Image provided by: Clackamas Community College; Oregon City, OR
About Cougar print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1976-1977 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1976)
opinion e ers ACU-I gripes The Associated Student Government is a paying member of the Association of College Unions-lnter- national (ACU-I). The ACU-I Region XIV conference was held Oct. 29 and 30 and after participating in and observing the conference we have come to the conclusion that ASG should seriously consider leaving that organization if significant changes cannot be made in its focus. The conference was mostly activities-oriented and while we can see the need to have workshops built around activities there is a recognizable need for an organization like ACU-I to set up programs dealing with other student government concerns. One of the more important concerns was to be touched upon in a previously announced workshop. Members of the Clackamas Community College delega tion in attendance at that workshop were, at the very least, disappointed. The workshop was entitled Programs That Affect the Community. The description of the program's con tent stated that discussion would include how to initiate and establish programs which have impact on the com munity at large as well as on campus. The workshop was nothing more than representatives of various college/ community programs telling what the functions of their office was. Some of the students in attendance were expecting something more. A workshop where ideas could be exchanged and problems gone over in college community relations would have been ideal. Our main gripe with ACU-I is that the conference was too structured. There didn't seem to be any room for just getting together with other representatives t. • discuss problems or exchange ideas. There are other conferences revolving around student activities. We see a greater need for organization of a conference - not just within the state -- where student needs, projects and areas of interest to colleges and communities can be discussed in an atmosphere of give and take. The 1976 ACU-I conference had toe much give. PUBLICATIONS STAFF 19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Offices: Trailer B --Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 278 or 259 editor Jim Rogers*news editor Harry Bielskis*feature editor Vickie Josi*sports editor Amanda Eggleston*arts & entertain ment Cyndi Bacon*copy editor Happie Thacker*photo editor Jerry Wheeler*reporters Brent Benson, Barbara Dikty, Cindy Ralston, Happie Thacker, Patricia Watson, Steve Williams, Lenna Fitch, Joe McFeron, Randy Frank, Ron Yoder*photographers Brian Snook, Born Chhay, Larry Jackson, Steve Wilkowske, Lorraine Stratton*artists Denise Linck, Dan Ackerman*business manager Ron Schaumburg*advertising Bob Northrup, John Drury, Paul Byers, Debbie Sipe*production manager Denise Linck*advisor Randy Clark* The Cougar Print is the weekly student-managed newspaper for Clackamas Community College, financed through student fees and advertising. Opinions expressed in the Cougar Print do not necessarily reflect those of the CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student Government. Editorials, columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of the editors and the per sons signing them. Correspondence should be addressed to the above address. The Cougar Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Pub lishers Association aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. We encourage participation through letters, freelance articles and story ideas and suggestions. Deadlines are the Fri day of the week prior to the Thursday publication date. Page 4 To the Editor: In reaction and response to "III Wind" in a recent C PRINT, while fully realizing that this is, "first and fora educational instution and not a community sponsored opii I would like to quote from a study done on the Jamaican use of marijuana. "The Jamaican study revealed no physical or mental ab ties characterizing the subjects using marijuana." By stam American cultural use, Jamaican users represent the epitom posure to marijuana. Use on this island has been customaril least several generations (even during pregnancy) and cor more potent cannabis than available to most Americans. I initiated earlier in life as part of Jamaican folkways." From the Consumer Reports description of the study: "I are introduced to ganja (marijuana) quite early." The Jamal Dort notes, "first as a medicament in 'Bush Tea' or in a crude of vaporizing, where adults blow smoke at an infant with res congestion." Increasing doses of marijuana tea throughout infancy are mended as a prophylaxis' against disease. School boys arei smoke marijuana to 'help them study' to 'improve memory 'help pass examinations.'" In the best and worst of societies, the pursuit of pleas some is the responsibility of others. Ken) To the Editor: I understand that Clackamas Community College is going new covered bridge between Randall and McLoughlin. I probably should be polite and demurely point out that bridge would be ridiculously inappropriate, I've never muc noted for my tact. Without a doubt, this qualifies as one stupidest ideas I've ever heard. We don't live in North Dakota. The snow does not pile feet deep on the ground, and the temperature doesn't hover 18 degrees below zero for weeks, or even days at a time. Evei the wind blows, it doesn't blow that cold. But then, that'sn we need a bridge, is it? No, we need this bridge so that thel crats who run this institution can impress people with how this place resembles a real school. In my opinion, the people who want to learn something school are being ripped off. Of course, a lot of us are here on scholarships, etc., so I guess we're getting what we pi Just the same, it seems to me that the money which wo spent on this 50-foot-or-so elevated, covered walkway co more appropriately put toward any number of things, n tables for the science department, for example. Why, the» tables shake when someone walks by. I'm surprised that the mens don't jump right out of their jars! But then, how can simple, decent, educational equipmenl pare with the aesthetics involved in having a grand, new toy ti off! I can hear it already: "Gee Whiz! Don't we look a lot lik now that we got this keen new bridge?" I'm sure we will - they start running four lanes of traffic down the new street bi Randall and McLoughlin. Jay I Dear Sirs: I couldn't believe how wonderful Kay St. Germain was. 9 so much talent, and was so lively she could make anyplace co life. She really had a lot of spunk and enthusiasm. She made time appear to stand still the way she got up andi around. She made a very relaxing and comfortable atmosi I am really sorry more people didn't have the pleasure of this fine program. Steven Bui Clackamas Community 4