MM 4 -V.,,.-... . . ^ 7 II I Timothy {Seed at R-K-R Store. HULL at Glenada T h e B est R a n g e for the prices to be had. If you don’t think so, let us prove it. Heaters from $2.25 up Sash and Doors a t Bottom Prices h * Buy Blue Ribbon Poultry N e tt­ ing, cheapest, from Pourtales. The Bay View hotel received a new cash register on th e Patsy. Costs less to put up Blue Rib­ bon Poultry N etting. ’ Sold by Pourtales. F. B. Carson and family moved into their new home on Adams Exclusive Agents T h o m p so n ’s G love F itting street, Monday. The Patsy, came in Monday morning reporting 14 feet of w ater on the bar. ilaliaiL . Rye . Crass, Qrohard Grass, Red Clover, W hite Clover, Our Spring Stock of Plows, Harrows and Cultivators^ and Alsike Clover Seed a t R-K-R Store. are here • z * H. W. Farrington,; represent-! FP2NCE—we have it and can price it to suit you ingF.T.C row of Portland, dealers IF ITS HARDWARE in building m aterials, was in Florence this week. Wm. Kyle & Sons have com­ pleted the floating dock theyf started to build several weeks ago. It has two slips, each will j accomodate two motor boats. < Please Return H at—A black ( Derby hat was taken by m istaken from Brynds hall th e night of the Priscilla dance. Please i;e- ) turn E. S. Dyer. Seven subpoenas w ere served in Florence Friday afternoon, by The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or deputy Doyle, in connection with Daniels’ case, but they were shopjis too well recognized to require discussion. with draw n Saturday on account If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few of a postponement o f the trial. , more Magda lamps in your store and show window The Siuslaw Poultry Associa- • and watch results, ion will hold a poultry show _ypu also profit by using electric lights in your home. next Friday and Saturday. The exhibit will be made in the lower Electric Light is most healthful, safest, most con­ floor of the Masonic building. venient and the most economical light in the long run On Saturday a perm anent organization will be effected. While climbingUpon the wood box a t his home Monday even- IS HERE TO SERVE YOU — ___ y * ing Em ery Yates, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yates, torned the teakettle over on him ­ self burning his -back and hip, f causing the little fellow much pain and inconvenience. F urniture repaired, refinished or reupholstered -M attresses in a d e o v e r Hugs Renovated— Attes Furniture Co., THe new store opp. Blacksmith shop. Harness and Fitting H U L L has it CORSETS Here are three Popular Styles We Have Others The Path to Florence Electric Company Advance Showing Known the country over as the Best $3.00 Hat W oolen M ill Store F lo r e n c e COMZTX Style 1243 Style 1152 -_.1TTUK5? COMETA Style 13- C o r s e t W a is t s - $3 Conqueror $3 Spring Hats Wanted— See Window Supply ITTIMC* for Misses and Ladies We carry several other makes of Corsets priced from . .. $1.25 to $2.50 ----------- If you order by mail or phone give number style and sizer— Man and wife to run Board­ ing House. Oregou Tide Water Mill Co. B R E V IT IE S T When you think H ardw are think of Hull. Glenada. Or. Hardw are Hull, Glenada, Or»- Huy your M attresses and K°n- < • I Couches at Florence Supply Co j 5 and 10 acre tra c ts —new • Stove pipe 15 and 20 cents at Re’’airinK don^. rail road 2 m ik j from Pourtales. A report from G ardiner says Florence. So:' fii-at class, For Sale—I No 2 Kenwood that there are fifty-four cases of covered with alder, land stum p puller, cables, grab hooks. measle8 a t th at place, has w ater front, can step lines at a bargain. In good re- ^ or R en t—The ranch known into launch off land, and pair. See C. W. Curran. Flor-188 Hie McLoud place is for rent, it only takes 20 m inutes to ence, Or. See *k- the Siuslaw — Boom Co. come to Florence. New railroad runs through land. Motor boat supplies. All kinds Program s changes every Wed­ Some trails comes to road, At Pourtales. nesday and Saturday night at the land is well situated to 1 ipe cut and threaded to order. the Rita Theatre. Show starts plat for town or small gar­ All kinds of couplins. Florence 7:30 p. m. den and poultry tracts. Supply Co. Fred Cannon and family moved, Get in on these a t once if All kinfls of grass seed a t the Monday to their homestead you wish to get som ething R-K-R Store. near the mouth of the river. that is sure to bring you a profit — Lot and small 2 room {house, five blocks from post office. This cheap only $250 250 acres 1 1-2 m iles"from Glenada on C lear, lake. Public road runs through land. Price $125 Ask for what you don’t see 2 lots in Buck Skin Bol« II The Price will be Right and camp on Tsiltcoos Lake, You will be Satisfied. 90x200 ft. best in the camp Price $3o0 20 acres in Porter acre tracts a t Eugene, price only $1,200 40 acTes near Glenada some w ater front fipe'land, can buy this cheap. 4----- ; For Sale or Trade. W e G a rry E v ery th in g Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed W m .K y!e& SonsG We GiveJOuantityJandlQualitv I?-«»- * V # <3 4 F O L G E R ’S C O P F E E S is a staple article. We have it in 1 and 2y2 cans . also in bulk R-K-R STORE “A G o o d P la c e to T r a d e ” _ , General Merchandise FLORENCE, OREGON C. L. WAYMAN, a t Pilot Office Florence. Or. z General Insurance E. C.|W AYMAN iiM iiiìiìììinniij I