S E M I-W E E K L Y FLORENCE, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 I-■ pleton invited SupL Martin Dil- T. Jensen recently purchased ,on and eleven o f his force to their it from Sam M iller and conduct- borne to enjoy dinner. There . ed the business several weeks, waa al>° Present Engineer J D 1 and Thursday sold it to Cooper Church of Maplton and R, S, Floyd Cooper, one of the pro­ Brothers, who will make improve- Huston of Florence. New counter fixtures, .A Prominent feature o f the prietors of the Pioneer Res­ ments. will be put in and several small dinner was that the menu con- taurant, in Florence, was severly injured in his'ieft foot this week changes made to make a better s*s4ed;of Siuslaw products.JClam soup, clam chowder, baked sal- by stepping on a rusty nail. Dr. service possible. The kitchen has been placed in mon’ cracked crab, with many Geo. P. Edwards cared for the injury and the wound is healing Charge of John Marshall, of Eu- other delicious dishes prepared gene, who is capable of tempting »»der the supervision of Mrs. nicely. the appetite of the patrons with Morris, and everey one present North Bend has a monthly many delicacies. Pastries of all verbally or in silence endorsed . kinds will be manufactured and SupL Martin Dillon when ha roll-of $50,000. P^eed on sale. “ Mr. Church told me that Mrs' ; The Pioneer Restaurant under Morris was the best cook in ■ the management of the Cooper Lane county.’ He told the truth Brothers will be put in first class and I agree wfth him .” shape to serve the public. During & e d in n e r Miss Sylvia > ------------------ - Morris entertained the guests THREE WEEKS AT LAKE , Wanted To clothe yourselvi All Wool Oregon Glothes Costing you Dr. M. E. Taber, o f Ocean Park, California was in Florence Friday on his way to Eugene. The doctor has been stopping with A. W. McMartin on Tsilt- coos lake about three weeks hunt­ ing and fishing, and reports an . enjoyable time. Dr. Taber is well known h» California among gun clubs, having attended the national shoot at Charleston in 1907 and winning three medals, and a silver cup in individual rifle ’ competition. One of the medals i i was the Kingship of the United States. j He also has a good record with { the shot gun, and is a member of the Twin Verine Germanian, of i Los Angeles. ance> The government has le ft King A lb e r t «nW tk ... . g Alt>ert and the main miK- tary quarters left Tuesday and 60,000 panic - stricken t o n k » „ « it the action of the G e X , ,wl’d * r e known u h . v e a . t X them^ to