The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, February 25, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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4 -V.,,.-... . .
^ 7
Timothy {Seed at R-K-R Store.
at Glenada
T h e B est R a n g e
for the prices to be had. If you
don’t think so, let us prove it.
Heaters from $2.25 up
Sash and Doors a t Bottom Prices
Buy Blue Ribbon Poultry N e tt­
ing, cheapest, from Pourtales.
The Bay View hotel received a
new cash register on th e Patsy.
Costs less to put up Blue Rib­
bon Poultry N etting. ’ Sold by
F. B. Carson and family moved
into their new home on Adams
Exclusive Agents
T h o m p so n ’s
G love F itting
street, Monday.
The Patsy, came in Monday
morning reporting 14 feet of
w ater on the bar.
ilaliaiL . Rye . Crass, Qrohard
Grass, Red Clover, W hite Clover,
Our Spring Stock of Plows, Harrows and Cultivators^ and Alsike Clover Seed a t R-K-R
are here
• z
H. W. Farrington,; represent-!
FP2NCE—we have it and can price it to suit you
ingF.T.C row of Portland, dealers
in building m aterials, was in
Florence this week.
Wm. Kyle & Sons have com­
pleted the floating dock theyf
started to build several weeks
ago. It has two slips, each will j
accomodate two motor boats.
Please Return H at—A black (
Derby hat was taken by m istaken
from Brynds hall th e night of
the Priscilla dance.
Please i;e- )
turn E. S. Dyer.
Seven subpoenas w ere served
in Florence Friday afternoon, by
The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or deputy Doyle, in connection with
Daniels’ case, but they were
shopjis too well recognized to require discussion.
with draw n Saturday on account
If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few of a postponement o f the trial. ,
more Magda lamps in your store and show window The Siuslaw Poultry Associa- •
and watch results,
ion will hold a poultry show
_ypu also profit by using electric lights in your home. next Friday and Saturday. The
exhibit will be made in the lower
Electric Light is most healthful, safest, most con­ floor of the Masonic building.
venient and the most economical light in the long run On Saturday a perm anent
organization will be effected.
While climbingUpon the wood
box a t his home Monday even-
___ y
* ing Em ery Yates, the young son
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yates,
torned the teakettle over on him ­
self burning his -back and hip, f
causing the little fellow much
pain and inconvenience.
F urniture repaired, refinished
reupholstered -M attresses
in a d e o v e r Hugs Renovated—
Attes Furniture Co., THe new
store opp. Blacksmith shop.
Harness and Fitting
H U L L has it
Here are three Popular Styles
We Have Others
The Path to
Florence Electric Company
Advance Showing
Known the country over as the
Best $3.00 Hat
W oolen M ill Store
F lo r e n c e
Style 1243
Style 1152
Style 13-
C o r s e t W a is t s
$3 Conqueror $3
Spring Hats Wanted—
See Window Supply
for Misses and Ladies
We carry several other makes of
Corsets priced from . ..
$1.25 to $2.50
----------- If you order by mail or phone give number style and sizer—
Man and wife
to run Board­
ing House.
Oregou Tide Water Mill Co.
When you think H ardw are
think of Hull. Glenada. Or.
Hardw are Hull, Glenada, Or»-
Huy your M attresses and
K°n- <
• I Couches at Florence Supply Co j 5 and
10 acre tra c ts —new •
Stove pipe 15 and 20 cents at Re’’airinK don^.
rail road 2 m ik j from
A report from G ardiner says
Florence. So:' fii-at class,
For Sale—I No 2 Kenwood that there are fifty-four cases of
covered with alder, land
stum p puller, cables, grab hooks. measle8 a t th at place,
has w ater front, can step
lines at a bargain. In good re-
^ or R en t—The ranch known
into launch off land, and
pair. See C. W. Curran. Flor-188 Hie McLoud place is for rent,
it only takes 20 m inutes to
ence, Or.
See *k-
the Siuslaw —
Boom Co.
come to Florence. New
runs through land.
Motor boat supplies. All kinds
Program s changes every Wed­
comes to road,
At Pourtales.
nesday and Saturday night at
the land is well situated to
1 ipe cut and threaded to order. the Rita Theatre.
Show starts
plat for town or small gar­
All kinds of couplins. Florence 7:30 p. m.
den and poultry tracts.
Supply Co.
Fred Cannon and family moved,
Get in on these a t once if
All kinfls of grass seed a t the Monday to their homestead
you wish to get som ething
R-K-R Store.
near the mouth of the river.
that is sure to bring you a
profit —
Lot and small 2 room {house,
five blocks from post office.
This cheap only
250 acres 1 1-2 m iles"from
Glenada on C lear, lake.
Public road runs through
Ask for what you don’t see
2 lots in Buck Skin Bol«
The Price will be Right and
camp on Tsiltcoos Lake,
You will be Satisfied.
90x200 ft. best in the camp
20 acres in Porter acre tracts
a t Eugene, price only
40 acTes near Glenada some
w ater front fipe'land, can
buy this cheap.
4----- ;
For Sale or Trade.
W e G a rry
E v ery th in g
Groceries. Furniture, Hardware,
Dry Goods, Flour and Feed
W m .K y!e& SonsG
We GiveJOuantityJandlQualitv
* V #
F O L G E R ’S C O P F E E S
is a staple article. We have it in 1 and 2y2 cans
. also in bulk
“A G o o d P la c e to T r a d e ”
_ , General Merchandise
a t Pilot Office
Florence. Or.
General Insurance
iiM iiiìiìììinniij