Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1925)
COTTAG^GROVE^ENHNrajjJTIURSDAY^FEBRUAR^SiJ^ PAGE SIX Calamity. Speed Friend: “Well, I’m afraid that train will beat us to the cross • WE SELL LATE MODEL, HIGH ing.” Passenger: “That’s not What I eat grade typewriters at low prices and on easy terin». We also am afraid of. It might be a tie.” handle all make» of adding: ma chines. Every maehine is thor Fault of the Printer. oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Buy “Waiter! I have found a needle a machine and pay like rent. in my soup!” Royal Sales C».. Inc., 500 Oregon Waiter: “Beg pardon, sir,'typo Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf-sn(2) graphical error. It should have OLD BAGS WANTED—NOTHING been a noodle.” less than 2 feet square. Must be clean and of material that will ab sorb gasoline; old underclothing, ♦---------------------- 1------------------------ ♦ flannels and the like preferred. Can . I .l.-l ...... ■ .... —■ not use old socks, mercerised or hard surface goods or small pieces SILK UKMJKK. of any kind. We want the best rugs (Special to The Sentinel.) and pay the best price, 5 cents the Feb. 18—There are several trucks pound. The Sentinel. If hauling ties and lumber from the HOUSE FOB SALE—TO BE BE- Ellsworth mill to the Grove daily. Harris Ellsworth with hie wife moved from lot on south Sixth street. Elbert Bede. jl9tfp and baby motored out to the mill __ _____________ _ 4-------------------- Sunday morning. FOR SALE—FILBERT TREES AT Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wheeler were half price, from 25c to 50c each. dinner guests Sunday at the I. N. Write H. C. Paulsen, Mulino, Ore., Dresser home in Lynx Hollow. or phone 166-R, Cottage Grove, Ore John Winslow, who has been ill, gon. fl2-26p(T) was able to be out Friday and Saturday. FORD CAR FOB HALE OR WILL Alvin and Marian Sprague vis trade for a cow. Jacob Stalder, ited over the week end with box 23, Walker, Oregon, or phone friends on Row River. 3IF11. fl2-19p Mrs. J. D. Grimes and daughter HOME FOR SALE OR TRADE— have been quite sick with severe What have you to offer in part colds recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Babcock payment on my 8-room two-family house on Washington street, (first were dinner guests Sunday at the house east of the old burnod O. II. Wheeler home. A memorial service was held foundry.) 3 lots and garage, there are two complete 4-rooin flats, Feb. 14, at the Seventh-day Ad 2 sets of plumbing, etc., renting ventist church in honor of Clyde now for $30 per month. Go out Babcock who died Feb. 2 in Brit and look the house over and make ish Columbia. me an offer; will take $250 down DOBENA. and $35 or $40 per month includ ing interest at 7%. Might take (Special to The Sentinel.) a light car as part payment or Feb. 18—Mrs. George Pitcher other property us part pay; any thing you have just submit it to went to Eugene Thursday evening me. Frank Kinney, 9 east Seventh on business. . Mr. and Mrs. James Redford and street, Eugene, Ore. fl2-23p(2) son Edwin returned home last week FOR EXCHANGE—7 PASSENGER after sending several days in Port Chandler car for small house and land with Mrs. O. O. Veatch nnd lot or vacant lots. J. A. Allen, Mrs. Robert Martin. box 548, city. fl2-19p(2) Mr. and Mrs. Lott Wagner and children went to Eugene Sunday to WILL IK) WASHING, IRONING visit U. 8. Bales, who is in a or mending at my homo. Prices hospital there. reasonable. Mrs. Nettie Little, 405 | Miss May Van Schoiack. of Port south Tenth street. f!6-26p(2) . land, came Sunday for a visit with CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. dental gold, platinum and dis Van Schoiack. Mrs. Alf Williams, of Disston, carded Jewelry. Hoke Smelting & Refining Company, Otsego, Michi spent Sunday at the hame of her gan. f!6 26p(2) parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Ward. Vern Wicks went to Eugene FOR SALE TIMBER—A GOOD Saturday on business. tract of yellow and red fir, Mrs. C. M. McLin spent Sun cedar and land. Close in and day at Star at the homo of her convenient, Call nt 1564 Ash sister, Mrs. Joe Smith. avenue. f!6-19p(2) LYNX HOLLOW. GLADIOLE BULBS FOR SALE, mixed colors. Mrs. W. L. Darby, (Special to The Sentinel.) 202 Adams Ave., phono 154R. f 19tfc Feb. 18—Lester Portor was home WANTADS T Neighborhood News BABY CHIX—RHODE ISLAND Rods, Burred Rocks, Blnck Min orons, Golden Buff, and White Leghorns from stock that has not had electric lights to force egg production. Enoch Crews, Sea- bright, Calif. fl9-m2p(2) FOR SALE—VARMINT HOUND pups, 4 months old, of trained ancestors, $10 each. 110 east Fifteenth street, Eugene, Oregon, phone 676 L. fl9 m2p(2) FOR SALE FIRST CLASS BABY chicks, O. A. C. and Hollywood strains, March or April hatch. Price $12.50 per hundred. Also hatching eggs for sale by the sot ting or per hundred. R. C. Arne, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Phone 15F5,_____________ fl9ia9p(2) Correct style» always in wedding and social stationery at the live wire print shop. XXx from the U. of O. over tho week end. A. B. Wolford and Mr. Stalder transacted business in Eugene last Saturday. Mabel Neal was brought homo from the hospital Wednesday, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lebow were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lebow Sunday. A party was held at tho Thron ton home Saturday night. I. N. Dresser was a dinner guest in tho D. A. Estes home on Silk Creek last Saturday. Mr. Howard, of the Bible Uni versity in Eugene, gave a talk in the Sunday school last Sunday. Mrs. Annn Arnes, of Oregon City, visited relatives here last wook. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and Mrs. Lew Lajore visited their nephew Guy Rodding in a Eugene hospital Friday of last wook. News of the World —Right to Your Ear! Mr». Eloise Wheeler, of Silk Creek, visited in the I. N. Dresser home during the week. The Community Club was enter- tained in the R. Y. Porter home ________ last of week. A Wednesday short program with social conver- nation and light work were the j diversions. Mrs. Ralph Wright was a guest of the club. Arthur Martin, of Grant» Pass »topped in for an over night ’s visit Friday in the R. Y. Porter home. Alex Horn, of Portland, was an over night guest Sunday at the home of his sister, Mr». R. Y. Porter, The Porter and Mackie families visited at the Melvin Jack»on home Sunday. The Walter Pentico family ar rived home from Eddyville Monday. MOUNT VTEW. (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 18—Mrs. Christina Richard son is suffering with a severe cold which has, confined her to the house ths past week. Miss Connie Coleman, of Cot- tage Grove visited Saturday even- ning with Miss Gladys Hockett. Mrs. George Foster returned home Saturday from a Eugene hos- ital where she had her tonsils re moved. She is recovering nicely. I She was accompanied by Mrs. A. E. Foster, who has spent the past five weeks with her son in Eugene, and who will remain here for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Plaster, of Cottage Grove visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Plaster. Alva Churchill, of the. Grove, was at the A. T. Beidler home. Friday. Mrs. R. L. Long, of Cottage Grove visited one afternoon last week with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Fisher. Mrs. 8. P. Shortridge spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Grant Fields at Latham. W. F. Schelley and Mrs. Alice Creason, of Roseburg, were at C. A. Dodge’s Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dodge and Miss Kathleen Smith motored to Eugene Saturday evening. GRAY’S CASH & CARRY * Phone 53—Free City Delivery—Pay the Deliveryman—Phone 53 We Sell the Best for Less Preferred Stock Telephone Peas, can Preferred Stock Golden Bantam corn, can SYRUP ROLLED OATS 10 puundH light.. 85c 10 pounds dark.... 80c 5 pounds light....... 45c 5 pounds dark 40c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 3 for 25c PORK & BEANS 15c can for 10c MUSTARD 15c jar for 10c 44c SUGAR Sack 10 pounds 75c ...... .................... 23c SOUP All kinds Campbells Can ............... 10c Highest CASH PRICE paid for your EGGS CATSrP— Del Pancake Flour Olympic 9 pound sack 80c New Spring Coats There is a definite newness in the materials, about the lines—a freshness of color that makes them unmistakable. You’ll know instantly that they are new’ spring coats. For sport wear the mannish type either single or double breasted i.s very smart, made with laglau or set in sleeves— modest prices $16.75 to $29.50 New Spring Fabrics Beautiful new colors and patterns bloom forth in profusion. Especially note-worthy are the new printed erepe de chines. Geometrical and figured designes. Combined with plain colored silks they will be much in demand for the fashioning of the smartest spring frocks, per yard $2.35 and $2.65 Springtime Millinery Adorable Modes that herald the approaeh of the spring season—each one q separate expression of the very spirit of springtime. Hand made pattern hats of silk, silk and ribbon and silk and straw braid combi nations. priced $7.50 to $12.50 Black predominates in the new spring Footwear We sell more because our fruits and veget ables are freshest. TOILET SOAP—regular 10c bars, 4 for Super Heterodyne and Splitdorff Receiving Sets Heliiwell & Marksbury’s the store for authentic fashions. Where advance spring modes are found to be precisely right. FRESH Vegetables OLEOMARGARINE Gem Nut 3 for ............ 65c 55c Advance Spring F ashions 20c 25c Guaranteed Creamery Butter, Pound PINEAPPLE 21.. size. 2 for Long 6? Cruson THORNTON CORNERS. Pay Cash and Pay Less—You Always Save We install and guarantee satisfaction on Service Garage (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 18—Miss Fern Hays spent the week end in Pleasant Hill with h°r brother. The Ira Beidler family, of Cot tage Grove, visited at the C. C. Conner home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hodges and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haight and son Reginald attended church in the Grove Sunday. The Lawrence Brown families visited Sunday at the W. A. Witch er home. The J. A. Joll family spent Sun day at the Oscar Jackson home. Mrs. Lawrence Montieth, who recently underwent an operation at a Eugene hospital, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nixon, Ma rio and Maxine Nixon, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kent, and son spent Sunday at tho William Pickard home below Eugene The Country Kids orchestra went to Eugene Monday evening to met with its new director, Mr. Spicer. A. A. Whitsett, of Eugene, i» spending a few day» at the C. C. Conner home. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Horn were Eugene visitors Monday. Mrs. Lowell Benston and Mary Alma, of Saginaw spent Tuesday at the W. A. Kime home. Mrs. Oscar Jackson will be host- ess to Social Neighbors tomorrow ¡ afternoon. Another debate of the Walker I union high school will be held next Friday night, tho opponents to be chosen this week. ItJLlways Pays to Trade at Gray’s SHORTENING 4 pound pail .... 85c 8 pound pail $1.65 7rmj If Desired Habra California. , Mr». Georke Bailes went to Cot tage Grove Thursday to meet her mother, Mr». Johnson, from Castle Rock, Washington, who will visit here a few week». Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lyons enter tained several friends at their home Wednesday evening with a musical concert. Some of the local musicians and some of the boys from Woodard’s mill have played in several homes in the neighbor hood during the winter. Mrs. Cecil Roberts and baby son, who live near Aurora came Saturday to visit her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Pruett. The 9^4-pound girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Geer Saturday, Feb. 14, has been named Lucile May. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abeene and children spent the week end at 1 Sutherlin visiting relatives. Prince Pruett and family, Eugene, spent Sunday with and Mrs. B. A. Pruett. Little three-year old Bennett Newton fell into the creek Satur day and was washed down stream i for some distance before he was rescued by Daisy Warwick. DELIGHT VALLEY. (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 18—Melville and Richard Hanna attended the tractor demon stration at Creswell Monday of last week. Mr. and Mr». E. E. Chestnut motored to Yoncalla Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamb kin, of the Grove, visitad Wetlnes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ring vis- iled Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Class in the Grove. W. D. Heath was a Cottage Grovo visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bales went to Eugene Sunday to see Mr. Bale»’ brother U. 8. Bales, who is in a hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dunnivan, of Cottage Grove visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooley. Mrs. Claude Arne was taken to a Eugeno hospital again Sunday, she was accompanied by her hus band and her mother, Mrs. J. B. Linebnugh. Her condition is very critical. Frank nnd Fritz Guggisberg were injured in a run-n way Saturday when the team which they were driving became frightened by a car and threw them into the road. Their injuries- were not serious, however. Mis» Elizabeth Cooley spent Sat- nrday with Miss Ellen Ellis. LONDON. Mr». Luthcria Dowens was __ _ a Cottage Grove visitor Friday. (Special to The Sentinel.) W. D. Heath was at the J. A. Feb. 18—W. H. Warthen who has Schneider home Sunday morning. been visiting relatives here and at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooley at- Seaside for the past two months tended a grange meeting in Cres- left Friday for his home at La Quicker than the daily press. More rapid than the telephone or telegraph and also reliable. That’s what a Radio Set in your home can be in getting the news of the world to you. To say nothing of the enjoyment it adds with the countless musical and educational programs that are “on the air’* nightly. We also handle radio supplies. T well Saturday. Lestin Dowens, of the Grove, visited Saturday evening with hi» mother, Mr». Luthería Dowens. Mrs. Amanda Sears, Brisen and Clarence Sears and Mi»» Laura Riley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr». Creason in Cottage Grove, Mr. and Mr». J. C. Wright and ‘ family, of Walker, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mr». W. D. Heath. Clarence Sears and Walter Dow- en» attended the world war vet erans reunion in Eugene Thursday night. Monte Patent leather plays a leading role in the new footwear styles. Suede and kid leatlw>rs are also favorites with satin for dress wear. Several new spring styles now on display, priced price ■ J# $4.50 and $5.00 Heliiwell & Marksbury J Single-Wheeled Motorcycle Carrie* Rider on Rim A tingle-wheeled, spokeless motor* has been invented in Italy En- seat sire held on * frame Bookkeeping Sentinel. Sanitary Beauty Mn. H. A. Hagen CRACKERS 60c box for... ............ ■ ■ g ■ COCOA 3 pounds The ■■■■■■■■■■■■i 25c nint outfits. Marcelling Manicuring Facial Massage Shampooing Bobbing Hair Tinting Trench Paper Curl 11®-Y APRICOTS 21g size 2 for ...... 45c 25c BEANS Strin*; Beans White Oregon 3 pounds 25c a good grade can ............. 15c Cottage Orove, Oregon Iven E. Warner, Manager within a large outer revolving tire which passes over pulleys. Power is applied directly to the outside rim, the single wheel affording the triction and carrying the load. The rider s feet are dose to the ground so that he can easily regain his balance in case the vehicle should Up. It is guided by a regulation sliinng wheel. WOOD Any Kind Any Time PRICES RIGHT Terms Cash Quimby Bros. Pbose 124-L ¡22fl9p2