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About Applegater. (Jacksonville, OR) 2008-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 2011)
2 Winter 2011 Applegater ALERT Several readers of the APPLEGATER have contacted the Gater staff stating their donation envelopes, from the last issue, had been returned to them by the post offi ce. The address on the envelope is correct and the post offi ce cannot give any explanation for this bleep. If you can be ever so kind and please re- mail your donation to The Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc. 7386 Highway 238, PMB 308, Jacksonville, Or. 97530 APPLEGATER’s staff is most grateful. THANKS The Gater is gratifi ed by the support of these recent donors Contributors Charlotte Hughes, Los Angeles, CA Anonymous (1 donor) Supporters Steve Armitage, Ashland, OR Chuck & Donna Baird, Applegate, OR Judith Bloom, Berkeley, CA Perry Cook & Stacie Brink, Applegate, OR Ken & Jan Chapman, Applegate, OR Jim & Jan Cody, Jacksonville, OR Art Coulton and Kristi Cowles, Applegate, OR Terry Fairbanks, Jacksonville, OR Mr. & Mrs. I. Lansing, San Rafael, CA Ellen & Rick Levine, Applegate, OR Walter & Conny Lindley, Williams, OR Karen Markman & Th omas A. Mitchell, Applegate, OR Jim Clover & Annette Parsons, Grants Pass, OR Cricket Rau, Williams, OR Jim & Shirley Rogers, Fairfi eld Bay, AR Anne Jones & Ted Shallcross, Applegate, OR Bill & Barbara Steele, Jacksonville,, OR Frank & Jan Th ornquest, Grants Pass, OR Greeley Wells, Jr., Jacksonville, OR Lacy Wilda,Williams, OR In memory of Reeve Hennion, Buncom, OR Anonymous (3 donors) Mr. & Mrs. William Adam,Grants Pass, OR Nancy Adams, Applegate, OR Jon & Jean Ainsworth, Grants Pass, OR Carol Armstrong, Grants Pass, OR Sue Bailey, Jacksonville, OR Lisa Baldwin, Grants Pass, OR Jim Bieg, Jacksonville, OR Steven & Shellie Boyd, Grants Pass, OR Michael Riding & Michele Brown-Riding, Grants Pass, OR Cheryl Bruner, Williams, OR Jean & Jim Buck, Eagle Point, OR Les Burgwardt, Henderson, NV Virginia Burns, Wilderville, OR Dorothy Butz, Williams, OR Nicole Caballera, Williams, OR David Calahan, & Barbara Kostal-Calahan, Jacksonville, OR Dave & Deb Clayton, Jacksonville, OR Leta Collord, Elko, NV Mr & Mrs Reginald Corbin, Grants Pass,OR Jim Cox, Grants Pass, OR Dennis & Barbara Crawford, Williams, OR Marvin & Evelyn Crawford, Jacksonville, OR Kris Davis, Valley Springs, CA Moon Dog, Lovetown, Bliss Dennis & Suzy Duff y, Applegate, OR Wilson Edinger, Medford, OR Rick Ferris, Grants Pass, OR Bonnie Fine, Grants Pass, OR Judy Fitzgerald, Rogue River, OR John & Kathy Gorham, Jacksonville, OR Glen & Connie Gourley, Jacksonville, OR Bonnie Grant, Medford, OR Chuck Guches, Applegate, OR Sue D.Hall, Grants Pass, OR Paul Hamilton, Applegate, OR Ron & Paula Harten, Jacksonville, OR Mervin Hartman, Grants Pass, OR Richard Hassanein, Jacksonville, OR Ms. Josephine Hays, Williams, OR Bob & Crystal Hookland, Grants Pass, OR Virginia James, Williams, OR Mike & Delores Joyce, Applegate, OR Frank & Julie Kenney, Applegate, OR Michael Kuzma, Jacksonville, OR Jeanette Laubhan, Grants Pass, OR Anna & Richard Lewis, Grants Pass, OR Ivan Lund, Jacksonville, OR Hobet & Nanette Marvin, Jacksonville, OR Leslie Lee & Dennis Meiners, Jacksonville, OR Gary & Janis Morgan, Wilderville, OR Mustang Ranch Restoration Assn., Williamsburg, OR Suzanne Myers, Grants Pass, OR J. Michael Pierce & Margaret Maya Page, Santa Fe, NM Lenore Pfenning, Jacksonville, OR L. Pierce, Grants Pass, OR Jan Pinhero, Jacksonville, OR Ginny & Jim Post, Central Point, OR Alan & Diana Potts, Jacksonville, OR Carolyn Proctor, Grants Pass, OR Joann Prujan, Ashland, OR Herb Rudd, Grants Pass, OR Dorothea Schulz, Jacksonville, OR Roy W. Service, Williams , OR Martha Shonkwiler, Grants Pass, OR Doris Shoults, Jacksonville, OR Slagle Creek Vineyards, Grants Pass, OR Russ & Maureen Smith, Applegate, OR Peter Dittler & Barbara Sommers, Grants Pass, OR Daniel Newberry & Caroline Spear, Jacksonville, OR Ms. Geraldine Stewart, Williams, OR Diane Swick, Grants Pass, OR John & Joy Taylor Grants Pass, OR Ms. Elaine Th omas, Grants Pass, OR Patrick & Cindy Traynor, Wilderville, OR Bruce True, Grants Pass, OR Th alia Truesdell, Jacksonville, OR Dave & Elaine Trump, Grants Pass, OR Rhonda & Mike Updike, Jacksonville, OR Jack Van Syoc, Grants Pass, OR Alan & Cindy Voetsch, Jacksonville, OR Steve & Priscilla Weaver, Jacksonville, OR Emma Webber, Petaluma, CA Patricia Wedman, Grants Pass, OR Nora & Stan Wolfe, Grants Pass, OR Wally Wolferson, OR Harry & Pat Wolff , Grants Pass, OR R.C. Wolin, Wolf Creek, OR Jeff & Linda Wood, Grants Pass, OR William Yohler, Applegate, OR Bob & Marcia Zellman, Jacksonville, OR Madison & Andy, Applegate, OR Merlin, Jacksonville, OR Taylor, Applegate, OR Virginia , Williams, OR Anonymous (54 donors) Sponsors Help us ensure that we have the ongoing support needed to publish the Applegater. All contributors will receive recognition in the Applegater each issue. Sponsor $5 - $50 Supporter $51 - $200 Contributor $201 - $500 Sustainer $501- $1000 Patron - over $1000 All donations are tax-deductible and are greatly appreciated. Please make your checks payable to Applegater Newspaper and mail to: Applegater, 7386 Highway 238 • PMB 308 Jacksonville, OR 97530 Applegater now online! Th e Applegater is now publishing a web site that is a companion and expan- sion of the content and services that the printed Applegater newspaper provides. Highlights of what this website will off er include: • Index and viewable/downloadable issues of the Applegater starting from March 2008. • Expansion of content and pic- tures of selected articles that appear in the printed paper. • Community calendar which nonprofi t organizations and Gater advertisers can post special events on (sorry, no classes) by contacting our webmaster via email. • Community services directory with contacts, current activities and bulletins for all our major community services such as police, fi re, library, BLM, etc. • Directory of local businesses. • Listing of web sites that pertain to the Applegate Valley. • Changing collection of images of scenery and activities within our beautiful valley. We encourage you to log on to www. Be sure to add the Gater web site to your favorites! Joe Lavine, Webmaster Winter masthead photo credi t Th is issue’s photo, by Barbara Holiday. Winter in Williams, Oregon Applegater ISSUE DEADLINE Spring Summer Fall Winter March 1 July 1 October 1 January 1 A DVERTISERS ! We can help you reach your market — Call Ruth Austin 541-899-7476 or Sally Buttshaw 541-646-8418 WANTED: Sales Person Th e Applegater is looking for a person(s) to sell ads in the Grants Pass area. Commissions are a high 25% to 30% per sale. Contact JD Rogers 541-846-7736. WHO WE ARE The Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc. is a nonprofi t 501(c) (3) corporation dedicated to the pub- lication of the Applegater newspaper, which we feel refl ects the heart and soul of our community. Make your contributions to either the Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc. or to the Applegater. Our Mission The nonprofit Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc., (AVCN) provides the many rural and diverse communities of the Applegate Water- shed with a communications vehicle, the Applegater newspaper, free of charge to all watershed residents. Our quarterly paper presents constructive, relevant, educational and entertaining reports on a wide variety of subjects such as: natural resource issues ecology and other science information historical and current events community news and opinions AVCN encourages and publishes differing viewpoints and, through the Applegater newspaper, acts as a clear- inghouse for this diverse community. We are dedicated to working together with community members to maintain and enhance the quality of life that is unique to the Applegate Watershed. Acknowledgements The Applegater is published quar- terly by the Applegate Valley Commu- nity Newspaper, Inc. and is funded by donations from our loyal readers and advertisements for local businesses. Special thanks to Carole Moskovita for layout; Margaret Della Sanitina, Sue Maesen, Joan Peterson, Chris Allen and Paul Tipton for editing; P. R. Kellogg and Kaye Clayton for proofi ng; Susan Bondesen and Patsy King for transcripton and Lisa Crean for book- keeping. Board of Directors Greeley Wells, Chairman Joseph Lavine, Webmaster Lisa Crean, Treasurer Linda Fischer, Secretary Hal Macy Michael Riding Paula Rissler J.D. Rogers, Editor Editorial Board J.D. Rogers, Editor Chris Bratt Jan Perttu Rauno Perttu Sandy Shaffer Greeley Wells All articles, stories, opinions and letters that appear in the Applegater are the opinion and property of the author, and not necessarily that of the Applegater or the Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc. PROTECTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL The Applegater requires that any and all materials submitted for publica- tion be the intellectual property of the author unless otherwise credited. Letters to the Editor cannot be more than 450 words. Opinion pieces and unsolicited articles cannot exceed 600 words.Community calendar sub- missions must brief. All submissions must be received either at the address or email below by March1 for our next issue. The Applegater c/o Applegate Valley Community Newspaper, Inc. 7386 Highway 238, PMB 308 Jacksonville, OR 97530 Email: Website: