »
y.»u thought thst hy natruettng the here after dinner and bring anybody j 20—W hat are the thr««e leading
wom an to give my oc.w .letcetlve my ! * uh «* " ur >**«•*' P "rIJ would sustain »*>urtwa ..f national Incorna o f >h*
ow n address as hers y«vu were g iv in g 1 * ru'**‘ Interruption.”
lu lle d StatesT
me a fa ir chance to «leteet Ihe fraud,
An ,h ' while he spoke, he wa.v busy
It w ould he. I suppose. If this w ere r u h e rin g things together, and as s««*n I
a gam e o f c h m
Hut this Is serlou« as I had tint.shed tvlc|dnU2lt)g. 1 helped (
A m u e r § N o . 11
him. Haste spoke In every movement j
1—<*»pt. Hoòert d ra y, lTUi
"W e realize that as well as you he made, anti It was not long hefur** |
2 - T h n , ; lla r r taon, Taylor, Han»
d«N" I startetl to say. but my ch ief 1 was thoroughly Infected w ith his ;
excitem ent, although I had only n j In*.
interrupted me.
vague bles what It was »II about.
3— »Manta.
“ I'a n 't you |>'netrate our fraud a
Not until we wee«» seated In the esh ‘
4— Tir* ability or capacity to par
little further?* he askeil. and his
with a suitcase full o f Instruments at 1 form work.
tone now was openly derisive. -D oes
our feet. dt«l he say anything th-H
It o c c u r to you that Phelps here, with
3— C.rvat Heart clear*«» tba bar at
tende«! to clear o p any part o f th*/ '
the addition o f a skirt and a shawl,
8 f*w*t «4 Inch.
might not be a sufficiently plausible
ft-A n to n in Dvorak, tn hla “ N*w
“ It w h s a great piece o f luck." he :
Som e o f the many thousand« o f H art» Yansettl sym pathiser» and
Jane Perkins to deceive the astute
W ort it” aytuphooy.
observed then, "w e were able to sen.I
tn the funeral p r o c m ln a to the Foresi Hill crem atory, Bo»toii,
gentleman you left In charge?"
Ashton away In such « rsge. It won t l
7— Tha Nila.
T here was a little pause there, for
oecnr to him for som e time, to begin j
» — “ K nilyiuloo" by John K m ta
Ashton was too angry to answer.
making Inquiries about Tne M eredith." j
ft- John Sherman.
T he d octor’s manner changed js he
"Y ou m ean." I exclaim ed, that the
went on. "W h at Phelps says Is true. addrv«* fou r—«ev en —O W oodland ave­
10-— In A m erica yea; tn E n fia m i n«i
W e realise better than you do. I think, nue w h s given in fo o d fit ih. by a real
I t M ajor 1‘ ttcatrn. twfora tha bat
what Is at stake here. W e’re not try­ Jane lV r k ln s who Is actually em
tie o f L r i l u f t i a
ing to thwart Justice In the long run
ployed "th e re r*
T h* I’ nltcd S tatra
W-* « r , «r u c k in g tk t, prvg,l*m m o o r
,,nly 1>urt— , nd p,M m, f0 w , „
13— T h* aver*** human hM rt w ,l* b «
own way. after giving you fair warn
and se e ; but the Inflection o f his voice
W e refused to guarantee that and the eager expectancy In hts eyes nln* and on«-half ou n ce*
our way would not conflict with yours, made It clear that that was what he
14— An ln«trum*nt for datartlng th*
proacnc* o f an alactrtc currant o«
and we told you. In so many words, did believe.
mcaaurtng It* atreogth.
that you'd do well to keep an e je on
“ Rut," I protected, "even If it were
Y ou’ ve the law on y«»ur side.
I J - N r * Turk. New J*ra*y
possible to Imagine Jane Perkins a<
Y ou’ ve all th ejs> w er o f the state at­
1ft— T h r r » :
Lincoln. Garflcld, hie
having any possible connection with
torney’s office, whereas we have no
the «'rime. It Is Inconceivable that she Klnlay.
standing at all. If you think w e've
would go and risk answering the ad
got the cloak, search u s ; search the
verttsement In order to reclaim the
Iludaon hay.
laboratory. W here will you begin?"
cloak and then give her own address."
lft— "T L c Faery Q u**nr."
Still too angry to make any reply,
He vouchsafed n«» w ord o f explana
Ashton strode out o f the room, not ac­
2t>—T he flre .lay week.
tlontion o r argument, but I could see
tually slamming the door after him.
that my objection had not shaken him ¡
but shutting It decisively enough to
in th<* i«‘«»t. s... p »rf r rf, i wr,tt*<! N o n t h r i n h a b l e W o o l
suggest that he felt like slamming It.
with what patience 1 o u l d aaauma to
and the next moment we heard his
Supplied by Ovibo*
are what would happen when w* ■
m otor chugging away down the avenue.
T he
m u sk ox — scientifically,
reached T he Meredith.
T he d octor hurried to the window
T he d octor turned over our hag to ovibo*— I* one o f the Interacting an
and looked out after him. Presently
a hallhoy. with Inatructlona that It h* Imala o f the A rctic region. It la som a
he turned toward me with i\ long
I taken to our apartment. Then he led ! thing like a cow and som ething Ilk*
breath o f relief.
the way atralght tow ard the dining a sheep, but la not a croea, though the
"W e ’re ail right so fa r." he . aid
room. It waa tiarely «lx o ’clock, a fun name, uvtbos. means a sheep tow . It
T i e 's g«»ne straight on without turn­
hour earlier than we aaually dtned. svH-ma to he a relic o f an animal that
ing the corner
He Isn't going back
live«] In the Stone age, when the hairy
! and the room waa almoat em pty.
to T he Meredith Just yet. Come along
"It won't entirely d ia toiy your aje rhinoceros and tha mammoth were
We'U have no time to lose even os It
petite to alt down to dinner tn tweede, comm on, writes the travel editor of
is. Ashton will have cooled down by
the Pathfinder Magaslna. It feeds on
dinner time, and when he's cool will It?" he aaked. “ We really haven t ; grass herb«, moss and tha shoots of
time fo r frlTo||t|oa o f that aort th**
enough to let his mind begin working
t'twHL Not only Is Its meat vary good
again, h e ll becom e dangerous."
to eat and tha hide good fo r leather,
A fter onr conversation with Ashton
In the m orning which had terminated
with g practical declaration o f war.
00 o o r part, upon him. hit visit to
our laboratory took us rather by su r
prise. I think, perhaps that he Intend
<*d It that way. and that there may
have been lurking In the bottom o f
bis mind the idea that by com ing upon
us in that unexpected way. he might
surprise som e secret we w ere holding
back from him.
"W e ll.“ he said cheerfully In an-
to our greeting. T Just met H ar­
vey com ing away from here In M allo­
ry*» eoavoy. | suppose with such an
array o f instruments as this,” he
waved h!s hand to lnclu«le pretty
much everything In the isxom, “ you've
•tbH'eedei! In getting the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth
out o f him. How about It? Is he In­
nocent o r g u ilty ?"
His m ockery was p erfectly ro«*l-
natured. but the depth o f his skep
tlcisrn made ft possible for D octor Mc­
Alister to be perfectly frank with him.
-H e Is Innocent." said he. “ He had
no m ore connection with the Oak
Ridge murder than you had."
“ He says so himself. I presum e." ob­
served Ashton.
"E x a ctly ." replied the doctor.
The telephone bell rang Just then
and I answered it. I heard a voice
from som ewhere Inquiring If this was
D octor M cAlister's laboratory, and on
my answering in the affirmative, the
voice asked if Mr. Ashton had arrived
"H e's here now ." I said. “ D o y«>u
want to ?a!k with him ?"
Then I turned away and called Ash­
ton to rbe phone As he started acrogs
the room my ch ie f spoke fo him.
"I see an evening paper sticking out
o f your pocket." said he.
“ Let me
have a lo«*k. will you. w hile you are
at the telephone?"
Ashton handed It to him, then
crossed the room and picked up the
The d«x*tor beckoned to me. F or
Ihe moment h* seemed very little con­
cerned with the news, fo r he turned
the front p»*** rapidly, until he came
to the loat and found section in the
classified advertising. Once there, his
eye pounced, like a hawk, upon the
Item he wanted. His l.*ng bony finger
pointed It out to roe:
"Found— A green ••♦oak. Owner can
have same by Identifying and paying
cost o f this Insertion."
“ I w onder If that bait has brought
any nibbles this afternoon," the doc­
tor whispered.
Then, before I could reply, he
gripped my arm tightly, and nod«led
toward Ashton.
"A woman, you say" . . .
I heard
him exclaim with every appearance
o f excitem ent. . . .
•Did «he Identify I t r . . .
“ W hat »•-art * w ^ a n ?
unusual about her?"
There was a little silence while he
listened fo r the description. Then In
X »I
an incredulous tone we hear»! him ex
c la im :
"An English housem aid! And she
gave her name as Jane Perkins* Did
«he Identify the cloak beyond a | A ccon lln g to Dr. liana Sacha o f
Hertln, one o f Germ any'» moat em i­
nent dentlat* tha Jolta o f life and
w orrte, L-*aen teeth and are the real
"W h at address did she give?*
cauae o f pyorrhea. Keep your «out la
anug com fort and harm ooy. he aava,
“ W hat's
Three— «even—
W oodlan d! W hy you idiot, that's my 1 and your teeth will be free o f the
D octor
own address!
That's T he Meredith. nn*dem plague o f pyorrhea.
Aud you let her walk off with that ; Sacba haa devoted the laat ten year»
cl«»ak *wer her arm after she hud . to the »tudy o f the Influence o f psy­
chological factor» on teeth, n y s the
given you that a d d ress’"
He believe*
H e w aited fo r no answer, replaced Pathfinder M agazine
the receiver on the hook, with a Jerk, that pyorrhea develop# most easily in
and wh.ried around upon ua, his face teeth affected by tartar.
"I have Mtahliahed th n n g h a «ertee
red with anger.
“ Gentlemen, don't you think you o f test» that under »train o f emotion
have carried this Joke a little too ! and w orries tartar aetttes on teeth
much m«>re rapidly than under normal
fa * ?" he demanded.
I suppose the unwarranted accusa­ condition ." he «-talma. "A n oth er cause
tion roignt have ma<ie me angry If I for pyorrhea 1» m ash in g o f teeth, es­
bad had leisure to in«lulge in such pecially when asleep. Psychoanalysts
an em otion. Hut ail my other feelings j know that m ash in g o f the teeth Is
were «wallow ed up in ast«»nisbroent. ! only a reaction o f the suhcon»«-lo«i»
That one ad«1ltlona! detail supplied by mind trying to free Itself o f burden
A sh to n s conversation over the tele-1 anme Impressions o f dally life. f*on-
phone v'ret* bed an already . hardiy 1 aefiuenf|y, .here trvh 1« * payehfe. «sv«T
credible coin«*!tlence to the breaking I leading to pyorrhea. Most pyorrhea
1-oiiit. Jane I’erk'n« not only had a
green cloak with a high collar, but !
she had lost i t ; and seeing It adver- I
" T h e M ar^eillai»e,,
fined as found, had prom ptly gone nnd
"T h e M arseillaise" has been the
Identified It. and had gone away with French national anthem fo r over Hk>
It over her am i. Rot tKe address— • years, sine* the Mme o f the Fren«-h
well. I admitted to myself, that re- j revolution.
In April. 1732. when a
duevd tbe wh»»le thing to a farce.
<H>lumn o f volunte«>rs was »b o o t to
F or a moment all my belief in D oc­ leave Strasshurr. the m ayor o f the
tor M cA lister's theory, in the validity ! city gave a banquet on the orematon
o f the ».*«t w** had perform ed upon and Invited an «•Ulcer o f artillery, R ou­
ll a n e y , in every scientific law I had * get de U ste, to com r e e a aong In
felt «ur* «t o f ten minutes ago. tot­ their h»n«>r He w r ite the w on t, dur­
tered on its foundation.
Home one.
ing (he night, «.«¡spring the mmdc
»• «mewhere. In placid security from our from an oratorio, and Ihe song was
suspicion*, and fr»mi the possibility sung with enthusiasm the follow ing
o f our detection was directing this day T h e Army o f the North took up
ghastly farce and wa« perm ltflug him
the song, which was Introduced to
•elf to laugh at u« That girl In the Psrts hy the M arseillaise hnttallon and
hospital had been sham m ing; Harvey becam e know n aa the hymn o f tbe
had been sham m ing; Jane Perkins. M arseillais».
tn France for Ihe contention, phot
the loft I« Capi. H elm I'urtlaiice o f II
to UUtrlhute U«>ughnuta to thg dougl
Fimeral of Sacco and Vanzetti in Boston
W. K . Vanderbilt and His New Wife
mon ruera follow ing
<>•*• year ago Merrill \ Reagì» u|
Roarti, u»f, ^ n , waa taking a radio
course when he had ht» neck broken
la an autom obile tuishnp III» neck
w a« ftrat enr«»«*d In a planter ca»t,
and now Is In a stcol and leather Ixnly
hraor, which he has worn w h ll« n»m-
plot Ing hla radio course. Ho has Just
t>ecn licensed hy the goveruimMit i • •
finit dna» radio «q»«>rntor.
r o v r is r iD >
« I « I 4 I 4 I 4 I4 1 4 I 4 I 4 I 4I4 X 4 X 4 1 4
Broken Heart Cause of Pyorrhea Attack«
patients belong to the depressive
type discovered hy Freud. T ike the
depression aw ay and the pyorrhea will
Improve. It may sound f<*oll»h to Isy
men, but there Is no doubt that a
broken heart may cause pyorrhea and
the subsequent loss o f teeth."
Deio'.att by Wind»
There II«*» between Formnae and tha
coaat o f China a group o f 21 Islands.
Interspersed with Innumerable reefs
snd ledges, which are called the P ea
«•adores Islands. A ccording to the in­
vestigations ot certain geologists these
Islands have suffered In a remarkable
manner from the northeast winds,
which Mow With violence there daring
nine months o f the y esr T he ortgtnnl
area o f tbe Island« haa been rréatly
redm-ed by »r. alni.. and th .lr surfaces
•re t«arrv*n and dewrda*-, so that the
wind whipped group form s a quaal-
de-ert amid the green Island world o f
Southeastern Asia.
but Ihe wool from Its coat la softer
than cashmere and It haa tha advan
tag# over all other w ool that It will
not shrink. One can smell the ovtboa
when It Is still a quarter o f a mile
away, and this gives It Its popular
name o f m u.k ox. Hut the tu u .^
smell does not lalut tha meat If the
butchering la carefully done.
Stopped Traffic for Duck
W illiam K. Vanderbilt nnd Mrs. Rosamond W arburton, win* w ere nmrrl«*«l
In Pari». T he groom '» applh'atlon to dl«|M»nw* with the tru day»' noth'«
drtnunded by the French law w a« denied hy the authorltlca.
A t the British War Maneuvers
Traffic on a busy main road near
Bourne, England, waa held op for ten
minutes while a duck laid an egg. A
policem an had halted autom obiles
when Ihe duck started to waddle
•croea tha road.
H alfw ay over she
sat down. A fter ah* had laid th# egg
she continued her Journey. T he egg
was salvaged and tbe procMaloD of
baited cars pm n
Milk Without Cream
A row that pnaaeaeed "a perfectly
a<U<»*ted seg.ara«.^' haa been reports)
by a corresp-.n«lent to the Sydney Ftul
levin. "She gave a lot o f milk and lier
calves w ere the fattest and biggest In
the herd, hut for household purposes
her milk waa uaeleaa,” according to
the toffMftMAüh *V
Origin of “ Hor»e-Kadi»hn
In the names o f plants and fruits
the word "horae" la frequently used
to denote a large, strong or coarse va­
F or Instance horse beans sre
a o a r s e variety o f com m on beans
n«e<! In f«*e«llng horses and cattle. It
is supposed that the word was orig ­
inally used In “ horse-radish" for the
same purpoae; namely, to Indicate
what v/. s regarded as a coarse kind
o f ra .i' .*«.
he run tlimugh a separator without a
drop o f cream a|>peartng rilher In the
dish or In tha Interior o f the machine.
Hy no method o f milking could she be
enticed to give sny cream .”
Acm e of Accuracy
T esting lamps and radio tube* be
fore they go out to he »old la a dell
rate art. A de* leu has now been per
fected that «let*« ta a variation o f on *
thousandth o f a millionth <it an am
Cood Medicine
A doc*or and a Juris« both desdara
that a new bat Is a splendid tonic for
the average wom an
Kather tough,
Though. If the lady wishes her p.nlr
I r fo r e every meal. The trouble Is
Hint she has to shake the huahi t t
before taking.
Hrltnlti'a new wnr machine. Ihe m echanised forre, had Ila first Im e» al ve
field tra ilin g on Salisbury plain rre«-iilly. Photograph shows gas masked
members <-f the Infantry passing through Ihe gas area.
Brig. G e ». Frank R. M iC oy, ap.
ladniril hy President Coolliign iu
*U|«ervlse the Nlcnrnguan elections In
•928, has arrived In Mnnngun. M eara-
gna. Where he waa p r e w n ic l in Prra.
hlem I Hat hy f'h a rlra f , Elx-rhardl,
Ihe American minister.
Higher! of Reward a
An opportunity to work and serve
and laugh and love and be lov t Is a
rolden reward In lfe e .f and n.vkes
oth«r rew anls s u p e r flu o u s .L u t i.e r
IVImletitn was first u»e«l as me«ll
rlne hy the Gr«*«k phlhisopher lle-, alHviit 4S« II.
T he thiit« heil «village o f Irnnk W al­
ton. famous KrvrnlionMi century fish
arman« III ;UafT«*ril-hlre, has hurn«’«l
Anioni» ’ ll# stop sluns In A m Ar­
ie r , Ml« h „ now nre nuuk.,1 with fig
u n s lellliig (he fine for vlolullng ihe
T he gainhiisla. an American fish. Is
being iis«v| to d««stroy the larvae o f
mosquitoes In Ink«-» and p«in<ls In
Spain. Italy, Germany, Kiissln nnl
T o protei-t him self against plck-
poeknts while traveling In Poland.
T. t'. Augustine, o f HI. J..seph, Mo.,
sew id fl. h hooks In hla p»«krta, and
he cancfil |w.i plskporkels In Warsuw
In till» mnmier, he says.
F o u n d e d b y C o lu m b u »
The tirsi European city In Ihe New
» o r b i, named tsalmlla, was foiimled hy
Christopher Colum bus In December,
Ulgl, <ui ihe nortliern shore o f Haiti,
ala'iit 2.« mill’s west o f the present
town o f Pnecto Plata.
How About I t?
“ W * are not what we think we a r e ;
we are what we think.” |>lillo«<phl>eu
an exchange.
Why. If we are what
» • think, what we ihtnk » • are we
are, are we not —o r are w e t