Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1925)
Only Newspaper Publishing All th' News of . Cottage Grove a. Vicinity. Only Newspaper Publishing All the News of Cottage Grove «nd Vicinity. TWICE COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY APRIL 30. 1925. VOLUME XXXV GUARANIY OIL COMPANY FILES BUNCH OF LEASES Sentinel Printing Is Exhibited in Chicago DR. C. B. KING IS DEAD Prominent G. A. R. Veteran Suc cumbs io Paralysis. BETTER HOMES WEEK IS 10KELlY 18 VN8AFE Structure to Go in; Currin Bridge Soon Completed. START ON MAT 10 NUMBER 59 Chase Gardens Show Ji hat Oregon Soil Can Produce BEFORE COURT Dr. Charles Brandon King, A new bridge probably will be All Provide for Starting of Drilling G. A. R. veteran and for 16 years a Demonstrations to Be Made of Mod built this year leading from the Viewers File Report Favoring Upper prominent resident of Cottage Row river, highway over Row river The Chase gardens out from Eu- ern Home Conveniences and Within Specified Period and Road, While Engineer Morse Printing produced in Cottage Grove, died Wednesday following a into the Kelly district near Dorena. gene and Springfield are an illus- Time-Saving Appliances. Grove is attracting attention else stroke af paralysis of several days for Diviaion of Profits. Favors Lower Road. County Engineer Morse, Bridge tration of what can be done on where and a form recently produc-.d before. Tho funeral will be held i Builder Striker and Commissioner Oregon soil by proper management Forty-nine oil leases on Lane by The Sentinel for the Bohemia at 2:30 p. m., Friday from the Everything is set for Better Crowe visited tho bridge a few in producing and marketing. Conflicting viewers’ reports on county property have been filed Lumber company has been put on i Methodist church, with the pastor, Home week, which starts Sunday, i •lays ago and came to the decision F. B. Chase started in a smell the Greendoor sehool-Imrano section with the county clerk by David exhibition in Chicago by the Ludlow i J. H. Ebert, officiating, Interment May 10. Locally the observation that the bridge can not be left way a quarter of a century ago. of tho Eugene-Lorane highway have Eugene Olson and W. A. Sage, Typograph company, manufacturers i will be in the A. F. A A. M.- of the week, which is a national in use much longer in its present He had not yet established a name .been filed in tho county clerk’s associated in the Guaranty Oil com i of the type easting and rule casting I. O. O. F. cemetery beside the movement, is being sponsored bv condition. and personally delivered his pro | office. On favors the hill road pany operating here and at Eugene. machine recently installed by The body of the wife. the Elmartes club. Red bridge, loading to Sharps ducts from door to door in the | ¡nfo Lorane ------- j and is signed by J. Sentinel. The form was a difficult These are leases which the company Mr. King was born July 15, 1846, On May 12 demonstrations will creek, and the Disston bridge, it two cities which were then villages ! W. Hobbs and Frank Hampton, the has taken during the past two one and the manner in which it at Shelbyville, Tenn., where ho was bo held in several homes of the was found can 1>$ sufficiently re compared to the cities of today. viewers. Tho other favors tho yearB. ThiB is the largest number was produced was such os to be married May 31, 1868, to Miss city. Modern home conveniences paired to make them serviceable But his products were always top lower route and is signed by I M. of oil leases filed in Lane county a splendid advertisement for the Melvina Nichols, who died Septem will be exhibited and tinie-saving for several years. quality, thereby creating a demand, Morse, county engineer, who is ox- versatility of the Ludlow company ’ s for some time and the filing fee ber 2, 1924. The family came to electrical appliances will be shown Work is progressing rapidly on and they weren’t put on the mar officio member of the board of paid to the county clerk totaled machine. I Oregon in 1895, settling first at in uso. Refreshments will be the Currin bridge and this will be ket in competition with the products viewers by virtue of his office. Sentinel quality printing has gone Yoncalla. $147.40. letter they moved to served. put into use within a few weeks. of thousands of other farms. A controversy has arisen over The leases provide that the own- into Portland in competition with Eugene and to Cottage Grove lß On May 13 a demonstration will Cucumbers were sold when others the two routes nnd the people of er of the laad is entitled to one- the many printing establishments | years ago. Dr. King practiced as lie held at the high school practice had none to sell. Tomatoes were Lorane are divided upon tho ques Hand Wins Roseburg Match, eighth of the value of all oil, gas there, into Washington and as far a physician at Yoncalla and Eugene cottage, Refreshments will be Ralph Hand. local middleweight, sold a month or two ahead of the tion. A few days ago n petition south as Los Angeles. An order and other products of any drilling but gave up active practice after served. defeated Paul Amort, Roseburg season. Other products were sold signed by 50 residents of that sec development. The leases run fur is now being gotten out fur 8an ! coming here. On May 14 a lecture on interior middleweight, in a match held in like manner. When the market tion, asking that the lower route i a period of three years with the Francisco. Dr. King served in the Civil war decorating will be given in the high Tuesday night at Roseburg. The was glutted with cucumbers and bo followed, was presented to the option that they may be renewed for with the 5th Tennessee cavalry and school auditorium by an instructor Roseburg bone erusher gave a pood tomatoes of other farms, Chase had | I county court, and a large delegation Parchen Escapes County Jail. a period of two years by payment was one of the few remaining mem from- the University of Oregon. exhibition and was successful in none to sell but did have products ; callet| upon the court to |irg^0 fh(, Frank Parchen, rum runner who bers of Appomattox post, G. A. R. Several local persons will partici applying several headlocks to the which other farms had not yet of 50 cents an aero. Some of the 1 question. Tho next day a number leases provide that drilling must was captured south of here several | He is survived by two sons. John pate in a short program. local man just before Hand grabbed produced. This policy has resulted | of men favoring the upper route be done on the property within the weeks ago and was serving a sen I O. King, St. Louis, Mo., and Carl On May 15 prizes will be award a double toehold, which was ap in tile building of a business that I presented their side of tho ease and specified period while others pro tence in the county jail, made a I J. King, Toledo, Ore.; by four ed for the best essay on “Value plied with such force the Amort is famous over this section of tho tho court took the question under vide that drilling in the district successful break for liberty Tues grandchildren, Joan and Virginia of Better Homes and How Better was not permitted to return to tho state. All Lane county goes to tho advisement until May 6. only must bo started. The local day afternoon. While Jailor Lee j King, daughters of Carl J. King, Homes Week Will Improve the mat. The ono and only fall came Chase gardens. The California and The Hobbs ■ Hampton report field is divided into a number of was takiag the name of a new j and Mrs. Clarice Gardner, Ashland, Community. ’ ’ at the end of one hour, 10 minutes, Portland markets are partially sup awarded damages for right of way districts and the present operations prisoner, Parchen and Harry M. and Charles King, Portland, chíl On May 16 prizes will be award Tho hold with which Amort was plied from the same source and as follows: H. G. Reich, $25, the on Mount David are meeting the Zach, also serving a termn on a liq dren of the late C. Ross King, ed for the beat looking yard of put out is the same one that won some of tho Chase products go to county to move tho fonce; C. A. requirements of a large number of or law violation, slipped behind the banker here a number of years the city. for Hand his recent match here Wyoming, Utah and other states Pratt, $54.90; W. F. Morse, $296.15; these leases. The clause providing jailer and out of the door which | ago; also by two brothers, Thomas There are now 11 greenhouses | with Pilling, sometimes rcierrel to H. H. Smith, $247.75; Lorane Or for the well operations states that had been left ajar. Both made a King, Fresno, Calif., and Robert where the senior Chase started with as the crab hold. Mike Yokel is chards company, $306.62; Georgia work will be continued until a sensational run but Zach was recap King, Clarksville, Tex. but a few feet of glass a quarter | p, said to have developed this hold, ?arman, $25. depth of at least 3000 feet is tured. but no one has found a way of of a century ago. The latest of Tho Morse report gives damages reached unless a well comes in be these houses, of steel construction to Reich, Pratt, Moore, Smith, tho LONDON. .□ breaking it. n fore that time. Home Talent Plays at Creswell. and 300 feet in length, cost $20,000. orchard company and Mrs. Farman The filing of the leases indictes The Choral club, a local musical The glass alone cost $3500. Those tho same as in the other report (Special to The Sentinel.) WHAT CAN BE SAID OF US SILK CREEK. the confidence the company has in organization managed by Louis are amounts that would hnve stng- except that tho last named is given April 28.—Arthur Combs has been WHEN WE DIE? the recent showings at the Eugene Kramer, Btaged their first out-of- appointed by the forestry depart- gered the modest gardener of 25 $500 and the following additional (Special to The Sentinel.) well. town performance Tuesday evening I meat as field inspector for Lane Each of us probably feels that ; April 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Snyder years ago. Mr. Chase no longer amounts are allowed: Cal and Lu- Operations at the Cottage Grove at Creswell. The program included county. his death will be about the most visited Sunday with Mrs. Snyder’s tries to do all his own work. Three olla Hileman, $235; G. D. Budding well continue uninterruptedly and singing, dancing and vaudeville A petition has bene circulated important event in his life, yet brother, Mr Anderson, of the Ells sons are associated with him and ton, $98; A. C. and M. M. Cole, the drillers express complete satis skits. Vocal numbers were given and presented to the board of when we shuffle off this mortal worth mill, who sustained a frac there are 18 employes tho year $75; C. C. Da via, $100; Lillie A. faction with the showings. by Frank Snodgrass and Leslie school directors asking them to re coil the chances are that a one-line tured shoulder a week ago but is round, with additional employos at Crowe, $150; E. E. Davis, $125; Hull. A number from Cottage tain the present teachers for next head under the box-headed obitu is improving rapidly. certain seasons. Fifty acres of D. E. and W. W. Jackson, $200. year. The board held a meeting aries will be all we shall get, and NEW THEATER IS TO OPEN Grove attended. Mrs. Neff and little daughter Oregon soil are intensively culti Engineer Morse says in his re- at the school house Saturday eve some of us may be overlooked en Inez called Sunday afternoon at vated. The production of flowers port that the lower routo is fa has been added to the business in vored by n Eugene Play House Is Named for ning, but no definite action was tirely. Saginaw Enters School Parade. the Babcock home. large majority of the When tho Chase citizens and that tho cost will bl Lowell Smith. Saginaw, April 28.—(Special.)— taken. In another column of tho same Little Rachael Collins is still recent years. gardens are short, many flowers Small, of Cottage Mrs. Flora This community planH to enter" a paper may appear under a large seriously ill. loss than by the upper route, while The new Lowell theater, rapidly float in the county school parade Grove, was a week-end guest of heading the story of the wonderful Mrs. Nettie Estes, who has been are purchased from tho Sunnyside tho viewers state the upper road greenhouses at Cottage Grove, nearing completion in Eugene, will to be hold in Eugene May 9. The Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Small. performance of some ambitious hen very sick, is improving slightly. will better serve the stores, the be formally opened the week of school pupils plan to attend in a Mr. and Mrs. Will Massey, of which has produced nn unusually Miss Fanny Young’s school closed which also have a reputation over school house and other public May 4, according to Donald Mc body and cars will also be pro Cottage Grove, attended church large egg, or a story of how tho Friday. Hho took her pupils to many states. places. The Chase gnrdons have a curi- Donald, manager. e vided for parents who wish to ac here Sunday and later visited Mrs. Prince of Wales danced with the Bald butte for a picnic. On Thurs — I osity in an ornnge tree 10 years The house, which is named after company their children. Mary Massey. girl who waited upon his table at day evening she and her pupils of age which has been producing JOHN STON EXONERATED Lieutenant Lowell Smith, command Mrs. R. B. Powell entered a Eu some swell hotel, or a display head gave a fine program at the school 150 Christmas oranges eneh year er of the United States army globe gene hospital Friday and under may be necessary to inform tho house, which well attended. THORNTON CORNERS. Lane County Case, However, Is Yet girdlers, who is well known here went an operation Monday morning. public that Paris girls have raised H. M. Damewood, of Lorane, for six years. It is now full of to Have Hearing by reason of his connection with Her condition ir reported as satis their skirts another inch. There spent the week end with friends green fruit. (Special to The Sentinel.) the airplane forest patrol out of may bo a four column picture of and neighbors hero. April 28.—Mrs. "Frank Chapman factory. Exoneration of Clyde N. John Eugene over a period of several and daughter and Mrs. Alleman, of B. G. Banton and J. N. Hogue the bare knees of the Parisian Dr. Ball was doing some survey MOUNT VIEW. ston, former district attorney of years. n\otored to Roseburg Sunday for maids, while our pictures, if they ing here Monday. Divide, were at the Mrs. Jennie Lane, on charges filed against him The decorations were personally Perini home Sunday. church services and to visit friends. appear at all, will be begrudged the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wheeler (Special to The Sentinel.) by Lawrence Edmunaon with the chosen by the late A. H. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Schiffbauer half-column space into which they motored to Blnehly Sunday. April 28.—Mrs. Virgil Whito and Miss Verl Berkhart and Miss stnte supremo court is recommended whose vision is responsible for the Anna Cunningham, of Harrisburg, and son Richard, of Portland, nrc are squeezed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dorrell visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whito and theater building. Expert« havo oc were week-end guests of Mrs. E. H. visitihg at the B. A. Pruett home At first blush this seems a shab friends in Delight Valley Sunday. baby, of Cottage Grove, wore Kui by the grievance committee of tho stnte bur association. No action claimed them wonderful examples Dustin. Mrs. Schiffbauer is a niece of Mrs. by way the newspapers have of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Babcock day guests of Mr. an<l Mrs. J. R as yet has been taken by the court. of art. treating those for whom tl>»y are were guests Saturday night at the Cooley. Pearl Plaster went to Garibaldi Pruett. A hearing has not yot. been Mr. and Mrs. Herat Anderson writing the last story they are Raymond Trask home In Cottage Miss Laura Riley spent the week Saturday and brought home his had on the demand upon District WALKER. end with her sister, Miss 8« rah family, who had been visiting and children, of Springfield, and likely to have the opportunity to Grove. Attorney Modley to show cause Mrs. Anderson’s mother, Mrs. Mary write for them. Rurely the passing Mrs. H. Nice and daughter left Riley, at tho Perry Van Hchoiaek there. Jones, of Portland, and Mr. and of a human being is more impor some time ago for Vancouver, B. C., homo at Fairview and with them why ho should not bring action (Special to The Sentinel.) Mrs. G. H. Mosby and baby against tho former district attorney April 28.—The seniors of the daughter, of Klamath Falls, visited Mrs. Murry Newton and daughter tant that the laying of a large egg, where they expect to make their attended tho birthday dinner Sun for failure to prosecute a ease high school went to Eugene Mon Friday with Mr. Mosby’s aunt, visited 8unday at the Bert Newton than the story of a single dance, home for a time. day at tho laanc Land home in I Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Wheeler en- honor of Mr. Land ’a aeventy- brought to his attention. than a view of the knees ol a day evening after school to ha ve Mrs. J. W. Fisher. Mrs. Mosby homo. Grandma Powell is still in * pretty maid. t ertai nod the E. R. Darnell family seventh birthday anniveraary. a class picture taken. left that night for her home, after ... Why then are the newspapers so Saturday at dinner. Mrs. J. H. Ponsford nnd son I W. D. B. DODSON COMES Walker high school baseball team a two weeks’ visit with relatives critical condition at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. hfcReynolds, at inconsiderate? Mrs. E. M. Wheeler will leave Dale, of Thornton Corners, visited played Pleasant Hill Friday after in Cottage Grove and vicinity. As the matter of fact the news Wednesday for Butedale, B. C., Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller Sunday j Portland Chamber. of Commerce noon at Walker. The score was Mrs. 8. P. Shortridge and little Divide. Lisher Geer returned Monday papers are not inconsiderate. They to spend the summer. Head to Speak Here. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heath visited j 18 to 7 in Walker’s favor. granddaughter, Wanda Berrey, and Mrs. R. V. Darnell visited Mort Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred I The seniors presented their play Mrs. Sailing, of Cottage Grove, from Gates, Wash., where ho vis wish to give their readers all tho big heads they can, but there . day at the E. R. Darnell home. W. D. B. Dodson, general man- Frost at Blue Mountnin. Friday evening to a large audience spent Sunday with Mrs. Short- ited his brother, Levi Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens called Mr. nnd Mrs. (leno Boss moved ager of the Portland chamber of of patrons and friends. Hot coffee, ridge's mother, Mrs. Grant Fields, I Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Adams and must be something unusual in a Mrs. Elizabeth Adams and daugh news story, some one or two fea Moadav evening on thir annt, Mrs. out from tho Grove to tWeir place commerce, will uddreaa the Cottage sandwiches and doughnuts were at Latham. Grove chamber of commerce Thur« served after the play. The net hero Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George _ Foster, ac- ter Stella, of Cottage Grove, were tures that stand out, in order to E. M. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elfving, of «lay evening, May 7, at the chain proceeds were $32. This money companied by Mrs. George Alleman callers at George Sutherland ’s give the head writer something upon which to base a head, while Cottage Grove, were nt th ■ C. A. ber'a regular monthly luncheon to was for commencement invitations. of Divide, Ben Rinard and Elmer I Sunday afternoon. LYNX HOLLOW. Word was received this week dying is the most common thing be hold at 0:30 at Hotel Bartell. King homo Monday of last wook. The Walker high school baseball Miller attended the motorcycle pic that Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Marlow we do. Everyone does is soon or Mrs. Richard Hanna has returned Mr. Dodaon ia an oxpert in the team defeated a Cottage Grove nic at Drain Sunday. (Special to The Sentinel ) pickup team Sunday afternoon, the H. C. Rose has purchased a piano. i and sister Lillie Marlow, who have late anil there is little differ April 28.—Among those who vin from a Portland hospital, where work of civic bodies and it is an ticipated that he will have a mes- score being 20 to 6. Mrs. Tom Foster, of Blue Monn- ' been at Tucson, Ariz., for the enee in the way it is done by ti« ited Cottage Grove Raturday were she had been a month Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Creison, of »ago of considerable interest for Owing to rainy weather the base tain, visited briefly at the 8. Pj past year, will start by motor for large majority of us. the Rtalder family and A. B. Wol The head writer finds it no dif ford and son Harold. Cottage Grove, visited M th . Aman mombora of tho local organization. ball game with Creswell has been Shortridge and R. B. Nixon homes Oregon about May 10. It will be postponed a number of times, but Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Foster necessary to travel slowly on ae- ficult job to prepare a head fer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clock, of da Hoars one day last week. the monster egg the ambitious hen Eugene, called on friends here Run Mias Ruth Johnson spent Sunday will be played Tuesday afternoon was returning from the Grove j count of Mr. Marlow’s health. SAGINAW. John Baughman, of Graton, Calif., has produced. A head for the day. in Cottage Grove with Mrs. May if the weather permits. where she had taken het little boy Beulah Ranck visited in Delight Billy for medical treatment for a grandson of Mrs. Mary Massey and story about the prince dancing The Weitz family, on the Clock cumber. (Special to The Sentinel.) Loon Arne, who had spent a valley Sunday. severely cut toe which he sustained a former resident of London, was with the dining maid is a cinch. place, gave a dancing party Satur April 28.—Tho senior class of married Tuesday to Miss Gladys The length, or lack of length, of week with his brother nnd little Mrs. Chas. Wright returned Run one day last week. day night. Walker union high school presented day from Newport. She had been Carl and Tony Tonoli, of Divide, Gusstoveson. They will make their the skirts of pretty maids lends Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lehow visit boys, returned Hunday to his home the play, “Tho Little Clodhopper,” itself readily to the imagination ed at tho Marion Lebow homo Hun at Myrtle Point. visiting there for some time. were at the home of their annt, home at Graton. at tho high school auditorium Fri Mr. Fletcher, county agricultural and literaty talent of the head day. A cow belonging to J. A. Hchnoi day evening to an appreciative C. E. Wright and family visited Mrs. Jennie Perini, Sunday. agent, was in this neighborhood writer. But read a dozen obituary der was poisoned one day last I at M. A. Horn’s in Delight valley Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Harr cl, of Txinise Weitz is seriously ill. audience. After the play the girls notices and try to find oae or Sunday. Cottage Grove, were Sunday dinner Monday. The Pentico people were in Eu week, presumably by eating sumo sold coffee and sandwich**. Music two features upon which an out gone last week, in attendance on weed. Her recovery is still doubt I by the “Country Kids” orchestra, guests of Mr. and Mrs. James BLUE MOUNTAIN. standing head eould be based. Mascots Defeat Local*. Plaster. Mrs. Cody Pentico, who is in a ful. and a duet by Miss Flossie Mathes Clarence Rears and Walter Dow and Mr. Knight and instrumental The Mascot pool hall bowling ■ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ritchey, of We are born, we may move from hospital there. (Special to The Sentinel.) ens attended the entertainment gi\ team, of Eugene, defeated the Cot Curtin, were at the J. W. Fisher The Community club met with ono city to another, or from one inusic by Mrs. C. H. Haight filled April 28.—Mrs. Louise Kibby, state to another, we marry, wo Mrs. Fletcher England, at Walker, en by the Eugene American Legion out a very enjoyable program. tage Grove bowlers by 130 points home Friday. in the game played Monday night Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dodge and who spent the winter in California, may serve faithfully a ohurrh or Wednesday of last week. Light post Raturday night. Mr*. J. F. Adney returned Hat on the local alley*. The same Miss Kathleen Smith motored to returned home last week. a lodge, we die and we leave a work, a short program and dainty «Those interested in the up keep urday evening from spending a of the Hears cemetery are engaged | Week in Eugene. Vernon Whipps, of Powers, is few relatives to mourn our loss— refreshments occupied the time. teams will clash tonight on the Wendling Sunday. Eugene alley*. The local team will Mias Evelyn Rose ia confine! to visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. and tho newspaper* have found The John Rtalder family, of De inbuilding an all-year rond to it. A 7%-pouod daughter was born F. Whipps, for a few days. meet the Springfield bowlers here the house with mumps. that so often they would have tn light Valley, and Mr. and Mrs Tho present road is impassable ex April 26 to Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Bonny Pernie and stretch a point to say that much Robert Rubeek, of Salem, wore cept with a team the greater part Hodges. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Htroud and children were Eugene visitors baby visited Sunday afternoon that most of them merely name dinner guests with the Jake Rtalder of tho year. Mrs. C. C. Moody is enjoying Mrs. Eutheria Dowena was a a visit from her niece, Mrs. Oden, Schools to Enter In Parade. with Mr. and Mrs. George Duerst. the relatives that have been left family Friday. one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Duerst and and leave the rest to the imaginn The local school probably will Mr and Mrs. O. L. Smith and The R. *E. Dresser family and Cottage Grove visitor Friday. j of Coquille. participate ia the Lane couaty family, of the Grove, visited Run- children visited Sunday afternoon tioa of the readers. Add the name Mr. and Mrs. I, N. Dresser motored Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoffman, with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Robbi ns, of the preacher and the burial plot to Eugene Sunday. school parade to be held ia Eugene day at the C. A. Dodge home. Thermometer Takes Exercise. of Portland, visited Hunday with May 9. The schools have been par James Rinard left Sunday for of Cottage Grove. and there is the structure upon The thermometer is not afflicted tho Charles Cassedv family. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moody which tke reporter is expected to the head writer, ths chances are with spring fever nnd to show tieipatiag in so many activities California. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M A “ Horn started hauling grav- that it has been impossible to ar Thorne, of London. were nt the and little daughter spent Sunday build a story of our life accom that the fact that we have ceased that it is in the pink of condition el from his crusher Tuesday morn with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moody. range definitely for the kind of R. P Rhortridge homo Sunday. plishments. our earthly struggle will be hearld and full of pep, it jumped to 80 ing. entrv to be made i Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Wright and Unless we ean contrive to be ed to the world in a single lire degrees Tuesday, the highest point Lithographing, engraving, steel murdered, or killed in an auto head, while the hen who lays a reached this season and probably little son. of Walher, visited Hun Three thousand people read Ths First with Cottage Grove news— day evening with Mrs. Wright’s dye work. The Sentinel's live wire mobile wreck, or meet death in large number of big eggs will get tho highest point reached st this Sentinel each week. What have The Sentinel. print shop is the place. xxx some odd manner that appeals to the front page position. sister, Mrs. J. W. Fisher. time of year for a number of years. you to tell this vast throng? xxx EDITORIAL