NUMBER 100 TON I NORTH ! FLORENCE SS-=SS"- >r^=“ • E r J £ K 5 S r X - J > a S ^ t e to ^ q O f M ( t ; from T hr < e ( A ^ . = i ____ k S —~ Buttes wart to th« « • « » high, jjjyj GRANDFATHERS * .how them a paradtoe flowing k ^ rtoep ridge, railing to an I WTWHII1 HR « with milk and honey and plenty eievation o f 1800 feet; south of i - J of vacant land. thia ridge is Cape creek which Mr. and Mr» Wm. Brynd re- » The fact of the matter is ju stjeinpties into the sea at the l i g h t j turW>d «r^adey from a three- ' ft,;, ahout that township, T. 1« house, or near the south w e e to nlativea and a , R. U W. WM. The whole k ^ of township; to the Q iw e , Eu. township is a aeries o fn d g e a . south of Cape creek raises_ the ,n d PortUnd. HU. Mid mountains. From the jcape Mt» From all of these visiting at Cottage ' eastern side to the coast flows ndg« put out innumerable later- Mr Brynd’s brother Big creek about midway o f the L j ridgwlt and from these, other Dre9ented him with their township, and along th iaereek ridgea, and w on u n t i l t h e r e t o l ^ ^ ^ which b . there is a little bottomland, but I gthjjjg .a eries o f ndgm , one | t a in t e d meerochaum this has all taken and proved up after another which are sharp, . on y e a » ago; t h e » is atoo a rough, and some of them grandfather. Wm. Jensen. . smsil smout o f low bench land, k * and none of them suit-1 wkoUved in Denmark, gave the 1 but this has also been taken and ab)e for agricultural purposes; J a temperance lectureat the Glen- ' ter from it. - We regret very¡ada school h ou » Saturday even- m udl that these conditiona exist iBg March 15,1905. /¡P * '1 and i f it were in our power to gje will be porvided for the i ^ e d y them .we would gladly do ¿on. A b , but it is the doty o f the-csti- tended to attend thia intoresti g ta n a o f this country to Intoym lecture. it received MENT OF now h » two eockarate end seven hens in the flock. WU.«BIAB*BW . it before/ any advance re are offering them at « ie old prices : • • M»v. & Singletoe wifi w^vlcesat Acme at7J0P- H. R. Boyle e f arrived with hto family and will o p « a bakery m Florence tor the production o f every ! » • ®» 2L, - iu b . t- w w Saobert building at o n » Mr. Beyle will make end keep on ' hand hto product» t llM R e stto » brought‘down a i bad o f freight Friday. Joe. M ortis Jr.» N' THE O