The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, October 17, 1914, Image 1

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    S E M I-W E E K L Y
Temporary Depot to hp Ergeted—Cel
ebration at an Early Date in No-
.. vember-Mapleton R. R. Town. .
The whistle of the Willamette
/ Pacific locomotive in Mapleton is
now so common that Dad Hollen­
beck dosn’t even bat an eye when
it occurs; though it is reported
that the day the construction
train came through that Joe
Morris Jr. flaged it with cigars
and it cost just three boxes.
The Mapleton people are very
^enthusiastic ever the railroad
and are getting ready to com­
memorate the occasion with a
celebration, although it is be-
, lieve it can not be arranged for
until after the election, because
o i a desire to have represent- ]
stives from Portland’s Com- ,
mercial Club and to run ah ex­
from Eugene, which s
would receive but small notice s
prior to that time.
The track-laying crew Wednea- o
day. had nearly completed the
work to the query, but because D
o f the lack o f some material re- "
turned to Lake creek to put in a
Some of the Oregon newspapers are c
the Siuslaw harbor appropriation, and
Senator Chamberlain in a way is responsi
The people of the western part of Lane
ways found Senator Chamberlain their
received his support in their endeavor
Senator G w o t
Chamberlain is not responsible that the Siuslaw did not
receive an appropriation through the rivers and har
bors bill of $115,000, but on the other han” succeeded
»«nt luesday the
Ostend, via London, O ct 1 5 .-
o y e d ^ v 6 ^ 0 ^ ' Ostend’8 fa te hangs in the bal.
in getting recognition for the Siuslaw in the senate bv
an amendment. The people of western
-|hat ? t nator Chamberlain has been their friend
and while neither of his opponents are held up for criti-
thaT ha thl8,Sectl™ \ our people wi*l be loyal to the man
that has endeavored to secure them assistance.
u i j re and
» household goods
and Mr« uz
tr. and Mrs. W.
their way home
«nd were getting
« - X X ? ' e
— -o ------
M r. Hawley is bragging th at he was born in Oreiron
yet so fa r we have not heard anyone boosting for O r£
gon in the matter. There is some difference between
erTham e^hTt0 ^ "
,Oyal to iL 14» « « w a t­
er shame that a native son should neglect his own state
ndThdd tHe time’
e home
u •.
I» * «Í hirssi
II cnangea nanas and Floyd and
n Wednesday
Wednesday noon M r. and
i Lloyd Cooper o f Eugene are now and Mrs. Joe Morris, Jr. of Ma-
e the proprietors.
pleton invited SupL Martin Dil-
T. Jensen recently purchased ,on and eleven o f his force to their
it from Sam M iller and conduct- borne to enjoy dinner.
. ed the business several weeks, waa al>° Present Engineer J D
1 and Thursday sold it to Cooper Church of Maplton and R, S,
Floyd Cooper, one of the pro­ Brothers, who will make improve- Huston of Florence.
New counter fixtures, .A Prominent feature o f the
prietors of the Pioneer Res­ ments.
in and several small dinner was that the menu con-
taurant, in Florence, was severly
injured in his'ieft foot this week changes made to make a better s*s4ed;of Siuslaw products.JClam
soup, clam chowder, baked sal-
by stepping on a rusty nail. Dr. service possible.
The kitchen has been placed in mon’ cracked crab, with many
Geo. P. Edwards cared for the
injury and the wound is healing Charge of John Marshall, of Eu- other delicious dishes prepared
gene, who is capable of tempting »»der the supervision of Mrs.
the appetite of the patrons with Morris, and everey one present
North Bend has a monthly
many delicacies. Pastries of all verbally or in silence endorsed .
kinds will be manufactured and SupL Martin Dillon when ha
roll-of $50,000.
P^eed on sale.
“ Mr. Church told me that Mrs' ;
The Pioneer Restaurant under Morris was the best cook in ■
the management of the Cooper Lane county.’ He told the truth
Brothers will be put in first class and I agree wfth him .”
shape to serve the public.
During & e d in n e r Miss Sylvia
------------------ -
Morris entertained the guests
To clothe yourselvi
All Wool
Oregon Glothes
Costing you
Dr. M. E. Taber, o f Ocean
Park, California was in Florence
Friday on his way to Eugene.
The doctor has been stopping
with A. W. McMartin on Tsilt-
coos lake about three weeks hunt­
ing and fishing, and reports an
. enjoyable time.
Dr. Taber is well known h»
California among gun clubs,
having attended the national
shoot at Charleston in 1907 and
winning three medals, and a
silver cup in individual rifle ’
competition. One of the medals i
i was the Kingship of the United
He also has a good record with {
the shot gun, and is a member of
the Twin Verine Germanian, of i
Los Angeles.
ance> The government has le ft
King A lb e r t «nW tk
g Alt>ert and the main miK-
tary quarters left Tuesday and
60,000 panic - stricken t o n k
» „ « it the action of the G e X ,
,wl’d * r e known u h . v e a . t X
them^ to<E n K l ^ r ° H X £
M i reM r i 8 .7ereemPti#d
and M r. docks were lined with injured
o f John , soldiers. Hundreds ware carried
° n litters, while those leas se­
as built by Mr. verely wounded hobblid on canes
years ago and and crutches, supported by Bed
did * eapecially Cross nurses, doctors, nuns and
aiding was Con-1 priests.
over $3000, and
___ _
<2000. Some o f
While it is fully expected the
“ saved from the Germans will rech Ostend and
other porta in the northwest of
stubborn resistance in their at-
ig organized rin J tempt to extend the right wing
at meeting was o f their main army through Pas
k ago, and four- De Calais to the French north-
¡em ports. In fact, they have
tve been ordered M ie n back in this region m the
is nothing new.
with several,’ selections on the I
Another Victory
For theGustomer
For an all day rain nothing noth­
ing beats a Webfoot shirt. A big
assortment of mackinaw coats and
vulcanized rain coats, American
Gentleman, Chippewa and Cutter
shoes. We are glad to show you.
mr. Moore, is an experienced
restaurant man and was recently
connected with the Baltimore
Restaurant in Eugene,
He has
purchased an interest in the busi­
ness and will have personal
The proprietors have
named it the ‘‘Good Eats Res­
ta u ra n t”
iweivm r en wick who recently
visited Florence was nominated
to succeed himself as councilman
In Springfield by the unanimous
vote of the nominating conven­
tion. M r. Fenwick is a candidate
for representative on the Re­
publican ticket
W e have in stock a complete line o f
Hardware, guarantee with every to
Try our new Stilleto Brand
The remains of Miss Jean Sher-
man who was drowned at Flor­
ence about .two weeks ago were
brought to this city last night
and the funeral held this a fte r­
noon. Miss Sherman had many
friends in this community whn
iIf It’s o f Superior Quality. We Sell It)
Morris <Sh S
350 men are working steadily
on the big H ill terminals at
Joe. Morris Jr., Nòrman G. Morris.