Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1925)
Only Newspaper Publishing °0. ° 7 . .viuity. L TWICE VOLUME XXXV Number of Wool Producers Is Less While Demand for Wool and Mutton Grows. Only Newspaper Publishing All the News of Cottage Grove ^nd Vicinity. « COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1925. NUMBER 53 Potatoes Hoarded By MILLION GALLON RESERVOIR Boys Use Baby Buggy UTERAL SEWER CONTRACT IS Special Masonic Work HUGE MOONSHINE STILL TAKEN Moles Produce as Target for Gets Mention in LET TO LOCAL MEN BY OFFICERS New Crop Rifle Shots Magazine Two-Acre Site Adjoining the Pres, Trunk Line Sewers Are Accepted Harrisburg, April 4.—A story of bright new potatoes, ready for the table the last of March, comes from Mrs. Mary A. Douglas. The potatoes, it seems, were not expected, as they sprung up in her flower garden, but she let them grow, and is now reaping the harvest. The potatoes, however, were not planted in the garden, and eould not have come from any last year’s crop, for no last year’s crop was there. There is but one explana tion, that ground moles carried the belated tubers last year from the main patch some distance away and stored their in their tunnels for winter feeding. Some of them, according to the theory, were not consumed and the early potato crop resulted. Encouragement was given sheep and goat raisers at a meeting hehl yesterday afternoon at the Alex Spare place on old south Pacific highway. H. A. Lindgren, livestock special ist of the extension division of Oregon Agricultural college, said that there is no more open range that can be secured for running sheep, that there are fewer sheep than 10 years ago, while the de mand for wool and mutton is con stantly increasing. He expressed the belief that sheep men can look forward to good prices for their products. Ho did not advocate the sheep and goat business as a get-rich-quick proposition but as one upon which there will be fair MADDOX IS FOUND; WILL returns. BE BROUGHT BACK Mr. Lindgren advocated the cull ing of low-shearing owes ami rams William Maddox, former resident •as one of the surest ways to make th® business profitable. He laid of Cottage Grove, who made a sen stress upon the necessity of prop sational escape from the county erly caring for the fleece if best jail a year ago as he was about prices are desired. Fleeces should to be taken to the state peniten not be mixed, he said, and the tiary to serve a year’s term for kid mohair should be kept separ- possession of a still, has ben appre ate from the mohair from older hended at Turlock, Calif,, and will bo brought back to serve his sen animal*. G. P. Thompson, of the Pacific tence. Maddox, it will be remembered, Cooperative Wool Growers’ asso- ciation, told of the results which escaped by hiding himself in an have been obtained by that orgin' ash can which was carried from ration and he urged membership the jail by fellow' prisoners. He on the part of all interested in was seen to crawl from the can ties! market prices for wool nnd and escape in a waiting automo- bile, presumably. driven by his wife, mohair. O. 8. Fletcher, county agent, Tho escape was not discovered until tho following moYning, al- was in charge of the meeting. Tho meeting was one of a series though a number in the vicinity being held throughout tho county saw the man crawl from the ash can. ent Reservoir Has When Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sarff went for an outing Sunday after- noon on the hill east of- the city The city council has definitely they left part way up the hill the decided upon the purchase of two buggy in which their young hopeful acres of land adjoining on the had been riding. Some time after south the present reservoir east of leaving the buggy Mr. Sarff dis the city, William Landess, the covered that it was being used as a owner of the land, has asked $500 target by two boys with rifles. Ho for the two acres and in addition gave chase but was unable to over the ownership of water pipe owned take tho lads. He did learn their by the city which connects with names, however, and reported the the Landess water reservoir located I occurrence to Chief of Police Pitch some distance south of the city’s ■ er, who has taken no action against reservoir. The city put in this I the boys pending settlement by pipe at the time it secured a por I their parents. The boys are aged tion of the city’s water from the ; about 12 years. The buggy was Landess reservoir. , ruined. Engineer Rogers, of Corvallis, es timated the cost of a million-gallon reservoir at $20,000. As soon at title to the land is secured the council will call a special election to vote upon a $25,000 bond issue, the proceeds to be used in the construction of Advertising Matter and Newspapers the proposed reservoir. Work will Are to Pay More to Go have to be rushed if the reservoir is to be completed in time to use Through Mails. it during the dry season this year. Been Selected. With Item of $1000 Left In Dispute. Officers Hide Two Days and Nights The Masonic Analyst (Portland) for April contains the following: “Cottage Grove Lodge, No. 52, A. F. & A. M., ‘confers’ an ex- elusive degree not officially re- quired; howover, it serves to pro mote good fellowship. The thirty fourth or ‘ benedict ’ degree is con forred upon those who have just become ‘benedicts;’ and (as the candidate is informed) only 34 have survived its ordeals. Origin ally it was conferred exclusively upon newly-wedded brethren failing to attend next lodge communica tion succeeding assumption of mar riage vows. A self appointed ‘de gree team’ assumes responsibility for the candidate’s presence. Al though the team’s duties are at times arduous, it has never failed in producing the neophyte. One candidate was captured after a spirited race over tho highway, while two others were apprehended at Eugene, Necessarily new ‘ de- gree work’ is prepared for each ceremony, Worth Harvey, P. M., was first candidate, Other masons who have ‘enjoyed’ the special ritualist ic work, confessing it ‘great,’ are George Matthews, Carl- ton E. Spencor, Warren Edwards, Victor Chambers, M. H. Anderson, P. M., Lester Phelph, H. A. Hagen and William Thum,” But Operators of the Plant Fall to Appear. A contract for the construction The largest moonshine still yet of lateral sewers in districts 6, 18 found by officers in Lane county and 30 were awarded Monday night was located Sunday by Deputy to Hubbell, Jorgensen aud Nichols, Sheriff Van Svaverud and other whose bid was $6,600, or almost officers across the rivor from Deer exactly a thousand dollars less horn on tho McKenzie river. They than the only other bid, which was lay in wait for the operators for submitted by John Keating, who two days and nights but concluded has done the other sewer work for Tuesday afternoon that their pres tho city. ence had been discovered and they The trunk line sexvers constructed destroyed the plant, taking some by Keating were accepted, but nn of tho mash to use as evidence item of $1000 claimed by him for in case those who operated the extra excavation not called for still should be apprehended. in the contract is in dispute. The officers located the plant Property owners on north Ninth Sunday evening soon after crossing and north Tenth streets submitted tho river at Deerhorn. No one a petition asking for the construc was at the plant at the time and tion of a lateral sower running it was not fired up but it had tho north and south between the two appearance of having boon in op streets. eration only a day or two before. Property owners on west Main The plant was complete in every presented a petition asking for detail and tho vats contained 3000 the opening of an alley south of gallons of corn mash, enough to their property. manufacture several thousand dol- A petition was presented asking lars worth of liquor at prevailing for tho establishment of an alley prices. between enst Madison and onst Tho new postal rates adopted While tho officers were yet in hiding Tuesday afternoon they VERNONIA EDITOR FINDS iiv the recent congress bccomo ef Jefferson avenues and the estab lishment of a lateral sewer district. heard a rifle shot nenr at hand fective next Wednesday. LIVE CITY HERE which they believed to be a signal Mailing a newspaper will cost that they had been discovered nnd “You have a splendid little city two cents an ounce under the new William Storey Dies. they immediately began the work here.’’ That is tho comment of rate. The old rate is one cent for William Storey diod Tuesday at Paul Robinson, editor of the Ver- four ounces. the home of his daughter, Mrs. MAIN STREET IS CHANGED of demolishing tho plant. Besides tho two boilers and tho nonian Eagle, who passed through I Tho third class A. D. Stewart, of Anlauf. He was BY REMOVAL OF POLES necessary coils and condensers, the city Monday. Mr. Robinson miscellaneous printi 80 years of age and since tho death there wero nine largo vats, each should know, for his business card be cents for en of his wife six years ago he had Something has happened which says that he comes from the biggest an advance from one cent. The made his home with his daughter, has changed tho appearance of Main holding about 400 gallons of mash. little city in Oregon. His cards fourth class rate is unchanged, but who is nn only child. He is also street and ninny are puzzled for an Tho mash was not quite reedy to bo run through and while it wns were printed, however, before be there will be an additional two- survived by four grandchildren. explanation. The Mountain States had seen Cottage Grove and he ccnt service charge on all packages. The funeral servieo was hold Power company’s poles, with the being allowed to "work” tho probably will now have new ones Special handling of packages is yesterday afternoon from the Mills exception of those nt strcot inter necessary length of time tho opera tors wero perhaps away at their printed upon which that phrase made possible by a special charge chapel, A, Ralph Spearow, pastor sections required for the suspension will be qualified. of 25 cents on any third or fourth of the Presbyterian church, offi of street lights, have been removed. work, in tho belief of tho officers. Tho still was located a mile and Anyway it is Robinson’s conten- class parcel. This gives the parcel ciating. The body was taken to Their removal has resulted in n $40,000 OF FEDERAL FUNDS Lost Children Create Excitement. tion that Vernonia was tho pattern the same service as lottcrs. Portland todny for burial beside remarkable improvement in tho ap- a half back from tho McKenzie in thick timber and was well socrotod. COMES TO LANE Lynx Hollaw, April 7.—(Special.) for the much advertised city of Special delivery letters and pack that of the wife. Mr. and Mrs. penranc of the street. The removal —There was consternation at the Longview, which some day will ages will be 10 cents as before, ex A. D. Stewart accompanied the of tho Pacific Telephone & Tele Of Oregon’s share of $1,038,074 ' j W. A. Rennc home Saturday after have to take a back seat for the cept that for packages weighing body. graph company’s poles is also con KEEPERS OF DEN SPONSOR of tho money voted by the last j noon when repeated calls and a city which it has imitated. PLAYGROUNDS PLAN from 2 to 10 pounds the ehnrgc tcmplated and will be accomplished congress for the construction of hurried search failed to produce the will be 15 cents and for over 10 within a year of so, or sooner in Calf Commits Suicide. roads and trails in national forests, I youngest two children of the fami- In referring in Monday’s paper pounds the charge will be 20 cents. Silk Creek, April 7.—(Special.)—- case a standard lighting system AN EARLY FRUIT CROP IS 1 the Cascade national forest will get i J Latc-r they were found three for Main street should ho adopted. io the pro|K>«ed city playgrounds, Registration will cost 15 rents A calf nt the E. M. Babcock ranch PREDICTED, STEWART approximately $40,000. miles from home on the way to for packages up to $50 in value apparently committed suicide Fri Tho telephone company’s toll l'he Sentinel inadvertently stated That amount will build a>’out I Wll]ker Mp and „„j Mrs. Marion Mr. and 25 cents for packages up to day night by strangling itself lines through tho city will bo taken that the playgrounds wore being Lane county fruit crops will ma six miles of roads, part of which j Lebow picked them up and $100. off Main street during tho ap promoted by tho Lions club, whon with its rope. will be clearing work only, and 44 ' brought them home, while a phone ture about two weeks earlier this proaching summer and its only re the fact is that the playgrounds year than usual, according to C. E. miles of trails, as against 63 miles | message was sent to the distracted maining wires will be those strung idea originated with tho Lions club Stewart, county fruit inspector. constructed last year. Among the j parents, auxiliary, Tho Keepers of the Den. The children did not in catl- s. road projects undertaken will be ■ realize the seriousness of the situ “Although it is too early to make The roar of the Lions could not further extension of the South fork ! ation and were as unconcerned as an accurate estimate of the time frighten Tho Sentinel, but it is a or extent of the crop it looks as PILLING AND HAND TO MIX wise newspaper that knows enough road begun last yeaiV completion 1 could- be. if there would be an early showing | of work on Bonlder Grade and . TUESDAY NIGHT to retreat before the women. Tho this spring and summer. The trees Crowbar Point on the Willamette I women have so far said nothing budded out early in tho fall in There’s a certain tender feelin* Frank Pilling, of Washington, who concerning the error and to avoid highway and improvement on the | Old Papers and Bags Wanted. The Keepers of the Den are many orchards and it is not be hrs been making a good showing in need for their doing so, this cor That I notice comes a-stealin’ Willamette highway near the sum sponsoring an old paper, old rags lieved that there was a largo wrestling contests with some of rection is made. mit. 'Round my heart and never seems to go away and old clothing week which starts amount of damage as a result of tho best men on the mat, will make Till the chores have been completed today, the proceeds to be for the the freeze in December. The buds his first appearance in Cottage And once more we all are seated DRESSMAKING PRIZE WON benefit of the proposed city play on many fruit trees of the county Grove Tuesday, when he will meet RODENT EXTERMINATION To enjoy the restful closin’ of the day. BY IRENE GRIGGS grounds. Contributions should be are well developed. Ralph Hand, local light-henvy fa TO BE CONTINUED delivered at the Godard & Randall Darkness somehow always finds us vorite. The Washington man will Irene Griggs, daughter of Mr. and warehouse on Lane street and the On account of the inclemency of In a state o’ mind that binds us have the better of Hand in weight Mrs. H. B. Griggs, received the rags and clothing should be bun Prisoner Refuses A1I Information. by a fow pounds, but Hand is the weather Inst week, which was To the fireside we have learned to know so well; Still declining to give his name first prize of $5 in the Helliwell dled. Mrs. A. W. Helliwell is reported as in tho pink of rondi rodent extermination week, the Home to us is still a treasure & Marksbury sewing contest which chairman of the committee in or other information about himself, tion and to be worrying none campaign was not conducted as And we get a heap o’ pleasure closed Saturday. Mjss Dorothy charge. Other members arc Mrs. the man held at the Pacific Chris vigorously ns had been hoped for, about the weight handicap. From its comforts, more than tongue can ever tell. Kurre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Titus and Mrs. 8. L. Mackin. tian hospital following the shooting •> Harry Neet and Charles White but the work will be curried for- in which he was wounded during C. A. Kurre, won the second prize, Folks who cherish home and stay there. will go on for a 30-minnto wrestling ward to a successful conclusion. a raid on a still on the McKenzie which was the amount paid for Those in this community who are Those who eat an’ sleep an’ play there, preliminary. was moved Tuesday to the county Leabo Is Found Guilty. the material used in making the representing tho county agent in Are the folks who know what happiness can be. jail. The man is not from Lane Carl Leabo, of Creswell, was dress entered. Mrs. C. C. Cruson, tho work are G. W. McFnrlnnd, Oh there ’ s nothing half so pleasin ’ Throws Gunpowder Into Stove. county, according to reliable infor found guilty Tuesday by a jury in Mrs. M. C. Bressler and Mrs. J. A. Lorane route; E. W. Powell, Const When the world outside is freezin ’ mation given to Sheriff Taylor, and London, April 7. — (Special.) — Merryman were the judges. Gen the circuit court of the crime of rs. Howard Cox hail an un fork route; William Moore, Lorane, As this cozy nook that love keeps warm for me. eral ippoarance, workmanship and rape upon a young girl of his home his real name is known. He gave pleasant experience a fow days ago. nnd J. L. Smith, Dorena. economical construction were the town. The jury was out five hours. his name as Taylor, but this is un When old-age at last has found me, Dust which she had gathered in true, according to the sheriff. The case excited a great deal of points upon which the prizes were When its shadows creep around me- Correct stylos always in wedding a dust pan exploded when thrown interest, a large number from Cres- awarded. And life’s sunshine slowly fs^des an’ disappears, into the stove. Unknown to her and social stationery at the live well being in attendance. New Laws Are Received. Then with heart still free from sadness XXX there had been gunpowder on the wire print shop. The crime was committed last Attorneys of the city have re The live wire print shop is al In this home wjiere all is gladness floor in the closet where she had May and the girl gave birth to a ceived copies of the laws enacted ways ready to help in the prep I’ll enjoy thepeaceful twilightof the years! swept. Tho flames struck her in •r child, according to the evidence. by the recent legislative session aration of advertising and printing the face and singed her hair and Leabo is a married man. which carried the emergency clause The cu-lfish lay* a million copy. Our experience may be burned her hands sufficiently to Oggs, while the helpful hen and are now in effect. The more make them sting. The room was lay* one; but tho codfish does Muddy License Plates Draw Fines. important of these felate to prohi filled with a dense cloud of black M1CKIE SAYS— * not cackle to inform Concealing license plates on auto- bition law violations. smoke. us what she’s done; mobilch with mud, whether purpose ami ho we scorn the ly or no, is contrary to the motor en R j U mmw * a job pri UTW ig Night Shift Contemplated. Few Glory Tickets Issued. codfish coy, while the London, April 7.—(Special.)— DEPAGYMEUY OM TWE 6\D€, UÆ vehicle laws and the state traffic The first marringe license issued helpful hen wo prize; officers have received orders to W. A. Woodard is making prepara in six days was given Friday by kAAKE GOME E4TR.A which indicate* to thoughtful sec that all plates are at all times tions to put on a night shift at the county clerk to a Eugene XÖ 6PEM0 OU PAPER,30 mind* that it pay* to ad plainly visible and to apprehend mill B. It is believed everything couple. During the entire month vertise. BM OROER'U1 MER PRMJmuGt those who do not comply with the will be in readiness to start by of March only 25 glory tickets law in this respect. Wednesday night. OP OS, MOURE RENOM were issued. JlI KLPtua Grtve xk -covín At Close of Day TryO.JswrenceTiaujthorne. -— A BEYYER MBWGPAPEK'. EVER XHIUKO' XHATt WHAT’S THE USE The Easiest