THE TR I Ml'N E, T l ’RNFR, ORECiON Legionnaire» Begin to Arrive in France GREEN CLOAK By Y O R K E D A V IS S T 0 1 Y FRCM T H I ST ART I'r R o n a ld psvchol* <»gl»t. un«1*rtaW** »0 w l v « th* m> s t e r y o f \ h * m « r d » r o f a ra- f l u « » , llt>nry M.-rurtn Th«* d * « 4 ** U'. » p a p e r » r « v » » l th at h# hud b«'«*n in N.*w / . » a l a n d w h » r » M>" Altat ar h a d U v c d In hla y o u t h W i l l l U t v » j r taatlftea l o * » » l n * a w o m a n In a s r » » n c l o a k at the M o r a a n h o m e the n i g h t o f the m u r .t e r iw tor M cA lister la a a k e d te ace a v o u n g w o m a n p a - 11vn« In a h o s p i t a l In h e r d e ­ l ir i u m » h e m u t t e r s In a »trang«« lan itu a«* w h ic h on ly M cA lister und erwtanda. H e au ap +ct a » h e m a y know s o m e t h i n * o f t he m u r ­ der A c a r e f u l l y h i d d e n m a p is d i s c o v e r e d h> M c A l i s t e r a n d As­ sistant D istrict A t t o r n e y Ash ton In M o r g a n s ho m e . W h U e they are s e a r c h ln * a y o u n g w o m a n e n t e r s t h e h o u s e In t he d a r k n e s s and escapes, leavin g behind a green cloa k The n am e o f Jane 1 ' e rk ln * . a h o u s e m a i d . Is b r o u g h t i n t o t he c a s e amt M c A l i s t e r b e ­ lieves he has a c l u e CHAPTER VI Queition» No. 13 1— W hat crew m , th* llarvarvPVat* tw » m il« rowing race lo lwa»T Already he wa« struggling Into hts overcoat. 2 turned lo go to ihe i>in»r room for mine, when he calletl me back an«l sent me to the telephone. "I think we had better have a text*' he said, "It’ ll save some precious time ami will enable us to take som e o f our traps up to the hotel with u i ‘* ‘T r a p s ? ’ I inquired. “ Som e o f our instruments, do you m ean?" He nodded. T h e chronograph and telep h on e«.' he said. " I fancy they'll be all we'll need for any real test we shall want to make, but It will be well to take so nethIng else fo r the purp«««e o f diffusing attention. Here. this p iece o f heavy artillery will Just serve the purpose. It's rather cum ­ bersom e, but that m akes It all the better." The Instrument he indicated was one I had never neen before. It hav Ing cotue It. only that day from the model maker«. The d octor was al­ ways demising nvw Instruments o f one sort or another. This one looked in tercet lug. and I should have quee Honed him about It had not my mind been so full o f other things. "Y ou 'd better telephone at on ce," he concluded. “ If this »leet storm keeps u p the w ires are likely to be down before night " Roth o f us, I think, w ould have been a little surprised if we could have known how true that prediction was and how vitally it was going 1«* concern u i You are going to make tom e *est« ip> In our rooms In The M eredith?" 1 WNV »*r*»"* Cop> 1 igat, u i« -V ita l >latM »«T a originally eel m il. «Ht ti, the («panlsh? .H " lin t army m ugvfit became sec rotary o f w ar; lo »h .xw ca b in et! who had Identified the cloak, was. per 4 llow «loo, th* iH'nfh gft It* «»tell hapa, a myth altogether. | could tmag » 1 to » deep I» tlif U«H'|H<«t part ol Ine w hoever played the part laughing, the « .» m it as she walked away with that cloak » " h u t wa* th , origin In tha thra over her arm. and picturing the effect tor or th* Autor place riot, » h lf h r o upon all o f u« when we should learn ■ultfil In tho ilfalh o f .M p eop le; in the addreas she had given. I what «'Ity unit what year .11.1 It o ccu r! Rut to the district attorney the situ a tie s hud a very different look. He > T— " h e r e 1« thf group or Island* had no doubt at a ll— and on second | which la if«« anaulnufrgvtl porthm ol (bought I could not blame h im —that ' a nioumaln a jai'-u iî we o u o e lv e a were the «'enter o f a plot I » " h u t grvut American novfllal ho J to make him lo o t ridiculous. j cam e u pormuuviii resident o f Kng I got the shtvk o f another surprise luiulT when i turned to look at D octor Mc­ U W ho aatd, whon ho heard o f th« Alister instead o f the Indignant re­ battle o f Hunker h II: "T h * líben le* of buke which l expected hint to mete out th* country uro *ar«i!"T to the young man who had Just ac­ UW A r f «H.iimion « l . f k i o f corpora cused him, he spoke very quietly and tlona oror re. W in . -t ? with a mocking twinkle in hts eye. )1 " h u t novelist 1« conahlfrvtl I hr "Y ou can't expect me to pas» my fcnm h’ r o f tha American uciiool ol opinion on a Joke, Ashton, until I llora nra some o f the first member» o f the AtucrloNtt I.egl.u to a r r i* « real lain 1 hear It," he said. em piuti ns they »luko«I their th in ! In Cherbourg, where they lamlotl. At "T ou know altogether too much >2— W ho wa* Ih f Ira.ltng pitcher lu Salvation army, the original "doughnut girl," who already ha» g« m* aero»« about It already.** said the attorney tha American league In 1 ICtl? hoy» om*e nutra, hotly, “ This precious Jane lV rklns o f 13— W hal aro -fighting lt»ITl yours answers my advertisement for 1 4 - What waa (ho “ 1'lylng t'utoh the cloak which you turned over to • ian '1 me. She Identifies It. beyond any IV -W h o iwtenleu (ho firal rovolror. doubt, as anyone whom you had In­ and w hen? structed In advance w ould be b b le to do— Identifies It down to a missing HI " I hhi was (he I'anatna canal openinl T button and a patch in the lining How far back ttoet the Joke go? Did you IT— What genln* o f the Itenalaeanoe find the cloak as you pretended you w »» painter, arnlpiur. »r.‘hlle«-l, arle» H it In Oak Ridge, near the Morgan ti«t, engineer. iue.hanlclan and inu house, or was the finding o f It part naked. alelan ? o f the gam e?" “ I Im agine." he said sober»y. though !$ — W h e t, are .Ituated Ihe Ihon hla eyee spark ted with excitem ent a« A little gesture o f rebuke and pro aainl.« o f email takee form ed by Ihe test from the d octor checked him very he spoke. “ I imagine that our rooms loiurendan glacier* will be about the only place where w» abruptly. I » —W ho «a id : ‘ me die In my I "N o, I withdraw that." ho said will be secure from Interruption. old Amerltwn uniform. In which I 'T h a t was an unwarranted thing to could see II In Anhton'a eye that h . m.'Ktu hii5 ln.-«H and I'm pretty «tir.- '"U ghi my b a u le» ( « mí forgive me say. I believe that up to this m om having put on any other'** Ing. when you declared war upon me. that If we attem pted to com e hack for " » y.»u thought thst hy natruettng the here after dinner and bring anybody j 20—W hat are the thr««e leading wom an to give my oc.w .letcetlve my ! * uh «* " ur >**«•*' P "rIJ would sustain »*>urtwa ..f national Incorna o f >h* ow n address as hers y«vu were g iv in g 1 * ru'**‘ Interruption.” lu lle d StatesT me a fa ir chance to «leteet Ihe fraud, An ,h ' while he spoke, he wa.v busy It w ould he. I suppose. If this w ere r u h e rin g things together, and as s««*n I a gam e o f c h m Hut this Is serlou« as I had tint.shed tvlc|dnU2lt)g. 1 helped ( A m u e r § N o . 11 him. Haste spoke In every movement j bustne««." 1—<*»pt. Hoòert d ra y, lTUi "W e realize that as well as you he made, anti It was not long hefur** | 2 - T h n , ; lla r r taon, Taylor, Han» d«N" I startetl to say. but my ch ief 1 was thoroughly Infected w ith his ; excitem ent, although I had only n j In*. interrupted me. vague bles what It was »II about. 3— »Manta. “ I'a n 't you |>'netrate our fraud a Not until we wee«» seated In the esh ‘ 4— Tir* ability or capacity to par little further?* he askeil. and his with a suitcase full o f Instruments at 1 form work. tone now was openly derisive. -D oes our feet. dt«l he say anything th-H It o c c u r to you that Phelps here, with 3— C.rvat Heart clear*«» tba bar at tende«! to clear o p any part o f th*/ ' the addition o f a skirt and a shawl, 8 f*w*t «4 Inch. mystery. might not be a sufficiently plausible ft-A n to n in Dvorak, tn hla “ N*w “ It w h s a great piece o f luck." he : Som e o f the many thousand« o f H art» Yansettl sym pathiser» and Jane Perkins to deceive the astute W ort it” aytuphooy. observed then, "w e were able to sen.I tn the funeral p r o c m ln a to the Foresi Hill crem atory, Bo»toii, gentleman you left In charge?" Ashton away In such « rsge. It won t l 7— Tha Nila. T here was a little pause there, for oecnr to him for som e time, to begin j » — “ K nilyiuloo" by John K m ta Ashton was too angry to answer. making Inquiries about Tne M eredith." j ft- John Sherman. T he d octor’s manner changed js he "Y ou m ean." I exclaim ed, that the went on. "W h at Phelps says Is true. addrv«* fou r—«ev en —O W oodland ave­ 10-— In A m erica yea; tn E n fia m i n«i W e realise better than you do. I think, nue w h s given in fo o d fit ih. by a real I t M ajor 1‘ ttcatrn. twfora tha bat what Is at stake here. W e’re not try­ Jane lV r k ln s who Is actually em tie o f L r i l u f t i a ing to thwart Justice In the long run ployed "th e re r* 12— T h* I’ nltcd S tatra W-* « r , «r u c k in g tk t, prvg,l*m m o o r ,,nly 1>urt— , nd p,M m, f0 w , „ 13— T h* aver*** human hM rt w ,l* b « own way. after giving you fair warn and se e ; but the Inflection o f his voice Ing. W e refused to guarantee that and the eager expectancy In hts eyes nln* and on«-half ou n ce* our way would not conflict with yours, made It clear that that was what he 14— An ln«trum*nt for datartlng th* proacnc* o f an alactrtc currant o« and we told you. In so many words, did believe. mcaaurtng It* atreogth. that you'd do well to keep an e je on “ Rut," I protected, "even If it were us. Y ou’ ve the law on y«»ur side. I J - N r * Turk. New J*ra*y possible to Imagine Jane Perkins a< Y ou’ ve all th ejs> w er o f the state at­ 1ft— T h r r » : Lincoln. Garflcld, hie having any possible connection with torney’s office, whereas we have no the «'rime. It Is Inconceivable that she Klnlay. standing at all. If you think w e've would go and risk answering the ad 17— Stravlnakl. got the cloak, search u s ; search the verttsement In order to reclaim the 18— Iludaon hay. laboratory. W here will you begin?" cloak and then give her own address." lft— "T L c Faery Q u**nr." Still too angry to make any reply, He vouchsafed n«» w ord o f explana Ashton strode out o f the room, not ac­ 2t>—T he flre .lay week. tlontion o r argument, but I could see tually slamming the door after him. that my objection had not shaken him ¡ but shutting It decisively enough to in th<* i«‘«»t. s... p »rf r rf, i wr,tt*u want to ?a!k with him ?" Then I turned away and called Ash­ ton to rbe phone As he started acrogs the room my ch ie f spoke fo him. "I see an evening paper sticking out o f your pocket." said he. “ Let me have a lo«*k. will you. w hile you are at the telephone?" Ashton handed It to him, then crossed the room and picked up the receiver. The d«x*tor beckoned to me. F or Ihe moment h* seemed very little con­ cerned with the news, fo r he turned the front p»*** rapidly, until he came to the loat and found section in the classified advertising. Once there, his eye pounced, like a hawk, upon the Item he wanted. His l.*ng bony finger pointed It out to roe: "Found— A green ••♦oak. Owner can have same by Identifying and paying cost o f this Insertion." “ I w onder If that bait has brought any nibbles this afternoon," the doc­ tor whispered. Then, before I could reply, he gripped my arm tightly, and nod«led toward Ashton. "A woman, you say" . . . I heard him exclaim with every appearance o f excitem ent. . . . •Did «he Identify I t r . . . “ W hat »•-art * w ^ a n ? Anything unusual about her?" There was a little silence while he listened fo r the description. Then In X »I an incredulous tone we hear»! him ex c la im : "An English housem aid! And she gave her name as Jane Perkins* Did «he Identify the cloak beyond a | A ccon lln g to Dr. liana Sacha o f Hertln, one o f Germ any'» moat em i­ doubt?1" nent dentlat* tha Jolta o f life and w orrte, L-*aen teeth and are the real "W h at address did she give?* cauae o f pyorrhea. Keep your «out la anug com fort and harm ooy. he aava, “ W hat's that? Three— «even— W oodlan d! W hy you idiot, that's my 1 and your teeth will be free o f the D octor own address! That's T he Meredith. nn*dem plague o f pyorrhea. Aud you let her walk off with that ; Sacba haa devoted the laat ten year» cl«»ak *wer her arm after she hud . to the »tudy o f the Influence o f psy­ chological factor» on teeth, n y s the given you that a d d ress’" He believe* H e w aited fo r no answer, replaced Pathfinder M agazine the receiver on the hook, with a Jerk, that pyorrhea develop# most easily in and wh.ried around upon ua, his face teeth affected by tartar. "I have Mtahliahed th n n g h a «ertee red with anger. “ Gentlemen, don't you think you o f test» that under »train o f emotion have carried this Joke a little too ! and w orries tartar aetttes on teeth much m«>re rapidly than under normal fa * ?" he demanded. I suppose the unwarranted accusa­ condition ." he «-talma. "A n oth er cause tion roignt have ma It over her am i. Rot tKe address— • years, sine* the Mme o f the Fren«-h well. I admitted to myself, that re- j revolution. In April. 1732. when a duevd tbe wh»»le thing to a farce. lumn o f volunte«>rs was »b o o t to F or a moment all my belief in D oc­ leave Strasshurr. the m ayor o f the tor M cA lister's theory, in the validity ! city gave a banquet on the orematon o f the ».*«t w** had perform ed upon and Invited an «•Ulcer o f artillery, R ou­ ll a n e y , in every scientific law I had * get de U ste, to com r e e a aong In felt «ur* «t o f ten minutes ago. tot­ their h»n«>r He w r ite the w on t, dur­ tered on its foundation. Home one. ing (he night, «.«¡spring the mmdc »• «mewhere. In placid security from our from an oratorio, and Ihe song was suspicion*, and fr»mi the possibility sung with enthusiasm the follow ing o f our detection was directing this day T h e Army o f the North took up ghastly farce and wa« perm ltflug him the song, which was Introduced to •elf to laugh at u« That girl In the Psrts hy the M arseillaise hnttallon and hospital had been sham m ing; Harvey becam e know n aa the hymn o f tbe had been sham m ing; Jane Perkins. M arseillais». tn France for Ihe contention, phot the loft I« Capi. H elm I'urtlaiice o f II to UUtrlhute U«>ughnuta to thg dougl Fimeral of Sacco and Vanzetti in Boston j W. K . Vanderbilt and His New Wife tro kb mon ruera follow ing the two lour*»-« WITH BROKEN NECK <>•*• year ago Merrill \ Reagì» u| Roarti, u»f, ^ n , waa taking a radio course when he had ht» neck broken la an autom obile tuishnp III» neck w a« ftrat enr«»«*d In a planter ca»t, and now Is In a stcol and leather Ixnly hraor, which he has worn w h ll« n»m- plot Ing hla radio course. Ho has Just t>ecn licensed hy the goveruimMit i • • finit dna» radio «q»«>rntor. r o v r is r iD > « I « I 4 I 4 I 4 I4 1 4 I 4 I 4 I 4I4 X 4 X 4 1 4 Broken Heart Cause of Pyorrhea Attack« patients belong to the depressive type discovered hy Freud. T ike the depression aw ay and the pyorrhea will Improve. It may sound f<*oll»h to Isy men, but there Is no doubt that a broken heart may cause pyorrhea and the subsequent loss o f teeth." Deio'.att by Wind» There II«*» between Formnae and tha coaat o f China a group o f 21 Islands. Interspersed with Innumerable reefs snd ledges, which are called the P ea «•adores Islands. A ccording to the in­ vestigations ot certain geologists these Islands have suffered In a remarkable manner from the northeast winds, which Mow With violence there daring nine months o f the y esr T he ortgtnnl area o f tbe Island« haa been rréatly redm-ed by »r. alni.. and th .lr surfaces •re t«arrv*n and dewrda*-, so that the wind whipped group form s a quaal- de-ert amid the green Island world o f Southeastern Asia. but Ihe wool from Its coat la softer than cashmere and It haa tha advan tag# over all other w ool that It will not shrink. One can smell the ovtboa when It Is still a quarter o f a mile away, and this gives It Its popular name o f m u.k ox. Hut the tu u .^ smell does not lalut tha meat If the butchering la carefully done. Stopped Traffic for Duck IN NICARAGUA W illiam K. Vanderbilt nnd Mrs. Rosamond W arburton, win* w ere nmrrl«*«l In Pari». T he groom '» applh'atlon to dl«|M»nw* with the tru day»' noth'« drtnunded by the French law w a« denied hy the authorltlca. A t the British War Maneuvers Traffic on a busy main road near Bourne, England, waa held op for ten minutes while a duck laid an egg. A policem an had halted autom obiles when Ihe duck started to waddle •croea tha road. H alfw ay over she sat down. A fter ah* had laid th# egg she continued her Journey. T he egg was salvaged and tbe procMaloD of baited cars pm n Milk Without Cream A row that pnaaeaeed "a perfectly apeartng rilher In the dish or In tha Interior o f the machine. Hy no method o f milking could she be enticed to give sny cream .” Acm e of Accuracy T esting lamps and radio tube* be fore they go out to he »old la a dell rate art. A de* leu has now been per fected that «let*« ta a variation o f on * thousandth o f a millionth lillo«eu an exchange. Why. If we are what » • think, what we ihtnk » • are we are, are we not —o r are w e t