Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1925)
COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY. MARCH 5. 1925. PAGE THREE r ----- ----- ”—T moved its office into the building n The Lane County Auto company formerly occupied by the rest , has secured permission to install Old Scottish Buildings II room. It? office was in the Spray a gasoline pump at the curb ou Something of Mystery building now’ occupied by Hall & south Sixth street iu front of its Ill tendering our AU over Scotland are hundreds Lang. i business location. of forts built on hilltops. The White services as a thor F. M. .Woodson moved his house Rawleigh’s good health proti - Caterthun, In Forfarshire, Is a good i oughly equipped, i hold goods to Harrisburg Tuesday. uets for sale by W. E. Mayes, example of these. It consists of modern, up-to- four circles of stone, the diameter i He has taken the Ford agency Cottage Qrqve, phone 2F4. m30p2 date, as well as a Ì of the inner circle being 80 puces. there. strong, well tried Ben F. Pitcher has been appoint The stones are 25 feet thick at the & ? When your account is with the Bank of Cottage bank, we desire Pay Nelson for Radio Sup- ed administrator of the estates of top and over 100 feet thick at the f- É Ì Grove you are doing business with people who are to emphasize—not ' of. Mik£ Pitcier and Harriet C. base. plies. ! Beyond the outer circle is a ditch only our strength and experience—but also our more than acquaintances in a business way. You G. G. Warner has been quite ill Pitcher. J. H. Kirk, James Red with an earthen breastwork round t I CAPABILITY ami direct your attention to the are working witK people whose homes are in Cot , ford and A. Land have been ap- It, while beyond this, again, runs a E during the week. fact that only those who possess an intimate tage Grove, and whose interests are your interests. The en 5 Mr. and Airs. Harold Dugan left | pointed appraisers of the prop i rty double entrenchment. Ì knowledge- of the best banking practices, and of the estates. trances to these various circles are ? this morning tor I.os Gatos, Calif, •f On our staff you will find men you have known zigzagged, so that each remains who are foremost in the profession, are employed Mrs. William Moreloek left this whore it is hoped Air. Dugan s I 5 for years. They are people you really know, and covered by fortifications. in directing the course of affairs of health will be benefited, They j ! morning for Portland to visit rel- The fort at Bamukln, In Aber- ? they know you. Isn’t it natural to believe that expect to be genre for* severalI | atives. deenshire, has five great stone clr- these people will show a greater interest in you months or a year. Murray D. Trunnell cut his cles, all flawlessly built, although than a mere business acquaintance? there are no toolmarks to show bow Our new office and ware- ___ right ankle severely Sunday after they were shaped. noon while hewing a log near house is just north of the depot. Ì These buildings are interesting, Do not confound capability with importance, nor “Baffi With a Home-Owned, Visit us. Godard & Randall. his home, He was brought to a but not puzzling, but there are experience with rashness, but intrust your business Home-Managed Institution. ” Word has been received here that local physician : and six stitches others, commonly known ub Picts’ Ì to an institution whose officers have devoted years Burghs, to which no use can be as i Robert Proctor, son of Mr. and were found to be • necessary. Ì to the service and the study of sound profitable signed. The Christian church congrcga- Mrs, George A. Proctor, formet reg A burgh Is a single tower, round banking. ¡dents of this city, has been dis- tion held their monthly meeting I shape, wide at the bottom und : missed from a San Francisco hos- Tuesday evening After the busi- in narrowing towards the top from the Ì COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON pit’ll, where he was receiving raed- ness session, the Sunday school outside. The outer walls of these I ical attention, Robert has greatly class of Mrs. O. W. Hays enter towers, shaped into circles, have : I improved in health but it will be tained with a farce comedy, ” And no opening of any sort except the some time before he will bo en- the Lamp Went Out., and then entrance. Obviously, then, the build ings were never intended for forts. ? ? served dainty refreshments. Miss Eunice VanDenburg, of Eu tircly cured. □ □□□□□nnnnnn Inside the walls slope the re i S gene, Imt formerly -if this city. I. II. Veatch, of Lemoore, Caiif., verse way, and between the two Ray Nelson, auto electrician. ä n ! underwent an operation Tuesday a former resident here, is now in are countless rooms, often too small i : □ □□□□□ □□□□□□ evening in a Eugene hospital for Ninth and Main streets. COTTAGE GROVE a sanitarium at Tulare, Calif., suf for people ever to have lived In s Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hart antl 1 them. The largest of these mystery ! Joseph T. Short has bought the acute appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Laffoon and fering severely with rheumatism s the towers Is that of Rousay, in Everett Powell jitney business and : l A1U. mi Hll kUl ALU ALU ALU ALU H1U Uli A1U ALUALUALUALU AHU nm M j U ALUAM C. T., C. tires are mighty good baby motored to Roseburg and * ‘The Circuit Riders,” a film Orkneys. has his headquarters at the Beau tire»—for sale at Billy Hall’s spent Sunday at the home of Mr. showing the old pioneer ministers, painters mm scUipiUrg w------- — lieu & Harrel garage. Air. Powell Service Station. i Hart’s sister, Mrs. Harry Wheeler. was put on last evening at the Giants (Credited With the wool klnga, silk houses, und the has accepted a position in the Evolution of Trade Methodist church by C. B. Har Air. and Mrs. Al. V. Warner, of big weapon factories which grew ’Twill be worth your while r iso n. J. H. Ebert, pastor of the Woodson garage. Engine, and Air. and Airs. Dal Building of Causeway Marks and Advertising up like mushrooms wherever the J. R. Griffith was here from '•urphy, of Springfield, were guests to visit The Fair Store between church, with several visiting pas- Roman armies advanced. The Giants' causeway Is a group Tlie trade mark was Invented Grants Pass on business the latter Sunday at the home of Ivan War the 7th and 17th of this month. tors, solicited the city today for of basaltic rocks on the north coast, People vied with one another Ln Mrs. J. E. Loucks h as filed during a time of grund colonization. part of last week. contributions to a fund for retired of Antrim, Ireland. The prom A business house in Cathogu Nova erecting altars to the protectors of ner, son of Air. and Airs. Warner. suif tor divorce and asks title ontory, which is a portion of the (t'arthagenn), which manufactured trade and navigation; but on these ministers. It pays to list your property John Ostrander, of Eugene, is to property valued at *8,500. altars they inscribed the names and basaltic formations found In the with Hall & Lang. visiting at the home of his brother, P. M. Thomason was taken to n county of Antrim und near Lon a delicious fish sauce und sent it to trade of the donors, as a means of Mrs. S. S. Lasswell ha received Eugene hospital last evening tor donderry, projects Into the North all parts of the world In hermet advertising. The Roman business An 8%-pound son was born Sun W. H. Ostrander. word that her mother, Mrs. M. C. ically sealed pitchers, burnt nine were as though seized by a day to Mr. and Airs. Tom Pitcher. The Fair Store is going to Banfield, of Portland, underwent n an operation for intestinal trouble. channel. It is culled Giants’ cause stars Into the containers. The nine men Kurysaces, way, frotii the legend that It was stars were the emblem of the fe ,-er of competition. Mr. .and Mrs. Walter Sears, of have a big sale — watch for very serious operation Tuesday, the pastry king of Rome, used Ills tlie beginning of a road which the T Idaho, who are enroute to Califor dolphins. A big sacred fish, the circulars. She is getting along satisfactorily, tomb as an advertisement; his gilints begun to build ucross the! is. Arthur Small, of Roseburg, Mrs. Lasswell expects to go to nia to make their home, are VÍ8- channel to Scotland. In past geo lamp factory In the ltomun Rhine- tombstone had the form of an enor ,—advertising doesn’t pay lts lumps with the land adorned all mous cake!—Exchange. ■i . a guest Sunday at the G. W. Portland next week to be with iting at the home of Mr. Sears’ logical periods the busaltlc rock unless given thoughtful utensils of eye specialists—which brother, Tom Sears. seems to huve been forced upward. people McQueen home. The A1 eQueen fam her mother. attention by those who who UBed the lamps should ily, with Airs. Small, were dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Medley, of After lon0 periods of erosion a long ever come to know 1 prepare the copy—as well as Your home print shop—The Sen Our new office __ ____ and _____ ware- Eugene, line of perpendicular cliffs 560 feet gupsts that day at the James by those who put the ad were visitors here today, high Is left'. Advertising, of course, grew more tinel—should be always considered For a distance of house is just north of the depot. Potts home. into type and arrange its Mr. Medley was here on business about 500 or 600 feet are many and more luxurious. . It was a fa first. Usually it can handlo any Visit us. Godard & Randall. anil position in the paper. Mrs. Medley visited briefly thousands of vertical columns. vorite child of commerce In lmpe- job of printing you may have. Mrs. J. A. Wright was in Eugene x Airs. G. C. Dyott returned Mon jO.ll llomc Dozens of the bast Alost of them ure six-sided, al Tuesday on business. day evening from Portland. She with Mrs. O. O. Veatch. though some of them huve five, —advertising gotten r Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Booth, of Galloway writes insurance. had taken home by motor Mrs. seven, eight and even nine regularly “I up in a manner to Airs. B. R. Job returned Tues Glenn Percival and son Richard, Eugene, were visitors here today. formed sides. In diameter they appeal to the buyer day evening from Portland. She who had been her house guests for range from 20 to 30 Inches. The and handled by the ’ i oil in Vancouver with Mrs. two weeks. Rubber stamps. The Sentinel. tops of these pillars form an un- j printer in a manner J. Brace. Filing cards. The Sentinel. even pavement, hence the name [ Mrs. M. T. Cornelius, of Goshen, to attract the eye, “causeway.” Strictly speaking, the j Bookkeeping systems. The (Hants Mrs. S. V. Allison has fully re is visiting at tho home of her ’ causeway Is formed of three j will get splendia results. Sentinel. covered from a recent operation for daughter, Mrs. VanVliet. enpseways, the Little, Honeycomb the removal of her tonsils. and Grund causeway«.—Pathfinder Notice to members of the Mount —you do your part and Magazine. Two houses, also choice lots and View Coyote Club: Threo coyotes we’ll do ours—and you’ll see building sites, tor sale by owner— have have been killed since the Legend Traces Hyacinth that w’hat we tell you is so. Mistaken Atmosphere easy terms to responsible people— club was organized and members to Sorrow of Apollo The pastor had been holding re buy ahead of Cottage Grove’s big are requested to pay their assess The wild hyacinth was originally boom. Watch this city grow while ments to Worth Harvey at the found In Greece and Asia Minor. vival services for some time. Alucb Interest had been taken In them, woodruff, former driller the mills build up. A. L. Woodard, First National bank. Chas C. The ancient Greeks had a story but on this particular evening the at the local oil well, has returned phone 183-Y. about its origin to the effect that meeting had been more than usually f26m26c(2) Conner, Sec. from California and has taken | day the god Apollo was playing Interesting. Air. and Mrs. Chet Griffith, of ALSO 5 TUBE R. F. SETS FOR DRY OR The Cottage Grove Manufactur a one over the oil well at Sutherlin. His game of quoits with a young mor As the service drew to a close Portland, spent the week end at ing company is erecting a new tal, STORAGE BATTERY Hyacinthus, of whom he was the pastor said In tils concluding re- daughter Melba, who was making the home of Airs. Griffith’s sister, concrete burner on the site of very fond, when Zephyrus, the god * her home with the Malla Miller a heavenly at- marks, “ What Airs. F. H. Allison. Airs. Allison the old ice plant, north of the of the west wind, passed by. Zephy OUR POLICY: family, is now with her father. mosphere there Is here this eve | returned to Portland with them manufacturing company’s plant. rus was jealous of Apollo and blew ning.” Happening to glance, as he ONLY THE BEST—QUALITY FIRST Watch for The Fair Store’s Monday tor a short visit. latter’s quoit aside, and caused said It, at the pew where his wife Frank Turner rcturned^Tuesday the it to strike Hyacinthus and inflict anniversary bargain circular. Airs. H. E. Allison, of Roseburg, from Portland, where he served on u mortal wound. In his memory and sister sat, he saw a broad nulle Mrs. Car! Witte has accepted the spent the week end with her par the federal grand jury. overspread their faces. Apollo caused these beautiful und When the congregation had gone, position of bookkeeper in the City ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fiester. A. L. Woodard has started tne fragrant clustered blossoms to he said to them: “What made you Transfer office, formerly filled by from the fallen drops of the girls smile «o when I was speak Something doing from the construction of another ’•esidenco spring Mrs. J. A. Rhoads. youth’s blood. ing?” on north Ninth street. 7th to 17th at The Fair Store. The hyacinth was brought to C. H. Enibrec, of Portland, vis “Oh,” said his wife, “we Be on hand early. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Titus and western Europe in the Sixteenth ited here during the week. couldn't help It. Jack Smith (a Willin-n Thompscn, of Portland, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Lebow leave century, and extensively cultivated noted village character) had been United States tires are good tires and Welter Thompson, of Salem, tomorrow to attend a meeting of by Dutch horticulturists. The orig out hunting skunks and he came —for sale at Billy Hall’s Service were here Tuesday on business. the Portland District Dental so inal blue and purple blossoms were into the meeting without changing Station. I While here they visited briefly ciety. Air. Titus will assist in a varied to numerous shades of pink, his clothes and sat down right be rose, yellow, scarlet and pure white. hind us, and when you spoke of the O. O. Veatch underwent an opera with Mr. and Airs. C. M. Jackson. clinic. —Kansas City Star. heuvenly atmosphere It was too tion tor varicose veins yesterday The James Potts family moved Afembers of the Foremost club much.”—Harding Herald. in a Eugene hospital. He is get- yesterday from their property on of the local J. C. Penney store ting along satisfactorily. ! east Main street to their prop motored to Eugene Monday eve- Our Debt to Children erty on north Tenth street. ning to attend a lecture by Dr. Better teachers, fuller school Nelson has special bargains in See Nelson for used cars of Thomas Tapper, of the educational equipment, it' matters not what they used cars as follows: I quality at right prices. department of the New York J. C. cost. We owe them to our chil 1924 Studebaker light 6 with likens» dren. And we owe them more. We Dr. Tapper with Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson Penney store, By NELLIE MAXWELL 1923 Overland, like new, new tires owe them our example. What we his wife visited the Cottage Grove 1920 Studebaker special, fine shape contemplate making a trip to do, and the lives they live with us. store Tuesday. London. England, their old home, good tires. will affect them most. Give them The Andersons came to Mrs. G. W. Hodel returned to the states Cheese Dishes a chance to be useful in their child 1924 Chevrolet roadster, Al shape HEESE may take the place of hood, to practice economy, to do for 1916 Dodge roadster, with license, over 11 years ago and this will be her homo in Pacific Grove, Caiif., If the greutest men their firrt visit to England. today, after a ?hort viait here meat In many nourishing dishes themselves. new tires. Cheese Fritter».—Slice thin half have usually been bom In the coun O. E. Woodson left Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fords all models from $35 up. try, and later gone to the city, there morning for a week’s visit upon W. C. Johnson, and with her sis a dozen sour apples. The apples Is a reason. Jluxley warn« us not should be mellow and easily cooked. ters, Mrs. W. A. Garoutte, Mrs. his ranch at Medical Springs. to let a child’s schooling interfere CARD OF THANKS. Harold Dugan and Mrs. Eugene Have ready half as many thin slices with Its education It ought to of rich cheese. Beat two eggs and We wish to express our appre Our new office and ware Matlock. season to taste with salt, mustard have the best schooling our brains ciation of the many kindnesses house is just north of the depot. N. J. Nelson Jr., A. W. HelliWell and pepper. Souk the cheese slice» and our purses can procure. But Its shown us during our recent be Visit us. Godard & Randall. and Peter Nelson participated in In the egg mixture and then put deepest education Is In the hands reavement. C. C. Gilham and The Cottage Grove Fuel company, of its parent«.—Norman Hapgood, a shoot held in Eugene Sunday by each «lice between two slice« of ap in Hearst’s International. family. m5c managed by George Brainard, ha» saute the Lane County Sportmenaaao- ple. Dip into beaten egg and green in hot butter. Serve with a riation. salad. Sexton Kept Track Ch»«M Puff»^ Melt two table- Mrs. J. H. Chambers returned "I »anna git ower It,” remarked Monday from a three weeks’ trip spoonfuls of butter and mix with a I farmer ____ to his wife. "I put u twa- to Los Angeles and San Diego, two tableapoonfuls of flour, stir shillin’ piece In the plate at the kirk until smooth and ■ reatny. Add one this mornin’ instead o’ my usual where she visited with relatives and one-half cupfuls of milk and penny.’ , and friends. stir until smooth. When the boiling The beadle had noticed the mls- An eight-pound daughter was point Is reached add one cupful of take, and In silence he allowed the The Basket Groceteria is for your convenience. It is born Sunday to Mr. and »ire. John grated cheese. When the cheese Is farmer to miss the plate for 28 con melted add one >upful of cooked secutive Sundays. Woodard. easy to do your shopping here. Yon just help yourself. rice. Add three well-beaten egg on the twenty-fourth Sunday the Mr. and Mrs. C. M Hhinn, of yolks and mix well, but lightly. Fold All goods are marked with the price in plain figures. farmer again Ignored the plate, but Portland, who attended the funeral In stiffly beaten egg whites and pour the old beadle stretched the ladle You see what you want and know what it costs before here Monday of Mrs. Pathol Lock Into a buttered baking dish, sur In front of him and. in u tragir you buy. No waiting for clerks. We invite a com hart, grandmother of Mrs. Hhinn, round with water and bake one-half whisper, hoarsely said: hour In a moderate oven. "Tour time’s up noo, Sandy.”— returned yesterday to their home. parison of our prices with any store in Cottage Grove. Ch«»M Croquette«.—Melt three The new rooms which are being tablespoonful» of butter, add one Edinburgh Scotsman. partitioned off in the basement of half cupful of flour gradually, «tlr Plant Relations the Preibyterian church to accom until creamy, then add two-thlrds It we throw a simple glance on m o'late the rapidly growing Kun of a cupful of milk, two egg yolk» and beat weii. Add one-half cup plants, we ahull perceive that they day school, will be ready for use ful of grated Gruyere cheese and have relations to the elements Sunday. An entrance to the base beat until melted Add salt, cay which promote their growth ; that ment has been constructed in the enne and«s cupful of diced Ameri they have relations to each other, can cheese. Spread on a «hallow from the groups which they con front of the building. W. G. Erskine, who visited for platter to cool, tint Into any de tribute to form ; that they have re sired shape« dip Into fine bread lations to the animal« which derive a month at the home of his brother crumbs, then Into egg «nd «gain nourishment from them ; and, in law, F. E. MendenhaP has re Into crumbs. Fry In deep fat and finally, to man. who is the center turned to his home in Nebraska drain on brown paper. of all the works of creation. To Cheese Balls.—Mix one and one ihese relations I give the name of He was pleased with Oregon. cupfuls of grated cheese, one harmonie«.—Bernardin de Halnt- Mrs. Elizabeth Fahrenwald, who half tablespoonful of sifted floor. h desh PlerTe. has been seriously ill, is improv of salt and cayenne. Then add the ing slowly and is now able to sit stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. Odd up. Her sister, Mrs. Gottfried Shape Into small balls »nd roll la you noticed that • worn- Next door to Bank of Cottage Grove Graber, is with her this week Mrs. crumb«, fry in deep fat, draining on ,-i* "Have lower« her vole* when «he s«k« Henry Rhode, ‘her laughter, was paper to remove excess of fat. Serve for anything?’’ with endive salad. with her last week. "Tee—and raise» It If aha doesn’t 1(H. Wwlei .a«w»»«s»r got It I" Bank Where You Are Known Marks of Capability 1 i i I "The Old Reliable" i Bank of Cottage Grove s. I ° Tales of the Town First National Bank Radiola REGENOFLEX RADIOLA X SUPER - HETERODYNE Ray Nelson Nelson Electric Shop KITCHEN CUPBOARD C CONVENIENCE SATURDAY SPECIALS Hills Bros, coffee, 1 pound can Oranges, a nice size, per dozen Rolled oats, 10 pound sack Catsup, gallon cans Lettuce, nice crisp heads, 3 for 53c 28c 50c 69c 25c The Basket Groceteria I