Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1925)
PAGE SIX COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1925 □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a □ □ □ * □ □anaaaaaaaa□□□□□□□ Miss Mary Snauer as leader, Afis» and Mrs. John Wnlden, both of cut lip Sunday evening when she Elizabeth Cdoley as president, Miss whom are ill at the Walden home. ran into the gate in the fence Ellen Ellis as vice president and George Curtis, of Veneta, visited that 'encloses the church yard, Edna Guggisberg us secretary. Thursday and Friday with his sis gate is usually left open in There is a membership of nine. ter, Mrs. John Fountain. evening and it was so dark Miss Geraldine Spaugh, of Est MOUNT VIEW. Mrs. Clyde Wright attended the Dolly did not sec that it gene, spent the week-end with her Lane county convention of the i been closed. aunt, Mrs. Amanda Sears. Her Farmers’ union at’ Cottage Grove (Special to The Sentinel.; Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Pruett April 21.—Arthur Gallaher, of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spaugh, Friday. daughter Jr3iie, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. North Bend, visited last week with motored up for her Sunday morn Owing to the stormy weather Banton aud daughter Noia and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller, who ing an-l visited during the day. the Drain high school baseball team Mr. and Mrs. George Bailes aud d Mr. and Mrs. Eil Nye and Mr. did not arrive to play the game daughter Reta were guests of Mr. were neighbors in Colorado. The girls of Mount View school and Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, of Eu they had schedub-il with the Walker and Mrs. W. L. Townsend Sunday. have organized a sewing club with gene, Leon Arne, of Myrtle Point, team. and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chamber lain, of Rogue River, were among SAGINAW. the relatives from outside points )1 to attend the funeral of /I (Special to The Sentinel.) Claude Arne Sunday. April 21.—Miss Esther Sharon Mr. and Mrs. C. A. King, , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conner and Wm. accompanied the Neat Potter and Fisk Are Praised, Mar Hands were Eugene business - visit- their home at Coburg, gladry, Howard, Wheeler be gone for some time. | ors one day last week. Lucile Robison is ill with in- Mrs. G. H. Mosby and baby Are Criticized. daughter, of Klamath Falls, who fluenza. The Harry Jarrett and Carl I are visiting relatives in Cottage Members of the legislature were I Grove, spent Wednesday with Mr. Girard families, of Springfield, praised and condemned in a re spent Sunday with 8. H. Jarrett. and Mrs. W. D. Heath. Slippery pavements caused an port of the legislative committee Mrs. Anna Hoffman and son accident just south of Saginaw which wns adopted at the recent Jake, of Eugene, accompanied by early Monday morning. A wrecker session of the Farmers’ union held a friend, visited Monday with Mrs. Here is what a West Coast Life here. The session also voted to Hoffman’s sister, Mrs. Amanda was called from Cottage Grove to present to the county court a set Perfect Protection Policy will give I pick up the car, an Essex coach, Sears. of questions concerning tax affairs Mr. and Mrs J. C. Wright and i I The names of the persons were not and expenditures of money. If you die from natural causes learned. family, of Walker, spent one eve Senator Fisk was praised for Wm. Hodge, foreman on extra ning last week with Mrs. Wright’s standing with the agricultural in if you die from accident I parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heath. gang No. 2, wn« a Eugene visitor terests. Representative Potter was Monday morning. and in case of permanent total Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moody and praised for voting against the Den BLUE MOUNTAIN. disability the company will son Bobbie, of Cottage Grove, were nis anti-incomo tax resolution al 1. Waive all premium payments Sunday visitors at the Judson Allen though himself probably a disbe (Special to The Sentinel.) liever in the income tax. Repre 2. Pay you $2} per week for one year j and in ad April 21.—Miss Eva Isaacson home. Mrs. J. F. Adney is in Eugene sentative Wheeler was criticized dition spent the week end in Cottage for his vote for the Mills post 8. Pay you $50 per month for life; and Grove with her sister, Lucile Isaac- with the J. F. Walden family. primary bill and Senator Magladry James Couser was a Eugene 4. Pay $5,000 to your beneficiary when you die I son. and Representative Howard were 5. If disability involves loss of limbs or sight as a Little Margaret Castle broke her visitor Wednesday. criticized for their votes for the collar bone Sunday while playing. result of accident, the company will pay you Dennis resolution. Excuses that THORNTON CORNERS. A number from hero attended $Spoo in cash, immedintely, in addition to all votes for which they were criti the funeral of Mrs. Claude Arne other benefits. cized were used as trading stock (Special to Tho Sentinel.) in-Cottage Grove Sunday. [In case of temporary disability, aa a reault of either April 21.—Louie Premazzi and were also criticized. Miss Gladys Whipps spent the sickness or accident, the company will pay you $25 per The list of questions submitted to ; week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson son and Mrs. Angelo Perini were the county court follows: week for a limit of 52 weeka.] Eugene business visitors one day Whipps in Cottage Grove. Do the records show that the Miss Mary Layng, of Mount last week. Lane county debt was increased or Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Stroud gave View, visited Saturday ami Sunday diminished under the management with her sister, Mrs. George Duerst. a dance at their home Saturday of the preceding county courtf INSURANCE COMPANY night. HOME OFFKE-tAN FRANCISCO Do the records of Lnne indicate. E. IL Dustin has been suffering WALKER. the past week with a severe sprain that the county debt is increasing PORTLAND BRANCH OFFICE—7TH FLOOR OA9CO BLDG. in his back, which he sustained or diminishing under the manage (Special to The Sentinel.) inent of the present county court? W. E. Mayes and R. C. Stacey, Agents April 21.—A community dance while doing heavy lifting. Is the $25,000 that was placed Mrs. S. P. Shortridge and son COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON I was held at Adam Schmitt’s Fri in the 1924 budget for a timber Clifford visited Sunday afternoon day evening. cruise in Lane county still in the The Walker senior class will with Mrs. Shortridge’s mother, Mrs. county treasury? Grant Fields, at Latham. present their class play, "A Little OF AMERICAS STRONGEST COMPANIES If not, for what purpose was it Fred Frost, of Blue Mountain, Clodhopper,” Friday evening, April used? 24, in the high school auditorium. was at the J. W. Fisher home Was it lawful to use this money Other features of the evening will Sunday. for any other purpose until the George Foster was in Eugene be music and after the play re timber cruise made by Mr. Nease Saturday. freshments will be sold. was legally settled? Mrs. Mary Smith is in Eugene Is it not a fact that less than taking earo of Mrs. M. A. Horn SILK CREEK. one year ago the members of the w------- i------ present court declared themselves (Special to The Sentinel.) □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a strongly in favor of continuing April 21.—A six-pound son was the timber cruise in Lane county? born April 7 to Mr. nnd Mrs. Were you sincere in making such □ Frank Peoples. statements or were they merely □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□nan Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Teeters have used as campaign buncombe? CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, bought and moved onto the place If you were sincero in placing dental gold, platinum and dis formerly owned by Mrs. O. H. great stress on such statements, carded jewelry. Hoke Smelting & Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler at the taxpayers meeting, _ _ Refining Company, Otsego, Michi have moved into Mr. Wheeler’s why, sjjj 1 did you not make the cruise sure gan. a2tfc(2) Ì house. by including in the 1925 budget a sufficient amount to cover the I HOLLYWOOD CHICKS, $11 PER cruise for the ensuing year? DOREN A. 100 in May and $10 in Juno. Did you not know when you add Food is down—big short agouti hens ed the one half mill to the budget I means high egg prices next winter. (Special to The Sentinel.) April 21.—Mr. and Mrs. W. W. that such an act was unlawful and | Better order at once. Bert V. Hands, Cottage Grove. a!3ni4p(M) Chrisman left Friday by motor for would be rejected? Is your interest really with the ! Kelso, Wash. FOR SALE—PERCHERON 8TAL Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams, common taxpayer or with the large lion, registered, about 12 years of Wildwood, are visiting at the timber holder? old, weight about 1900 pounds, homo of Mrs. Williams’ parents, How many touring nnd other j extra fine animal, produces A-l Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Ward. passenger cars does Lane county colts, in good condition, $250. Mr. and Mrs. Lot Wagner and own at the present time? Would give terms on part. Will family spent Sunday at the James How many automobiles, not make you good money. Also Duroc Chapman home in Eugene. owned or hired by the county, Depend upon your local Southern Pacific Jersey boar, registered, about 5 Roy Van Sehoiaek has purchased does Lane county supply with gas, agent for aid in making your vacation plan», years old, weight about 900 pounds, la used Overland touring car. oil and tires? lt'a high time to be thinking about them. fine breeder, $00. Both near Eu How many touring and other Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Ward visited And he is thoroughly informed. He can advise gene, Oregon. J. 8. Beall, Portland, ! with relatives in Springfield Sun- passenger cars has Lane county you intelligently about vacation spots of especial Oregon. alfl-23c(2) ' day. bought since June 1, 1924? charm and how best to reach them. What was the total price paid Noble Elliott motored to Eugene NOTICE TO BUILDERS AND He’ll gladly supply you with all booklets, and for such cars? Sunday. contractors. List your lathing complete, accurate information regarding Is it not a fact that touring A number from here attended the and shingling with mo. Reshingling cars owned and supplied by Lane Fare* Schedules Routes a specialty. My interests arc here, funeral of Mrs. R. C. Arne in Cot- county are frequently used for Reservations, etc. that’s why I do you a good guar I tago Grove Sunday. Alex Garoutte sustained painful pleasure trips and other private autocd job. George D. Foster, Your local agent is eager to serve you. purposes? phono 35F13. al«m8p(2) j injuries Friday at the Garoutte J Was it the intention of the Brothers logging camp when struck Phone Main 8800 or call at F O R S A L E—MODERN RESI- ,in the back of the head by a sap- county court, at the time the 1925 budget was made, to continue the -lenco on south First street. Phone •ing. City Ticket Office services of the bridge inspector . All those interested are request- 127- Y. H. A. Morse. a20m28p(2) 4th at Stark , ed to meet at the Sears cemetery and the rondmastersf FOR SALE 1924 FORD COUPE, IN Friday, April 24, to work on the If so, why was thero not some first class condition, for sale at a \ road leading to the cemetery. provision made for their salary real bargain even for a used Ford, j in the biulgot? Cash or terms. Billie Hall Service From what funds do they receive LONDON. Station. a20-23p their pay? Do you employ two road masters j (Sepcial to The Sentinel.) I FOR SALE DODGE TOURING April 21.—Some one got some when there is not sufficient work ear. Worth more than we’re to keep one busy? asking. Billie Hall Service Sta gasoline -pretty cheap one night Hon. a20-23p ! last week when they drained the The live wire print shop is al tank the road workers have been ways ready to help in the prep using in the operations. The Gilhain and Abeene fam-lies aration of advertising and printing Our experience may be held a family reunion at the C. C. copy. worth something to you. xxx — TO TRADE EDISON PHONO- Gilhnni home Sunday. Mr. ard Mrs W. T. Jones spent graph and Narco radio outfit. Special bookkeeping systems It ill take cattle, bankable paper Sunday at Black Butte visiting of every kind. The Sentinel. Mr. Jones’ siatar, Mrs. Susan or anything I can US,-. Rill Walker. Bartels. a23-39p(2) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Herbert Elmore and wife, of the CEMENT. LIME. PLASTER BRICK, Applegate neighborhood, visited Fri PKDIGBEED P O L I C E p p p s. FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY. METAL In the matter of the estate of Sire: Double champion Hero, son day with Mr. Elmore’s sister, Mrs. LATH, CORNER BEADS, SHIN of international champion ApoIto John Sutherland. Mrs. Sutherland Samuel K. Busiek. deceased. GLES, DRAIN TILE, SEWER TILE. Notice is hereby given that von Mimurstein. Dam: Munirs von nnd sister, Dorothy Elmore, accom CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL. Barnhclm IV of Sfronghvart strain. panied them to Row river Friday Agnes V. Smith has been by the PLASTERING SAND. ZOURI STORE Get a pup to train for watch dog evening and all apent the week County Court of the State of Ore gon, in and for Lane County ap FRONT FITTINGS. AND OTHER for guarding your car or your end with their mother and sisters. Mrs. George Powell returned to pointed executrix of the estate of rattle, for pet for the children and THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO the family, Prices exceedinglv her home at Lorane Wednesday, Samuel K. Busiek deceased and MENTION reasonable, stock considered. M. P. after spending two weeks with the that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby Fletcher, Box 2t»3, Kuffene. Ore- Howard Cox family. No Charge on City Deliveries gon. J. N. Hogue and grandson. R <1. notified to present the same duly atte Banton. attended church services varified at the law office of H. j. ESTRAY JERSEY COW CAME in Eugene Sunday. Shinn ia Cottage Grove, Oregon, to the Ostrander place one mile It is reported that Grandma within six months from the 26 th south of eitv on April 17. Cow's Powell is seriously ill at the heme day of March. 1925. Juit North of S. P Station—Phone 100 left horn is broken off. Owner of her daughter. Mrs Ida MeRey. AGNES V. SMITH. may have same by paying oxpen uolds, of Divide. H. J. Shinn. Executrix. -*»• a23 27p Dolly Newton sustained a badly Attorney for estate. m2«a23e(T) Nearby News ° EMBARRASSING QUESTIONS ARE )onï dream of pivtectloiL Mit $5,000 $10,000 The Importance of Wearing CORRECT HOSIERY The importance of hosiery can not be overestimated. Often the success of one’s entire costume depends upon one’s choice of hose. Hosiery, correct hosiery for every occasion and of dependable quality is at this store. Phoenix Hose for Women Allen A. Hose for Women and Children Women’s semifashioned silk and fibre hose made with reinforeel toes and heels: black, afriean, log cabin, beige and snap dragon, pair $ .00 W est C oast L ife WANTADS□ « j Travel Planning ^-for vacation journeys Women’s sheer ehiffon weight pure Japan silk hose, full fashioned, lisle tops, reinforced toes and heels; gun metal, black, french nude, biscuit and shell, pair Wbmen’s heavy weight pure Japan silk hose, lisle tops, full fashioned: black afri- can, beige, rosewood, french nude, blonde, pair Women’s mercerized lisle ribbed hose, inforced toes and heels; black, camel and gray, pair a Children’s mercerized lisle half sox, white with fancy colored tops, rein forced toes and heels. “Allen A” quality assures wear, pair .... .................... Children’s half sox of fibre silk with lisle tops: black and beige, pair .......................... Children’s three quarter ribbed lisle sox, gray and white with fancy colored tops, reinforced toes and heels, pair ................... Children’s f" “ three .2___ quarter sox with fibre silk lisle ribbed tops, reinforced toes and heels' pair ............................. 30« 50« 50c Helliwell & Marksbury Every patron of The Sentinel is helping to gi\ e Cottage Grove a newspaper which emi nent authority has stated to be one of the best country newspapers published anywhere. Southern Pacific Our Building Material Line Includes— Godard & Randall A GOOD INDIAN IS A DEAD INDIAN A saft-(!) man is a man in the State’s Prison. I 1 3 The next safest man is one who has been tried and who has always made pood. This bank is manned by men who have not only been tried and who have made good, but who have, in their efforts, exceeded the expectations of the bank’s stockholders. Considering our large earning capacity, our pros perous condition ami well established reputation of an bank, we unhesitatingly invite the business of the people of Cottage Grove and he country tributary, fully knowing our ability to serve carefully, as well as expeditiously The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Cottage Grove 3 4