The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 10, 1979, Page 6, Image 6

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    Internal motivation urges
By Kelly Laughlin
Of The Print
The first one-member team
in the history of women’s cross
country, freshman Nancy
Reynolds has made a fine
showing under the direction of
new Coach Marilyn Linsen-
Last Saturday at the
Clackamas Community
College Classic at McIver Park,
Reynolds breezed by 61 high
school, community college,
and university women to
second place behind Caroline
Walker, an unattached univer­
sity runner. Reynolds had a
personal best in the threermile
course tacking on a 18:1 time.
In pre-season competition,
the Illinois Valley graduate
showed 15th in a pack ofi 169
striders at the Gary Franklin
Memorial in Eugene. Several
top-seeded runners from Mon­
tana and Oregon State Univer­
Kunz-Reynolds, Inc,
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sity were there to finish two Olympic pentathalon qualifier,
slots ahead of her, as well as is “trying to keep Reynolds
high school participants of hungry,” she said, but at the
whom only few came in the top same time gearing her training
100. Reynolds had easy going schedule to the way the fresh­
at the Peer Park Invitational, man feels. “There’s really no
placing first among University set number of miles she runs
of Oregon J.V.-ers, some high everyday, it depends a lot on
community how she feels. We do all the
colleges, amounting to 22 en­ speed work on the track, and
hill conditioning on the cross
Without the support of, say a country course, but there are
dozen teammates, Reynolds days that she simply doesn’t
has to rely on what Linsen- feel very well. Other times she
“internal could do a lot more work than
motivation.” It kind of hurts not we actually do. Through the
to have any teammates. The training, though, I want her
one-to-one contact I give her, motivation to flourish,” she ad­
the way I push her and such, ded
sometimes it gets kind of old,”
“I also work out with the
Linsenmeyer said.
members of the men’s cross
One way Reynolds has dealt country team,” Reynolds said.
with her solitary membership Running alongside men,
on the team is by building a Reynolds finds herself working
close personal friendship with much harder to keep up.
Coach Linsenmeyer. Linsen­ “When I’m running with the
meyer, an Oklahoma State girls, I feel like I can do
University graduate and 1976
Nancy Reynolds
nearlyanything they can dfl
and usually put out about a 601
percent effort. Against th«
guys, though, I give about 81
percent, but at the same time, I
still miss regular teammates!
she said.
Reynolds, however, is]
somewhat used to the ea
perience of competing in a
team sport on an individufl
basis. In high school she rail
her own for three years. On!
in her freshman year was sh®
given the privilege of team
mates and a state titlfl
Reynold’s handicap of virtual!
no female counterparts will
more than likely, work to h!
advantage, if her sell
motivating efforts continue!
With one-to-one training]
provided by Linsenmeyer, ana
a lot of guts, “I can win ■
nationals,” Reynold’s said!
feel it’s a realistic goal, since!
have such a good friend as!
coach. She works me as ha!
as any male coach I’ve ha!
The way it is, her goals are asl
' high as my own.” The fresl
man’s four to five mile jaul
every morning on Beavercre®
Road at 6 a.m. may be a
solitary effort, but Reynolds
isn’t running alone.
Intramurals I
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Page 6
The fall intramural sport®
program will get underway nel
week with both flag footbalfl
and tennis slated. Competitio®
will be held on Tuesdays an®
Thursdays from 11 to 1 p.m®
and teams competing should!
check the intramural schedule!
in Randall for their team’s I
specific playing time.
In other intramural news, In- 1
tramural Coordinator Lore®
Swivel will be- meeting witfl
Student Activities Counselor®
Debbie Baker and forme®
bowling coach Sev Harksofl
regarding the addition of®
bowling to the Intramural!
Bowling is being considerefl
for the program after the schoo®
team was dropped due to lai»
of participation.
Clackamas Community College!
|4 1
22.85 I
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