The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, March 06, 1915, Image 1

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    NUMBER 100
! FLORENCE SS-=SS"- >r^=“ •
r J
- J
to ^ q O f M
( t ; from T hr < e (
____ k
Buttes wart to th« « • « » high, jjjyj GRANDFATHERS
.how them a paradtoe flowing k ^
rtoep ridge, railing to an I
with milk and honey and plenty eievation o f 1800 feet; south of
of vacant land.
thia ridge is Cape creek which
Mr. and Mr» Wm. Brynd re- »
The fact of the matter is ju stjeinpties into the sea at the l i g h t j turW>d «r^adey from a three- '
ft,;, ahout that township, T. 1« house, or near the south w
to nlativea and
a , R. U W. WM.
The whole k ^
township; to the
Q iw e , Eu.
township is a aeries o fn d g e a . south of Cape creek raises_ the
,n d PortUnd.
HU. Mid mountains. From the jcape Mt» From all of these
visiting at Cottage '
eastern side to the coast flows ndg« put out innumerable later-
Brynd’s brother
Big creek about midway o f the L j ridgwlt and from these, other
Dre9ented him with their
township, and along th iaereek ridgea, and w on u n t i l t h e r e t o l ^ ^ ^
which b .
there is a little bottomland, but I gthjjjg
.a eries o f ndgm , one |
t a in t e d
this has all taken and proved up after another which are sharp,
. on y e a » ago; t h e » is atoo a
rough, and some of them
grandfather. Wm. Jensen.
. smsil smout o f low bench land, k *
and none of them suit-1 wkoUved in Denmark, gave the
1 but this has also been taken and ab)e for agricultural purposes;
J<M Oleeoe, who
, proved up on. or the homesteader k i t ther is some land along
g a r o it toh ig
to there now,., Aside from th1» J creeks that is of the very heat k
JM)W in Tacoma,
r land there to no m o » land suit- ¡quality, hut this land was all
j« e «
brought it to
, able for agricultural purposes ¡" taken y e a n ago
America about tan y e a n ago.
r this township, near the center of I b
occupied by the h®m®'I Mr. Jensen did not saaokeao he divide
1 which this man Dole
steader, t e M « * T ““ “ ¡"*“ 2
» « J o h n Brynd of Cottage
, ^B eginning to the n o r t b e a e t l ^ ^ to rough land, which l i a l l I
g » » it to ^ n .
to the Indian appropria- the agpfopriatto»
d o orn eJofth b township the land eoverod with a denae growth of
h^^uae he thought the
i rabee to the height of 2600 feet, Mja^ huckleberry, alder, hr and v*»rioom should he in the posse»
* 1CP' tlftl^ ***
I „ a i r o s a i» SURI
i « T i l i known a .
S e r wood, o f thia oountty. ¡ ¡ & o f £ T namroak. of th.
r tunning west from thia point iaaljgbjgb easts m a » to clear th"" I ■ laoi1fsthrr
«W bflbLk
r long high ridge, varying in h e ig h tL ^ janj will aell for after it ‘• ’^ ¿ j ^ y a d s e y a “ 1 remembei
dent o f the Pert
rt from IMO to 2600 feet, (these I t into cuitivttion.
quite well when 54 yarns ego. 1
ie heights are meeaured by officers
b not neceeaary « to • s go s into
grandfathers kne<
s k * -
* • ,» " *
record} known as Fairview Mt- further. or to r e f s » to D ole2 « I wea than five years old.’
Take A Lool
b y D o le , should be given an
c . g. Carlson has nearly oom-1 ly mistaken in the
opportunity to write some man |ete(f hi. contract for grading that Mr. Averill was
whroeword can be relied on «
j efleraon street and Garginer u
toH the conditions as they exist .v e n d * About aM th a trem a in s p
misrepresenting the L * tovel up the alight errors b
facts, men who lived in t h a t k ^ wept tof t in passing over. c
| townahip for y e a » , know every
p}ect of work is a great im- .
section o f land, every stream, pTOVement and benefit to the
every feature that would be o f k h o le north and west part of
benefit to the inquirer.
ftown. and is a good «tort towara
T h e » are living in this town- k e plank road to the b»®h.
ship today not to exceed fifteen
Fred Cassidy is rushing, his
people; there is not a school house, ¡contrBct on Madison and First .
I church or wagon rood; not even gtreetg and b easy to be seen
I a good- trail, except $he trail
that when thia contract to finish«*
Government built acroaa the eest thia WU1 m a k e » ^ « J e d im-
end over th e mountain» 0 » provement to this part of town.
would naturally aak the cau p eof
----- ------ ,--------
¡this, and it can be answered m r a n n i r v LECTURE
I enough people to T a . ” ™ *
la n d th e y can g e t no help from
• — —
outside. T h e » statements may
Mr. G. N. Taylor,
took to some » though we w e » tbe anti-aatoon league wtil deliver
knocking the country,. but R > a temperance lectureat the Glen-
' ter from it. - We regret very¡ada school h ou » Saturday even-
m udl that these conditiona exist iBg March 15,1905. /¡P * '1
and i f it were in our power to gje will be porvided for the
i ^ e d y them .we would gladly do ¿on. A
b , but it is the doty o f the-csti- tended to attend thia intoresti g
ta n a o f this country to Intoym lecture.
it received
now h » two eockarate end seven
hens in the flock.
it before/ any advance
re are offering them at
« ie old prices : • •
M»v. & Singletoe wifi
w^vlcesat Acme at7J0P-
H. R. Boyle e f
arrived with hto family and will
o p « a bakery m Florence tor
the production o f every ! » • ®»
- iu b .
t- w w
Saobert building at o n »
Mr. Beyle will make end keep on
' hand hto product»
t llM R e stto » brought‘down a
i bad o f freight Friday.
Joe. M ortis Jr.» N'