Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1925)
PAGE FOUR COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1925. ARCADE IS TO SHOW • ' ABRAHAM LINCOLN ’ ’ The Perfect Protection Policy in Went Coast Life offers you these better feature«* Accident i .Weekly income during dim- bility. Sickness* Weekly payments to COW fcm of time. Permanent total disability I (l)‘ No more premiums to pay, (a) Monthly in come for life, (3) Full amount of policy at death. Lose of limbs or sight an result of accident 1 Full amount of policy paid at once; also income paid for life; also full amount of policy paid at death. Old ages An income provided for life. , Cash Ixjansi Money may be borrowed off sole security of policy. Money Values* Policy may be converted into cash, paid up insurance, or extended insurance. W est C oast L ife INSURANCE COMPANY HOMS omen-MM FMMGISGO PORTLAND BRANCH OFFICE—7TH FLOOR GASCO BLDG. W. E. Mayes and R. C. Stacey, Agents COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON . ONE"OF AMERICA’S STRONGEST COMPANIES WE CAN TRAIN YOU A Secretarial, Bookkeeping, or Steno graphic course in our school will prepare you for a good position. OUR SCHOOL WILL CONTINUE IN SESSION ALL THROUGH THE SUMMER MONTHS. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE 992 Willanidto St. Phono 666 Eugene, Oregon. Subscribe if you can, borrow if you need to, steal it if you must, but—read The Sentinel. ir K nowles & G raber HARDWARE Cottage Grove In the Circuit Court of the Sti.te What is conceded to be one of of Oregon for Lane County. the most interesting and valuable Robert E. Laeky and Lydia R. motion pictures ever made, “Abra Lackv, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs ham Lincoln’’ has been booked by Phillip 8. Murphy and Jane I the Arcade Theater for showing Doe Murphy, his wife, Alice Taylor ! .March 19 and 20. and John Doe Taylor, her husband, This assures the presentation of James Murphy and Jane Doe Mur : this most valuable historical and phy, his wife, Kate Sparks and ! dramatic film in this city at the John Doe Sparks, hsr husband, same time as in at least 5,000 oth Ella Austin and Jukn Doe Austin, er of the more important theaters her husband, Naney Murphy Taylor of the United States and Canada. and John Doe Taylor, her husband, “Abraham Lincoln’’ is in keep- Harriet Murphy Mitchell and John I ing with productions - of only the Doe Mitchell, her husband, and Ida highest grade, according to the an- Murphy Buchanan and John Doe | nouncement of Richard Rowland, Buchanan, her husband, and the production manager for «First Na unknown heirs of A. H. Spare, tional Pictures, the organization deceased; and Walter F. Huff and handling it. Alieo J. Huff, his wife, James C. “Abraham Lincoln" was more Huff and Winnie Huff, his wife, than two years in the making, and Gracie A. Conner and Charles Con at times as many as 2,500 people ner, her huBbam«^ Newton J. Huff appear in the cast. It deals with and Sophia Huff, his wife; and the life of Lincoln from his birth, also all other persons or parties I through his boyhood to manhood, unknown «claiming any right, title, and unfolds his romance with Anne estate, lien or interest in the real Rutledge, carries him through the estato liescribed in the Complaint presidency and the strife of the herein. Civil war. f To: Phillip 8. Murphy and Jano I George Billings portrays the role Doe Murphy, his wife, Alice Taylor of Lincoln, with Ruth Clifford as and John Doe Ta ylor, her husband, Ann Rutledge and Noll Craig as James Murphy aud Jane Doe Mur j Mrs. Lincoln. These are the prin phy, his wife, Kate Sparks and cipal figures in a remarkably fine John Doe Sparki, her husband, | I cast. Ella Austin and John Doe Austin, | “Abraham Lincoln” was directed her husban'A, Nancy Murphy Taylor by Phil Rosen. Frances Marion aud John "Doe Taylor, her husband, wrote the scenario and supervised Harriet M.-urphy Mitehell and John the editing. The complete pro Doe Mitchell, her husband, and Ida duction has been hailed by critics Murphy Buchanan ansi John Doe whorever shown as an historical Buchan an, her husband, and the I and artistic masterpiece. unkno mi heirs of A. H. Spare, i decer,sed; and Walter F. Huff and The live wire print shop is al Alice J. Huff, his wife, James C. i ways ready to help in the prep Hv,ff and Winnie Hdff, his wife. aration of advertising and printing Gracie A. Conner and Charles Coro- copy. Our experience may be ner, her husband, Newton J. Hu H worth something to yon. xxx and Sophia Huff, his wife; and also all other person« or partiel Your home print shop— The Sen unknown claiming any right, title, tinel—should be always considered estate, lien or interest in the real first. Usually it can handlo any estate described in the Complaint job of printing you, m-ay have. x herein. In the name of the State of Ore gon: You and each of you art» nnnnnnnnnnnnnnannn hereby required to appear I answer the Complaint filed again/ you in the above entitled C<r trt □nnruDnnnnnnnnnnnn. and cause OB or bafore six we eks __ WE. SELL LATE MODEL, HIGH from the <i»te of the first p- jbli- aat grade typewriters at low cation of this Summonr, : ld d if priees and on eaay terms. We also you fail iw to appear ami o uswer handle all makes of adding ma said Complaint, for want chines. Every machine is thor the Plaintiffs will apply ’ .hereof r? to tho oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Boy Court for the Telief den» nded > in -l machino and pay like rent. Royal Sales. Co.. Inc.. 500 Oregon said Complaint, to-wit: .9 or a De Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf-sn(2) crem of the said Court,. adjudging nt»i decreeing that tl m Plaintiffs OLJJ RAGS WANTEJj—NOTHING suw the owners in fee •t mple of the less than 2 feet square. Must be fhlhiwing described Pr ______ emises: clean aqd, of materi R1 that will ah Beginning at a p< t 35 48 chains sorb ga «»Ln«; ol 4 underclothing, North of the Sout flann.sls andl the l-',ke preferred. Can hr ,est Corner of not, usr, old so' cks, merceriz.od or the Henry Small D. L. C. No. 57, hard SurfM» it jods or small pieces said corner beinf ' Vtw angle corner j ?ny “Muk. r,iie want the best rags on the West ht»un<lary of «aid ana pay jJt«, pricc, 5 coats the Henry Small D . I* C. No. 57, run- pound, flhw Sentinel. tf ning thehco West 6.22 chains, FOR SAI , e — FIRST CLASS BABY’ thence north ■4.81 chains, -thence casein* ( o. A. C. and Hollywood East to the "Northwest Conner of■ »’.rninia . March or April hatch. a curtain t> Mtt of land deeded by , said A. H . dri«o $12.50 per hundred. Also . Spare to W. P. Huff hatn# ang eggs for sale by the sot- on tho 27’ A day of June, 19 10, by ,JU/, or per hundred. R. C. Arne, Warranty ■Deed and record ed in ‘-•'.tage Grove, Oregon. Phone Book N /¡A 91, Page 75, Deed Records >■',1’5. fl9m9p(2) Lune County, Oregon, on the 12' A d'ay of November,' 1D10, PRACTICAL NURSING 8OLICIT- thence - Sou th 8.67 chains, tience ed. Havo had years of oxperi- West fra th. • place of beginning, all enc. Mrs. Helen Swanson, Cottage in 8 •t’.on 32, Township 20. South Kan Grove, Oregon, Lorane route, phone i” 3, West Willamette Meri- 2OF12. mo-30p(2) n, Larie County, Sta to of Or pg(. .n. FOR KALE—DESIRABLE HIGH a ad quieting the title to' said buil ding lots between north Tenth ’.»rer lises as against the Defendant* UI*d Lane streets. Accessable to 1 also ve named and each and all of 60th streets. Mrs. Clara Burkhold- I th. m and forever barring the said er> 225 north Lane stree, phone 'fondants and all persoDjs clauu- US- J. m5 26p(2^ ig by, through or under them or ■ither of them, or any of them CM RDEN PLOWING WANTED. Caldwell at 1004 south Fowrrh from claiming any right, title or Kt rest, P. O. box 522. interest in said premises; and fori m5-9p such other and further relief as OR 8ALF^-FIK WOOD, 8/.WH J to tho Court may seem equitable. last summer, $2.4;] per Vd This summons is pub'iished once >r. Wolfnrd, phono 31F5. each we<*k for six sue reserve and »V conaceuti ve weeks in the Cottage FOR SALE—ENCLOSED W »RD Grove StAitinel by oirder of the delivery truck, in good cund/ tion. Honorab’le J. F. Skip worth. Judge Will consider a good single, v agon of the ' Circuit Court, which Ordor as part payment. C. A. King, bears d ,t» March 5, 1925. phono 1F5. m$ 12p(8) Dated and first published this 9th day of March. 1925. GOOD JERSEY cow foi BALE or will trade for chieW H F.RBEKT W. LOMBARD, •ns. T. VanProoyen, 2 mi lea Attorney for Plaintiffs, t south ! Sixth Street. Resi* fonce and Post Office Ad- m5-9p First National Bank Building, dre «s. FOR SALE—SEVER« , THOU- ! m9w20(M) | sand feet of used o se inch cable, I Cottag r Grove, Ore. in good condition. 4 uitable for . logging. A. L. Woods 4«. N •JTICE TO CREDITORS. m5-16p(») ! |WANTADS The rates reasonable It s a good school. Go by train anJ ship, c h i i eiig h ths Southland t Nrw York—it costs but Uttlsxnora. The superb Shastu routs to California —(four hue trains daily!—thence the scenic Sunset route through the South land to New Orleans. You'll relish your meals tn fho Southern Pacific dining car—freeh fruits and vegetable« always a delicious feature. Connection at New Chlean« with pa latial ateamrra for New York- meal* •nd berth in< luded tn the one fare. Aik about Carriso route from San Diego—Apuche Trail detour of Arizona, Stopover« en route. For further information, ask Souths ¿pacific A. fr JQ7 £SE, Agent * The Cost of Service N the loyalty and skill of the human elemcntidepends the character of telephone serv ice. The providers of this service must not only meet the markjet prices for materials. They must also maintain at any cost a high standard of work manship. Because of advancing prices, the telephone dollar goes only hahf asdar-as it did ten years ago. More than three-fifths of this dollar is necessarily expended for wages. Less would neither O 4 attract nor hold the high-grade workers essential to maintain America’s standards. That Bell telephone rates have advanced much less than other prices is largely due to economics in methods and ap paratus that have been developed and introduced. It is also because the proportion of operating plant built at pre-war prices is still large, though this is steadily decreasing because of new con struction made necessary by the nation’s telephone needs. The«Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System - Uni venal Service 'J Every patron of Tin* Sentinel is helping to give Cottage Grove a newspaper which emi nent i auihoriÍA has stated to be _ one __ __ of the ÔT best country newspapers published anywhere.) This way of romance SUMMONS. 1 r> r WANTED—NOM Ht > MF garden on shar*. Kem, 1223 West 'Jr..- , TO PUT IN In •»it- out ter of tho estate«* «of ¡ M rs. C. J. Harri C. „Pitcher and Miltv, Bt. in9c Pitch n. «h».*cased. No iif« is howby given that Ben I REWARD FOK| RETURN OF F. P buher hns been by the county i Airedale pup Serf Thursday eve- I <’ourt . the State of Oregon, in | ning. Schofield. 8t <wnrt. mt c(2) nnd Ur Lane county, appointed ad WANTED—T<.> S'.M DE GARD -NS mini sf ,-ator of the estate of Har- and other <»dd Jo’ K. G. Fa .«ter. | riett ’ C. Pitcher and Miles Pitcher, I Cottage Grove, O r ego tv. P O. box ■lee- «a seal, and that all persons hav-1 122. u>(M9p (2) ing . claims against the said estates hereby notified to’ present the 1 azo SHEEP. S OR ’10, STRtY ITD FRt ’M sanw , duly verified, to the Mill niy place between Lynx H*li< ow Ben F. Pitcher, administrator, at and Silk Cry ek during Pwanls r. na. Oregon, within six months Dorr Were la-at a«-en on the Tom John 1 the 12th day of March. 1925. fro« son place during the snow spell.' BEN F. PITCHER. Will pay -reasonable feed hili’ and. ilnistrator of the Estate of reward to holder. Garfield lteaeh. | , -Ida g irriett C. Piteher an«i Mih's Walker, Oregon. in)M2p mlM2p, Pi teher. «iceeased. _______________ I if- I. Shinn. Attorney for ' SEPARATOR WANTED. SMALL’ ’ ’ m9a6p(Ml ate. , sire preferred. G. W Fotta, J*1 I Cottage Grove, Diaston route. ni9p( _ e lire wire print shop is al ______________ Th , Mll.K COW FOR SALE WILL way» ready to help in the prep lw fresh by Mareh 17. Price arati on of advertising nnd printing $80. Leona ni Gilerist, ph.-nc copy Our experience may be 19F16. m9 Ifp wort, i something to yon. xxx I a