Image provided by: The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde; Grand Ronde, OR
About Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1903)
The Chemawa American, Published meekly, Vl7VL FEBRUARY 13. 1903. No. 21T She is altogether woman, yet not altogether human, For the devil has his share in her a goodly sharp, at that! And he lurk ii? every dimp'e Satan's Hnare f t wise and simple And he hides in evpry angle of her dainty picture-hat. She's demure, and yet she's witty' and she's pre'tier than pra'tv ; She's hewitch'nir mire's the pity I for on seeing her ur sou's Prostrae fall at once before Iter, just as if each ma 1 adorer Were a belp'ess ' urn n tennin, and her ey8 wre p'aving bowl-! 8'ie has fmil S and fo'lies, many; virtues ver fe , if any; She w II sigh wlpn vou are merry; she wi I smi'e hen yu make min. She eiui'l lov a p-vir ram-nvtr! Oh, in fdO, oiie'n f tr too cleVf r To love nnv n f jrever, save her pretty self aloit ! She will gl dlv sp nd an hour in a higher b d fir power, In arranging how or fl iwer of the cap she sets f r you ; But a moment' tim for duty is too much to ask of Beauty : Leava such things to p'ainer women that have nothing eUe to do! Oh, I sketch her thus that others, unsus pecting n en and brothr, All may p-"flt by the pirtrait, so that he wlio reads may run Run too sifily from the sitter, toavert a fate s.) hi ter, That perchance she'll dem it fitter to make me the Only One! J. A. Reed. APPEAL FOR ALASKA. Bjr Chief Johnson. About two years asp Chief Johnson visi ed Cliemiwa enr ut.e to Washington, and whi'e here prepired the f (Mowing let ter to the Washington Authorities. Gentlemen: I have come a long w:iys fron mv home in Alaska to see you and tell you of the condition of my peopl 1 I was sent here by the Chief of thrf principil tribes to re present ihetri, and h ve brought with me a petition sig'ie I hy fiem. We find our country Alaska over run by white men who h ivn crowded or driven the Indian from th r fishing grounds, hunt ing grounds and the places where their fathers a id grand f dhen have lived and been buried. Rus-da c one and took p-ssess'on of our lund without consulting tin Iidiini of Alaska, the reil ownera of the cou'itty, and later on sold it to the United Staets. The Indians never knew anyth'ng about this sa'e until years afterwirds, it wis our land and country which was sold. We have never tried to make any trouble over it, and this is 'he first time we have ever brought the matter to the Washington Government to consider, alt ho' Russia s(ole ;ur country and sold it to the United States. We do not ask anything unreasonable of United State Government. We do not ask to be paid for the land on which was out's by rights. We do not ask that !he whites be prevented from coming to Alas ka. We d ) ask and pray that the good white people who have true and kind and just (Concluded oh' page eight.)